A Corpus Processing and Analysis Pipeline for ickref
Antoine Hacquard
Research and Development Laboratory
Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France
Didier Verna
Research and Development Laboratory
Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France
Quicklisp is a library manager working with your existing Common
Lisp implementation to download and install around 2000 libraries,
from a central archive. Quickref, an application itself written in
Common Lisp, generates, automatically and by introspection, a
technical documentation for every library in Quicklisp, and pro-
duces a website for this documentation.
In this paper, we present a corpus processing and analysis pipeline
for Quickref. This pipeline consists of a set of natural language pro-
cessing blocks allowing us to analyze Quicklisp libraries, based
on natural language contents sources such as README les, doc-
strings, or symbol names. The ultimate purpose of this pipeline is
the generation of a keyword index for Quickref, although other ap-
plications such as word clouds or topic analysis are also envisioned.
Information systems
Information extraction; Retrieval
eectiveness; Presentation of retrieval results; Software and
its engineering Software libraries and repositories.
Natural Language Processing, Indexing, Documentation
ACM Reference Format:
Antoine Hacquard and Didier Verna. 2021. A Corpus Processing and Analy-
sis Pipeline for Quickref. In Proceedings of the 14th European Lisp Symposium
(ELS’21). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 9 pages. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.
Common Lisp [
] is a dialect of the Lisp family of programming
languages. It was standardized in 1994 by the American National
Standards Institute. It is an industrial-strength, multi-paradigm lan-
guage. Languages in the Lisp family are among the very few to
be homoiconic [
], a property through which both introspec-
tion and intercession are achieved in a relatively homogeneous
and simple way. The dynamic and highly introspective nature of
Lisp makes it straightforward to extract information about the pro-
gram structure and components, for example, for documentation
purposes. Additionally, Common Lisp lets the programmer attach
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ELS’21, May 03–04 2021, Online, Everywhere
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 978-2-9557474-5-2.
so-called “docstrings” (documentation strings) to almost all soft-
ware components: variables, functions, classes, etc. When available,
docstrings are a valuable source of information that can also be
extracted very easily from an existing program.
1.1 The Paradox of Choice
In a somewhat paradoxical way, the technical strengths of the lan-
guage bring drawbacks to its community of programmers [
Lisp usually makes it so easy to “hack” things away that every
Lisper ends up developing his or her own solution, inevitably lead-
ing to a paradox of choice. The result is a plethora of solutions for
every single problem that every single programmer faces. Most
of the time, these solutions work, but they are either half-baked
or targeted to the author’s specic needs and thus not general
enough. Furthermore, it is dicult to assert their quality, and they
are usually not (well) documented.
In this context, an important tool, community-wise, is Quicklisp.
Quicklisp is both a central repository for Common Lisp libraries
(there are currently around 2000 of them) and a programmatic
interface for it. With Quicklisp, downloading, installing, compiling
and loading a specic package on your machine (dependencies
included) essentially becomes a one-liner. What Quicklisp doesn’t
solve, however, is the documentation problem.
1.2 Quickref
Quickref [
] is a global documentation project for the Com-
mon Lisp ecosystem. It generates reference manuals for libraries
available in Quicklisp automatically. Quickref is non-intrusive, in
the sense that software developers do not have anything to do to
get their libraries documented by the system: mere availability in
Quicklisp is the only requirement.
Quickref works by introspecting libraries, and generating cor-
responding documentation in Texinfo format. The Texinfo les
may in turn be converted into human-readable documentation, for
example in PDF or HTML. Quickref may be used to create a local
website documenting your current, partial, working environment,
but it is also used in production, to maintain a global public website
of technical reference manuals for all Quicklisp libraries. The site
is kept in sync with Quicklisp.
1.3 Library Access
In order to provide access to the two thousand or so reference
manuals available on the website, Quickref provides two indexes:
a library index and an author index. The former is most likely to
be used when looking for a library in particular, while the latter is
probably only useful for people wanting the check out the generated
documentation for their own work.
ELS’21, May 03–04 2021, Online, Everywhere Antoine Hacquard and Didier Verna
Suppose however that someone is looking for some functionality,
without any prior idea or knowledge about which library may be
appropriate. Quickref, as it is right now, is impractical for such a
mining task, hence the idea of enriching it with a keyword index, a
word cloud, etc. In order to generate such things automatically, it is
necessary to process and analyze each library’s corpus, that is, the
bits of textual information providing some description of function-
ality (README les, docstrings, sometimes even symbol names,
etc.). Fortunately for us, Declt, the reference manual generator on
which Quickref is based, makes it very easy to access the corpuses
in question. The purpose of this paper is to describe the natural
language processing pipeline that we are currently building into
Quickref to analyze the extracted corpuses, and ultimately provide
library access by functionality.
Given the universal availability of very ecient internet search
engines these days, one may wonder whether an indexing project
specic to Quickref is really needed or pertinent. The following
remarks answer that question.
First of all, a general search engine doesn’t know about such
or such library’s availability in Quicklisp. On the other hand, a
local index will necessarily point to readily-available libraries only.
Next, and as opposed to search engines considering plenty of, and
indiscriminate information sources, our indexing process is based
on each library’s documentation only. Therefore, it will have a
natural tendency to favor well documented ones, which can be an
important factor, when choosing which tool to use in your own
Finally, and beyond providing new kinds of indexes, other appli-
cations of this project could be envisioned later on, such as topic
analysis, distribution, and visualization (a topography of the centers
of interest in the Lisp community, of sorts).
1.4 Pipeline Overview
Figure 1 depicts the pipeline used to process and analyze the cor-
puses extracted from each library by Declt.
Each corpus is rst tokenized, that is, split into chunks which
usually (but not necessarily) correspond to words. The tokens
are then tagged, meaning that they are associated with their
syntactical class (noun, verb, etc.). After this stage, we are
able to lter specic token classes (e.g. retain only nouns,
verbs, etc.).
Next, the retained tokens are stemmed, meaning that their
lexical root is extracted, and used to attempt matching with
a canonical form found in a dictionary. This process is called
lemmatization. After this stage, only the canonicalized known
lemmas (i.e., found in said dictionary), are retained.
A TF-IDF (Term Frequency / Inverse Document Frequency)
value is computed for every such lemma. This value is a
statistical indication of how relevant each lemma is to the
corresponding library. Only the most pertinent ones are
kept around (the exact number of such retained lemmas may
Finally, the (possibly intersecting) sets of most pertinent
keywords describing each library are aggregated in order
to produce the desired output (keyword index, word cloud,
It is worth mentioning right away that in this pipeline, two
out of four blocks (the rst two) are pre-processing steps, devoted
to sanitizing the corpuses, while only stages three and four actu-
ally perform the job of information processing. The importance of
pre-processing in this pipeline is due to TF-IDF working on syn-
tactic tokens only, without any semantic information. For example,
without pre-processing, tokens such as “test”, “tests”, and “testing”
would be treated independently, as if they meant dierent things.
At the time of this writing, the rst three blocks in this pipeline
are fully operational. Keyword aggregation, on the other hand,
is a dicult problem, and the aggregator block is still subject to
experimentation. Also, note that we intend, at a later time, to release
the code of each block as independent, open-source libraries.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sections 2
to 5 provide a more in-depth description and discussion of the to-
kenizer / PoS-Tagger, stemmer / lemmatizer, and TF-IDF blocks
respectively. Section 6 describes the challenges posed by the key-
word index generation problem, the experiments already conducted,
and some possible ideas for further experimentation.
PoS-Tagging (for “Part-of-Speech” tagging) is a technique allowing
to determine the syntactic class of words, that is, whether they are
common nouns, verbs, articles, etc. The syntactic classes of words
may be important information to perform semantic analysis of a
corpus for dierent reasons. For example, some categories of words,
like determinants, convey very little or no useful meaning at all, so
we want to lter them out early, rather than carrying them around
until the TF-IDF block makes the same decision (although for a
dierent reason: they appear frequently, but everywhere). Also, in
the aim of generating a keyword index, it may be interesting to
experiment with dierent sets of retained information, such as only
nouns, nouns and verbs, etc.
2.1 Implementation
There are many ways to implement a PoS-Tagger, notably with
HMMs (Hidden Markov Models), unsupervised learning, or ma-
chine learning [
]. In the Common Lisp ecosystem, we are aware
of one PoS-Tagger library, namely “Tagger” [
], written by Xerox
in 1990, which uses HMMs.
HMMs are statistical Markov Models used to learn an unknown
Markov Process with hidden states, by observing another process,
known this time, and depending on it. HMMs are widely used in
PoS-Tagging to disambiguate syntactic classication. The biggest
problem of PoS-Tagging is that a word can have several syntactic
classes associated with it, depending on the context. For example,
the word “can” may be either a verb, or a noun (as in “soda can”).
Using HMMs, a PoS-Tagger rst learns the probability of a certain
sequence of syntactic classes occurring. Then, it disambiguates
unknown words by using the syntactic class sequence with the
highest probability.
Suppose for example that after an article such as “the”, the class
probabilities for the next word are 40% noun, 30% adjective, and
. When seeing “The can”, a PoS-Tagger will thus cor-
rectly classify “can” as a noun.
A Corpus Processing and Analysis Pipeline for ickref ELS’21, May 03–04 2021, Online, Everywhere
lib1 corpus
lib2 corpus
lib3 corpus
keyword index
. . .
word cloud
syntactic lter
known lemmas
pertinence lter
Figure 1: Keyword index generation pipeline
Because HMM-based PoS-Tagging needs a word’s surrounding
context in order to decide on its syntactical class, it must appear very
early in the pipeline, namely, before such contextual information is
removed. On the other hand, the input of the tagger needs to have
been tokenized already. Therefore, the tokenization and tagging
steps are tightly coupled, which is why they appear as a single
block in our pipeline.
The aforementioned Tagger library happens to oer a powerful
and highly customizable tokenizer, and a PoS-Tagger linked with it.
The tokenizer uses an automaton to parse sentences, and can be
customized with rational expressions. Our two biggest customiza-
tions on the tokenizer were to accept dashes in tokens rather than
considering them as separators (otherwise, words like “command-
line” would have been split), and to add a rational expression to
recognize URLs as unique tokens (many URLs exist in our corpuses,
even in plain text documentation).
The Tagger library poses a problem however: it accepts ASCII
characters only. In the majority of the cases, this is not so much
of a problem because the natural language in use is almost exclu-
sively English, and a purely ASCII text encoded in Unicode remains
readable as-is. On the other hand, some libraries do have special
characters in their README les, breaking the tagger. A good ex-
ample of this, is the
] library, which compiles a subset of
the APL language. Many special characters in there are APL tokens,
which are not ASCII.
In order to solve this problem, we pre-process all of our docu-
ments with “Free Recode”, an open source tool to transliterate les
between many encodings. Non-ASCII characters are replaced with
interrogation marks. This side-eect actually has little or no impact
on our pipeline at all, because our current corpus contains only Eng-
lish documentation. Most of it is already plain ASCII, and the few
non-ASCII characters we found were either fancy “prettication”
of README les (e.g. smileys), or in code snippets.
2.2 Tests and Results
In order to get an early feedback on the behavior of this pre-
processing stage, we ran our complete pipeline in dierent PoS-
Tagger modes. Sample results are presented in Table 1. That table
displays the 10 keywords appearing the most frequently after the
TF-IDF block (all libraries included). The numbers in parentheses
are the number of libraries associated with each keyword. In all
cases, the Tagger library’s tokenizer is used. When tagging is turned
o, there is no ltering on the syntactic classes of the tokens. Oth-
erwise, the table presents results when only common nouns, or a
combination of common nouns and verbs are retained.
All tokens Only nouns Nouns and Verbs
lisp (110) library (175) test (110)
test (63) le (150) le (108)
message (51) function (138) license (107)
common-lisp (51) license (133) library (107)
name (49) value (117) function (92)
le (48) document (117) name (81)
value (47) package (114) value (81)
stream (46) name (114) package (78)
function (46) test (102) stream (69)
server (45) project (101) load (69)
Table 1: Top 10 keywords w/ dierent syntactic lters
We observe that even without tagging, we don’t see “noisy”
words such as articles appearing in the top 10 list. That is because
at the end of the pipeline, the TF-IDF pass will detect that such
words, being frequent basically everywhere, are in fact not specic
to any library in particular. On the other hand, the PoS-Tagger
would help ltering those words earlier in the pipeline. It is also
apparent that PoS-Tagger helps ltering out uninteresting tokens
such as “lisp” or “common-lisp”. Indeed, these end up being ltered
out as either proper nouns (as in “Lisp is a . . . ”), or adjectives (as in
“a Lisp library”).
Whether to keep verbs around, or only common nouns, remains
an open question. Verbs may contain useful information for de-
scribing what a library does. For example, it is likely that a library
for unit testing will make frequent use of the word “test” both as
a noun, and as a verb. If we keep both around, the nal weight
of “test” as a unique lemma will increase (which is a good thing
in that particular case, and is in fact visible in Table 1). This will
also happen every time a verb and a noun are slightly dierent, but
are lemmatized identically. On the other hand, many verbs are also
uninteresting (“be”, “get”, “come”, etc.), and it is impossible to know
in advance whether their distribution across all libraries would be
such that the TF-IDF block would lter them out. Finally, there are
also problematic cases in which a verb and a noun convey dierent
meanings, which would hinder the accuracy of our results. One
possible solution to this problem would be to tag nouns and verbs
in order to keep them as separate entities, but as mentioned before,
there are also cases where keeping them separate is undesirable.
Stemming is the process of reducing a word to its root, or canonical
form in the linguistic sense, notably by removing prexes or suxes.
ELS’21, May 03–04 2021, Online, Everywhere Antoine Hacquard and Didier Verna
No stemmer Porter Snowball Lancaster
node node node nam
server elem elem parsable
test src src node
stream parse server src
template stream parse byte
event server stream stream
trivial trivial see trivia
x byte trivial el
connection test test x
image x byte test
Table 2: Stemmer-dependent results for the nal index
Although stemming does not constitute a block in our pipeline per
se, it still is an important part of the process, for reasons that will
become apparent in the next section.
Because a stemmer removes everything but the linguistic root
of a word, the resulting “stem” may not be a complete word at all.
This is a potential problem for us, because in the end, we want an
index composed of actually existing words, so the stems themselves
can’t always be used directly.
3.1 Implementation
Many stemming algorithms exist, and they are usually quick and
straightforward to implement. The two most popular approaches
are based, either on rule systems, or on training of stochastic al-
gorithms [
]. The rule-based approach oers a better trade-o
between simplicity of implementation and quality of the produced
stems, so this is the approach we favor.
Figure 2 illustrates a typical use-case of a rule-based stemmer.
There are usually two categories of rules: transformation rules and
deletions rules. A transformation rule transforms a prex (respec-
tively, a sux) into a simpler version. A deletion rule deletes the
prex (respectively, the sux).
Three notable sux stemmers exist in the literature: Porter [
Snowball [
] (a.k.a. Porter 2), and Lancaster [
]. These stemmers
are well suited to process English, as most of the word variations
occur at their end in this language. We implemented the three of
them in Common Lisp, and we used NLTK [
] as a reference point
for debugging our implementations. NLTK is the most well known,
and de facto standard Python library for NLP (Natural Language
Processing), and incorporates a large number of stemmers. Note
that we are aware of only one pre-existing Common Lisp imple-
mentation of a stemmer [
], a Porter stemmer, more specically. We
still decided to write our own because it is rather straightforward,
and also because the NLTK implementation, which we want to fol-
low, sometimes departs from the original specication in ways that
would have been dicult to implement in the existing Common
Lisp implementation, which is not very exible.
3.2 Tests and Results
In order to get an early feedback on the behavior of stemming, we
ran our complete pipeline which each of them, and also without
stemming at all, that is, using the output of the PoS-Tagger directly.
Sample results are presented in Table 2. We notice a global improve-
ment of the nal index when stemming is used. Indeed, interesting
words (such as “parse”) are brought up, while less interesting ones
(such as “x”) are brought down. We also notice that the results
with the Lancaster stemmer are not so good: many nal words are
in fact not actual words. This is due to the fact that Lancaster is
a “strong” stemmer: it has a tendency to over-stem words, which
leads to the same root for words and typos. The Snowball stemmer
is considered to give the best results, as it is the only one which
manages to bring down “x” to not be in the rst ten words.
Besides stemming, the other classical approach to word normal-
ization in the literature is lemmatization, which consists in using
the dictionary form of a word as its canonical representation (in-
stead of a stem). The main advantage of this approach is that in
the aim of building a word index, the output of a lemmatizer can
be used directly, as opposed to that of a stemmer which requires
reconstructing a word afterwards.
4.1 Implementation
Lemmatization can be implemented in many dierent ways. Ap-
proaches range from rule-based systems (similar to stemmers, but
with more complicated rules), dictionary look-up, machine-learning,
etc. As our bibliographical research didn’t reveal anything satis-
factory in terms of Lisp implementation of a lemmatizer (either
not in Quicklisp or part of a larger library), we decided to imple-
ment our own. The approach we chose is that of dictionary look-up,
as described in [
]; a solution both elegant and easy to imple-
ment. In short, a word is compared with all words in a dictionary
of “lemmas”, and the closest one (according to a so-called “edit
distance”) is chosen as its canonical form. A pre-processing step
consisting of stemming the word before measuring its edit distance
is discussed in the paper, and shown to give better results (hence
the importance of stemming anyway). The Common Lisp library
oers a set of built-in edit distances. We use
this library to implement our lemmatizer.
We conducted a set of experiments in order to decide on the best
combination of stemming algorithms (among the 3 described in
the previous section), edit distances (we choose to only test the 5
available in
but there are plenty of others in
the literature [
], [
], [
], [
]), and dictionaries. The following
sections report on those experiments.
4.2 Stemmer / Edit Distance Selection
In order to decide on which stemmer algorithm and which edit
distance to use, we tested the possible combinations and counted the
number of correct lemmas generated by the lemmatizer. The ground
truth (i.e. the correct lemmas for each word) was simply found on
the internet, where a lot of resources related to lemmatization exist
for verifying the correctness of an implementation[1].
Table 3 shows the obtained results. These results conrm one of
the paper’s claims, which is that the use of a stemmer has a huge
impact on the quality of the results. The other noticeable thing
is that the Lancaster stemmer performs quite poorly. This, again,
can be explained by the fact that Lancaster tends to produce very
A Corpus Processing and Analysis Pipeline for ickref ELS’21, May 03–04 2021, Online, Everywhere
(1) Transformation rule
computational -> computate
(2) Deletion rule
computate -> comput
Figure 2: Ruled-based stemming
Stemmer Jaccard Jaro-Winkler Damerau-Levenshtein Levenshtein Overlap
None 428 659 655 656 25
Porter 840 934 970 970 132
Snowball 842 934 970 970 132
Lancaster 483 612 590 591 32
Table 3: Number of correct lemmas on a list of 1226 words
16.000 lemmas 30.000 lemmas 33.249 lemmas
clause (54) clause (52) library (167)
client (40) server (38) le (145)
server (39) client (35) function (134)
project (37) hotel (34) license (124)
value (37) project (34) document (113)
message (35) value (33) value (110)
node (34) node (31) name (105)
user (33) message (29) package (103)
test (30) begin (29) test (100)
begin (30) aside (27) project (96)
Table 4: Dictionary-dependent results for the nal index
short stems, which skews the edit distance computation. Finally,
we can see that the best results are obtained with Porter or Snow-
ball stemmers, and with Levenshtein or Damereau-Levenshtein
edit distances. As Snowball is an improvement over Porter, and
Damereau-Levenshtein over Levenshtein, it is only logical that
these four have approximately the same results. At that point, we
decided to retain the Snowball stemmer, as it also performed more
eciently, time-wise, and the Levenshtein distance, because it is
slightly faster than the Damereau-Levenshtein one.
4.3 Dictionary Selection
For dictionary selection, we started by experimenting with two
dictionaries of 16.000 and 30.000 lemmas respectively, found on
the internet (unfortunately, we lost track of the source of these
dictionaries in the process, but we will publish them later, along
with the code).
Sample results are presented in Table 4 (the third dictionary /
column will be described in a few paragraphs). The indexes gen-
erated with those dictionaries have a big aw: they contain words
that are not in the base corpus. The most obvious example of this is
the word “hotel” occurring at the fth position in the second index.
These words appear somewhat “magically” for a conjunction of two
events: they exist in the dictionary but not in the corpus, and we’re
trying to lemmatize a word that is (obviously) in the corpus, but
not in the dictionary. Because every word in the corpus needs to be
matched to a word in the dictionary, such words will be lemmatized
More specically, lemmas are chosen by optimizing the edit
distance (minimizing or maximizing it, depending on the actual
distance in use), which is a continuous measure. This means that
while a lemma will always be found, the edit distance may still be
bad. In other words, there are times when even the best solution is
a bad one.
4.3.1 White-Listing. A natural solution to this problem is to use the
dictionary as some sort of “white-list”, by imposing a threshold on
the computed edit distance. Whenever a normalized edit distance is
found to be lower than the selected threshold, the condence in the
lemmatization process is considered too low, and the word discarded
from the subsequent TF-IDF statistic. Using such a threshold is a
convenient way to make a distinction between words which do have
a lemma in the dictionary, and words which don’t (hence, words
which we don’t want to keep around). After some experimentation
(mostly, looking at the results), we decided that a threshold of 0.8
is appropriate for making a decision.
4.3.2 Custom Dictionary. An even better solution to this problem
would be to make sure that the dictionary we use does not contain
words absent from our corpuses in the rst place. This leads to the
idea of generating a custom dictionary, from the lemmatization of
the words present in our corpuses directly. Of course, creating such
a dictionary leads to a bootstrapping problem, as lemmatizing our
corpus would require using the dictionary we are trying to create.
Thus, we need an external lemmatizer.
Here, again, we used the one from NLTK (in fact, we also tried
the lemmatizer from the Stanford NLP library [
], written in Scala
ELS’21, May 03–04 2021, Online, Everywhere Antoine Hacquard and Didier Verna
No lemmatization Lemmatization
library (96) library (175)
le (82) le (150)
function (79) function (138)
data (74) license (133)
value (71) value (117)
license (70) document (117)
documentation (67) package (114)
test (65) name (114)
name (64) test (102)
body (57) project (101)
Table 5: Indexes obtained with and without lemmatization
out of curiosity). The generated dictionary contains approximately
33.500 lemmas. Note that in theory, we should rebuild it every time
Quicklisp is updated. Whether this is a critical issue remains to
be seen however. Indeed, Quicklisp is already quite large, so the
probability that an update induces a very important change in the
corpus is likely to be low. On the other hand, an outdated custom
dictionary may start to miss words, or contain irrelevant ones
again, so it is still important to continue using the aforementioned
threshold-based white-listing step.
Finally, note that with this custom dictionary, we are certain to
only get lemmas existing in our corpuses, but we are not completely
sure that the “technical jargon”, frequent in our community’s spe-
cialized version of English is fully recognized by NLTK. It is dicult
to evaluate the risk of an unknown technical word being weirdly
lemmatized by NLTK, but we’re hopeful that if it happens at all,
it remains marginal. NLTK uses the Wordnet database, which is
very large, and also encodes relations between words (such as sin-
gular/plural, synonyms, etc.). A possible path to get more insight
into this problem could be to evaluate the behavior of NLTK on the
Common Lisp Hyperspec’s glossary (which is likely to be a quite
complete reference for technical jargon), and maybe adjust the ref-
erence dictionary accordingly. Another one would be to properly
recognize code pieces from markup information (see Section 8).
Finally, it would be highly benecial to keep even non-Lisp jargon
around. Pseudo-words such as “cmdline”, acronyms such as “GUI”,
etc., behave just like regular words in our communities, and should
probably be treated as such. How to collect them into our custom
dictionary is yet another problem.
The third column in Table 4 shows the top 10 keywords obtained
with this custom dictionary, and conrms that the results are better.
For example, irrelevant words such as “begin” or “aside” are gone,
even though our dictionary contains more lemmas in total than the
two other ones.
4.4 Final tests and results
In order to get an early feedback on the behavior of this pre-
processing stage, we ran our complete pipeline with and without
lemmatization. Recall that without lemmatization, it is the output
of the PoS-Tagger which is processed by the TF-IDF block directly.
Sample results are presented in Figure 5. The question of whether
lemmatization is useful, and under which precise conditions re-
mains open. In general, lemmatization is expected to be useful
because it allows to treat variations on a single keyword together.
On the other hand, a lemmatized keyword may not be the most
informative, and we believe that this is exactly what happens with
“documentation” and “document” in Figure 5. Assuming that docu-
mentation libraries (such as Quickref and Declt) are those which
bring the keyword “documentation” up, it is unfortunate that in
the lemmatized case, this keyword is transformed into “document”
which, in fact, is less informative. This problem suggests that using
an ad-hoc, carefully tuned dictionary may turn out to be important.
Even though most of the delicate work actually happens during the
pre-processing phase, the heart of our pipeline consists in extracting
meaningful words from our corpus. By “meaningful”, we mean
words which convey the most relevant and decisive information.
For this task, we use the TF-IDF statistic [17].
TF-IDF is a measure that aims at reecting the importance of
a word in a document. It uses two parameters to operate: the fre-
quency of the word in the document and the number of documents
containing this word. The main idea behind this approach is that a
word both frequent in a document and frequent in all documents
is not very specic to the document in question, and thus, is not a
good descriptor for this document. On the other hand, a word that
is very frequent in one document, but which appears nowhere else,
brings a great amount of information on the document in question,
and can thus be used as a keyword representing it.
In the Quickref context, a “document” corresponds to the corpus
of text extracted by Declt from one specic library. TF-IDF is run
on each library, for which the best
words are retained,
being an
adjustable parameter.
5.1 Tests and Results
An important question, before running a TF-IDF on each library’s
corpus, is to decide on what we actually use as a corpus for each
library. As mentioned before, README les and docstrings are a
natural choice, but we can also think of using symbol names (of
functions, variables, etc.) as the code is also usually explicit about
what it does. We could also use ASDF’s system descriptions, when
provided, but we haven’t tried that yet. More specically, we ran
our pipeline on the following corpus variations.
(1) README les only.
README les, plus docstrings for all exported functionality
(public API).
The above, plus the symbol names for all exported function-
ality. The rationale is that carefully chosen API names may
be indicative of the library’s purpose.
The above, plus docstrings for the library’s internals (so,
essentially all docstrings available).
The above, plus the library’s internals symbol names (so,
essentially all symbols).
Sample results are presented in Table 6. As more or less expected,
it is probably not a good idea to add the documentation of a library’s
internals in the corpuses, as the text found there most probably
deals more with the implementation of the library’s functionality,
than the functionality itself. This is visible, for example with the
appearance of keywords such as “string”, “vector”, or “class” in the
A Corpus Processing and Analysis Pipeline for ickref ELS’21, May 03–04 2021, Online, Everywhere
README + Docstrings + Symbols
Public API
library (175) le (148) stream (123)
le (150) string (142) le (117)
function (138) value (139) value (105)
license (133) stream (132) string (105)
value (117) object (125) name (105)
document (117) name (118) user (105)
package (114) license (109) object (95)
name (114) function (108) test (90)
test (102) type (106) type (90)
project (101) test (104) error (88)
+ Internals
library (175) string (145) string (140)
le (150) stream (138) le (136)
function (138) le (137) stream (133)
license (133) value (118) object (110)
value (117) object (114) value (109)
document (117) name (102) vector (101)
package (114) class (100) class (96)
name (114) test (97) test (94)
test (102) license (96) function (92)
project (101) function (95) message (91)
Table 6: Results for dierent corpus variations
top 10, which are likely to be related to typing information known
statically, and advertised as such.
Even when restricting ourselves to the public API’s corpus, in-
cluding docstrings and / or symbol names doesn’t seem to add much
to the pertinence of the results. Even public docstrings are in fact
likely to contain static typing information (such as “string”), func-
tion parameters descriptions (such as “object”), etc. In fact, we have
ultimately no control whatsoever on the type, quality, or quantity
of documentation (if any) provided by the developers, which makes
keyword extraction a very hard problem.
An even harder problem is how to aggregate an appropriate selec-
tion of keywords coming from dierent libraries (probably with
some overlap), into a suciently descriptive and pertinent index.
The diculty here comes from the fact that we would like 100%
library coverage (we want every Quicklisp library to be pointed to
by at least one keyword) but we also want a reasonably sized nal
index. How to achieve this goal is still mostly unanswered, but we
have already conducted some experiments, reported below, and we
also have some ideas that yet remain to be tested.
6.1 Histogram-Based Selection
The rst approach we have experimented with is based on the cross-
library keyword appearance histogram. For each of the retained
keywords from every library, we count the number of libraries
it appears in, and we sort them by decreasing frequency. We then
select the minimum number of keywords required to reach a 100%
This process is very simple to implement, and as a side-eect,
can also be the base for generating a word cloud. Indeed, if a key-
word is representative of many libraries, it probably means that the
corresponding topic is subject to a lot of activity. On the other hand,
this approach also poses accuracy problems, and makes it hard to
adjust the relevant parameters properly (this is where a choice on
the value of
becomes crucial). More specically, because we want
every library to be indexed, a trade o is to be made between the
number of keywords retained per library (hence, accuracy), and the
size of the nal index.
If, for example, we keep only one keyword per library, this key-
word will indeed be very descriptive of that particular library, and
so is less likely to apply to many of them. Consequently, it is very
probable that the nal index will be very large (at worst, one dier-
ent keyword for every single library, that is, approximately 2.000).
If, on the other hand, we keep a large number of keywords for
every library, there is more likelihood that the retained keywords
will overlap from one library to another, letting us reach a 100%
coverage faster. However, we also risk retaining keywords that are
not so relevant.
Figure 3 contains plots of the library coverage (in percentage) as
a function of the nal index size, for dierent values of
, that is,
when retaining dierent numbers of keywords per library. These
plots conrm what intuition tells. When
𝑥 =
50 for example, a 100%
library coverage is reached with a nal index of 200 keywords, but
those keywords are likely to not be so specic. When
𝑥 =
5, on the
other hand, the nal index will require more than 3.000 words, all
probably quite relevant.
As mentioned before, because of the inherent structure of the
histogram we use, the top 1 keyword will have many libraries
associated with it, the next one slightly fewer, and so on. This is
important, and problematic, for two reasons.
When a user searches a library for a specic use, a keyword
leading to a hundred dierent choices is likely to be of little
The number of libraries associated with a keyword is not the
same for all keywords, which makes the nal index some-
what heterogeneous.
This is why we also plan to investigate other approaches.
6.2 Other Potential Solutions
A rst alternative approach could be to sort the output of TF-IDF
not by decreasing frequency, but by a pertinence factor of some
sort (doing in some sense a meta-TF-IDF on top of the original
one), and keep enough of the top ones to reach a 100% coverage.
The pertinence factor in question could be the inverse of average
ranking of a keyword in each library’s top list, a normalized sum
of all TF-IDF values, or any other measure yet to be thought of.
Yet another possibility would be to take a completely opposite
approach, and start from the fact that in order to be usable, a key-
word shouldn’t point to more than, say,
𝑛 =
10 libraries. We could
then arrange to select all such keywords until we reach a 100%
coverage (probably adjusting
to get a reasonably sized index in
the process).
ELS’21, May 03–04 2021, Online, Everywhere Antoine Hacquard and Didier Verna
Figure 3: Library coverage vs. nal index size, for dierent values of 𝑥
In this paper, we presented a natural language processing pipeline
for Quickref, allowing us to analyze corpus extracted from Quicklisp
libraries docstrings, README les, or symbol names. This pipeline
is relatively lightweight, as it amounts to no more than 2000 lines
of code.
As part of this process, we have used an existing PoS-Tagging
library, and we have developed our own native Common Lisp imple-
mentations of stemming and lemmatization algorithms. As of this
writing, the code is not in production yet, but we plan to cleanup,
package, and release our stemmers and lemmatizer as standalone
libraries in short term.
The complete pipeline, including the histogram-based aggrega-
tion approach, is currently integrated in an experimental version
of Quickref, but other solutions remain to be tested before putting
the whole thing in production.
Apart from the aggregation problem, some other plans for future
work are worth mentioning.
Our pipeline is currently unaware of any markup used in README
les notably (Markdown, HTML, etc.). A number of specic tweaks
are in place in order to remove markup tags from the corpus (for
example, by recognizing and ltering URLs out during the tokeniza-
tion phase). Also, in the case of frequently used markup formats
(such as Markdown), the syntactic “noise” produced by the tags
is likely to be ltered out as non-pertinent by the TF-IDF block,
precisely because of its frequency in many libraries. Yet, it would
be better to be aware of the markup formats in use, and use that
information during the tagging process. The rst advantage that
comes to mind is to be able to properly dierentiate natural lan-
guage parts from code samples, in order to select what we want
to keep around for TF-IDF (see Section 5.1). Correctly identifying
markup tags could also be useful to spot inline code excerpts (or
just words) embedded in natural language paragraphs, and give
them special treatment (for instance, considering them as “technical
jargon”; see Section 4.3.2). More generally, it could be interesting to
think about the kind of information that other tags, such as bold or
italics, provide. For instance, bold or italics may be an incentive to
give more weight to the targeted textual part. Even more generally,
potentially useful information can sometimes be extracted from
pure, tagless, text. For example, it is customary to render Lisp ref-
erences (function parameters, variables, etc.) in uppercase in plain
Previously, we mentioned that we use a sux stemmer because
that is where most of the variations occur in English. We could not
nd any prex stemmer in the literature, and we currently don’t
know if that would be worth looking for, even for English, and
perhaps in combination with the current sux one.
As far as dictionaries are concerned, we mentioned that the best
results were obtained by creating our own custom dictionary with
the help of an external lemmatizer. Another possibility would be to
start from an existing dictionary, but keep track of missing words,
and create only a custom addition to the original dictionary with
those words. Even if we gain a little in terms of dictionary boot-
strapping time, it is not very likely that this solution would get
us anything more in terms of pertinence, notably because exist-
ing dictionaries are still likely to contain a lot of words that are
uninteresting for us, or that actually never occur in our corpus.
Finally, one nal question that could arise eventually is that of
the actual language in use. Currently, we assume English (which
is unlikely to pose any problem with Quicklisp), but if we even
want to handle other languages, the problem will become more
complicated. In particular, our current PoS-Tagger will not be usable
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