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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
oCframe::AccessVariables have to be stored. There are two kinds of places: saved in a register, or in the frame. Access abstracts both
oCtranslate::AccessWrapper around frame::Access
oCtarget::AssemblyAn assembly language comes with its syntax, its runtime library, and its layout of fragments
oCtype::AttributeThe base object for Class attributes
oCcanon::BasicBlockA location independent piece of tree::Tree code
oCcanon::CanonObject function to canonicalize tree::Tree code
oCast::CastVarCast the type of an l-value to a given type
oCtask::char_ptr_less'char*' lower-than functor
oCtarget::CodegenAbstract a Code Generator
oCregalloc::ColorJust color the graph itself
oCcanon::commute_pReturn false if a and b cannot be swapped, try to say true as much as possible
oCmisc::constify_traits< T >Return T constified
oCtarget::CpuA Cpu mainly describes target machine's registers
oCtarget::CpuLimitsA set of restriction over a Cpu
oCmisc::errorHandle errors in the whole project
oCtranslate::ExpRoot for all the following classes
oCtype::FieldThe base type for Record fields
oCmisc::file_libraryManage search path
oCtree::FragmentPiece of intermediate representation resource
oCassem::FragmentAbstract a fragment in assembly language
oCtree::FragmentsFragments: Fragment list
oCassem::FragmentsAbstract a fragment in assembly language
oCframe::FrameStack frame (or activation record) of a function
oCtree::GenVisitor< Const >
oCassem::GenVisitor< Const >
oCast::GenVisitor< Const >Root class of all Ast visitors
oCmisc::id_traits< T >Return T as is
oCtemp::Identifier< Traits_ >Root for Named or anonymous (fresh) identifiers
oCtemp::IdentifierCompareVisitor< Cmp_ >
oCassem::InstrRoot for abstract assembly instructions
oCmisc::iomanipulatorDefines the operator() for the classes get_type, set_type and swap_type
oCcanon::is_nopReturn false if tree has to be run. Try to say true as much as possible
oCcanon::jump_name_pIs tree a JUMP(NAME())? This is a predicate
oCcanon::label_to_pIs tree a LABEL pointing to label?
oCtemp::label_traits< misc::symbol >
oCtemp::label_traits< unsigned >
oCtranslate::LevelStack frames for languages with non local variables
oCmisc::list< Ident_ >
oCmisc::map< T, N >Wrapper around std::map providing syntactic sugar for any mapping of types manipulation
oCmisc::map< T, T >
oCmisc::map< unsigned, ast::DecsList * >
oCmisc::map< unsigned, ast::Exp * >
oCmisc::map< unsigned, ast::NameTy * >
oCmisc::map< unsigned, ast::Var * >
oCmisc::map< unsigned, parse::Tweast * >
oCparse::MetavarMap< Data >A generic map of metavariables
oCparse::MetavarMap< ast::DecsList >
oCparse::MetavarMap< ast::Exp >
oCparse::MetavarMap< ast::NameTy >
oCparse::MetavarMap< ast::Var >
oCparse::MetavarMap< parse::Tweast >
oCoverload::OverTable< T >
oCmisc::pair< Fst, Snd >
oCmisc::pathHelper for handling paths
oCmisc::scoped_map< Key, Data >
oCmisc::select_iterator< T >The iterator over a non const structure is plain iterator
oCmisc::select_iterator< const T >The iterator over a const structure is a const_iterator
oCmisc::separator< C, S >
oCmisc::set< K, C, A >The class misc::set is wrapper around std::set
oCtarget::TargetA Target is the union of a Cpu and a Codegen
oCtask::TaskA function bound to a command line option
oCtask::TaskRegisterRegister Tasks
oCtemp::temp_traits< misc::symbol >
oCtemp::temp_traits< unsigned >
oCparse::TigerParserConduct the scanner and the parser
oCmisc::timerTiming nested tasks
oCcanon::TracesObject function to linearize canonicalized tree::Tree code
oCtype::TypeAbstract a type
oCmisc::unique< T, C >Define unique class
oCmisc::unique< std::string >
oCregalloc::UselessMovePredicate (object function) checking whether an instruction is a useless MOVE according to the TEMPMAP, and deleting it
\Cmisc::xalloc< StoredType >Allocate slots in std::ostreams