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[FOGEL99] _Open Source Development with CVS_ Karl Fogel; Coriolis Open Press, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1999

This book was written by a co-founder of Cyclic Software, the company that underwrites and manages most of the CVS development. This is a very comprehensive treatment of CVS. Useful if you intend to manage a repository for others' use.

[BABICH86] _Software Configuration Management_ by Wayne A. Babich; Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1986

[BERLACK92] _Software Configuration Management_ by H. Ronald Berlack; John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, New York, 1992

[BUCKLEY92] _Implementing Configuration Management: Hardware, Software and Firmware_ by Fletcher J. Buckley; IEEE Press, 1992.

[COMPTON93] _Configuration Management for Software_ by Stephen B. Compton and Guy R. Conner;Van Nostrand Reinhold; John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, New York, 1993