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vcsn Namespace Reference

The main namespace of the Vaucanson library. More...


struct  dynamic_traits< algebra::AlphabetSetBase< S > >
 Specialization of dynamic_traits for AlphabetSetBase. More...

struct  virtual_types< algebra::AlphabetSetBase< S > >
 Specialization of virtual_types for AlphabetSetBase. More...

struct  MetaElement< algebra::AlphabetSetBase< S >, T >
 Specialization of MetaElement for AlphabetSetBase. More...

struct  MetaElement< algebra::FreeMonoidBase< Self >, T >
 Element of a free monoid i.e. words. More...

struct  MetaElement< algebra::MonoidBase< Self >, T >
 Defines services of element of every monoid. More...

struct  dynamic_traits< algebra::NumericalSemiring >
 Meta information about then NumericalSemiring structural element. More...

struct  MetaElement< algebra::NumericalSemiring, T >
 Services of Element for numerical semirings. More...

struct  MetaElement< algebra::SemigroupBase< Self >, T >
 Services of every element of a semigroup. More...

struct  MetaElement< algebra::SemiringBase< Self >, T >
 Services of every element of semiring (semiring_elt). More...

struct  op_star_traits
 Meta information about the return type of the star operation. More...

class  MetaElement< algebra::SeriesBase< Self >, T >
 Services of every series. More...

struct  dynamic_traits< algebra::TropicalSemiring< TropicalKind > >
 Meta information about the tropical semirings. More...

struct  MetaElement< algebra::TropicalSemiring< TropicalKind >, T >
 Services of element of a tropical semiring. More...

struct  dynamic_traits< algebra::AlphabetSet< L > >
 meta information about AlphabetSet. More...

struct  MetaElement< algebra::AlphabetSet< L >, algebra::AlphabetDecorator< L, T > >
 Services of every alphabet implemented with AlphabetDecorator<T>. More...

struct  MetaElement< algebra::AlphabetSet< L >, std::set< L > >
 Services of every alphabet implemented with std::set. More...

struct  dynamic_traits< algebra::FreeMonoid< A > >
 Meta information about FreeMonoid. More...

struct  MetaElement< algebra::FreeMonoid< A >, T >
 Services of an element of a free monoid implemented with FreeMonoid. More...

struct  MetaElement< algebra::Series< W, M >, T >
 Specialization of MetaElement for series. More...

struct  dynamic_traits< algebra::Series< W, M > >
 Dynamic traits for series. More...

struct  virtual_types< algebra::Series< W, M > >
 Virtual types for series. More...

struct  KRatExpAciCanonical
 Visitor to build a canonical form of an expression, following aci-rules. More...

struct  DefaultChooser
 Default chooser for aut_to_exp(). More...

class  ListChooser
 Chooser for aut_to_exp(). More...

struct  BerrySethiAlgo
 This is the visitor that really computes Berry-Sethi. More...

struct  BrzozowskiAlgo
 This is the class that really computes Brzozowski. More...

class  PRatExpDerivationVisitor
 This class performs partial rational expression derivations. More...

class  ConstantTermEval
 This is the visitor that really computes the constant term. More...

struct  linearize_element
 The types of a linearized expression. More...

struct  FindBestSearch
 Specific implementation for search(). More...

struct  WindowedBackSearch
 Specific implementation for search(). More...

struct  dynamic_traits< Automata< Series > >
 Dynamic traits for automata. More...

struct  MetaElement< Automata< Series >, T >
 MetaElement specialization for automata. More...

struct  virtual_types< Automata< Series > >
 Virtual types for automata. More...

struct  AutomataBase
 It symbolises the set of automata with multiplicity over a fixed semiring and a fixed free monoid. More...

struct  MetaElement< AutomataBase< Self >, T >
 MetaElement<AutomataBase<Self>, T> defines the interface of every automaton that is the result of the interaction of a structural element (AutomataBase<Self>) and an implementation T. More...

class  AutoKind< labels_are_series, Self, Series, SeriesT, LabelT >
 AutoKind adds methods to automaton adapted to the kind of label that are held by the internal data structure. More...

struct  dynamic_traits< Transducer< Series > >
 Dynamic traits for transducers. More...

struct  MetaElement< Transducer< Series >, T >
 Specialization of MetaElement for transducers. More...

struct  virtual_types< Transducer< Series > >
 Virtual types for transducers. More...

class  Transducer
 This is the final class for the set of transducers. More...

struct  TransducerBase
 It denotes the set of transducer with multiplicity over a fixed semiring and a fixed free couple of monoid. More...

struct  MetaElement< TransducerBase< Self >, T >
 MetaElement<TransducerBase<Self>, T> defines the interface of every transducer that is the result of the interaction of a structural element (TransducerBase<Self>) and an implementation T. More...

class  Graph
 Graph class to provide a generic implementation of automaton. More...

struct  TransposeView
 Provides a transposed view of an automaton. More...

struct  transpose_traits
 Traits for TransposeView. More...

struct  automaton_traits< TransposeView< T > >
 automaton_traits specialization for the TransposeView implementation. More...

class  Element
 Glue class between structural elements and implementation values. More...

struct  op_add_traits
 The type of the result of addition between two Element instances. More...

struct  op_sub_traits
 The type of the result of substraction between two Element instances. More...

struct  op_mul_traits
 The type of the result of multiplication between two Element instances. More...

struct  op_div_traits
 The type of the result of division between two Element instances. More...

struct  op_mod_traits
 The type of the result of modulus between two Element instances. More...

struct  MetaElement< Structure< S >, T >
 The base class that glues structural elements to implementation values. More...

struct  SetSlotAttribute
 Base class for SetSlot. More...

struct  SetSlotAttribute< S, true >
 Base class for SetSlot, specializing SetSlotAttribute. More...

struct  SetSlot
 Type of the set_ attribute of the Element class. More...

struct  Structure
 Base class for the hierarchy of structural element types. More...

struct  dynamic_traits< Structure< S > >
 Specialization of dynamic_traits for Structure. More...

struct  virtual_types< Structure< S > >
 Specialization of virtual_types for Structure. More...

struct  SyntacticDecorator
 This class provides the standard operator delegations to Element. More...

class  MetaElement
 Parent class of Element. More...

Determinization algorithms

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > determinize (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Returns the determinized of a Boolean automaton.

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > determinize (const Element< A, T > &a, std::map< hstate_t, std::set< hstate_t > > &)
 Returns the determinized of a Boolean automaton.

Evalutation algorithm's internals

template<typename SE, typename TE, typename ST, typename TT, typename M> void partial_evaluation (const Element< SE, TE > &exp, const Element< ST, TT > &trans, M &state_exp_pair)
 The following functions are absolutely not for public calls.

template<typename SA, typename TA, typename M> void partial_elimination (const Element< SA, TA > &a, M &state_exp_pair)
 The following functions are absolutely not for public calls.

template<typename SA, typename TA, typename ST, typename TT, typename M> void partial_1 (const Element< SA, TA > &, const Element< ST, TT > &, M &)
 The following functions are absolutely not for public calls.

template<typename SA, typename TA, typename ST, typename TT, typename Exp> void partial_2 (const Element< SA, TA > &, const Element< ST, TT > &, const hstate_t, Exp &)
 The following functions are absolutely not for public calls.

template<typename SA, typename TA, typename ST, typename TT, typename M> void partial_3 (const Element< SA, TA > &, const Element< ST, TT > &, const hstate_t, M &)
 The following functions are absolutely not for public calls.

Product algorithm

template<typename A, typename T, typename U> Element< A, T > product (const Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 Returns a fresh automaton that is the product of the two input ones.

template<typename A, typename T, typename U> Element< A, T > product (const Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs, std::map< hstate_t, std::pair< hstate_t, hstate_t > > &)
 Returns a fresh automaton that is the product of the two input ones.


template<class S, class T> Element< S, TransposeView<
T > > 
transpose_view (Element< S, T > &)
 This function creates a transposed view of an automaton.

template<class S, class T> const Element< S, TransposeView<
T > > 
transpose_view (const Element< S, T > &)
 This function creates a transposed view of an automaton.


template<class S, class T> automaton_traits< TransposeView<
T > >::initial_support_t 
op_initial (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &)
 Operations on automata implemented with TransposeView.

template<class S, class T> automaton_traits< TransposeView<
T > >::final_support_t 
op_final (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &)
 Operations on automata implemented with TransposeView.

template<class S, class T> void op_set_initial (const AutomataBase< S > &, TransposeView< T > &, hstate_t state, const typename Element< S, TransposeView< T > >::series_elt_t &s)
 Operations on automata implemented with TransposeView.

template<class S, class T> Element< S, TransposeView<
T > >::series_elt_t 
op_get_initial (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, hstate_t)
 Operations on automata implemented with TransposeView.

template<class S, class T> void op_set_final (const AutomataBase< S > &, TransposeView< T > &, hstate_t state, const typename Element< S, T >::series_elt_t &s)
 Operations on automata implemented with TransposeView.

template<class S, class T> Element< S, T >::series_elt_t op_get_final (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, hstate_t state)
 Operations on automata implemented with TransposeView.

template<class S, class T> void op_clear_initial (const AutomataBase< S > &, TransposeView< T > &)
 Operations on automata implemented with TransposeView.

template<class S, class T> void op_clear_final (const AutomataBase< S > &, TransposeView< T > &)
 Operations on automata implemented with TransposeView.

template<class S, class T> hstate_t op_origin_of (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, hedge_t)
 Operations on automata implemented with TransposeView.

template<class S, class T> hstate_t op_aim_of (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, hedge_t)
 Operations on automata implemented with TransposeView.

Equality operators for Structures

The deep equality operator between Structure instances.

The implementation for Structure always return true since there is no dynamic type information attached to Structure itself.

template<typename S> bool operator== (const vcsn::Structure< S > &a, const vcsn::Structure< S > &b)
template<typename S> bool operator!= (const vcsn::Structure< S > &a, const vcsn::Structure< S > &b)


enum  op_choose_max_word_length_t
 Maximum length of words generated by op_choose. More...

enum  realtime_type
 Enum to indicate which kind of realtime algorithms must be used.


template<typename S, typename St, typename T> St & op_rout (const algebra::AlphabetSetBase< S > &s, St &st, const T &a)
 Implementation of generic stream output operator for alphabets.

template<typename S, typename T, typename L> bool op_letter_equality (const algebra::AlphabetSetBase< S > &s, const T &a, L lhs, L rhs)
 Implementation of generic letter equality modulo meta-characters.

template<typename S, typename T> Element< S, T > mirror (const Element< S, T > &e)
 Return a fresh word that is the mirror.

template<typename S, typename T, typename CharContainer> bool parse_word (Element< S, T > &dest, const std::string &s, typename std::string::const_iterator &i, const CharContainer &escaped=CharContainer())
 Parse the beginning of the string looking for a word.

template<typename S, typename T> op_star_traits< S, T >::ret_t star (const Element< S, T > &w)
 Returns a fresh weight that is the star of w.

template<typename S, typename T> bool parse_weight (Element< S, T > &w, const std::string &, typename std::string::const_iterator &)
 Parse the beginning of the string looking for a weight.

template<typename S, typename T> bool starable (const Element< S, T > &elt)
 Returns true if we can compute the star of the weight.

template<typename S, typename T> bool op_can_choose_non_starable (const algebra::SemiringBase< S > &set, SELECTOR(T))
 Returns whether a non-starable Element can be choosen from a Semiring.

template<typename S, typename T> Element< S, T > op_choose_starable (const algebra::SemiringBase< S > &set, SELECTOR(T))
 Returns a random starable element in the set.

template<typename S, typename T> Element< S, T > op_choose_non_starable (const algebra::SemiringBase< S > &set, SELECTOR(T))
 Returns a random non-starable element in the set.

template<typename S, typename T> Element< S, T > transpose (const algebra::SeriesBase< S > &s, const T &t)
 returns a fresh series that is the transposed of the argument.

template<typename S, typename T> bool is_letter_support (const Element< S, T > &s)
 Returns true if the support of the series is only composed of letters.

template<typename S1, typename S2, typename T1, typename T2> void extract_support (Element< S1, T1 > &, Element< S2, T2 > &)
 Make the first series be the support of the second.

template<class S, class T> Element< S, T > hadamard (const Element< S, T > &lhs, const Element< S, T > &rhs)
 Return the hadamard product of lhs and rhs.

template<typename W, typename M, typename Tm, typename Tw> bool op_contains (const algebra::Series< W, M > &s, const rat::exp< Tm, Tw > &m)
template<typename W, typename M, typename Tm, typename Tw> void op_in_mul (const algebra::Series< W, M > &s, rat::exp< Tm, Tw > &dst, const rat::exp< Tm, Tw > &arg)
template<typename W, typename M, typename Tm, typename Tw, typename oTw> void op_in_mul (const algebra::Series< W, M > &s, const W &semiring, rat::exp< Tm, Tw > &ret, const oTw &w)
template<typename W, typename M, typename oTw, typename Tm, typename Tw> rat::exp< Tm, Tw > op_mul (const W &semiring, const algebra::Series< W, M > &s, const oTw &w, const rat::exp< Tm, Tw > &b)
template<typename A, typename T> std::set< hstate_t > accessible_states (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return accessible states.

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > accessible (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Extract the sub-automaton composed of accessible states.

template<typename A, typename T> void accessible_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 In-place extract the sub-automaton of accessible states.

template<typename A, typename T> std::set< hstate_t > coaccessible_states (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return co-accessible states.

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > coaccessible (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Extract the sub-automaton composed of co-accessible states.

template<typename A, typename T> void coaccessible_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 In-place extract the sub-automaton of co-accessible states.

template<class Series, class T> Element< Series, T > canonical (const Element< Series, T > &exp)
 Transform a krat expression into its canonical form, following aci-rules.

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T >::series_elt_t aut_to_exp (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Returns a series which describes the language of the automaton.

template<typename A, typename T, typename Chooser_> Element< A, T >::series_elt_t aut_to_exp (const Element< A, T > &a, const Chooser_ &c)
 Returns a series which describes the language of the automaton.

template<typename A, typename T> void backward_closure_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 In place backward closure of an automaton.

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > backward_closure (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Backward closure of an automaton.

template<class A_, typename Auto> void do_backward_closure_here (const AutomataBase< A_ > &, Auto &a)
template<typename A, typename T> void backward_realtime_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 In place modification of the automaton to make it realtime.

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > backward_realtime (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Returns a fresh realtime automaton.

template<typename A, typename T, typename Exp> void berry_sethi (Element< A, T > &, const Exp &)
 Build an automaton from an expression using the Berry-Sethi construction.

template<typename S, typename T> linearize_element< S, T
linearized_alphabet (const Element< S, T > &exp)
 Computes a linearized alphabet from a rational expression.

template<typename Exp, typename Letter> Exp linear_exp_continuation (const Exp &exp, const Letter &l)
 This function computes a continuation on linearized expressions.

template<typename A, typename T, typename Exp> void brzozowski (Element< A, T > &, const Exp &)
 Build an automaton from an expression using the Brzozowski construction.

template<typename A, typename T> void complement_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 Complement in place the set of final states.

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > complement (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Complement the set of final states.

template<typename A, typename T> void complete_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 Make the transition function of an automaton total w.r.t alphabet.

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > complete (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Make the transition function of an automaton total w.r.t alphabet.

template<class A, class T> bool is_complete (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Test if the transition function is complete for each state.

template<class A, class T> Element< A, T > concatenate (const Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, T > &rhs)
 Return the concatenation of two automata.

template<class A, class T> void concatenate_here (Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, T > &rhs)
 In place concatenation of two automata.

template<typename A, typename T, typename Exp> void derivatives_automaton (Element< A, T > &a, const Exp &e)
 Convert a krat expression into an automaton using derivatives.

template<typename A, typename T, typename Exp> Element< A, T > derivatives_automaton (const Exp &e)
 Convert a krat expression into an automaton using derivatives.

template<typename T_auto, typename S, typename T> T_auto * do_derivatives_automaton (const T_auto &out, const Element< S, T > &kexp)
template<typename A, typename T> bool is_deterministic (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Test if an automaton is deterministic.

template<typename A, typename input_t, typename output_t> void do_determinize (const AutomataBase< A > &a_set, output_t &output, const input_t &input, std::map< hstate_t, std::set< hstate_t > > &m)
template<typename A, typename T, typename W> Element< A, T >::semiring_elt_t eval (const Element< A, T > &a, const W &word)
 Return the image of a word by an automaton.

template<typename SA, typename TA, typename ST, typename TT, typename SARET, typename TARET> void evaluation (const Element< SA, TA > &, const Element< ST, TT > &, Element< SARET, TARET > &)
 Evaluate for a "letterized" automaton and a realtime transducer.

template<typename S, typename T> identity_transducer_helper<
S, T >::ret 
extension (const Element< S, T > &)
 Extend an automaton to a transducer.

template<typename SA, typename TA, typename ST, typename TT> Element< ST, TT > extension (const Element< SA, TA > &, const Element< ST, TT > &)
 Extend an automaton to a transducer.

template<typename S, typename T, typename Ss, typename Ts> void finite_support_convert (Element< S, T > &dst, const Element< Ss, Ts > &org)
 Finite support conversion.

template<typename A, typename T> void forward_closure_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 In-place forward closure algorithm.

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > forward_closure (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Forward closure algorithm.

template<class A_, typename Auto> void do_forward_closure_here (const AutomataBase< A_ > &, Auto &a)
template<typename A, typename T> void forward_realtime_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 In place modification of the automaton to make it realtime.

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > forward_realtime (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Returns a fresh realtime automaton.

template<typename S, typename A> bool is_letterized_transducer (const Element< S, A > &t)
 Test the letter to letter features.

template<typename S, typename A> bool is_normalized_transducer (const Element< S, A > &t)
 Test the normalization of transducer.

template<typename A, typename T> bool is_isomorph (const Element< A, T > &a, const Element< A, T > &b)
 Returns true if the two automata are isomorph.

template<class Series, class T, class Letter> Element< Series, T > cderivate (const Element< Series, T > &exp, Letter a)
 The c-derivative of the krat expression w.r.t to a letter.

template<class Series, class T, class Word> Element< Series, T > word_cderivate (const Element< Series, T > &exp, Word a)
 The c-derivative of the krat expression w.r.t to a word.

template<class Series, class T> std::pair< typename Element<
Series, T >::semiring_elt_t,
bool > 
constant_term (const Element< Series, T > &exp)
 Return the constant term of the krat expression.

template<class Series, class T, class Letter> std::pair< Element< Series,
T >, bool > 
derivate (const Element< Series, T > &exp, Letter a)
 The antimirov derivative of the krat expression w.r.t to a letter.

template<class Series, class T, class Word> std::pair< Element< Series,
T >, bool > 
word_derivate (const Element< Series, T > &exp, Word a)
 The antimirov derivative of the krat expression w.r.t to a word.

template<class Series, class T> std::list< typename Series::monoid_t::alphabet_t::letter_t > flatten (const Element< Series, T > &exp)
 This algorithm extracts the letters from a rational expression.

template<class Series, class T> linearize_element< Series,
T >::element_t 
linearize (const Element< Series, T > &exp)
 The linearization of the krat expression.

template<class Series, class T, class Letter> std::pair< std::set< Element<
Series, T > >, bool > 
partial_derivate (const Element< Series, T > &exp, Letter a)
 The partial derivative of the krat expression w.r.t to a letter.

template<typename Letter, typename Weight> void krat_exp_print (const rat::exp< Letter, Weight > &kexp, const unsigned &mode=0)
 Print a krat expression under several formats.

template<class S, class T> Element< S, T > letter_to_letter_composition (const Element< S, T > &lhs, const Element< S, T > &rhs)

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > minimization_hopcroft (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return the minimal automaton using the hopcroft algorithm.

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > quotient (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return the quotient of a non deterministic acceptor.

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > minimization_moore (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Returns the minimal deterministic automaton associated to the input one.

template<typename A, typename T> void minimization_moore_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 Minimalize the deterministic input automaton.

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > normalize (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return the fresh thompson-normalized automaton.

template<typename A, typename T> void normalize_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 In-place normalize to the thompson form.

template<typename A, typename T> bool is_normalized (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return true if the input automaton is thompson-normalized.

template<typename A, typename T, typename U> void union_of_normalized_here (Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 Do the in-place union of two thompson-normalized automata.

template<typename A, typename T, typename U> Element< A, T > union_of_normalized (const Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 Return the fresh union of two thompson-normalized automata.

template<typename A, typename T, typename U> void concatenate_of_normalized_here (Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 Do the in-place concatenation of two thompson-normalized automata.

template<typename A, typename T, typename U> Element< A, T > concatenate_of_normalized (const Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 Return the fresh concatenation of two thompson-normalized automata.

template<typename A, typename T> void star_of_normalized_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 Do in-place star transformation on the thompson-normalized input.

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > star_of_normalized (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return the fresh star transformation of its normalized input.

template<typename A, typename T> void realtime_here (Element< A, T > &a, realtime_type type)
 In place modification of the automaton to make it realtime.

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > realtime (const Element< A, T > &a, realtime_type type)
 Returns a fresh realtime automaton.

template<typename S, typename T> void realtime_composition (const Element< S, T > &, const Element< S, T > &, Element< S, T > &)
 Composition for realtime transducers.

template<typename S, typename T> Element< S, T > realtime (const Element< S, T > &e)
 Calls the do_realtime function for rational expression or automata.

template<typename S, typename T> void realtime_here (Element< S, T > &e)
 Calls the do_realtime_here function for rational expression or automata.

template<typename S, typename T> bool is_realtime (const Element< S, T > &e)
 Test whether an automaton or a regular expression is realtime.

template<class InputIterator, class FoundFunctor, class Series, class T> void search (const Element< Automata< Series >, T > &a, const InputIterator &begin, const InputIterator &end, typename Element< Automata< Series >, T >::letter_t eol, FoundFunctor &f)
 Search for a rational expression into a text.

template<class Series, class T, class StatesSet> unsigned int compute_distances (const Element< Automata< Series >, T > &a, std::vector< StatesSet > &distances)
 Compute distances from initial states to final states.

template<class InputIterator, class Series, class T, class StatesSet> std::pair< bool, unsigned
int > 
window_backsearch (const utility::Window< InputIterator, typename Element< Automata< Series >, T >::letter_t > &w, const Element< Automata< Series >, T > &a, const std::vector< StatesSet > &distances)
 Back search inside a window.

template<class InputIterator, class FoundFunctor, class Series, class T> InputIterator confirm_and_report_match (const utility::Window< InputIterator, typename Element< Automata< Series >, T >::letter_t > &w, const Element< Automata< Series >, T > &a, FoundFunctor &f)
 Finds the longest match of a starting from w, and report it to the functor.

template<typename A, typename T> void standardize (Element< A, T > &a)
 Returns a standard automaton associated to the input.

template<typename A, typename T> bool is_standard (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Returns true if the input automaton is standard.

template<typename A, typename T, typename U> void union_of_standard_here (Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 In-place union of two standard automata.

template<typename A, typename T, typename U> Element< A, T > union_of_standard (const Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 Return a fresh union of two standard automata.

template<typename A, typename T, typename U> void concat_of_standard_here (Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 In-place concatenation of two standard automata.

template<typename A, typename T, typename U> Element< A, T > concat_of_standard (const Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 Return a fresh concatenation of two standard automata.

template<typename A, typename T> void star_of_standard_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 In-place star transformation of a standard automata.

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > star_of_standard (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return the fresh star transformation of a standard automata.

template<typename A, typename T, typename Exp> void standard_of (Element< A, T > &a, const Exp &e)
 Convert a rational expression into a standard automaton.

template<typename A, typename T, typename Exp> Element< A, T > standard_of (const Exp &e)
 Convert a rational expression into a standard automaton.

template<typename A, typename T, typename StatesSet> Element< A, T > sub_automaton (const Element< A, T > &a, const StatesSet &s, bool check_states=true)
 Returns a fresh automaton that is the sub-automaton defined by a set.

template<typename A, typename T, typename StatesSet> void sub_automaton_here (Element< A, T > &a, const StatesSet &s, bool check_states=true)
 Select a sub-automaton into a given automaton.

template<typename A, typename T, typename U> void sum_here (Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 In place summing of two automata.

template<typename A, typename T, typename U> Element< A, T > sum (const Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 Summing of two automata.

template<typename A, typename T, typename Letter, typename Weight> void thompson_of (Element< A, T > &out, const rat::exp< Letter, Weight > &kexp)
 The Thompson automaton associated to the krat expression.

template<class AutoType, class S, class T> Element< Automata< S >, AutoType > thompson_of (const Element< S, T > &exp)
 The Thompson automaton associated to the krat expression.

template<typename lhs_t, typename rhs_t> void transpose (lhs_t &dst, const rhs_t &from)
 Transposition of an automaton.

template<typename auto_t> auto_t transpose (const auto_t &from)
 Return a fresh transposed automaton.

template<typename A, typename T> std::set< hstate_t > useful_states (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Returns a useful states of the automaton (start reachable and final co-).

template<typename A, typename T> Element< A, T > trim (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return a fresh automaton in which non useful states are removed.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output edges of the state 'from' using 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::edges k)
 Delta using a query, with iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_letter_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::edges k)
 Delta on a letter, with iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_spontaneous_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 Store the output spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 Store the output edges of the state 'from' in the container 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::edges k)
 Delta using a query, with container output.

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_letter_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::edges k)
 Delta on a letter, with container output.

template<class S, class T, class Container> void op_spontaneous_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 Store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 Store the output states of the state 'from' using 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::states k)
 Delta using a query, with iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_letter_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::states k)
 Delta on a letter, with iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_spontaneous_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 Store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 Store the output states of the state 'from' in the container 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::states k)
 Delta using a quesry, with container output.

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_letter_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::states k)
 Delta on a letter, with container output.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_spontaneous_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 Store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 Store the output edges of the state 'from' using 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::edges k)
 Reverse delta using a query, with iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_letter_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::edges k)
 Reverse delta on a letter, with iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_spontaneous_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 Store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output edges of the state 'from' in the container 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::edges k)
 Reverse delta using a query, with container output.

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_letter_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::edges k)
 Reverse delta on a letter, with container output.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_spontaneous_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output states of the state 'from' using 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::states k)
 Reverse delta using a query, with iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_letter_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::states k)
 Reverse delta on a letter, with iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_spontaneous_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 Store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 Store the output states of the state 'from' in the container 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::states k)
 Reverse delta using a query, with container output.

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_letter_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::states k)
 Reverse delta on a letter, with container output.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_spontaneous_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const T &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 Store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output edges of the state 'from' using 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output edges of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) = true using 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_letter_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output edges of the state 'from' where the label matches the letter.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_spontaneous_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output edges of the state 'from' in the container 'res'

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output edges of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) = true in the container 'res'

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_letter_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output edges of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) = true in the container 'res'

template<class S, class T, class Container> void op_spontaneous_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output states of the state 'from' using 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output states of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) = true using 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_letter_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output states of the state 'from' where the label matches the letter.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_spontaneous_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output states of the state 'from' in the container 'res'

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output states of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) = true in the container 'res'

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_letter_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output states of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) = true in the container 'res'

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_spontaneous_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output edges of the state 'from' using 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output edges of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) = true using 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_letter_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output edges of the state 'from' where the label matches the letter.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_spontaneous_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output edges of the state 'from' in the container 'res'

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output edges of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) = true in the container 'res'

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_letter_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output edges of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) = true in the container 'res'

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_spontaneous_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output states of the state 'from' using 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output states of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) = true using 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_letter_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output states of the state 'from' where the label matches the letter.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_spontaneous_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output states of the state 'from' in the container 'res'

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output states of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) = true in the container 'res'

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_letter_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output states of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) = true in the container 'res'

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_spontaneous_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const IdentityView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output edges of the state 'from' using 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::edges k)
 Delta with a query and iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_letter_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::edges k)
 Delta on a letter with iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_spontaneous_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 Store the output spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 Store the output edges of the state 'from' in the container 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::edges k)
 Delta with a query and container output.

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_letter_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::edges k)
 Delta on a letter with container output.

template<class S, class T, class Container> void op_spontaneous_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 Delta with no condition and iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::states k)
 Delta using a query, with iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_letter_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::states k)
 Delta on a letter with iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_spontaneous_delta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 Delta without condition, container output.

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::states k)
 Delta with a query, using container output.

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_letter_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::states k)
 Delta on a letter, with container output.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_spontaneous_deltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 Reverse delta without condition, and iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::edges k)
 Reverse delta with query, with iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_letter_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::edges k)
 Reverse delta on a letter, with iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_spontaneous_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 Reverse delta on a container, with no condition.

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::edges k)
 Reverse delta using a query, with container output.

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_letter_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::edges k)
 Reverse delta on a letter, with container output.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_spontaneous_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::edges k)
 store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator> void op_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 store the output states of the state 'from' using 'res'.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::states k)
 Reverse delta using a query, with iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename OutputIterator, typename L> void op_letter_rdelta (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, OutputIterator res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::states k)
 Reverse delta on a letter, with iterator output.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 Reverse delta on a container, with no conditions.

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &query, delta_kind::states k)
 Reverse delta in a container, with a query.

template<class S, class T, typename Container, typename L> void op_letter_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, const L &letter, delta_kind::states k)
 Reverse delta in a container, on a letter.

template<class S, class T, typename Container> void op_spontaneous_rdeltac (const AutomataBase< S > &, const TransposeView< T > &, Container &res, hstate_t from, delta_kind::states k)
 Store the output op_spontaneous transitions.

template<typename S, typename T> bool op_contains (const Structure< S > &set, const T &value)
 Check whether a value is contained in a set.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> bool op_eq (const Structure< S > &, const T &v1, const U &v2)
 Equality between two structured values.

template<typename S, typename V, typename T, typename U> bool op_eq (const Structure< S > &, const Structure< V > &, const T &v1, const U &v2)
 Equality between two structured values.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> bool op_lt (const Structure< S > &, const T &v1, const U &v2)
 Ordered comparison between two structured values.

template<typename S, typename V, typename T, typename U> bool op_lt (const Structure< S > &, const Structure< V > &, const T &v1, const U &v2)
 Ordered comparison between two structured values.

template<typename S, typename R, typename T> R op_convert (const Structure< S > &se, SELECTOR(R), const T &data)
 Default conversion between value types with computation.

template<typename S, typename T> const T & op_convert (const Structure< S > &se, SELECTOR(T), const T &from_data)
 Pass-through conversion.

template<typename S, typename T> const T & op_convert (const Structure< S > &se, SELECTOR(T), const Structure< S > &from_se, const T &from_data)
 Pass-through conversion between compatible structures.

template<typename S, typename T> T op_default (const Structure< S > &se, SELECTOR(T))
 Default construction of values using Structure.

template<typename S, typename T> void op_swap (const Structure< S > &se, T &v1, T &v2)
 Default swap operator.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> void op_assign (const Structure< S > &s, T &dst, const U &src)
 Assignement operator between two implementations of a Structure<S>.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> void op_assign (const Structure< S > &s1, const Structure< S > &s2, T &dst, const U &src)
 Assignement operator between two implementations of two differents structures.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> void op_in_add (const Structure< S > &s1, const Structure< S > &s2, T &dst, const U &arg)
 Addition in place operator between two different elements.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> void op_in_sub (const Structure< S > &s1, const Structure< S > &s2, T &dst, const U &arg)
 Substraction in place operator between two different elements.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> void op_in_mul (const Structure< S > &s1, const Structure< S > &s2, T &dst, const U &arg)
 Multiplication in place operator between two different elements.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> void op_in_div (const Structure< S > &s1, const Structure< S > &s2, T &dst, const U &arg)
 Division in place operator between two different elements.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> void op_in_mod (const Structure< S > &s1, const Structure< S > &s2, T &dst, const U &arg)
 Modulo in place operator between two different elements.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> T op_add (const Structure< S > &s1, const Structure< S > &s2, const T &v1, const U &v2)
 Addition operator between two different elements.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> T op_sub (const Structure< S > &s1, const Structure< S > &s2, const T &v1, const U &v2)
 Substraction operator between two different elements.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> T op_mul (const Structure< S > &s1, const Structure< S > &s2, const T &v1, const U &v2)
 Multiplication operator between two different elements.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> T op_div (const Structure< S > &s1, const Structure< S > &s2, const T &v1, const U &v2)
 Division operator between two different elements.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> T op_mod (const Structure< S > &s1, const Structure< S > &s2, const T &v1, const U &v2)
 Modulo operator between two different elements.

template<typename S, typename St, typename T> St & op_rin (const Structure< S > &s, St &st, const T &v)
 Input stream operator.

template<typename S, typename St, typename T> St & op_rout (const Structure< S > &s, St &st, const T &v)
 Output stream operator.

template<typename S1, typename T1, typename S2, typename T2> bool operator< (const vcsn::Element< S1, T1 > &e1, const vcsn::Element< S2, T2 > &e2)
 Comparison between Element instances.

template<typename S1, typename T1, typename S2, typename T2> bool operator> (const vcsn::Element< S1, T1 > &e1, const vcsn::Element< S2, T2 > &e2)
 Comparison between Element instances.

template<typename S1, typename T1, typename S2, typename T2> bool operator<= (const vcsn::Element< S1, T1 > &e1, const vcsn::Element< S2, T2 > &e2)
 Comparison between Element instances.

template<typename S1, typename T1, typename S2, typename T2> bool operator>= (const vcsn::Element< S1, T1 > &e1, const vcsn::Element< S2, T2 > &e2)
 Comparison between Element instances.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> bool operator< (const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e, const U &v)
 Comparison between Element and foreign values (left version).

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> bool operator> (const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e, const U &v)
 Comparison between Element and foreign values (left version).

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> bool operator>= (const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e, const U &v)
 Comparison between Element and foreign values (left version).

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> bool operator<= (const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e, const U &v)
 Comparison between Element and foreign values (left version).

template<typename U, typename S, typename T> bool operator< (const U &v, const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e)
 Comparison between Element and foreign values (right version).

template<typename U, typename S, typename T> bool operator> (const U &v, const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e)
 Comparison between Element and foreign values (right version).

template<typename U, typename S, typename T> bool operator>= (const U &v, const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e)
 Comparison between Element and foreign values (right version).

template<typename U, typename S, typename T> bool operator<= (const U &v, const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e)
 Comparison between Element and foreign values (right version).

template<typename S1, typename T1, typename S2, typename T2> bool operator== (const vcsn::Element< S1, T1 > &e1, const vcsn::Element< S2, T2 > &e2)
 Equality between Element instances.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> bool operator== (const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e, const U &v)
 Equality between Element and foreign values (left version).

template<typename U, typename S, typename T> bool operator== (const U &v, const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e)
 Equality between Element and foreign values (right version).

template<typename S1, typename T1, typename S2, typename T2> bool operator!= (const vcsn::Element< S1, T1 > &e1, const vcsn::Element< S2, T2 > &e2)
 Difference between Element instances.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> bool operator!= (const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e, const U &v)
 Difference between Element and foreign values (left version).

template<typename U, typename S, typename T> bool operator!= (const U &v, const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e)
 Difference between Element and foreign values (right version).

template<typename S1, typename T1, typename S2, typename T2> vcsn::op_add_traits< S1, S2,
T1, T2 >::ret_t 
operator+ (const vcsn::Element< S1, T1 > &e1, const vcsn::Element< S2, T2 > &e2)
 Addition between Element instances.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> vcsn::Element< S, T > operator+ (const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e, const U &v)
 Addition between Element and foreign values (left).

template<typename U, typename S, typename T> vcsn::Element< S, T > operator+ (const U &v, const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e)
 Addition between Element and foreign values (right).

template<typename S1, typename T1, typename S2, typename T2> vcsn::op_sub_traits< S1, S2,
T1, T2 >::ret_t 
operator- (const vcsn::Element< S1, T1 > &e1, const vcsn::Element< S2, T2 > &e2)
 Substraction between Element instances.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> vcsn::Element< S, T > operator- (const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e, const U &v)
 Substraction between Element and foreign values (left).

template<typename U, typename S, typename T> vcsn::Element< S, T > operator- (const U &v, const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e)
 Substraction between Element and foreign values (right).

template<typename S1, typename T1, typename S2, typename T2> vcsn::op_mul_traits< S1, S2,
T1, T2 >::ret_t 
operator * (const vcsn::Element< S1, T1 > &e1, const vcsn::Element< S2, T2 > &e2)
 Multiplication between Element instances.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> vcsn::Element< S, T > operator * (const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e, const U &v)
 Multiplication between Element and foreign values (left).

template<typename U, typename S, typename T> vcsn::Element< S, T > operator * (const U &v, const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e)
 Multiplication between Element and foreign values (right).

template<typename S1, typename T1, typename S2, typename T2> vcsn::op_div_traits< S1, S2,
T1, T2 >::ret_t 
operator/ (const vcsn::Element< S1, T1 > &e1, const vcsn::Element< S2, T2 > &e2)
 Division between Element instances.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> vcsn::Element< S, T > operator/ (const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e, const U &v)
 Division between Element and foreign values (left).

template<typename U, typename S, typename T> vcsn::Element< S, T > operator/ (const U &v, const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e)
 Division between Element and foreign values (right).

template<typename S1, typename T1, typename S2, typename T2> vcsn::op_mod_traits< S1, S2,
T1, T2 >::ret_t 
operator% (const vcsn::Element< S1, T1 > &e1, const vcsn::Element< S2, T2 > &e2)
 Modulus between Element instances.

template<typename S, typename T, typename U> vcsn::Element< S, T > operator% (const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e, const U &v)
 Modulus between Element and foreign values (left).

template<typename U, typename S, typename T> vcsn::Element< S, T > operator% (const U &v, const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e)
 Modulus between Element and foreign values (right.

template<typename S, typename T> vcsn::Element< S, T > operator- (const vcsn::Element< S, T > &)
 Unary negation of Element instances.

template<typename St, typename S, typename T> St & operator<< (St &s, const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e)
 Output to stream.

template<typename St, typename S, typename T> St & operator>> (St &s, const vcsn::Element< S, T > &e)
 Input from stream.

std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const xml::XmlSession &)
 Read operator.

std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, xml::XmlSession &)
 Write operator.

Detailed Description

The main namespace of the Vaucanson library.

Function Documentation

bool op_contains const algebra::Series< W, M > &  ,
const rat::exp< Tm, Tw > & 

FIXME Operators in krat.hxx are of the form:
template<typename S, typename M ...> ... op(Series<S>& series, M& monoid, ...)
and should be instead:
template<typename S, typename M ...> ... op(Series<S>& series, Monoid<M>& monoid, ...)

void op_in_mul const algebra::Series< W, M > &  s,
rat::exp< Tm, Tw > &  dst,
const rat::exp< Tm, Tw > &  arg

void op_in_mul const algebra::Series< W, M > &  s,
const W &  semiring,
rat::exp< Tm, Tw > &  ret,
const oTw &  w

rat::exp< Tm, Tw > op_mul const W &  semiring,
const algebra::Series< W, M > &  s,
const oTw &  w,
const rat::exp< Tm, Tw > &  b

void do_backward_closure_here const AutomataBase< A_ > &  ,
Auto &  a

linearize_element<S, T>::alphabet_t linearized_alphabet const Element< S, T > &  exp  ) 

Computes a linearized alphabet from a rational expression.

This function returns a linearized alphabet corresponding to a rational expression, with an extra zero-letter in it.

exp The expression to work on.
Loic Fosse <>
See also:

Exp linear_exp_continuation const Exp &  exp,
const Letter &  l

This function computes a continuation on linearized expressions.

This include the case when letter is zero.

exp The expression to work on.
l The letter used to compute the derivation.
Loic Fosse <>

T_auto* do_derivatives_automaton const T_auto &  out,
const Element< S, T > &  kexp

void do_determinize const AutomataBase< A > &  a_set,
output_t &  output,
const input_t &  input,
std::map< hstate_t, std::set< hstate_t > > &  m

void do_forward_closure_here const AutomataBase< A_ > &  ,
Auto &  a

void op_delta const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
OutputIterator  res,
hstate_t  from,
const L &  query,
delta_kind::edges  k

Delta with a query and iterator output.

Store the output edges of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) is true using 'res'.

void op_letter_delta const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
OutputIterator  res,
hstate_t  from,
const L &  letter,
delta_kind::edges  k

Delta on a letter with iterator output.

Store the output edges of the state 'from' where the label matches the letter.

void op_deltac const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
Container &  res,
hstate_t  from,
const L &  query,
delta_kind::edges  k

Delta with a query and container output.

Store the output edges of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) is true in the container 'res'.

void op_letter_deltac const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
Container &  res,
hstate_t  from,
const L &  letter,
delta_kind::edges  k

Delta on a letter with container output.

Store the output edges of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) is true in the container 'res'.

void op_delta const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
OutputIterator  res,
hstate_t  from,
delta_kind::states  k

Delta with no condition and iterator output.

Store the output states of the state 'from' using 'res'.

void op_delta const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
OutputIterator  res,
hstate_t  from,
const L &  query,
delta_kind::states  k

Delta using a query, with iterator output.

Store the output states of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) is true using 'res'.

void op_letter_delta const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
OutputIterator  res,
hstate_t  from,
const L &  letter,
delta_kind::states  k

Delta on a letter with iterator output.

Store the output states of the state 'from' where the label matches the letter.

void op_deltac const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
Container &  res,
hstate_t  from,
delta_kind::states  k

Delta without condition, container output.

Store the output states of the state 'from' in the container 'res'.

void op_deltac const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
Container &  res,
hstate_t  from,
const L &  query,
delta_kind::states  k

Delta with a query, using container output.

Store the output states of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) is true in the container 'res'.

void op_letter_deltac const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
Container &  res,
hstate_t  from,
const L &  letter,
delta_kind::states  k

Delta on a letter, with container output.

Store the output states of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) is true in the container 'res'.

void op_rdelta const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
OutputIterator  res,
hstate_t  from,
delta_kind::edges  k

Reverse delta without condition, and iterator output.

Store the output edges of the state 'from' using 'res'.

void op_rdelta const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
OutputIterator  res,
hstate_t  from,
const L &  query,
delta_kind::edges  k

Reverse delta with query, with iterator output.

Store the output edges of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) is true using 'res'.

void op_letter_rdelta const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
OutputIterator  res,
hstate_t  from,
const L &  letter,
delta_kind::edges  k

Reverse delta on a letter, with iterator output.

Store the output edges of the state 'from' where the label matches the letter.

void op_rdeltac const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
Container &  res,
hstate_t  from,
delta_kind::edges  k

Reverse delta on a container, with no condition.

Store the output edges of the state 'from' in the container 'res'.

void op_rdeltac const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
Container &  res,
hstate_t  from,
const L &  query,
delta_kind::edges  k

Reverse delta using a query, with container output.

Store the output edges of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) is true in the container 'res'.

void op_letter_rdeltac const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
Container &  res,
hstate_t  from,
const L &  letter,
delta_kind::edges  k

Reverse delta on a letter, with container output.

Store the output edges of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) is true in the container 'res'.

void op_rdelta const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
OutputIterator  res,
hstate_t  from,
const L &  query,
delta_kind::states  k

Reverse delta using a query, with iterator output.

Store the output states of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) is true using 'res'.

void op_letter_rdelta const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
OutputIterator  res,
hstate_t  from,
const L &  letter,
delta_kind::states  k

Reverse delta on a letter, with iterator output.

Store the output states of the state 'from' where the label matches the letter.

void op_rdeltac const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
Container &  res,
hstate_t  from,
delta_kind::states  k

Reverse delta on a container, with no conditions.

Store the output states of the state 'from' in the container 'res'

void op_rdeltac const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
Container &  res,
hstate_t  from,
const L &  query,
delta_kind::states  k

Reverse delta in a container, with a query.

Store the output states of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) is true in the container 'res'

void op_letter_rdeltac const AutomataBase< S > &  ,
const TransposeView< T > &  ,
Container &  res,
hstate_t  from,
const L &  letter,
delta_kind::states  k

Reverse delta in a container, on a letter.

Store in the container 'res' the output states of the state 'from' where query(label(e)) is true.

Generated on Mon Mar 29 15:42:44 2004 for Vaucanson by doxygen 1.3.6-20040222