GPU Computing

TP 0.2 - Host view of kernel computations

E. Carlinet

J. Chazalon

Sept. 2020



You should complete this part within 30 minutes.

Exercise 1: Launch 1D kernels


In this exercise your will have to prepare a device buffer and launch some kernels to change its content. Then, you will copy the device buffer to the host for inspection.

Code template

Read and edit the file from the student resources archive student_resources.tar.gz.

You have to write the code for the kernel in the main() function. You are expected to insert your code in the sections demarcated with //@@. You should not have to make any change in other code sections. In particular, you do not have to write kernels yet: we already coded them and they are available in the kernels.o object file. The documentation / API of the kernels in provided in the kernel.h header.


Running make test-1-1d_kernel_calls should build and run your program. The integrated test should succeed.

Relevant documentation

Exercise 2: Launch 2D kernels


In this exercise your will have to prepare a device buffer and launch some kernels to change its content. Then, you will copy the device buffer to the host for inspection.

Code template

Read and edit the file from the student resources archive student_resources.tar.gz.

You have to write the code for the kernel in the main() function. You are expected to insert your code in the sections demarcated with //@@. You should not have to make any change in other code sections. In particular, you do not have to write kernels yet: we already coded them and they are available in the kernels.o object file. The documentation / API of the kernels in provided in the kernel.h header.


Running make test-2-2d_kernel_calls should build and run your program. The integrated test should succeed.

Relevant documentation