Noeud:The Third Bug, Noeud « Next »:, Noeud « Previous »:Moving Around the Call Stack - Up+Down, Noeud « Up »:An example debugging session using gdb

The Third Bug

Now we have changed char *buf; to char buf[10];. This will do for our example, but in 'real' code we should really use a safer mechanism such as using malloc to allocate the right amount of space (including the terminating '\0', then using the safer strncpy() to copy the string into it.

Let's run ecount3 and see what happens.

     bash$ ecount3 example
     There are 1074045242 'e's in 'example'.

Can you spot what went wrong there? I only count 2 'e's in 'example'.

Lets fire up gdb again and see where this number comes from.