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A Program With Bugs

This is the example program we'll be using to demonstrate how you would typically use gdb to track down bugs. It has a number of bugs, some obvious, some not so obvious. It compiles with no warnings using 'gcc -g ecount1.c -o ecount1'

The program has a simple task to perform - it takes one parameter, a single word, and counts the number of letter 'e's in it. It prints the result to the screen. That shouldn't be too difficult, should it?

      * ecount1.c	Simple program to count the number of letter 'e's that
      *		appear in the word given as the only parameter
      *		WARNING: This program contains several deliberate bugs
      *			 (and possibly some others...)
     #include <stdio.h>
     int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
       char *buf=NULL;
       int count, i;
       /* check we have a parameter */
       if( argc = 1 )
         printf( "Usage: ecount <word>\n");
       /* Make our own local copy of argv[1] */
       strcpy( buf, argv[1] );
       /* print it out to show we received it correctly
       printf( "The word is '%s'\n", buf );
       /* Now step through counting letter 'e's */
       for( i=0; i<strlen(buf); ++i )
         if( buf[i] == 'e' ) ++count;