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What is Bison

Yacc is a generator of efficient parsers. A parser is a program or routine which recognizes the structure of sentences. Yacc's input is composed of rules with associated actions. The rules must be context free, i.e., their left hand side is composed of a single nonterminal symbol, and their right hand side is composed of series of terminal and nonterminal symbols. When a rule is reduced, the associated C code is triggered.

Yacc is based on pushdown automata. It is a implementation of the LALR(1) parsing algorithm, which is sufficient for most programming languages, but can be too limited a framework to describe conveniently intricate languages.

Yacc, and all its declinations (CAMLYacc for CAML etc.) are used in numerous applications, especially compilers and interpreters. Hence its name: Yet Another Compiler Compiler.

Bison is a free software implementation of Yacc, as described by the POSIX standard. It provides a wide set of additional options and features, produces self contained portable code (no library is required), supports a more pleasant syntax, and stands as a standard of its own. Since most Yacc do have problems (inter-Yacc compatibility and actual bugs), all the reasons are in favor of using exclusively Bison: the portable C code it produces can be shipped in the package and will compile cleanly on the user's machine. It imposes no restriction on the license of the produced parser.

It is used by the GNU Compiler Collection for C, C++1, the C preprocessor. Many other programming language tools use Bison or Yacc: GNU AWK, Perl, but it proves itself useful in reading structured files: a2ps uses it to parse its style sheets. It also helps decoding some limited forms of natural language: numerous GNU utilities use a Yacc grammar to decode dates such as 2 days ago, 3 months 1 day, 25 Dec, 1970-01-01 00:00:01 UTC +5 hours etc.

GNU Gettext deserves a special mention with three different uses: one to parse its input files, another one to parse the special comments in these files, and one to evaluate the foreign language dependent rules defining the plural forms.

Notes de bas de page

  1. There are plans to rewrite the C++ parser by hand because the syntax of the language is too intricate for LALR(1) parsing.