Improving Parallel State-Space Exploration Using Genetic Algorithms

Description of this page

This page presents the benchmark used in our paper.

You can download the fork of Spot we use for our experiments [here].

You can download the CSV containing all our experiments for reachability [here].

You can download the CSV containing all our experiments for deadlock detection [here].

You can download all the logs, models and script used for the benchmark at [here].

Benchmark Analysis

This section presents a more detailled analysis of the benchark presented in the paper.


First of all we decided to evaluate the footprint overhead for the best fitness function, i.e. the lessthan function. The previous chart was obtained by generating (for each model) a new population. Then, for each state of this new generation we run an exploration algorithm. During this exploration, we compute the number of states that are reachable from the initial state. The chart below presents this result.

With the previous chart, results are present cumulated: this can mask some of the results. The chart below present, for each artificial state, the percent of reachable states (i.e. reachable from the real initial state) that have been discovered during the exploration. The results are presented model per model with a boxplot. We can observe that all almost all models have at least one artificial state where all its successors are reachable from the initial state. Moreover on third of the models have more than a half of their artificial initial state with more than 50 percents of successors that are reachable.

States Comparison (normalized) --
Fig1. - Variations in term of reachable states.

Finally the scatter plots below allows to compare the performances for the various settings of the algorithm. All these algorithms are referenced through their command line options. See below for a transcript from options to algorithms (note that options are separated by __)

Safety Properties

The scatter plot below allows to compare some variations about the deadlock detection. Note that finding a deadlock can stop the exploration before visiting all states.

Benchmark Description

This benchmark uses 38 models extracted from the BEEM benchmark that can be downloaded [Here]. The table above present all the models we use. We observe that that every type of model of the classification of Pelanek is represented.

adding.6 puzzle toy
anderson.3 mutex simple
at.5 mutex simple
bakery.6 mutex simple
blocks.3 ps toy
brp.6 communication-protocol simple
brp2.6 communication-protocol simple
cambridge.7 communication-protocol complex
collision.4 communication-protocol simple
elevator.4 controller simple
elevator_planning.2 ps toy
extinction.4 leader-election simple
firewire_tree.5 leader-election complex
fischer.5 mutex simple
frogs.5 puzzle toy
hanoi.3 puzzle toy
iprotocol.6 communication-protocol complex
lamport.8 mutex simple
lamport_nonatomic.4 mutex simple
lann.6 mutex simple
leader_election.5 leader-election simple
lifts.7 controller complex
lup.4 other simple
mcs.5 mutex simple
needham.4 other-protocol complex
peterson.5 mutex simple
phils.5 mutex toy
plc.4 controller complex
production_cell.6 controller simple
public_subscribe.4 other-protocol complex
resistance.2 other simple
rether.6 communication-protocol simple
rushhour.4 puzzle toy
schedule_world.2 ps simple
sorter.4 controller simple
synapse.7 other-protocol complex
szymanski.5 mutex simple
telephony.4 other-protocol simple

Replay Benchmark

Before installing Spot, you need to install the DiVine tool patched by the LTSmin Team, since we rely on it to generate the state space of each model. You just have to follow instructions given in section 10 of [LTSmin Homepage]. Nonetheless, this tools does not handle out-of-bound exceptions. Since our algorithms may generate states that are not reachable, we provided two patches to apply to this tool to handle this problem just apply patch1 and patch2

Download and install our fork of Spot thought classic steps:

Once all previous steps have been done, you should find a binary file modelcheck in the spot/tests/ltsmin directory. This is the binary file we use for our experiments.