Noeud:Default File Renaming, Noeud « Next »:, Noeud « Previous »:Defining Constants, Noeud « Up »:Useful GCC Options

Default File Renaming

To replace the name of any created default file (for example a.out from a full compilation, or source.s from using -S command with a file called source.c, etc.), use the -o option:

gcc source.c -o prog

produces an executable file name prog after compiling the source file source.c. This replaces the default executable file named a.out.

Use the -o option in any of the stages which produce some output file to redirect the default naming conventions (.o, .s etc.) to any file name specified by the -o flag. Thus,

gcc source.c -S -o newFile1


gcc source.c -c -o newFile2

will produce a file named newFile1 and newFile2 respectively instead of the default source.s and source.o.