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3.2 Explanation

Let’s examine this program step-by-step now.

First, we put ourselves in the Common Lisp user package, and load FoCus from its ASDF system ‘net.didierverna.focus’. FoCus lives in a package also named ‘net.didierverna.focus’, that we nickname to just focus immediately, thanks to the function nickname-package.

(in-package :cl-user)

(require "asdf")
(asdf:load-system :net.didierverna.focus)

Next, we create our own :quotation package (don’t do that for real!), and provide a quotation-formatter function that will write its string argument between a pair of (back)quotes. Note that this is the kind of function that you would use in the standard ~/ format directive.

(defpackage :quotation
  (:use :cl)
  (:export :quotation))

(in-package :quotation)

(defun quotation-formatter (stream argument colonp atsignp &rest arguments)
  (declare (ignore colonp atsignp arguments))
  (write-char #\` stream)
  (write-string argument stream)
  (write-char #\' stream))

The interesting part comes now. FoCus uses so-called format tables to store the mappings between directive characters and their behavior. Much like what a readtable does with macro characters. So let’s create a new format table. This is done with the function make-format-table.

(let ((table (focus:make-format-table)))

By default, new format tables inherit the standard format behavior (that is, all standard directives are recognized). Let’s add a new directive character, ` (backquote) to our new format table, and map it to the quotation-formatter function. This is done with the function set-format-directive. By default, FoCus works with the so-called current format table. One way of making sure that the current format table is the appropriate one is to use the macro with-format-table.

  (focus:with-format-table table
    (focus:set-format-directive #\` :function 'quotation-formatter))

Now, let’s create a silly quotation function for printing someone’s quote. FoCus provides its own format function which wraps around the standard one. This function works exactly like the original format, except that it uses the current format table to interpret your custom format string, so again, we need to make sure that the proper table is used when the function is called.

  (defun quotation (who quotation)
    (focus:with-format-table table
      (focus:format t "As ~A would say: ~`.~%" who quotation))))

Finally, let’s try it!

(in-package :cl-user)

(quotation:quotation "Bugs Bunny" "What's Up Doc?")

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