Vcsn  2.4
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cvcsn::detail::a_star_impl< Aut >A Star implementation of lightest automaton
 Cvcsn::a_star_tagA-Star implementation (from vcsn/algos/a-star.hh)
 Cvcsn::detail::and_< F >And condition on several typenames
 Cvcsn::anyWhether some of the values evaluate as true
 Cvcsn::are_isomorphicer< Aut1, Aut2 >
 Cvcsn::rat::expressionset_impl< Context >::as_tupleset_impl< Sequence >
 Cvcsn::rat::expressionset_impl< Context >::as_tupleset_impl< detail::index_sequence< I... > >
 Cvcsn::auto_tagTag to request the most appropriate version of an algorithm
 Cvcsn::dyn::automatonA dyn automaton
 Cvcsn::detail::automaton_decorator< Aut, Context >Aggregate an automaton, and forward calls to it
 Cvcsn::detail::automaton_decorator< Aut >
 Cvcsn::detail::automaton_decorator< Aut, project_context< Tape, context_t_of< Aut > > >
 Cvcsn::detail::automaton_decorator< expression_automaton< mutable_automaton< context_t_of< ExpSet > > > >
 Cvcsn::detail::automaton_decorator< fresh_automaton_t_of< Aut > >
 Cvcsn::detail::automaton_decorator< fresh_automaton_t_of< Aut, detail::proper_context< context_t_of< Aut > > > >
 Cvcsn::detail::automaton_decorator< fresh_worded_automaton_t< Aut > >
 Cvcsn::detail::automaton_decorator< mutable_automaton< context_t_of< Aut > > >
 Cvcsn::detail::automaton_decorator< polystate_automaton< Aut, Kind, Lazy > >
 Cvcsn::detail::automaton_decorator< tuple_automaton< Aut, Auts... > >
 Cvcsn::automaton_editorAbstract Builder (the design pattern) for automata
 Cvcsn::automatonset< Context, Tag >
 Cvcsn::automatonset< context_t_of< automaton_t >, tag_t >
 Cvcsn::dyn::automaton::baseAbstract wrapped typed automaton
 Cvcsn::dyn::context::baseAbstract wrapped type
 Cvcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::baseAbstract wrapped typed Value/ValueSet
 Cvcsn::bellman_ford_tagBellman-Ford implementation (from vcsn/algos/bellman-ford.hh)
 Cvcsn::boolean_tagRequest the Boolean specialization for determinization (B and F2)
 Cvcsn::detail::bounded_lag_checker< Aut >
 Cvcsn::rat::braced_expressionAn expression that "remembers" whether it was in parentheses
 Cvcsn::brzozowski_tagRequest for Brzozowski implementation of minimize (B and free)
 Cvcsn::detail::dot::parser::by_stateType access provider for state based symbols
 Cvcsn::rat::parser::by_stateType access provider for state based symbols
 Cvcsn::detail::dot::parser::by_typeType access provider for token (enum) based symbols
 Cvcsn::rat::parser::by_typeType access provider for token (enum) based symbols
 Cvcsn::char_lettersRepresent alphabets whose "letters" are plain chars
 Cvcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, weighted_tag >::classsetDealing with class numbers
 Cvcsn::detail::composed_type< Lhs, Rhs >Build the (accessible part of the) composition
 Cvcsn::detail::concat< S1, S2 >
 Cvcsn::detail::concat_index_sequence< S1, S2 >
 Cvcsn::detail::concat_tupleset< T1, T2 >
 Cvcsn::detail::concat_tupleset< weightset_mixin< tupleset_impl< T1... > >, weightset_mixin< tupleset_impl< T2... > > >
 Cvcsn::rat::const_visitor< Context >
 Cvcsn::container_filter_range< Cont, Pred >
 Cvcsn::container_range< C >Restrict the interface of a container to begin/end
 Cvcsn::context< LabelSet, WeightSet >
 Cvcsn::dyn::contextTemplate-less root for contexts
 Cvcsn::context< Tape, full_context_t >
 Cvcsn::ast::context_parserParser of snames
 Cvcsn::detail::context_t_of_impl< ValueSet, typename >
 Cvcsn::detail::context_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet >, void_t< typename ValueSet::context_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::context_t_of_impl< ValueSet *, void_t< typename ValueSet::context_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::context_t_of_impl< ValueSet, void_t< typename ValueSet::context_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::copier< AutIn, AutOut >Copy an automaton
 Cvcsn::cross_sequences< Sequences >Provide a range that allows to iterate over the cross product of the provided ranges
 Cvcsn::detail::cycle_identity_impl< Aut >Whether all the paths between any two states have the same weight (i.e., for all s0, s1, any two paths p0, p1 between s0 and s1 have the same weight w_{s0,s1})
 Cvcsn::detail::delgado_profiler< Aut >Compute a state profile for state-elimination based on the Delgado-Morais heuristic
 Cvcsn::detail::derived_term_algoSpecify a variety of derived-term construction
 Cvcsn::detail::derived_term_automaton_members< ExpSet, bool >Additional members when the labelset is letterized
 Cvcsn::detail::derived_term_automaton_members< expressionset_t >
 Cvcsn::detail::derived_term_automaton_members< ExpSet, false >Additional members when the labelset is not letterized
 Cvcsn::deterministic_tagTag for operations on deterministic automata
 Cvcsn::detail::dijkstra_impl< Aut, ValueSet, Mul >Dijkstra implementation of lightest automaton
 Cvcsn::dijkstra_tagDijkstra implementation
 Cvcsn::discrete_chooser< RandomGenerator >Random selector on container, using discrete distribution
 Cvcsn::detail::down_casterA functor that captures the current location (to report errors), and provides "cast"
 Cvcsn::detail::dot::driverState and public interface for Dot parsing
 Cvcsn::rat::driverState and public interface for rational expression parsing
 Cvcsn::dyn_vector_vnamer< Dyn >The vname of a vector of dyn:: objects (e.g., automaton, expression, ...) is the tuple of their vnames
 Cvcsn::dyn_vector_vnamer< dyn::automaton >
 Cvcsn::dyn_vector_vnamer< dyn::context >
 Cvcsn::dyn_vector_vnamer< dyn::expansion >
 Cvcsn::dyn_vector_vnamer< dyn::expression >
 Cvcsn::dyn_vector_vnamer< dyn::label >
 Cvcsn::dyn_vector_vnamer< dyn::polynomial >
 Cvcsn::dyn_vector_vnamer< dyn::weight >
 Cvcsn::empty_tEmpty labels, for LAO
 Cvcsn::detail::enumerater< Aut >Compute the shortest words accepted by an automaton
 Cvcsn::detail::epsilon_profile< State >This is used by some epsilon removal algorithms
 Cvcsn::detail::epsilon_remover< Aut, has_one >This class contains the core of the proper algorithm
 Cvcsn::detail::epsilon_remover< Aut, false >
 Cvcsn::detail::epsilon_remover_distance< Aut, has_one >This class contains the core of the proper algorithm
 Cvcsn::detail::epsilon_remover_distance< Aut, false >
 Cvcsn::detail::epsilon_remover_separate< Aut, has_one >This class contains the core of the proper algorithm
 Cvcsn::detail::epsilon_remover_separate< Aut, false >
 Cvcsn::detail::epsilon_remover_separate< transpose_in_automaton_t >
 Cvcsn::detail::evaluator< Aut >Evaluate a word on an automaton
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cvcsn::rat::expThe abstract, non-parameterized, root for all rational expression node types
 Cvcsn::dyn::detail::expansion_tagTag for expansion/expansionset
 Cvcsn::rat::expansionset< ExpSet >
 Cvcsn::rat::expansionset< expressionset_t >
 Cvcsn::dyn::detail::expression_tagTag for expression/expressionset
 Cvcsn::rat::expressionset_impl< Context >A typed expression set
 Cvcsn::file_libraryManage search paths
 Cvcsn::formatAn input/output format for valuesets
 Cvcsn::detail::transpose_automaton_impl< Aut >::fresh_impl_< Fresh >The transpose of a fresh non-transposed automaton
 Cvcsn::detail::transpose_automaton_impl< Aut >::fresh_impl_< transpose_automaton< Fresh > >The transpose of a fresh transposed automaton: the fresh type
 Cvcsn::detail::full_context_t_of_impl< Aut >
 Cvcsn::are_isomorphicer< Aut1, Aut2 >::full_responseA datum specifying if two given automata are isomorphic, and why if they are not
 Cvcsn::general_tagTag for operations on all automata
 Cvcsn::detail::genset_labelset< GenSet >This class has no modeling purpose, it only serves to factor code common to letterset and wordset
 Cvcsn::getarg< Value >A mapping from strings to Values
 Cvcsn::hash< ValueSet >This is useful to make hashes with labels or weights as keys without using non-default constructors; to be used along with vcsn::equal_to
 Cstd::hash< boost::dynamic_bitset< B, A > >
 Cstd::hash< map< Key, Value, Compare, Alloc > >
 Cstd::hash< pair< T1, T2 > >
 Cstd::hash< set< T, Compare, Alloc > >
 Cstd::hash< std::array< Value, Size > >
 Cstd::hash< std::tuple< Elements... > >
 Cstd::hash< unordered_set< Key, Hash, KeyEqual, Alloc > >
 Cstd::hash< vcsn::detail::index_t_impl< Tag > >Hash indexes
 Cstd::hash< vcsn::empty_t >
 Cstd::hash< vcsn::signature >
 Cstd::hash< vcsn::symbol >
 Cstd::hash< vector< T, Alloc > >
 Cvcsn::detail::hidden_label_type< A, I >
 Cvcsn::detail::hidden_label_type< Aut, index_sequence< I... > >
 Cvcsn::hopcroft_tagRequest for Hopcroft implementation of minimize (B and free)
 Cvcsn::rat::identitiesAn expressionset can implement several different sets of identities on expressions
 Cvcsn::detail::if_c< c, T1, T2 >
 Cvcsn::detail::if_c< C::value, T1, T2 >
 Cvcsn::detail::if_c< false, T1, T2 >
 Cvcsn::detail::index_sequence<... >
 Cvcsn::detail::index_sequence< 0 >
 Cvcsn::detail::index_sequence< I+off... >
 Cvcsn::detail::index_sequence< I1..., I2... >
 Cvcsn::detail::index_sequence< I1...,(sizeof...(I1)+I2)... >
 Cvcsn::detail::index_sequence_difference< S1, S2 >Get the list containing all the elements of I1 (contiguous sequence from 0 to N) not present in I2 (arbitrary sequence, sorted)
 Cvcsn::detail::index_sequence_difference< index_sequence< I1_1, I1... >, index_sequence< I1_1, I2... > >
 Cvcsn::detail::index_sequence_difference< index_sequence< I1_1, I1... >, index_sequence< I2_1, I2... > >
 Cvcsn::detail::index_sequence_difference< index_sequence< I1_1, I1... >, index_sequence<> >
 Cvcsn::detail::index_sequence_difference< index_sequence<>, index_sequence<> >
 Cvcsn::detail::index_t_impl< Tag >Lightweight state/transition handle (or index)
 Cvcsn::detail::int_range< off, S2 >
 Cvcsn::detail::int_range< S, make_index_sequence< L >::type >
 Cvcsn::integral_constantA simple placeholder for integral constants
 Cvcsn::iomanipulatorDefines the operator() for the classes get_type, set_type and swap_type
 Cvcsn::detail::is_acyclic_impl< Aut >Detect circuits
 Cvcsn::detail::is_ambiguous_impl< Aut >Whether an automaton is ambiguous
 Cvcsn::detail::is_special_t< Aut >Needed for GCC 5 and 6 that refuse deduced return type for transitions() when using a lambda
 Cvcsn::detail::is_valid_impl< Aut, has_one >
 Cvcsn::detail::is_valid_impl< Aut, false >
 Cvcsn::zipped_maps< Dereference, Maps >::iteratorComposite iterator
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< V1, V2, Enable >A structure that implements the computation of join(V1, V2)
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< b, expressionset< Context > >
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< context< LS1, WS1 >, context< LS2, WS2 > >The join of two contexts
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< expansionset< expressionset< Ctx1 > >, expansionset< expressionset< Ctx2 > > >The join of two expansionsets
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< expressionset< Ctx1 >, expressionset< Ctx2 > >The join of two expressionsets
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< letterset< GenSet >, letterset< GenSet > >
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< letterset< GenSet >, wordset< GenSet > >The join with another labelset
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< letterset< GenSet1 >, expressionset< Ctx2 > >Join of a letterset and an expressionset
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< nullableset< letterset< GenSet > >, wordset< GenSet > >
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< nullableset< LS1 >, LS2 >The join with another labelset
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< nullableset< LS1 >, nullableset< LS2 > >The join with another labelset
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< oneset, LS, std::enable_if_t< LS::has_one()> >oneset v LS -> LS if LS::has_one
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< oneset, LS, std::enable_if_t<!LS::has_one()> >oneset v LS -> nullableset<LS> if !LS::has_one
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< oneset, oneset >
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< polynomialset< Ctx1, Kind1 >, polynomialset< Ctx2, Kind2 > >
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< polynomialset< Ctx1, Kind1 >, WS2 >
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< rat::identities, rat::identities >
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< tupleset< VS1... >, tupleset< VS2... > >Join between two tuplesets, of the same size
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< tupleset< VS1... >, VS2 >Join between a tupleset, and a non tuple
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl< wordset< GenSet >, wordset< GenSet > >
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl_simple< W1, W2 >
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl_simple< q, expressionset< Context > >
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl_simple< r, expressionset< Context > >
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl_simple< WeightSet, expressionset< Context > >
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl_simple< z, expressionset< Context > >
 Cvcsn::detail::join_impl_simple< zmin, expressionset< Context > >
 Cvcsn::kosaraju_tagRequest the Kosaraju's algorithm to compute the SCCs
 Cvcsn::detail::label_t_of_impl< ValueSet, typename >
 Cvcsn::detail::label_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet >, void_t< typename ValueSet::label_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::label_t_of_impl< ValueSet *, void_t< typename ValueSet::label_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::label_t_of_impl< ValueSet, void_t< typename ValueSet::label_t > >
 Cvcsn::dyn::detail::label_tagTag for label/labelset
 Cvcsn::detail::evaluator< Aut >::labeled_weight
 Cvcsn::detail::labelset_t_of_impl< ValueSet, typename >
 Cvcsn::detail::labelset_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet >, void_t< typename ValueSet::labelset_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::labelset_t_of_impl< ValueSet *, void_t< typename ValueSet::labelset_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::labelset_t_of_impl< ValueSet, void_t< typename ValueSet::labelset_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::labelset_types_impl< Enable, ValueSets >A traits so that tupleset may define types that may exist
 Cvcsn::detail::labelset_types_impl< decltype(pass{std::declval< ValueSets >().genset()...}, void()), ValueSets... >Specialization for tuples of labelsets
 Cvcsn::detail::law_traits< ValueSet >The LAW from a LAL
 Cvcsn::detail::law_traits< expressionset< Ctx > >Conversion to a wordset: identity
 Cvcsn::detail::law_traits< letterset< GenSet > >Conversion for letterset<GenSet> to a super wordset
 Cvcsn::detail::law_traits< nullableset< LabelSet > >Conversion for nullable<LabelSet> to a super wordset
 Cvcsn::detail::law_traits< oneset >Conversion to a wordset: identity
 Cvcsn::detail::law_traits< tupleset< LabelSets... > >Conversion to wordset
 Cvcsn::detail::law_traits< wordset< GenSet > >
 Cvcsn::lazy_automaton_editorBuild an automaton with unknown context
 Cvcsn::detail::left_reductioner< Aut >
 Cvcsn::less< ValueSet, Value >Functor to compare Values of ValueSets
 Cvcsn::less_equal< ValueSet, Value >Functor to compare Values of ValueSets
 Cvcsn::detail::letterized_traits< LabelSet >A traits to compute the letterized context
 Cvcsn::detail::letterized_traits< letterset< GenSet > >Conversion to letterized
 Cvcsn::detail::letterized_traits< nullableset< LabelSet > >Conversion to letterized
 Cvcsn::detail::letterized_traits< tupleset< LabelSets... > >Conversion to letterized
 Cvcsn::detail::letterized_traits< wordset< GenSet > >Conversion to letterized
 Cvcsn::detail::letterizer< AutIn, AutOut >From an automaton, the corresponding automaton with a non-word labelset
 Cvcsn::detail::lifter_impl< Context, Tapes, Enable >Helper structure for a lift of several tapes
 Cvcsn::detail::lifter_impl< Context, vcsn::detail::index_sequence<> >Lift all the label tapes to the weights
 Cvcsn::detail::lightest_impl< Aut >The lightest algorithm computes the paths between pre and post with the smallest weight possible
 Cvcsn::rat::locationAbstract a location
 Cvcsn::MilitaryOrder< T >Military strict order predicate
 Cvcsn::detail::min_plus_impl< Derived, Value >
 Cvcsn::detail::min_plus_impl< nmin_impl, unsigned int >
 Cvcsn::detail::min_plus_impl< rmin_impl, double >
 Cvcsn::detail::min_plus_impl< zmin_impl, int >
 Cvcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, Tag >
 Cvcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, moore_tag >
 Cvcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, signature_tag >
 Cvcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, weighted_tag >
 Cvcsn::moore_tagRequest for Moore implementation of minimize (B and free)
 Cvcsn::detail::mutable_automaton_impl< Context >Bidirectional automata
 Cvcsn::detail::naive_profiler< Aut >Compute a state profile for state-elimination based on connectivity
 Cvcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::norm_< WeightSet, Dummy >In the general case, normalize by the first (non null) weight
 Cvcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::norm_< polynomialset< Ctx, Knd >, Dummy >Compute the left GCD of weights which are polynomials
 Cvcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::norm_< z, Dummy >For Z, take the GCD, with the sign of the first value
 Cvcsn::detail::nullable_helper< LabelSet >Add support for an empty word to a LabelSet that does not provide such special label to this end
 Cvcsn::detail::nullable_helper< letterset< GenSet > >Add support for an empty word to a letterset thanks to the one() of its genset
 Cvcsn::nullableset< LabelSet >Implementation of labels are nullables (letter or empty)
 Cvcsn::detail::nullableset_traits< LabelSet, Enable >The smallest nullableset which includes LabelSet
 Cvcsn::detail::nullableset_traits< expressionset< Ctx > >Conversion to a nullableset: identity
 Cvcsn::detail::nullableset_traits< letterset< GenSet > >Conversion for letterset<GenSet> to a nullableset
 Cvcsn::detail::nullableset_traits< nullableset< LabelSet > >Conversion for nullable<LabelSet> to a nullableset: id
 Cvcsn::detail::nullableset_traits< oneset >Conversion to a nullableset: identity
 Cvcsn::detail::nullableset_traits< tupleset< LabelSets... >, std::enable_if_t< tupleset< LabelSets... >::has_one()> >Conversion to a nullableset: all the labelsets support one
 Cvcsn::detail::nullableset_traits< tupleset< LabelSets... >, std::enable_if_t<!tupleset< LabelSets... >::has_one()> >Conversion to a nullableset: not all the labelsets support one
 Cvcsn::detail::nullableset_traits< wordset< GenSet > >Wordset is already a nullableset
 Cvcsn::onesetImplementation of labels are ones: there is a single instance of label
 Cvcsn::detail::optional_container< Container, Has >Enables or not the presence of a container in a class
 Cvcsn::detail::optional_container< Container, true >
 Cvcsn::detail::optional_container< dynamic_bitset, Trans >
 Cvcsn::detail::or_< F >Or condition on several typenames
 Cvcsn::detail::origins_t_of_impl< Aut >From an (input) automaton type, compute its origin_t type
 Cvcsn::detail::origins_t_of_impl< partition_automaton< Aut > >
 Cvcsn::detail::origins_t_of_impl< transpose_automaton< Aut > >
 Cvcsn::detail::dot::parserA Bison parser
 Cvcsn::rat::parserA Bison parser
 Cvcsn::detail::partial_identity_context< Aut >
 Cvcsn::detail::partition_automaton_t_impl< Aut >From an (input) automaton type, compute the right decorator for its partition_automaton
 Cvcsn::detail::partition_automaton_t_impl< transpose_automaton< Aut > >
 Cvcsn::detail::passIgnore its arguments
 Cvcsn::pathPaths in filesystems, i.e., file names
 Cvcsn::dyn::detail::polynomial_tagTag for polynomial/polynomialset
 Cvcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >Linear combination of labels: map labels to weights
 Cvcsn::rat::positionAbstract a position
 Cvcsn::possibly_labeled_transition_tuple< State, Label >Transition on non-empty label
 Cvcsn::possibly_labeled_transition_tuple< State, empty_t >Transition on empty label
 Cvcsn::detail::printer< Aut >Factor common bits in automaton formatting
 Cvcsn::detail::a_star_impl< Aut >::profile
 Cvcsn::detail::dijkstra_impl< Aut, ValueSet, Mul >::profile
 Cvcsn::detail::yen_impl< Aut, ValueSet, Mul, GetValue >::profile
 Cvcsn::detail::enumerater< Aut >::profile_less
 Cvcsn::detail::lightest_impl< Aut >::profile_less
 Cvcsn::detail::project_labelset_impl< Tape, LabelSet >The type of the resulting apparent LabelSet when keeping only tape Tape
 Cvcsn::detail::project_labelset_impl< Tape, expressionset< Context > >Case of multitape expressionsets
 Cvcsn::detail::project_labelset_impl< Tape, tupleset< LabelSets... > >Case of tuplesets
 Cvcsn::detail::proper_traits< LabelSet >From a labelset, its non-nullable labelset
 Cvcsn::detail::proper_traits< nullableset< LabelSet > >
 Cvcsn::detail::proper_traits< tupleset< LabelSet > >Transform a tupleset of one element to a tupleset of the proper version
 Cvcsn::detail::properer< Aut >Spontaneous transition elimination
 Cvcsn::detail::quotienter< Aut >Apply a quotient onto an automaton: fuse equivalent states
 Cvcsn::detail::random_expression_impl< ExpressionSet, RandomGenerator >Class random expression generator
 Cvcsn::random_selector< RandomGenerator >Random selector on container, using uniform distribution
 Cvcsn::detail::random_weight< WeightSet, RandomGenerator >Generic declaration of the class which is specialized in each weightset
 Cvcsn::detail::random_weight< weightset_t, RandomGenerator >
 Cvcsn::detail::random_weight_base< WeightSet, RandomGenerator >Abstract class for random weight generation
 Cvcsn::detail::random_weight_base< b, RandomGenerator >
 Cvcsn::detail::random_weight_base< f2, RandomGenerator >
 Cvcsn::detail::random_weight_base< log, RandomGenerator >
 Cvcsn::detail::random_weight_base< nmin, RandomGenerator >
 Cvcsn::detail::random_weight_base< q, RandomGenerator >
 Cvcsn::detail::random_weight_base< qmp, RandomGenerator >
 Cvcsn::detail::random_weight_base< r, RandomGenerator >
 Cvcsn::detail::random_weight_base< rmin, RandomGenerator >
 Cvcsn::detail::random_weight_base< z, RandomGenerator >
 Cvcsn::detail::random_weight_base< zmin, RandomGenerator >
 Cboost::range_difference< vcsn::detail::safe_filtered< Range, Filter > >
 Cvcsn::detail::rank< LabelSet >Number of tapes
 Cvcsn::detail::rank< tupleset< LabelSet... > >
 Cvcsn::detail::real_context_impl< Aut >When we copy a focus automaton, we create another focus automaton
 Cvcsn::detail::real_context_impl< automaton_decorator< Aut > >Be recursive on automaton wrappers
 Cvcsn::detail::real_context_impl< focus_automaton< Tape, Aut > >
 Cvcsn::dyn::detail::Registry< Fun >
 Cvcsn::detail::res_label_t_of_impl< Aut >
 Cvcsn::detail::res_labelset_t_of_impl< Aut >
 Cvcsn::detail::reverse_postorder_impl< Aut >Get all states in reverse postorder using depth first search
 Cvcsn::detail::safe_filtered< Range, Filter >
 Cvcsn::detail::scc_impl< Aut, Tag >Class template for strongly-connected-components computations
 Cvcsn::detail::scc_impl< Aut, dijkstra_tag >Compute the strongly connected components using Dijkstra's algorithm
 Cvcsn::detail::scc_impl< Aut, kosaraju_tag >Compute the strongly connected components using Kosaraju's algorithm
 Cvcsn::detail::scc_impl< Aut, tarjan_iterative_tag >Tarjan's algorithm to find all strongly connected components: iterative implementation
 Cvcsn::detail::scc_impl< Aut, tarjan_recursive_tag >Tarjan's algorithm to find all strongly connected components: recursive implementation
 Cvcsn::detail::select< Weightset >
 Cvcsn::detail::select< void >
 Cvcsn::signatureSignature of a function call
 Cvcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, signature_tag >::signature_equal_to
 Cvcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, weighted_tag >::signature_equal_to
 Cvcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, signature_tag >::signature_hasher
 Cvcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, weighted_tag >::signature_hasher
 Cvcsn::signature_tagRequest for Moore implementation of minimize (B)
 Cvcsn::rat::slice< T, S >Present a slice of the top of a stack
 Cvcsn::detail::dot::slice< T, S >Present a slice of the top of a stack
 Cvcsn::snamer< T >
 Cvcsn::snamer< bool >
 Cvcsn::snamer< boost::optional< unsigned > >
 Cvcsn::snamer< const std::set< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > >
 Cvcsn::snamer< const std::string >
 Cvcsn::snamer< const std::vector< unsigned > >
 Cvcsn::snamer< float >
 Cvcsn::snamer< int >
 Cvcsn::snamer< std::integral_constant< T, Value > >
 Cvcsn::snamer< std::istream >
 Cvcsn::snamer< std::ostream >
 Cvcsn::snamer< std::tuple< Args... > >The sname of a tuple is the tuple of the snames
 Cvcsn::snamer< unsigned >
 Cvcsn::snamer< vcsn::direction >
 Cvcsn::snamer< vcsn::rat::identities >
 Cvcsn::detail::sorter< Aut >A function to sort an automaton
 Cvcsn::sparse_map< Key, Value >Sparse Map implementation
 Cvcsn::sparse_set< T >Sparse Set implementation
 Cvcsn::detail::dot::stack< T, S >
 Cvcsn::rat::stack< T, S >
 Cvcsn::detail::dot::stack< stack_symbol_type >
 Cvcsn::rat::stack< stack_symbol_type >
 Cvcsn::detail::standard_operations< Aut >Implementation of left- and right- multiplication of an automaton by a weight
 Cvcsn::standard_tagTag for operations on standard automata
 Cvcsn::detail::state_bimap< StateNameset, Stateset, Bidirectional >A bidirectional map from state names to state numbers
 Cvcsn::detail::state_bimap< polynomialset< context< stateset< Aut >, weightset_t_of< Aut > >, Kind >, stateset< Aut >, Lazy >
 Cvcsn::detail::state_bimap< StateNameset, Stateset, false >A bidirectional map from state names to state numbers
 Cvcsn::detail::state_bimap< StateNameset, Stateset, true >A bidirectional map from state names to state numbers
 Cvcsn::detail::state_eliminator< Aut, Profiler >Eliminate states in an automaton
 Cvcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, signature_tag >::state_output_for_label_t
 Cvcsn::detail::naive_profiler< Aut >::state_profileThe state profile is the product of the number of (strictly) incoming transitions with the number of (strictly) outgoing ones, and whether it has loops
 Cvcsn::detail::delgado_profiler< Aut >::state_profile
 Cvcsn::detail::state_t_of_impl< ValueSet, typename >
 Cvcsn::detail::state_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet >, void_t< typename ValueSet::state_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::state_t_of_impl< ValueSet *, void_t< typename ValueSet::state_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::state_t_of_impl< ValueSet, void_t< typename ValueSet::state_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::mutable_automaton_impl< Context >::state_tagLightweight state handle (or index)
 Cvcsn::stateset< Aut >State labelset
 Cvcsn::detail::scc_impl< Aut, tarjan_iterative_tag >::step_tStep of one state contain infomation next successor and end iterator(output transitions or successors of this state)
 Cvcsn::detail::mutable_automaton_impl< Context >::stored_state_tData stored for each state
 Cvcsn::string_lettersRepresent alphabets whose "letters" are strings
 Cvcsn::detail::synchronize_checker< Aut >
 Cvcsn::detail::synchronizer< Aut >
 Cvcsn::tarjan_iterative_tagRequest the Tarjan's algorithm to compute the SCCs, implemented with explicit stack handling
 Cvcsn::tarjan_recursive_tagRequest the Tarjan's algorithm to compute the SCCs, implemented with recursion
 Ctemplate zip_iterator
 Cvcsn::toAn exponent, or range of exponents
 Cvcsn::detail::transition_map< Aut, WeightSet, Deterministic, AllOut, KeepTransitions >::transition_< Weight, KeepTransitions_, Dummy >Outgoing signature: weight, destination
 Cvcsn::detail::transition_map< Aut, WeightSet, Deterministic, AllOut, KeepTransitions >::transition_< bool, false, Dummy >Boolean outgoing signature: destination
 Cvcsn::detail::transition_map< Aut, WeightSet, Deterministic, AllOut, KeepTransitions >::transition_< bool, true, Dummy >Boolean outgoing signature: destination, transition identifier
 Cvcsn::detail::transition_map< Aut, WeightSet, Deterministic, AllOut, KeepTransitions >::transition_< Weight, true, Dummy >Weighted outgoing signature: weight, destination, transition identifier
 Cvcsn::detail::transition_less< Aut >Compare transitions of an automaton
 Cvcsn::detail::transition_map< Aut, WeightSet, Deterministic, AllOut, KeepTransitions >Cache the outgoing transitions of an automaton as efficient maps label -> vector<(weight, dst)>
 Cvcsn::detail::transition_map< automaton_t, weightset_t, true >
 Cvcsn::detail::transition_map< automaton_t, weightset_t_of< automaton_t >, true, true >
 Cvcsn::detail::transition_t_of_impl< ValueSet, typename >
 Cvcsn::detail::transition_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet >, void_t< typename ValueSet::transition_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::transition_t_of_impl< ValueSet *, void_t< typename ValueSet::transition_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::transition_t_of_impl< ValueSet, void_t< typename ValueSet::transition_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::mutable_automaton_impl< Context >::transition_tagLightweight transition handle (or index)
 Cvcsn::detail::trie_builder< Context, Dir >Build a trie automaton (prefix-tree-like automaton)
 Cvcsn::rat::expansionset< ExpSet >::tuple_impl< Expansions >Denormalize a pack of one-tape expansions
 Cvcsn::rat::expressionset_impl< Context >::tuple_of_label< Dummy >Turn a tuple of expressions that are labels into a multi-tape label
 Cvcsn::detail::tuple_printer< Tuple, N >
 Cvcsn::detail::tuple_printer< Tuple, 1 >
 Cvcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >A ValueSet which is a Cartesian product of ValueSets
 Cvcsn::detail::dot::parser::union_typeAn auxiliary type to compute the largest semantic type
 Cvcsn::rat::parser::union_typeAn auxiliary type to compute the largest semantic type
 Cvcsn::detail::universal_impl< Aut >Functor for universal
 Cvcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >A dyn Value/ValueSet
 Cvcsn::rat::expansionset< ExpSet >::value_tAn expansion
 Cvcsn::rat::tuple< Context, Enable >::values_t_impl< Sequence >
 Cvcsn::rat::tuple< Context, Enable >::values_t_impl< detail::index_sequence< I... > >
 Cvcsn::rat::tuple< Context, Enable >::values_t_impl< typename indices_t::type >
 Cvcsn::detail::dot::variant< S >A char[S] buffer to store and retrieve objects
 Cvcsn::rat::variant< S >A char[S] buffer to store and retrieve objects
 Cvcsn::detail::dot::variant< sizeof(union_type)>
 Cvcsn::rat::variant< sizeof(union_type)>
 Cvcsn::rat::hash< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< typename >
 Cvcsn::rat::constant_term_visitor< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< bool, Dummy >
 Cvcsn::rat::copy_impl< InExpSet, OutExpSet >::visit_tuple< typename >
 Cvcsn::rat::to_expansion_visitor< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< bool, Dummy >
 Cvcsn::rat::partial_identity_impl< InExpSet, OutExpSet >::visit_tuple< typename >
 Cvcsn::rat::project_impl< InExpSet, OutExpSet, Tape >::visit_tuple< typename >
 Cvcsn::rat::derivation_visitor< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< bool, Dummy >
 Cvcsn::rat::info< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< Dummy >
 Cvcsn::detail::star_height_visitor< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< bool, Dummy >
 Cvcsn::rat::dot_printer< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< typename >
 Cvcsn::rat::less< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< typename >
 Cvcsn::rat::printer< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< Dummy >
 Cvcsn::detail::transpose_impl< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< Dummy >
 Cvcsn::rat::inductive_visitor< Aut, ExpSet, Tag >::visit_tuple< bool, Dummy >
 Cvcsn::rat::sizer< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< Dummy >
 Cvcsn::rat::constant_term_visitor< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< false, Dummy >
 Cvcsn::rat::inductive_visitor< Aut, ExpSet, Tag >::visit_tuple< false, Dummy >
 Cvcsn::rat::to_expansion_visitor< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< false, Dummy >
 Cvcsn::detail::star_height_visitor< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< false, Dummy >
 Cvcsn::rat::derivation_visitor< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< false, Dummy >
 Cvcsn::vnamer< T >
 Cvcsn::vnamer< bool >
 Cvcsn::vnamer< boost::optional< unsigned > >
 Cvcsn::vnamer< const std::set< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > >
 Cvcsn::vnamer< const std::string >
 Cvcsn::vnamer< const std::vector< unsigned > >
 Cvcsn::vnamer< float >
 Cvcsn::vnamer< int >
 Cvcsn::vnamer< integral_constant >
 Cvcsn::vnamer< std::integral_constant< T, Value > >
 Cvcsn::vnamer< std::istream >
 Cvcsn::vnamer< std::ostream >
 Cvcsn::vnamer< unsigned >
 Cvcsn::vnamer< vcsn::direction >
 Cvcsn::vnamer< vcsn::rat::identities >
 Cvcsn::detail::voider<... >
 Cvcsn::detail::weight_t_of_impl< ValueSet, typename >
 Cvcsn::detail::weight_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet >, void_t< typename ValueSet::weight_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::weight_t_of_impl< ValueSet *, void_t< typename ValueSet::weight_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::weight_t_of_impl< ValueSet, void_t< typename ValueSet::weight_t > >
 Cvcsn::dyn::detail::weight_tagTag for weight/weightset
 Cvcsn::weighted_tagRequest for the weighted version of an algorithm
 Cvcsn::detail::weightset_t_of_impl< ValueSet, typename >
 Cvcsn::detail::weightset_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet >, void_t< typename ValueSet::weightset_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::weightset_t_of_impl< ValueSet *, void_t< typename ValueSet::weightset_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::weightset_t_of_impl< ValueSet, void_t< typename ValueSet::weightset_t > >
 Cvcsn::detail::welement_label< Label >Storage for a label
 Cvcsn::detail::welement_label< empty_t >Storage for a label in the case of the empty labelset
 Cvcsn::detail::welement_weight< Weight >Storage for a non-null weight
 Cvcsn::detail::welement_weight< bool >Storage for a non-null single-bit weight: don't actually store anything
 Cvcsn::detail::wet_bitsetWeighted set: labels are non-negative integers, weights are bools
 Cvcsn::detail::wet_kind_impl< Key, Value >Wet_impl<Key, Value>: map
 Cvcsn::detail::wet_kind_impl< char, bool >Wet_impl<char, bool>: bitsets
 Cvcsn::detail::wet_kind_impl< Key, bool >Wet_impl<Key, bool>: set
 Cvcsn::detail::wet_map< Key, Value, Compare >Weighted set: general, ordered, case
 Cvcsn::detail::wet_set< Key, Compare >Weighted set: weights are bools
 Cvcsn::detail::wet_unordered_map< Key, Value, Hash, KeyEqual >Weighted set: general, unordered, case
 Cvcsn::detail::word_synchronizer< Aut >
 Cvcsn::detail::worded_automaton< Aut >
 Cvcsn::detail::worded_automaton< Aut >::worded_labelset< Dummy >
 Cvcsn::detail::worded_automaton< Aut >::worded_labelset< tupleset< LabelSet... > >
 Cvcsn::xalloc< StoredType >Allocate slots in std::ostreams
 Cvcsn::detail::yen_impl< Aut, ValueSet, Mul, GetValue >Yen implementation of the K lightest automaton algorithm
 Cvcsn::yen_tagYen implementation
 Cvcsn::zip_sequences< Sequences >
 Cvcsn::zip_sequences_padded< ZipSequences >
 Cvcsn::zipped_maps< Dereference, Maps >
 Cless< b >>
 Cless< f2 >>
 Cless< log >>
 Cless< nmin >>
 Cless< q >>
 Cless< qmp >>
 Cless< r >>
 Cless< rmin >>
 Cless< z >>
 Cless< zmin >>