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ChangeLog skeletons are not generated by Patcher directly, but rather by the function patch-to-change-log from the add-log library, itself from the xemacs-base package. This function supports only standard and CVS diff, in unified format.

For revision control systems that output something different, Patcher provides a :diff-cleaner option. This option names a function that will be used to “cleanup” the diff (so that it looks like a standard one, just before calling patch-to-change-log.

Patcher comes with a generic cleaner function named patcher-default-diff-cleaner which is used by default and works correctly with Git, Mercurial, Darcs and PRCS, as long as you use the corresponding built-in themes (see Themes), or in fact, as long as the corresponding :diff-header option is correct (see Diff Headers).