Combining Parallel Emptiness Checks with Partial Order Reductions

Description of this page

This page presents the benchmark used in our paper.

Replay Benchmark

The easiest way to install a working environement is to use Docker which is available on both Linux, MacOS and Windows. If you want to perform a raw installation, only follows the instructions [here] . Note the specials steps to run it on a MacOS.

Once you have installed Docker, only follows the following steps (for Linux and MacOS). Notice that it can takes a while.


Once all previous steps have been done, you should find:

Note that you can quickly test if all is working running (from /build/models):
/build/ --laarman_safety --csv --selfloopize=false -P -t -p 01 -m peterson.4.dve

You can can then launch algorithms from the paper with NTH threads on model MODEL (model it a *.dve file):

Note that removing -P will run the algorithm without partial order reductions