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Vaucanson File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
accessible.hhAlgorithms for accessible/coaccessible states computation
aci_canonical.hhThis file contains the declaration for the canonical() algorithm
algebra.hhWorkaround to give Doxygen documentation about the algebra namespace
alphabets_base.hhDefinition of the alphabet concept
aut_to_exp.hhThis file provides converter from automaton to expression
automata_ops.hhThis file holds the default operations for the elements of the automata set
backward_realtime.hhAlgorithms to make an automaton realtime
berry_sethi.hhContains the declaration for the Berry-Sethi algorithm
bitset.hhThis file contains a Bitset class declaration
bitset.hxxThis file contains a Bitset class implementaion
brzozowski.hhContains the declaration for the Brzozowski algorithm
char_traits.hhGeneric char_traits declarations
closure.hhThis files declares the backward and forward closure algorithm
complement.hhComplementation algorithm for Boolean automata
complete.hhCompletion algorithm for deterministic and Boolean automaton
concatenate.hhThis file provides the general concatenation algorithm
contract.hhDefinition of contract macros
cut_up.hhCut-up algorithm
cut_up.hxxCut-up algorithm
default_ops.hhDefault implementations for standard Element operations
deferrer.hhThis file contains declarations for the Deferrer class
deferrer.hxxThis file contains definitions for the Deferrer class
derived_term_automaton.hhProvides a converter from expression to automaton based on derivatives
determinize.hhThis file provides the determinization algorithm for Boolean automata
dot_display.hxxCalls out_display with dot_dump as the function to launch by out_display
element.hhDeclaration of Element
element_op_traits.hhDeclaration of default arithmetical operator traits for Element
element_ops.hhDeclarations of standard external operator delegations for Element
escaper.hhDeclarations of the escaper class and related functions
escaper.hxxDefinitions of the escaper class and related functions
eval.hhThis file provides the evaluation of a word w.r.t an automaton
evaluation.hhUndocumented stuff
evaluation_fmp.hhEvaluation over normalized and sub-normalized transducers seen as automata over a free monoid product
extension.hhThis file contains declarations for extension()
factory.hhFactory Method generic implementation. This code comes from the proposed implementation by Alexandrescu, in his "Modern C++ Design" book
finite_support_conversion.hhConversion between finite support application types
fmp_to_realtime.hhThis file provides a transformation function that computes the equivalent transducer of a FMP automaton
forward_realtime.hhAlgorithms to make an automaton realtime
initial_derivation.hhThis file contains the declaration for the initial derivation visitor, used for smart_derivative_automaton
iomanip.hhDeclarations of the iomanip class and related functions
iomanip.hxxDefinitions of the iomanip class and related functions
is_letterized.hhThis file contains letter-to-letter feature testing
is_normalized.hhThis file contains a test for transducer normalization
is_realtime.hhThis file contains a test for realtime transducers
krat_exp_cderivation.hhThis file contains the declaration for the cderivate() algorithms
krat_exp_constant_term.hhThis file contains the declaration for the constant_term() algorithm
krat_exp_derivation.hhThis file contains the declaration for the derivate() algorithms
krat_exp_flatten.hhThis file holds the declaration of the flatten() algorithm
krat_exp_linearize.hhThis file contains the declarations for the linearize() algorithm
krat_exp_parser.hhThis file declares the parse() function
krat_exp_partial_derivation.hhThis file contains the declarations for the partial_derivate() algorithm
krat_exp_realtime.hhDeclarations of the realtime() algorithm for rational expressions
letter_to_letter_composition.hhUndocumented stuff
limits.hhWrapper about the numeric limits for Vaucanson
math.hhWrapper about the math library for Vaucanson
meta_element_root.hhDefinition of the specialization of MetaElement for the root Structure
minimization_hopcroft.hhThis file provides minimization and quotient algorithms
minimization_moore.hhThis file containes the declaration of minimization_moore()
node.hhNode class for Factory Method, used in xml::xml_converter::save()
node.hxxNode class for Factory Method, used in xml::xml_converter::save()
normalized.hhThompson normalization operations
normalized_composition.hhComposition for normalized and sub-normalized transducers seen as automata over a free monoid product
normalized_composition.hxxComposition for normalized and sub-normalized transducers seen as automata over a free monoid product
out_display.hhOut display method, useful for xml_display and dot_display
out_display.hxxOut_display method, useful for xml_display and dot_display
outsplitting.hhOutsplitting and insplitting algorithms for normalized and sub-normalized transducers seen as automata over a free monoid product
outsplitting.hxxOutsplitting and insplitting algorithms for normalized and sub-normalized transducers seen as automata over a free monoid product
partial_rat_exp.hhThe PartialExp type. (undocumented)
partial_rat_exp_constant_term.hhThe constant_term of PartialExp. (undocumented)
partial_rat_exp_derivation.hhThe derivation of PartialExp. (undocumented)
predecls.hhForward declarations of the design pattern template classes of Vaucanson
product.hhThis file contains the declarations of product()
projection.hhUndocumented stuff
projections_fmp.hhDomain and Image projection for transducers seen as automata over a free monoid product
random.hhDefinition of random generators
rational_number.hhThis file contains a RationalNumber class declaration
rational_number.hxxThis file contains a Rational class implementation
realtime.hhGeneral algorithms concerning realtime aspect of automata
realtime_composition.hhUndocumented stuff
realtime_decl.hhDeclaration of the realtime() function
realtime_to_fmp.hhThis file provides a transformation function that computes the equivalent FMP automaton of a tranducer
search.hhRational expression search in text
selectors.hhDefinition of type argument macros
session.hhXML session management
session.hxxXML session management
skeleton.hhThe Skeleton class. (undocumented-internal)
slots.hhDeclaration of set attribute slot for Element
standard.hhSeveral algorithms concerning standard automata
standard_of.hhThis file provides a converter from expression to standard automaton
static.hhDefinition of metaprogrammation helpers
structure.hhDefinition of class Structure, the root of all structural element types
sub_automaton.hhThis file provides the extraction of sub automaton
sub_normalize.hxxSub-normalization algorithm for FMP transducers
sum.hhSumming of automata
support.hhStuff to adapt containers
syntactic_decorator.hhDeclaration of the very base class of Element
system.hhSystem-wide configuration helpers
thompson.hhThe thompson automaton
algorithms/transpose.hhThis file contain the function which transpose an automaton
trim.hhThis file contains the declaration of useful_states() and trim()
unique.hhDeclarations for the type canonicalization tools
usual_escaped_characters.hhDeclarations of the usual_escaped_characters() function
window.hhWindow class for regular expression search on streams
window.hxxWindow class for regular expression search on streams
xerces_parser.hhXerces-C++ parser
xerces_parser.hxxXerces-C++ parser
XML.hhXML main file
XML.hxxXML main file
xml_chooser.hhXML specialized class, providing methods to create <type> tag and to create labels in the XML document
xml_chooser.hxxXML specialized class, providing methods to create <type> tag and to create labels in the XML document
xml_converter.hhXML conversion class
xml_converter.hxxXML conversion class
xml_display.hhCalls out_display with xml_dump as the function to launch by out_display
xml_display.hxxCalls out_display with xml_dump as the function to launch by out_display
xml_dump.hhCalls a method to display an automaton 'a' in XML format on the stream 'o'
xml_dump.hxxCalls a method to display an automaton 'a' in XML format on the stream 'o'
xml_load.hhCalls a method to fill the automaton 'a' by reading on 'i'
xml_load.hxxCalls a method to fill the automaton 'a' by reading on 'i'

Generated on Thu Oct 27 12:46:57 2005 for Vaucanson by  doxygen 1.4.1