Highlight Properties

Clon supports 10 highlight properties defined by the ISO/IEC 6429 SGR standard (under the assumption that your favorite terminal program supports them). Their description is given below.


The face’s foreground and background colors. Possible values are black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan and white. It is also possible to use the special values nil or reset to reset the color to the terminal’s default value.


The face’s intensity. Possible values are bold, normal (or nil) and faint. Please note that faint is usually not very well supported. For convenience, a :bold Boolean property is also provided which will set the face’s intensity to bold if true (t) and normal if false (nil).


Whether to display the face’s contents in italics. This is a Boolean property. Possible values are t or nil. The effect of this property depends a lot on the font you use in your terminal application.


Whether to underline the face’s contents. Possible values are single (or on or t), double and none (or off or nil). Please note that double is usually not very well supported.

The face’s blink speed. Possible values are slow (or on or t), rapid and off (or nil). Please note that rapid is usually not very well supported.


Whether to display the face’s contents in inverse video. This is a Boolean property. Possible values are t or nil.


Whether to display the face’s contents crossed out. This is a Boolean property. Possible values are t or nil.


Whether to display the face’s contents framed or encircled. This is a Boolean property. Possible values are t or nil.


Whether to conceal the face’s contents. This is a Boolean property. Possible values are t or nil. In case it is not obvious, concealing means that the face’s contents is not displayed, but still occupies its normal space, so this is different from hiding it (see Layout Properties). Alternately, you can also use the opposite Boolean property named :revealed.