Introduction to deployment and virtualization (DEVI22-02 for IMAGE_S8)

Joseph Chazalon

Clément Demoulins

February 2022

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MS Teams.

Using EPITA’s computers

As of 2022, Podman enables the use of containers is a root-less environment, and we stopped using Docker for teaching. For what we need, it seems an almost unnoticeable replacement. If you alias docker=podman, then you can enjoy the same CLI-compatible API as Docker.

Podman is an open-source, Linux-native tool designed to develop, manage, and run containers and pods under the Open Container Initiative (OCI) standards. Presented as a user-friendly container orchestrator developed by Red Hat, Podman is the default container engine in RedHat 8 and CentOS 8. It is advertised as a drop-in replacement for Docker (alias docker=podman).

Material for each session