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Vaucanson Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
add_kindEmpty class that is used as static information to denotes the kind of internal operation of a semigroup
alphabet_traitsTrait for virtual types of structural elements for alphabets
alphabet_traits< AlphabetSet< L >, AlphabetDecorator< L, T > >Meta information about the mixing of AlphabetSet with std::set
alphabet_traits< AlphabetSet< L >, std::set< L > >Meta information about the mixing of AlphabetSet with std::set
AlphabetDecoratorDecorate a given alphabet implementation with meta-symbols
AlphabetSetStatic implementation of alphabet structural element
AlphabetSetBaseBase class for structural elements of alphabets
AutoKind< labels_are_series, Self, Series, SeriesT, LabelT >Add adapted accessors in function of the automaton kind
AutomataBaseThe most general concept of automaton
BinaryOpBinaryOp is a generic class which symbolised binary operator
BitsetDynamic bitset class
char_traits< pair< U, V > >The char trait on pair (needed by basic_string for example)
dynamic_traits< algebra::AlphabetSet< L > >Meta information about AlphabetSet
dynamic_traits< algebra::AlphabetSetBase< S > >Specialization of dynamic_traits for AlphabetSetBase
dynamic_traits< algebra::FreeMonoid< A > >Meta information about FreeMonoid
dynamic_traits< algebra::NumericalSemiring >Dynamic_traits<NumericalSemiring> defines meta information about then NumericalSemiring structural element
dynamic_traits< algebra::TropicalSemiring< TropicalKind > >Meta information about the tropical semirings
dynamic_traits< Structure< S > >Specialization of dynamic_traits for Structure
ElementGlue class between structural elements and implementation values
FindBestSearchSpecific implementation for search
FreeMonoidImplementation of a free monoid which aggregates its alphabet
FreeMonoidBaseStructural element for free monoid
GenericMatcherGenericMatcher manages the dispatch of pattern matching
insert_iterator< utility::Bitset >Specialized insert_iterator
KRatExpTokenSchrödinger's token for rational expression lexing
KRatExpToken::tokenSimple token
LexerLexer class for the rational expression parser
linearize_elementThe types of a linearized expression
MetaElement< algebra::AlphabetSet< L >, algebra::AlphabetDecorator< L, T > >Services of every alphabet implemented with AlphabetDecorator<T>
MetaElement< algebra::AlphabetSet< L >, std::set< L > >Services of every alphabet implemented with std::set
MetaElement< algebra::AlphabetSetBase< S >, T >Specialization of MetaElement for AlphabetSetBase
MetaElement< algebra::FreeMonoid< A >, T >Services of an element of a free monoid implemented with FreeMonoid
MetaElement< algebra::FreeMonoidBase< Self >, T >Element of a free monoid ie words
MetaElement< algebra::MonoidBase< Self >, T >Defines services of element of every monoid
MetaElement< algebra::NumericalSemiring, T >MetaElement<NumericalSemiring, T> defines the services of element of numerical semirings
MetaElement< algebra::SemigroupBase< Self >, T >Services of every element of a semigroup
MetaElement< algebra::SemiringBase< Self >, T >Services of every element of semiring (semiring_elt)
MetaElement< algebra::SeriesBase< Self >, T >Services of every serie
MetaElement< algebra::TropicalSemiring< TropicalKind >, T >Services of element of a tropical semiring
MetaElement< AutomataBase< Self >, T >Services of every element of the automata set
MetaElement< Structure< S >, T >The base class that glues structural elements to implementation values
MetaElement< TransducerBase< Self >, T >Services of every element of the transducer set
MonoidBaseMonoidBase is the base class of all structures that are monoids
mul_kindEmpty class that is used as static information to denotes the kind of internal operation of a semigroup
NumericalSemiringNumericalSemiring is the set of semirings implemented with usual operations (+, *)
op_add_traitsThe type of the result of addition between two Element instances
op_div_traitsThe type of the result of division between two Element instances
op_mod_traitsThe type of the result of modulus between two Element instances
op_mul_traitsThe type of the result of multiplication between two Element instances
op_star_traitsMeta information about the return type of the star operation
op_sub_traitsThe type of the result of substraction between two Element instances
ParserParser class used in the parse() function
remove_const Turn a const type into its corresponding mutable type
remove_referenceTurn a reference type into its corresponding plain type
SelfIteratorSelfIterator is an iterator which is also a container
SemigroupBaseSemigroupBase is the base class of all structures that are semigroups
SemiringBaseSemiringBase is the base class for all structures that are semirings
series_traitsMeta information about series
SeriesBaseStructural element of series K<A*> from a free monoid A* to a semiring K
SetSlotType of the set_ attribute of the Element class
SetSlotAttributeBase class for SetSlot
SetSlotAttribute< S, true >Base class for SetSlot, specializing SetSlotAttribute
SparseIntervalContainer over a sparse integer range
SparseIteratorSparseIterator is an iterator over range except some points
static_eqTest for equality between two types
static_ifChoose between two types or values depending on a constant boolean
static_powStatic exponentiation
static_pow_minus_oneStatic exponentiation, result minus one
StructureBase class for the hierarchy of structural element types
Support< std::map< U, T > >Support<map<U, T> > is a const adapter of std::map to container
SupportIteratorIterator over the Support generic class
SyntacticDecoratorThis class provides the standard operator delegations to Element
TransducerBaseThe most general concept of transducer
TropicalMaxStatic information about the kind of tropical we are confronted with
TropicalMinStatic information about the kind of tropical we are confronted with
TropicalSemiringStructural element that denotes tropical semiring
UnaryOpUnaryOp is a generic class which symbolised binary operator
uniquelistSimple unique list structure
UniqueListBaseBase class for uniquelist
UniqueMapCanonical type map
ValueValue is a generic class which symbolised leaf of AST
virtual_types< algebra::AlphabetSetBase< S > >Specialization of virtual_types for AlphabetSetBase
virtual_types< Structure< S > >Specialization of virtual_types for Structure
WindowHandle windows in streams for performing regular expression search
WindowedBackSearchSpecific implementation for search

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