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How the STL is Structured

If you are not already familiar with the general layout of STL, we'll look briefly here at the overall view of it without too much attention to detail.

The STL is made up of a number of different components: containers, iterators, generic algorithms, function objects, adaptors and allocators. Here's a brief description of each of them:

Containers Store collections of objects. Without being specific, think of any of the classic computing data structures: lists, sets: these are some of the containers of the STL. Containers can either store primitive data types - integers, characters etc. - or objects that we define ourselves.
Iterators Provide a means of traversing forwards (and possibly backwards) through containers. Think of them as objects that encapsulate pointers to the objects within a container: we create a container, like a list of characters, and then provide iterators to be able to traverse from beginning to end of the container, for example.
Generic algorithms Enable us to apply a number of different algorithms (such as sorting, replacing, performing calculations etc.) on the elements within containers, and for that matter, any data set. The whole idea of the STL is genericity and extensibility. Thus, given some algorithm - like finding an item in a container - we would expect to find a way of using the find method with any kind of object within a container. This is provided by STL generic algorithms, using iterators to manipulate and view the elements of the container.

Given our list of characters mentioned previously, we can now use an algorithm to sort, replace, reverse - in fact do anything that is computationally possible (...using C++!) in terms of an algorithm. We could use STL defined algorithms, or even provide our own. Even better (and this is the crux of the illustration) - we can use these algorithms on any container of strings, integers, objects...

Function objects Function objects enable us to use classes as functions by overloading the function operator, operator(). We can create many different instances of a function object (as you'd create many instances of an object), which means that we can maintain an internal state for each function object. If you're familiar with function pointers, the principle is pretty much the same. Moreover, we can also use function objects in association with generic algorithms, passing function objects as arguments to the algorithm.
Strings Provide a useful interface to using C++ strings. For a long time, C-like string handing has had a bad press usually to do with memory issues; class string provides a simple interface which guards us from the nasty low-level details. Strings encapsulate iterators just like containers, and so we can also use generic algorithms and function objects just like we can with containers.
Adaptors An adaptor lets us modify the interface to some STL component. For example, although we may be able to make a vector act like a stack (pushing and popping elements), it is still not 'a stack', it's a vector. Adaptors let us modify the interface to vector, so that we can make our own stack class by modifying the interface to vector.
Allocators Allocators describe the memory model used with your program, providing information about pointers, references, sizes of objects etc..

In fact, that isn't all there is to the STL. There's a lot more besides; there's also a lot of support for streams, but we do not have enough space here to talk about these things. In this chapter, due to space and time, we'll only look at containers, iterators, generic algorithms, function objects and strings - and even then briefly. If you feel like finding out more, the books given in Further Reading contain a wealth of information.

This is a very brief (and raw) introduction to some of the components we'll be looking at. Let's move ahead and see them being used.