Vcsn  2.3
Be Rational
vcsn::dyn::detail Namespace Reference


struct  expansion_tag
 Tag for expansion/expansionset. More...
struct  expression_tag
 Tag for expression/expressionset. More...
struct  label_tag
 Tag for label/labelset. More...
struct  polynomial_tag
 Tag for polynomial/polynomialset. More...
class  Registry
struct  weight_tag
 Tag for weight/weightset. More...


template<Automaton Aut, typename Type = void>
using enable_if_boolean_t = std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< weight_t_of< Aut >, bool >::value, Type >
 Enable if Aut is over Booleans. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Type = void>
using enable_if_not_boolean_t = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same< weight_t_of< Aut >, bool >::value, Type >
 Enable if Aut is not over Booleans. More...


template<Automaton Aut>
automaton accessible (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton coaccessible (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton trim (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_accessible (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_coaccessible (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_trim (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_useless (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_empty (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Lhs, Automaton Rhs, typename String >
automaton add (const automaton &lhs, const automaton &rhs, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpansionSetLhs , typename ExpansionSetRhs >
expansion add_expansion (const expansion &lhs, const expansion &rhs)
 Bridge (add). More...
template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expression add_expression (const expression &lhs, const expression &rhs)
 Bridge (add). More...
template<typename PolynomialSetLhs , typename PolynomialSetRhs >
polynomial add_polynomial (const polynomial &lhs, const polynomial &rhs)
 Bridge (add). More...
template<typename WeightSetLhs , typename WeightSetRhs >
weight add_weight (const weight &lhs, const weight &rhs)
 Bridge (add). More...
template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2>
bool are_equivalent (const automaton &aut1, const automaton &aut2)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet1 , typename ExpSet2 >
bool are_equivalent_expression (const expression &r1, const expression &r2)
 Bridge (are_equivalent). More...
template<Automaton Lhs, Automaton Rhs>
automaton difference (const automaton &lhs, const automaton &rhs)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expression difference_expression (const expression &lhs, const expression &rhs)
 Bridge (difference). More...
template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2>
bool are_isomorphic (const automaton &aut1, const automaton &aut2)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Ctx , typename >
automaton cerny (const context &ctx, unsigned num_states)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton complement (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpansionSet >
expansion complement_expansion (const expansion &xpn)
 Bridge (complement). More...
template<typename ExpSet >
expression complement_expression (const expression &exp)
 Bridge (complement). More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton complete (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expansion compose_expansion (const expansion &lhs, const expansion &rhs)
 Bridge (compose). More...
template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expression compose_expression (const expression &lhs, const expression &rhs)
 Bridge (compose). More...
template<typename PolSetLhs , typename PolSetRhs >
polynomial compose_polynomial (const polynomial &lhs, const polynomial &rhs)
 Bridge (compose). More...
template<Automaton Lhs, Automaton Rhs, typename Bool >
automaton compose (const automaton &lhs, const automaton &rhs, bool lazy)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton conjugate (const automaton &a)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Auts , size_t... I>
automaton conjunction_ (const std::vector< automaton > &as, bool lazy, vcsn::detail::index_sequence< I... >)
 Bridge helper. More...
template<typename Auts , typename Bool >
automaton conjunction (const std::vector< automaton > &as, bool lazy)
 Bridge (conjunction). More...
template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2>
automaton ldivide (const automaton &aut1, const automaton &aut2)
 Bridge (ldivide). More...
template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2>
automaton rdivide (const automaton &aut1, const automaton &aut2)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Auts , size_t... I>
automaton shuffle_ (const std::vector< automaton > &as, vcsn::detail::index_sequence< I... >)
 Variadic bridge helper. More...
template<typename Auts >
automaton shuffle (const std::vector< automaton > &as)
 Bridge (shuffle). More...
template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expression shuffle_expression (const expression &lhs, const expression &rhs)
 Bridge (shuffle). More...
template<typename Auts , size_t... I>
automaton infiltrate_ (const std::vector< automaton > &as, vcsn::detail::index_sequence< I... >)
 Variadic bridge helper. More...
template<typename Auts >
automaton infiltrate (const std::vector< automaton > &as)
 Bridge (infiltrate). More...
template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expression infiltrate_expression (const expression &lhs, const expression &rhs)
 Bridge (infiltrate). More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Unsigned >
automaton conjunction_repeated (const automaton &aut, unsigned n)
 Bridge (conjunction). More...
template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expression conjunction_expression (const expression &lhs, const expression &rhs)
 Bridge (conjunction). More...
template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expansion conjunction_expansion (const expansion &lhs, const expansion &rhs)
 Bridge (conjunction). More...
template<typename PolynomialSetLhs , typename PolynomialSetRhs >
polynomial conjunction_polynomial (const polynomial &lhs, const polynomial &rhs)
 Bridge (conjunction). More...
template<typename ExpSet >
weight constant_term (const expression &exp)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Context , typename Identities >
expression expression_one (const context &ctx, identities ids)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Context , typename Identities >
expression expression_zero (const context &ctx, identities ids)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Ctx >
automaton copy_convert (const automaton &aut, const context &ctx)
 Bridge (copy). More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton copy (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet , typename Context , typename Identities >
expression copy_expression (const expression &exp, const context &ctx, identities ids)
 Bridge (copy). More...
template<typename Ctx , typename Unsigned >
automaton de_bruijn (const dyn::context &ctx, unsigned n)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet , typename Label , typename Bool >
polynomial derivation (const expression &exp, const label &lbl, bool breaking)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet , typename String >
automaton derived_term (const expression &exp, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag , bool Lazy = false>
automaton determinize_tag_ (const Aut &aut)
 Helper function to facilitate dispatch below. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
enable_if_boolean_t< Aut, automatondeterminize_ (const automaton &aut, const std::string &algo)
 Boolean Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
enable_if_not_boolean_t< Aut, automatondeterminize_ (const automaton &aut, const std::string &algo)
 Weighted Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
automaton determinize (const automaton &aut, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag >
automaton codeterminize_tag_ (const Aut &aut)
template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
enable_if_boolean_t< Aut, automatoncodeterminize_ (const automaton &aut, const std::string &algo)
 Boolean Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
enable_if_not_boolean_t< Aut, automatoncodeterminize_ (const automaton &aut, const std::string &algo)
 Weighted Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
automaton codeterminize (const automaton &aut, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpressionSetLhs , typename ExpressionSetRhs >
expression ldivide_expression (const expression &lhs, const expression &rhs)
 Bridge (ldivide). More...
template<typename PolynomialSetLhs , typename PolynomialSetRhs >
polynomial ldivide_polynomial (const polynomial &lhs, const polynomial &rhs)
 Bridge (ldivide). More...
template<typename PolynomialSetLhs , typename PolynomialSetRhs >
polynomial lgcd_polynomial (const polynomial &lhs, const polynomial &rhs)
 Bridge (lgcd). More...
template<typename ExpressionSetLhs , typename ExpressionSetRhs >
expression rdivide_expression (const expression &lhs, const expression &rhs)
 Bridge (rdivide). More...
template<typename Ctx , typename Unsigned1 , typename Unsigned2 >
automaton divkbaseb (const context &ctx, unsigned divisor, unsigned base)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Ctx , typename , typename >
automaton double_ring (const context &ctx, unsigned n, const std::vector< unsigned > &finals)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Ctx >
automaton_editormake_automaton_editor (const context &ctx)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename LabelSet >
weight eval (const automaton &aut, const label &lbl)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet >
expression expand (const expression &exp)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Unsigneds >
automaton filter (const automaton &aut, const std::vector< unsigned > &states)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tape >
automaton focus (const automaton &aut, integral_constant)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool has_bounded_lag (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool has_lightening_cycle (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool has_twins_property (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet >
identities identities_of (const expression &exp)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet , typename Tag >
automaton inductive_tag_ (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &r)
 Helper function to facilitate dispatch below. More...
template<typename ExpSet , typename String >
automaton inductive (const expression &exp, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Ostream , typename Bool >
std::ostream & info (const automaton &aut, std::ostream &out, bool detailed)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet , typename Ostream >
std::ostream & info_expression (const expression &exp, std::ostream &o)
 Bridge (info). More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Bool >
automaton insplit (const automaton &aut, bool lazy)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_eps_acyclic (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_ambiguous (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
label ambiguous_word (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_cycle_ambiguous (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_complete (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_deterministic (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_codeterministic (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_functional (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_partial_identity (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_proper (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_synchronized (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton delay_automaton (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet >
bool is_valid_expression (const expression &exp)
 Bridge (is_valid). More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_valid (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Ctx , typename Unsigned >
automaton ladybird (const dyn::context &ctx, unsigned n)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet1 , typename ExpSet2 >
bool less_than_expression (const expression &lhs, const expression &rhs)
 Bridge (less_than). More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton letterize (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_letterized (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton realtime (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_realtime (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Context >
automaton levenshtein (const dyn::context &ctx)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Ids , typename... Tapes>
automaton lift_automaton (const automaton &aut, identities ids, integral_constant)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet >
expression lift_expression (const expression &exp)
 Bridge (lift). More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Num , typename String >
automaton lightest_automaton (const automaton &aut, unsigned k, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Num , typename String >
polynomial lightest (const automaton &aut, unsigned num, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Ctx >
context make_context (const std::string &name)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
context context_of (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet >
context context_of_expression (const expression &exp)
 Bridge (context_of). More...
template<typename ExpansionSet >
context context_of_expansion (const expansion &exp)
 Bridge (context_of). More...
template<typename PolynomialSet >
context context_of_polynomial (const polynomial &poly)
 Bridge (context_of). More...
template<typename Ctx1 , typename Ctx2 >
context join (const context &c1, const context &c2)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Ctx >
context make_word_context (const context &ctx)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Ctx >
size_t num_tapes (const context &ctx)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN std::enable_if_t<!is_free_boolean< Aut >), Aut > minimize (const Aut &, brzozowski_tag)
 Handling of errors for dyn::minimize. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN std::enable_if_t<!is_free_boolean< Aut >), quotient_t< Aut > > minimize (const Aut &, hopcroft_tag)
template<Automaton Aut>
ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN std::enable_if_t<!is_free_boolean< Aut >), quotient_t< Aut > > minimize (const Aut &, moore_tag)
template<Automaton Aut>
ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same< weightset_t_of< Aut >, b >::value, quotient_t< Aut > > minimize (const Aut &, signature_tag)
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag >
automaton minimize_tag_ (const Aut &aut)
 Helper function to facilitate dispatch below. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
automaton minimize (const automaton &aut, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag >
automaton cominimize_tag_ (const Aut &aut)
 Helper function to facilitate dispatch below. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
automaton cominimize (const automaton &aut, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Lhs, Automaton Rhs, typename String >
automaton multiply (const automaton &lhs, const automaton &rhs, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Int1 , typename Int2 , typename String >
automaton multiply_repeated (const automaton &a, int min, int max, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge (multiply). More...
template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expression multiply_expression (const expression &lhs, const expression &rhs)
 Bridge (multiply). More...
template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expression concatenate_expression (const expression &lhs, const expression &rhs)
 Bridge (concatenate). More...
template<typename ExpSet , typename Int1 , typename Int2 >
expression multiply_expression_repeated (const expression &re, int min, int max)
 Bridge (multiply). More...
template<typename LabelSetLhs , typename LabelSetRhs >
label multiply_label (const label &lhs, const label &rhs)
 Bridge (multiply). More...
template<typename LabelSet , typename Int >
label multiply_label_repeated (const label &re, int exp)
 Bridge (multiply). More...
template<typename PolynomialSetLhs , typename PolynomialSetRhs >
polynomial multiply_polynomial (const polynomial &lhs, const polynomial &rhs)
 Bridge (multiply). More...
template<typename WeightSetLhs , typename WeightSetRhs >
weight multiply_weight (const weight &lhs, const weight &rhs)
 Bridge (multiply). More...
template<typename WeightSet , typename Int1 , typename Int2 >
weight multiply_weight_repeated (const weight &wgt, int min, int max)
 Bridge (multiply). More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_normalized (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton normalize (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename >
automaton pair (const automaton &aut, bool keep_initials)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton partial_identity (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton suffix (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton prefix (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton factor (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton subword (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Ostream , typename String >
std::ostream & print (const automaton &aut, std::ostream &o, const std::string &fmt)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Context , typename Ostream , typename String >
std::ostream & print_context (const context &ctx, std::ostream &o, const std::string &fmt)
 Bridge (print). More...
template<typename ExpansionSet , typename Ostream , typename String >
std::ostream & print_expansion (const expansion &expansion, std::ostream &o, const std::string &fmt)
 Bridge (print). More...
template<typename ExpSet , typename Ostream , typename String >
std::ostream & print_expression (const expression &exp, std::ostream &o, const std::string &fmt)
 Bridge (print). More...
template<typename LabelSet , typename Ostream , typename String >
std::ostream & print_label (const label &label, std::ostream &o, const std::string &fmt)
 Bridge (print). More...
template<typename PolynomialSet , typename Ostream >
std::ostream & list_polynomial (const polynomial &polynomial, std::ostream &o)
 Bridge (list). More...
template<typename PolynomialSet , typename Ostream , typename String >
std::ostream & print_polynomial (const polynomial &polynomial, std::ostream &o, const std::string &fmt)
 Bridge (print). More...
template<typename WeightSet , typename Ostream , typename String >
std::ostream & print_weight (const weight &weight, std::ostream &o, const std::string &fmt)
 Bridge (print). More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tape >
automaton project (const automaton &aut, integral_constant)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Context , typename Tape >
context project_context (const context &ctx, integral_constant)
 Bridge (project). More...
template<typename ExpansionSet , typename Tape >
expansion project_expansion (const expansion &exp, integral_constant)
 Bridge (project). More...
template<typename ExpressionSet , typename Tape >
expression project_expression (const expression &exp, integral_constant)
 Bridge (project). More...
template<typename PolynomialSet , typename Tape >
polynomial project_polynomial (const polynomial &poly, integral_constant)
 Bridge (project). More...
template<typename Label , typename Tape >
label project_label (const label &lbl, integral_constant)
 Bridge (project). More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Dir , typename Bool , typename String >
automaton proper (const automaton &aut, direction dir, bool prune, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton push_weights (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Ctx , typename Unsigned1 , typename Unsigned2 >
automaton quotkbaseb (const context &ctx, unsigned divisor, unsigned base)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Ctx , typename NumStates , typename Density , typename NumInitial , typename NumFinal , typename MaxLabels , typename LoopChance >
automaton random_automaton (const context &ctx, unsigned num_states, float density, unsigned num_initial, unsigned num_final, boost::optional< unsigned > max_labels, float loop_chance)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Ctx , typename >
automaton random_automaton_deterministic (const context &ctx, unsigned num_states)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Context , typename String , typename Identities >
expression random_expression (const context &ctx, const std::string &param, identities ids)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Context , typename Istream , typename Bool >
label read_label (const context &ctx, std::istream &is, bool quoted)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Context , typename Istream >
polynomial read_polynomial (const context &ctx, std::istream &is)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Context , typename Istream >
weight read_weight (const context &ctx, std::istream &is)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton reduce (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
automaton scc (const automaton &aut, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
std::size_t num_components (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Unsigned >
automaton component (const automaton &aut, unsigned num)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton condense (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Num , typename Len >
polynomial shortest (const automaton &aut, boost::optional< unsigned > num, boost::optional< unsigned > len)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_out_sorted (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton sort (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet >
polynomial split (const expression &exp)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename PolynomialSet >
polynomial split_polynomial (const polynomial &poly)
 Bridge (split). More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_standard (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_costandard (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton standard (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton costandard (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet >
automaton standard_expression (const expression &exp)
 Bridge (standard). More...
template<typename ExpSet >
unsigned star_height (const expression &exp)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet >
expression star_normal_form (const expression &exp)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
automaton star (const automaton &a, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton strip (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton synchronize (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename LabelSet >
bool is_synchronized_by (const automaton &aut, const label &word)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
bool is_synchronizing (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
label synchronizing_word (const automaton &aut, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet >
automaton thompson (const expression &exp)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet >
expansion to_expansion (const expression &exp)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Int >
automaton eliminate_state (const automaton &aut, int state)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Identities , typename String >
expression to_expression (const automaton &aut, identities ids, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Context , typename Identities , typename Label >
expression to_expression_label (const context &ctx, identities ids, const label &lbl)
 Bridge (to_expression). More...
template<typename Context , typename Identities , typename Letters , typename Bool >
expression to_expression_class (const context &ctx, identities ids, const letter_class_t &letters, bool accept)
 Bridge (to_expression). More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton transpose (automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpSet >
expression transpose_expression (const expression &exp)
 Bridge (transpose). More...
template<typename ExpSet >
expression transposition_expression (const expression &exp)
 Bridge (transposition). More...
template<typename PolynomialSet >
automaton trie (const polynomial &poly)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename PolynomialSet >
automaton cotrie (const polynomial &poly)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Context , typename Istream , typename String >
automaton trie_stream (const context &ctx, std::istream &is, const std::string &format)
 Bridge (trie). More...
template<typename Context , typename Istream , typename String >
automaton cotrie_stream (const context &ctx, std::istream &is, const std::string &format)
 Bridge (cotrie). More...
template<typename Auts , size_t... I>
automaton tuple_ (const std::vector< automaton > &as, vcsn::detail::index_sequence< I... >)
 Bridge helper. More...
template<typename Auts >
automaton tuple (const std::vector< automaton > &as)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpansionSets , size_t... I>
expansion tuple_ (const std::vector< expansion > &es, vcsn::detail::index_sequence< I... >)
 Bridge helper. More...
template<typename ExpansionSets >
expansion tuple_expansion (const std::vector< expansion > &es)
 Bridge (tuple). More...
template<typename ExpSets , size_t... I>
expression tuple_ (const std::vector< expression > &es, vcsn::detail::index_sequence< I... >)
 Bridge helper. More...
template<typename ExpSets >
expression tuple_expression (const std::vector< expression > &es)
 Bridge (tuple). More...
template<typename PolynomialSet , size_t... I>
polynomial tuple_ (const std::vector< polynomial > &polys, vcsn::detail::index_sequence< I... >)
 Bridge helper. More...
template<typename PolynomialSets >
polynomial tuple_polynomial (const std::vector< polynomial > &ps)
 Bridge (tuple). More...
template<typename Ctx , typename Unsigned >
automaton u (const context &ctx, unsigned n)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
automaton universal (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut>
weight weight_series (const automaton &aut)
 Bridge. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag >
automaton lweight_tag (const weight_t_of< Aut > &w, Aut &aut)
 Left-product. More...
template<typename WeightSet , Automaton Aut, typename String >
automaton lweight (const weight &weight, const automaton &aut, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename WeightSet , typename ExpansionSet >
expansion lweight_expansion (const weight &weight, const expansion &exp)
 Bridge (lweight). More...
template<typename WeightSet , typename ExpSet >
expression lweight_expression (const weight &weight, const expression &exp)
 Bridge (lweight). More...
template<typename WeightSet , typename PolynomialSet >
polynomial lweight_polynomial (const weight &weight, const polynomial &poly)
 Bridge (lweight). More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag >
automaton rweight_tag (Aut &aut, const weight_t_of< Aut > &w)
 Right-product. More...
template<Automaton Aut, typename WeightSet , typename String >
automaton rweight (const automaton &aut, const weight &weight, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename ExpansionSet , typename WeightSet >
expansion rweight_expansion (const expansion &exp, const weight &weight)
 Bridge (rweight). More...
template<typename ExpSet , typename WeightSet >
expression rweight_expression (const expression &exp, const weight &weight)
 Bridge (rweight). More...
template<typename PolynomialSet , typename WeightSet >
polynomial rweight_polynomial (const polynomial &poly, const weight &weight)
 Bridge (rweight). More...
template<typename ExpSet , typename String >
automaton zpc (const expression &exp, const std::string &algo)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename To , typename From >
To dyn_cast (From &&from)
 A dynamic_cast in debug mode, static_cast with NDEBUG. More...

Typedef Documentation

template<Automaton Aut, typename Type = void>
using vcsn::dyn::detail::enable_if_boolean_t = typedef std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<weight_t_of<Aut>, bool>::value, Type>

Enable if Aut is over Booleans.

Definition at line 298 of file determinize.hh.

template<Automaton Aut, typename Type = void>
using vcsn::dyn::detail::enable_if_not_boolean_t = typedef std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<weight_t_of<Aut>, bool>::value, Type>

Enable if Aut is not over Booleans.

Definition at line 303 of file determinize.hh.

Function Documentation

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::accessible ( const automaton aut)


The accessible subautomaton of aut.

Definition at line 206 of file accessible.hh.

References accessible(), and vcsn::dyn::automaton::as().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::accessible().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Lhs, Automaton Rhs, typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::add ( const automaton lhs,
const automaton rhs,
const std::string &  algo 


Sum of two automata.

Definition at line 124 of file add.hh.

References vcsn::add(), vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and vcsn::detail::dispatch_tags().

Referenced by add_polynomial(), and add_weight().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpansionSetLhs , typename ExpansionSetRhs >
expansion vcsn::dyn::detail::add_expansion ( const expansion lhs,
const expansion rhs 

Bridge (add).

Definition at line 165 of file add.hh.

References vcsn::add().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::add_expression ( const expression lhs,
const expression rhs 

Bridge (add).

Definition at line 186 of file add.hh.

References vcsn::add().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename PolynomialSetLhs , typename PolynomialSetRhs >
polynomial vcsn::dyn::detail::add_polynomial ( const polynomial lhs,
const polynomial rhs 

Bridge (add).

Definition at line 208 of file add.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::add().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename WeightSetLhs , typename WeightSetRhs >
weight vcsn::dyn::detail::add_weight ( const weight lhs,
const weight rhs 

Bridge (add).

Definition at line 230 of file add.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::add().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
label vcsn::dyn::detail::ambiguous_word ( const automaton aut)


An ambiguous word, or raise if there is none.

Definition at line 93 of file is-ambiguous.hh.

References vcsn::ambiguous_word(), vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and vcsn::detail::make_wordset().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::are_equivalent ( const automaton aut1,
const automaton aut2 


Whether compute the same series.

Definition at line 66 of file are-equivalent.hh.

References vcsn::are_equivalent(), and vcsn::dyn::automaton::as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet1 , typename ExpSet2 >
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::are_equivalent_expression ( const expression r1,
const expression r2 

Bridge (are_equivalent).

Definition at line 104 of file are-equivalent.hh.

References vcsn::are_equivalent().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::are_isomorphic ( const automaton aut1,
const automaton aut2 


Whether there exists an isomorphism between the states of lhs and those of rhs.

Definition at line 709 of file are-isomorphic.hh.

References are_isomorphic(), and vcsn::dyn::automaton::as().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::are_isomorphic().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Ctx , typename >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::cerny ( const context ctx,
unsigned  num_states 


Produce a Černý automaton of num_states states.

Definition at line 64 of file cerny.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), and vcsn::cerny().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::coaccessible ( const automaton aut)


The coaccessible subautomaton of aut.

Definition at line 215 of file accessible.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and coaccessible().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::coaccessible().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::codeterminize ( const automaton aut,
const std::string &  algo 


The codeterminized automaton.

Definition at line 430 of file determinize.hh.

Referenced by codeterminize_tag_().

template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
enable_if_boolean_t<Aut, automaton> vcsn::dyn::detail::codeterminize_ ( const automaton aut,
const std::string &  algo 

Boolean Bridge.

Definition at line 394 of file determinize.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and vcsn::detail::map().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
enable_if_not_boolean_t<Aut, automaton> vcsn::dyn::detail::codeterminize_ ( const automaton aut,
const std::string &  algo 

Weighted Bridge.

Definition at line 411 of file determinize.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and vcsn::detail::map().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::codeterminize_tag_ ( const Aut &  aut)

Definition at line 386 of file determinize.hh.

References codeterminize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::cominimize ( const automaton aut,
const std::string &  algo 


The cominimized automaton.

Definition at line 196 of file minimize.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::cominimize_tag_ ( const Aut &  aut)

Helper function to facilitate dispatch below.

Definition at line 188 of file minimize.hh.

References minimize(), and transpose().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::complement ( const automaton aut)


The complement of aut.

Definition at line 63 of file complement.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and complement().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::complement().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpansionSet >
expansion vcsn::dyn::detail::complement_expansion ( const expansion xpn)

Bridge (complement).

Definition at line 82 of file complement.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::complement_expression ( const expression exp)

Bridge (complement).

Definition at line 102 of file complement.hh.

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::complete ( const automaton aut)


A completed copy of aut.

Definition at line 76 of file complete.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and complete().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::complete().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Unsigned >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::component ( const automaton aut,
unsigned  num 


The automaton of a strongly connected component.

Definition at line 771 of file scc.hh.

template<Automaton Lhs, Automaton Rhs, typename Bool >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::compose ( const automaton lhs,
const automaton rhs,
bool  lazy 


The composition of transducers lhs and rhs.

Definition at line 495 of file compose.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), compose(), and vcsn::compose_lazy().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::compose().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expansion vcsn::dyn::detail::compose_expansion ( const expansion lhs,
const expansion rhs 

Bridge (compose).

Definition at line 33 of file compose-expression.hh.

References vcsn::compose().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::compose_expression ( const expression lhs,
const expression rhs 

Bridge (compose).

Definition at line 55 of file compose-expression.hh.

References vcsn::compose().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename PolSetLhs , typename PolSetRhs >
polynomial vcsn::dyn::detail::compose_polynomial ( const polynomial lhs,
const polynomial rhs 

Bridge (compose).

Definition at line 77 of file compose-expression.hh.

References vcsn::compose().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::concatenate_expression ( const expression lhs,
const expression rhs 

Bridge (concatenate).

Definition at line 312 of file multiply.hh.

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::condense ( const automaton aut)


The condensation of aut such that each state is a strongly connected component.

Definition at line 832 of file scc.hh.

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::conjugate ( const automaton a)


The conjugate of aut.

Definition at line 59 of file conjugate.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and conjugate().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::conjugate().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Auts , typename Bool >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::conjunction ( const std::vector< automaton > &  as,
bool  lazy 

Bridge (conjunction).

The conjunction (aka synchronized product) of automata.

Definition at line 664 of file conjunction.hh.

template<typename Auts , size_t... I>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::conjunction_ ( const std::vector< automaton > &  as,
bool  lazy,
vcsn::detail::index_sequence< I... >   

Bridge helper.

Definition at line 652 of file conjunction.hh.

References vcsn::detail::product_automaton_impl< Lazy, Aut, Auts >::conjunction(), and vcsn::detail::conjunction_lazy().

Referenced by vcsn::rat::expansionset< expressionset_t >::conjunction(), vcsn::rat::printer< ExpSet >::format(), and vcsn::rat::expansionset< expressionset_t >::infiltrate().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expansion vcsn::dyn::detail::conjunction_expansion ( const expansion lhs,
const expansion rhs 

Bridge (conjunction).

Definition at line 1063 of file conjunction.hh.

References vcsn::conjunction().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::conjunction_expression ( const expression lhs,
const expression rhs 

Bridge (conjunction).

Definition at line 1041 of file conjunction.hh.

References vcsn::conjunction().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename PolynomialSetLhs , typename PolynomialSetRhs >
polynomial vcsn::dyn::detail::conjunction_polynomial ( const polynomial lhs,
const polynomial rhs 

Bridge (conjunction).

Definition at line 1085 of file conjunction.hh.

References vcsn::conjunction().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Unsigned >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::conjunction_repeated ( const automaton aut,
unsigned  n 

Bridge (conjunction).

Definition at line 1008 of file conjunction.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and vcsn::conjunction().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet >
weight vcsn::dyn::detail::constant_term ( const expression exp)


The weight associated to the empty word in e.

Definition at line 216 of file constant-term.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as().

Referenced by vcsn::rat::constant_term_visitor< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< bool, Dummy >::work_().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
context vcsn::dyn::detail::context_of ( const automaton aut)


The context of this automaton.

Definition at line 63 of file make-context.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as().

Referenced by vcsn::rat::parser::parse(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpansionSet >
context vcsn::dyn::detail::context_of_expansion ( const expansion exp)

Bridge (context_of).

Definition at line 81 of file make-context.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet >
context vcsn::dyn::detail::context_of_expression ( const expression exp)

Bridge (context_of).

Definition at line 72 of file make-context.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename PolynomialSet >
context vcsn::dyn::detail::context_of_polynomial ( const polynomial poly)

Bridge (context_of).

Definition at line 90 of file make-context.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::copy ( const automaton aut)


A copy of aut.

Definition at line 435 of file copy.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and vcsn::rat::copy().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Ctx >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::copy_convert ( const automaton aut,
const context ctx 

Bridge (copy).

Definition at line 423 of file copy.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), vcsn::copy_into(), vcsn::make_mutable_automaton(), and vcsn::res.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet , typename Context , typename Identities >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::copy_expression ( const expression exp,
const context ctx,
identities  ids 

Bridge (copy).

Definition at line 454 of file copy.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), vcsn::rat::copy(), vcsn::make_expressionset(), and vcsn::detail::rs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::costandard ( const automaton aut)


A co-standardized a.

Definition at line 148 of file standard.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and costandard().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::costandard().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename PolynomialSet >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::cotrie ( const polynomial poly)


A reversed trie-like automaton (multiple initial states, single final state) automaton to accept p.

Definition at line 251 of file trie.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), and vcsn::cotrie().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Context , typename Istream , typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::cotrie_stream ( const context ctx,
std::istream &  is,
const std::string &  format 

Bridge (cotrie).

Definition at line 313 of file trie.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), vcsn::cotrie(), and vcsn::detail::make_word_polynomialset().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Ctx , typename Unsigned >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::de_bruijn ( const dyn::context ctx,
unsigned  n 


A simple NFA for (a+b)*a(a+b)^n.

Definition at line 57 of file de-bruijn.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), and de_bruijn().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::de_bruijn().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::delay_automaton ( const automaton aut)


The automaton with the delay of each state.

Definition at line 349 of file is-synchronized.hh.

template<typename ExpSet , typename Label , typename Bool >
polynomial vcsn::dyn::detail::derivation ( const expression exp,
const label lbl,
bool  breaking 


Derive exp with respect to s.

Definition at line 346 of file derivation.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), vcsn::derivation(), vcsn::rat::make_expression_polynomialset(), and vcsn::detail::rs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet , typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::derived_term ( const expression exp,
const std::string &  algo 


The derived-term automaton of exp.

Definition at line 371 of file derived-term.hh.

References derived_term(), vcsn::detail::derived_term_algo::expansion, vcsn::make_derived_term_automaton(), vcsn::require(), and vcsn::res.

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::derived_term(), and vcsn::dyn::to_automaton().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::determinize ( const automaton aut,
const std::string &  algo 


The determinized automaton.

Definition at line 357 of file determinize.hh.

Referenced by determinize_tag_().

template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
enable_if_boolean_t<Aut, automaton> vcsn::dyn::detail::determinize_ ( const automaton aut,
const std::string &  algo 

Boolean Bridge.

Definition at line 315 of file determinize.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and vcsn::detail::map().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
enable_if_not_boolean_t<Aut, automaton> vcsn::dyn::detail::determinize_ ( const automaton aut,
const std::string &  algo 

Weighted Bridge.

Definition at line 335 of file determinize.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and vcsn::detail::map().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag , bool Lazy = false>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::determinize_tag_ ( const Aut &  aut)

Helper function to facilitate dispatch below.

Definition at line 307 of file determinize.hh.

References determinize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Lhs, Automaton Rhs>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::difference ( const automaton lhs,
const automaton rhs 


An automaton whose behavior is that of lhs on words not accepted by rhs.

Definition at line 140 of file are-equivalent.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and vcsn::difference().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::difference_expression ( const expression lhs,
const expression rhs 

Bridge (difference).

Definition at line 170 of file are-equivalent.hh.

References vcsn::difference().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Ctx , typename Unsigned1 , typename Unsigned2 >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::divkbaseb ( const context ctx,
unsigned  divisor,
unsigned  base 


An automaton which accepts a word n representing a number in base b iff k|n.

Definition at line 69 of file divkbaseb.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), and divkbaseb().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::divkbaseb().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Ctx , typename , typename >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::double_ring ( const context ctx,
unsigned  n,
const std::vector< unsigned > &  finals 


The double_ring automaton with n states and f the list of finals.

Definition at line 75 of file double-ring.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), and double_ring().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::double_ring().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename To , typename From >
To vcsn::dyn::detail::dyn_cast ( From &&  from)

A dynamic_cast in debug mode, static_cast with NDEBUG.

Definition at line 14 of file cast.hh.

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::context::as(), vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as().

template<Automaton Aut, typename Int >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::eliminate_state ( const automaton aut,
int  state 


The LAO automaton aut with state s removed.

Definition at line 478 of file to-expression.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and vcsn::eliminate_state().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename LabelSet >
weight vcsn::dyn::detail::eval ( const automaton aut,
const label lbl 


Evaluate l on aut.

Definition at line 140 of file eval.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), eval(), and vcsn::res.

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::eval().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::expand ( const expression exp)


Distribute product over addition recursively under the starred subexpressions and group the equal monomials.

Definition at line 30 of file expand.hh.

References expand().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::expand().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Context , typename Identities >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::expression_one ( const context ctx,
identities  ids 


The expression for \e.

Definition at line 15 of file constant.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), vcsn::make_expressionset(), and vcsn::detail::rs.

Referenced by vcsn::rat::parser::parse(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Context , typename Identities >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::expression_zero ( const context ctx,
identities  ids 


The expression for \z.

Definition at line 24 of file constant.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), vcsn::make_expressionset(), and vcsn::detail::rs.

Referenced by vcsn::rat::parser::parse(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::factor ( const automaton aut)


Create a factor automaton from aut.

Definition at line 121 of file prefix.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and factor().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::factor().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Unsigneds >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::filter ( const automaton aut,
const std::vector< unsigned > &  states 


The subautomaton based on aut, with only states in ss visible.

Definition at line 322 of file filter.hh.

template<Automaton Aut, typename Tape >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::focus ( const automaton aut,


Definition at line 340 of file focus.hh.

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::has_bounded_lag ( const automaton aut)


Whether the transducer has bounded lag.

Definition at line 159 of file has-bounded-lag.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and has_bounded_lag().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::has_bounded_lag().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::has_lightening_cycle ( const automaton aut)


Whether the automaton has a cycle with lightening weight.

Definition at line 35 of file has-lightening-cycle.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and has_lightening_cycle().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::has_lightening_cycle().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::has_twins_property ( const automaton aut)


Whether the automaton has the twins property.

Definition at line 168 of file has-twins-property.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and has_twins_property().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::has_twins_property().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet >
identities vcsn::dyn::detail::identities_of ( const expression exp)


The identities of expression exp.

Definition at line 20 of file identities-of.hh.

References vcsn::detail::rs.

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

template<typename ExpSet , typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::inductive ( const expression exp,
const std::string &  algo 


The inductive translation of e in an automaton.

Definition at line 326 of file inductive.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::to_automaton().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet , typename Tag >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::inductive_tag_ ( const ExpSet &  rs,
const typename ExpSet::value_t &  r 

Helper function to facilitate dispatch below.

Definition at line 316 of file inductive.hh.

References vcsn::detail::rs.

template<typename Auts >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::infiltrate ( const std::vector< automaton > &  as)

Bridge (infiltrate).

The infiltration product of automata.

Definition at line 893 of file conjunction.hh.

template<typename Auts , size_t... I>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::infiltrate_ ( const std::vector< automaton > &  as,
vcsn::detail::index_sequence< I... >   

Variadic bridge helper.

Definition at line 884 of file conjunction.hh.

References vcsn::infiltrate().

Referenced by vcsn::rat::printer< ExpSet >::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::infiltrate_expression ( const expression lhs,
const expression rhs 

Bridge (infiltrate).

Definition at line 923 of file conjunction.hh.

References vcsn::infiltrate().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Ostream , typename Bool >
std::ostream& vcsn::dyn::detail::info ( const automaton aut,
std::ostream &  out,
bool  detailed 


Output various facts about an automaton.

Definition at line 131 of file info.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), info(), and vcsn::detail::out().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::info().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet , typename Ostream >
std::ostream& vcsn::dyn::detail::info_expression ( const expression exp,
std::ostream &  o 

Bridge (info).

Definition at line 190 of file info.hh.

References vcsn::info().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Bool >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::insplit ( const automaton aut,
bool  lazy 


Split automaton on the incoming transition.

Definition at line 303 of file insplit.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and insplit().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::insplit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_accessible ( const automaton aut)


Whether aut is accessible.

Definition at line 233 of file accessible.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_accessible().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_accessible().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_ambiguous ( const automaton aut)


Whether aut is ambiguous.

Definition at line 53 of file is-ambiguous.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_ambiguous().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_ambiguous().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_coaccessible ( const automaton aut)


Whether aut is coaccessible.

Definition at line 242 of file accessible.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_coaccessible().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_coaccessible().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_codeterministic ( const automaton aut)


Whether aut is codeterministic.

Definition at line 93 of file is-deterministic.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_codeterministic().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_codeterministic().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_complete ( const automaton aut)


Whether aut is complete.

Definition at line 48 of file is-complete.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_complete().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_complete().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_costandard ( const automaton aut)


Whether is costandard (unique final state, with weight one, no outcoming transition).

Definition at line 63 of file standard.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_costandard().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_costandard().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_cycle_ambiguous ( const automaton aut)


Whether the automaton is cycle-ambiguous.

Definition at line 166 of file is-ambiguous.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_cycle_ambiguous().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_cycle_ambiguous().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_deterministic ( const automaton aut)


Whether aut is deterministic.

Definition at line 85 of file is-deterministic.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_deterministic().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_deterministic().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_empty ( const automaton aut)


Whether has no state.

Definition at line 269 of file accessible.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_empty().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_empty().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_eps_acyclic ( const automaton aut)


Whether has no cycle of spontaneous transitions.

Definition at line 145 of file is-acyclic.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_eps_acyclic().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_eps_acyclic().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_functional ( const automaton aut)


Whether aut is functional.

Definition at line 31 of file is-functional.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_functional().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_functional().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_letterized ( const automaton aut)


Whether aut is letterized.

Definition at line 201 of file letterize.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_letterized().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_letterized(), and vcsn::is_realtime().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_normalized ( const automaton aut)


Whether is normalized (in the Thompson sense), i.e., standard and co-standard.

Definition at line 33 of file normalize.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_normalized().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_normalized().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_out_sorted ( const automaton aut)


Whether the outgoing transitions of each state have increasing labels.

Definition at line 75 of file sort.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_out_sorted().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_out_sorted().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_partial_identity ( const automaton aut)


Whether aut realizes a partial identity.

Definition at line 80 of file is-partial-identity.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_partial_identity().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_partial_identity().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_proper ( const automaton aut)


Whether has no spontaneous transition.

Definition at line 58 of file is-proper.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_proper().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_proper().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_realtime ( const automaton aut)


Whether has no spontaneous transition, and is letterized.

Definition at line 259 of file letterize.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_realtime().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_realtime().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_standard ( const automaton aut)


Whether is standard (unique initial state, with weight one, no incoming transition).

Definition at line 54 of file standard.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_standard().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_standard().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_synchronized ( const automaton aut)


Whether is synchronized.

Definition at line 320 of file is-synchronized.hh.

template<Automaton Aut, typename LabelSet >
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_synchronized_by ( const automaton aut,
const label word 


Whether the word synchronizes aut.

Definition at line 72 of file synchronizing-word.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), and vcsn::is_synchronized_by().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_synchronizing ( const automaton aut)


Whether is synchronizing.

Definition at line 402 of file synchronizing-word.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and vcsn::is_synchronizing().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_trim ( const automaton aut)


Whether has no useless state.

Definition at line 251 of file accessible.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_trim().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_trim().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_useless ( const automaton aut)


Whether has no useful state.

Definition at line 260 of file accessible.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and is_useless().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_useless().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_valid ( const automaton aut)


Whether automaton is valid (epsilon-cycles converge).

Definition at line 150 of file is-valid.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), is_valid(), and strip().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_valid().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet >
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::is_valid_expression ( const expression exp)

Bridge (is_valid).

Definition at line 48 of file is-valid-expression.hh.

References vcsn::is_valid().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Ctx1 , typename Ctx2 >
context vcsn::dyn::detail::join ( const context c1,
const context c2 


The join between two contexts, i.e., their lowest common supertype.

Definition at line 110 of file make-context.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), and join().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::join(), vcsn::detail::join_impl< tupleset< VS1... >, tupleset< VS2... > >::join(), vcsn::dyn::lweight(), multiply_label(), multiply_weight(), and vcsn::dyn::rweight().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Ctx , typename Unsigned >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::ladybird ( const dyn::context ctx,
unsigned  n 


The ladybird automaton with n states.

Definition at line 54 of file ladybird.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), and ladybird().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::ladybird().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::ldivide ( const automaton aut1,
const automaton aut2 

Bridge (ldivide).

Left-division of two automata (lhs \ rhs).

Definition at line 728 of file conjunction.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as().

Referenced by ldivide_expression(), and ldivide_polynomial().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpressionSetLhs , typename ExpressionSetRhs >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::ldivide_expression ( const expression lhs,
const expression rhs 

Bridge (ldivide).

Definition at line 30 of file divide.hh.

References ldivide().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename PolynomialSetLhs , typename PolynomialSetRhs >
polynomial vcsn::dyn::detail::ldivide_polynomial ( const polynomial lhs,
const polynomial rhs 

Bridge (ldivide).

Definition at line 41 of file divide.hh.

References ldivide().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet1 , typename ExpSet2 >
bool vcsn::dyn::detail::less_than_expression ( const expression lhs,
const expression rhs 

Bridge (less_than).

Definition at line 31 of file less-than.hh.

References vcsn::less_than().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::letterize ( const automaton aut)


The automaton with letter transitions instead of words.

Definition at line 146 of file letterize.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and letterize().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::letterize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Context >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::levenshtein ( const dyn::context ctx)


The transducer representing the Levenshtein distance.

Definition at line 63 of file levenshtein.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), and levenshtein().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::levenshtein().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename PolynomialSetLhs , typename PolynomialSetRhs >
polynomial vcsn::dyn::detail::lgcd_polynomial ( const polynomial lhs,
const polynomial rhs 

Bridge (lgcd).

Definition at line 73 of file divide.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::lgcd().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Ids , typename... Tapes>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::lift_automaton ( const automaton aut,
identities  ids,


Definition at line 260 of file lift.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), vcsn::rat::ids(), and vcsn::lift().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::lift_expression ( const expression exp)

Bridge (lift).

Definition at line 307 of file lift.hh.

References vcsn::lift(), and vcsn::detail::lift_expressionset().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Num , typename String >
polynomial vcsn::dyn::detail::lightest ( const automaton aut,
unsigned  num,
const std::string &  algo 


The approximated behavior of an automaton with smallest weights.

Definition at line 233 of file lightest.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), lightest(), and vcsn::detail::make_word_polynomialset().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::lightest().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Num , typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::lightest_automaton ( const automaton aut,
unsigned  k,
const std::string &  algo 


The shortest path automaton using the given algorithm.

Definition at line 56 of file lightest-automaton.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and lightest_automaton().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::lightest_automaton().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename PolynomialSet , typename Ostream >
std::ostream& vcsn::dyn::detail::list_polynomial ( const polynomial polynomial,
std::ostream &  o 

Bridge (list).

Definition at line 253 of file print.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), and vcsn::list().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename WeightSet , Automaton Aut, typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::lweight ( const weight weight,
const automaton aut,
const std::string &  algo 


The left-multiplication of an automaton with w as weight.

Definition at line 149 of file weight.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), vcsn::copy_into(), vcsn::detail::ctx, join(), make_context(), and vcsn::make_mutable_automaton().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename WeightSet , typename ExpansionSet >
expansion vcsn::dyn::detail::lweight_expansion ( const weight weight,
const expansion exp 

Bridge (lweight).

Definition at line 215 of file weight.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), vcsn::join_weightset_expansionset(), vcsn::lweight(), and vcsn::detail::rs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename WeightSet , typename ExpSet >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::lweight_expression ( const weight weight,
const expression exp 

Bridge (lweight).

Definition at line 269 of file weight.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), vcsn::join_weightset_expressionset(), vcsn::lweight(), and vcsn::detail::rs.

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename WeightSet , typename PolynomialSet >
polynomial vcsn::dyn::detail::lweight_polynomial ( const weight weight,
const polynomial poly 

Bridge (lweight).

Definition at line 301 of file weight.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), vcsn::join_weightset_polynomialset(), and vcsn::lweight().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::lweight_tag ( const weight_t_of< Aut > &  w,
Aut &  aut 


Definition at line 141 of file weight.hh.

References vcsn::lweight_here().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Ctx >
automaton_editor* vcsn::dyn::detail::make_automaton_editor ( const context ctx)


Build an automatonset from its context.

Definition at line 349 of file edit-automaton.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions(), vcsn::lazy_automaton_editor::result(), and vcsn::detail::dot::driver::setup_().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Ctx >
context vcsn::dyn::detail::make_context ( const std::string &  name)


Definition at line 44 of file make-context.hh.

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::lweight(), and vcsn::dyn::rweight().

template<typename Ctx >
context vcsn::dyn::detail::make_word_context ( const context ctx)


The context for words.

Definition at line 130 of file make-context.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), and make_word_context().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::make_word_context(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN std::enable_if_t<!is_free_boolean<Aut>), Aut> vcsn::dyn::detail::minimize ( const Aut &  ,

Handling of errors for dyn::minimize.

Definition at line 46 of file minimize-brzozowski.hh.

Referenced by cominimize_tag_(), and minimize_tag_().

template<Automaton Aut>
ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN std::enable_if_t<!is_free_boolean<Aut>), quotient_t<Aut> > vcsn::dyn::detail::minimize ( const Aut &  ,

Definition at line 110 of file minimize-hopcroft.hh.

template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::minimize ( const automaton aut,
const std::string &  algo 


The minimized automaton.

Definition at line 158 of file minimize.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN std::enable_if_t<!is_free_boolean<Aut>), quotient_t<Aut> > vcsn::dyn::detail::minimize ( const Aut &  ,

Definition at line 201 of file minimize-moore.hh.

template<Automaton Aut>
ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<weightset_t_of<Aut>, b>::value, quotient_t<Aut> > vcsn::dyn::detail::minimize ( const Aut &  ,

Definition at line 293 of file minimize-signature.hh.

template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::minimize_tag_ ( const Aut &  aut)

Helper function to facilitate dispatch below.

Definition at line 142 of file minimize.hh.

References minimize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Lhs, Automaton Rhs, typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::multiply ( const automaton lhs,
const automaton rhs,
const std::string &  algo 


Multiply (concatenate) two automata.

Definition at line 169 of file multiply.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), vcsn::detail::dispatch_tags(), and vcsn::multiply().

Referenced by multiply_label(), multiply_polynomial(), and vcsn::rat::parser::parse().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::multiply_expression ( const expression lhs,
const expression rhs 

Bridge (multiply).

Definition at line 294 of file multiply.hh.

References vcsn::multiply().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet , typename Int1 , typename Int2 >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::multiply_expression_repeated ( const expression re,
int  min,
int  max 

Bridge (multiply).

Definition at line 408 of file multiply.hh.

References vcsn::min, and vcsn::multiply().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename LabelSetLhs , typename LabelSetRhs >
label vcsn::dyn::detail::multiply_label ( const label lhs,
const label rhs 

Bridge (multiply).

Definition at line 429 of file multiply.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), vcsn::dyn::join(), vcsn::dyn::multiply(), and vcsn::detail::rs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename LabelSet , typename Int >
label vcsn::dyn::detail::multiply_label_repeated ( const label re,
int  exp 

Bridge (multiply).

Definition at line 442 of file multiply.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), and vcsn::multiply().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename PolynomialSetLhs , typename PolynomialSetRhs >
polynomial vcsn::dyn::detail::multiply_polynomial ( const polynomial lhs,
const polynomial rhs 

Bridge (multiply).

Definition at line 463 of file multiply.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::multiply().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Int1 , typename Int2 , typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::multiply_repeated ( const automaton a,
int  min,
int  max,
const std::string &  algo 

Bridge (multiply).

Definition at line 258 of file multiply.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), vcsn::detail::dispatch_tags(), vcsn::min, and vcsn::multiply().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename WeightSetLhs , typename WeightSetRhs >
weight vcsn::dyn::detail::multiply_weight ( const weight lhs,
const weight rhs 

Bridge (multiply).

Definition at line 484 of file multiply.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), vcsn::dyn::join(), and vcsn::multiply().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename WeightSet , typename Int1 , typename Int2 >
weight vcsn::dyn::detail::multiply_weight_repeated ( const weight wgt,
int  min,
int  max 

Bridge (multiply).

Definition at line 497 of file multiply.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), vcsn::min, and vcsn::multiply().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::normalize ( const automaton aut)


Normalize automaton aut.

Definition at line 41 of file normalize.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and normalize().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::normalize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
std::size_t vcsn::dyn::detail::num_components ( const automaton aut)


The number of strongly connected components.

Definition at line 735 of file scc.hh.

template<typename Ctx >
size_t vcsn::dyn::detail::num_tapes ( const context ctx)


The number of input tapes.

Definition at line 166 of file make-context.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), and vcsn::num_tapes().

Referenced by vcsn::rat::driver::context(), and vcsn::rat::parser::parse().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::pair ( const automaton aut,
bool  keep_initials 


Build the pair automaton of the given automaton.

Definition at line 264 of file pair.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and pair().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::pair().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::partial_identity ( const automaton aut)


Create a partial identity transducer from aut.

Definition at line 81 of file partial-identity.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and partial_identity().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::partial_identity().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::prefix ( const automaton aut)


Create a prefix automaton from aut.

Definition at line 84 of file prefix.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and prefix().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::prefix().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Ostream , typename String >
std::ostream& vcsn::dyn::detail::print ( const automaton aut,
std::ostream &  o,
const std::string &  fmt 


Print automaton a on out using format format.

Definition at line 108 of file print.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and print().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::operator<<(), vcsn::dyn::print(), and vcsn::rat::parser::yy_print_().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Context , typename Ostream , typename String >
std::ostream& vcsn::dyn::detail::print_context ( const context ctx,
std::ostream &  o,
const std::string &  fmt 

Bridge (print).

Definition at line 127 of file print.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpansionSet , typename Ostream , typename String >
std::ostream& vcsn::dyn::detail::print_expansion ( const expansion expansion,
std::ostream &  o,
const std::string &  fmt 

Bridge (print).

Definition at line 157 of file print.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), and vcsn::print().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet , typename Ostream , typename String >
std::ostream& vcsn::dyn::detail::print_expression ( const expression exp,
std::ostream &  o,
const std::string &  fmt 

Bridge (print).

Definition at line 199 of file print.hh.

References vcsn::print().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename LabelSet , typename Ostream , typename String >
std::ostream& vcsn::dyn::detail::print_label ( const label label,
std::ostream &  o,
const std::string &  fmt 

Bridge (print).

Definition at line 218 of file print.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), and vcsn::print().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename PolynomialSet , typename Ostream , typename String >
std::ostream& vcsn::dyn::detail::print_polynomial ( const polynomial polynomial,
std::ostream &  o,
const std::string &  fmt 

Bridge (print).

Definition at line 272 of file print.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), and vcsn::print().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename WeightSet , typename Ostream , typename String >
std::ostream& vcsn::dyn::detail::print_weight ( const weight weight,
std::ostream &  o,
const std::string &  fmt 

Bridge (print).

Definition at line 292 of file print.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), and vcsn::print().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Tape >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::project ( const automaton aut,


Definition at line 35 of file project-automaton.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Context , typename Tape >
context vcsn::dyn::detail::project_context ( const context ctx,

Bridge (project).

Definition at line 23 of file project.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpansionSet , typename Tape >
expansion vcsn::dyn::detail::project_expansion ( const expansion exp,

Bridge (project).

Definition at line 74 of file project.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpressionSet , typename Tape >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::project_expression ( const expression exp,

Bridge (project).

Definition at line 96 of file project.hh.

template<typename Label , typename Tape >
label vcsn::dyn::detail::project_label ( const label lbl,

Bridge (project).

Definition at line 153 of file project.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename PolynomialSet , typename Tape >
polynomial vcsn::dyn::detail::project_polynomial ( const polynomial poly,

Bridge (project).

Definition at line 131 of file project.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Dir , typename Bool , typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::proper ( const automaton aut,
direction  dir,
bool  prune,
const std::string &  algo 


An equivalent automaton without spontaneous transitions.

Definition at line 297 of file proper.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), proper(), and vcsn::proper_lazy().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::proper().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::push_weights ( const automaton aut)


The weight pushing automaton of aut.

Definition at line 71 of file push-weights.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and push_weights().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::push_weights().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Ctx , typename Unsigned1 , typename Unsigned2 >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::quotkbaseb ( const context ctx,
unsigned  divisor,
unsigned  base 


A transducer that computes the quotient of the division of a word n by k in base b iff k|n.

Definition at line 76 of file quotkbaseb.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), and quotkbaseb().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::quotkbaseb().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Ctx , typename NumStates , typename Density , typename NumInitial , typename NumFinal , typename MaxLabels , typename LoopChance >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::random_automaton ( const context ctx,
unsigned  num_states,
float  density,
unsigned  num_initial,
unsigned  num_final,
boost::optional< unsigned >  max_labels,
float  loop_chance 


Produce a random automaton.

Definition at line 197 of file random-automaton.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), and vcsn::random_automaton().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Ctx , typename >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::random_automaton_deterministic ( const context ctx,
unsigned  num_states 


Produce a random deterministic automaton.

Definition at line 254 of file random-automaton.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), and vcsn::random_automaton_deterministic().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Context , typename String , typename Identities >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::random_expression ( const context ctx,
const std::string &  param,
identities  ids 


Produce a random expression.

Definition at line 223 of file random-expression.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), vcsn::make_expressionset(), random_expression(), and vcsn::detail::rs.

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::random_expression().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::rdivide ( const automaton aut1,
const automaton aut2 


Right-division of two automata (lhs / rhs).

Definition at line 763 of file conjunction.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and vcsn::rdivide().

Referenced by vcsn::rat::parser::parse(), and rdivide_expression().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpressionSetLhs , typename ExpressionSetRhs >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::rdivide_expression ( const expression lhs,
const expression rhs 

Bridge (rdivide).

Definition at line 104 of file divide.hh.

References rdivide().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Context , typename Istream , typename Bool >
label vcsn::dyn::detail::read_label ( const context ctx,
std::istream &  is,
bool  quoted 


Definition at line 31 of file read.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), and vcsn::res.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Context , typename Istream >
polynomial vcsn::dyn::detail::read_polynomial ( const context ctx,
std::istream &  is 


Read a polynomial from a stream.

Definition at line 60 of file read.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), read_polynomial(), and vcsn::res.

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::read_polynomial().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Context , typename Istream >
weight vcsn::dyn::detail::read_weight ( const context ctx,
std::istream &  is 


Read a weight from a stream.

Definition at line 90 of file read.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), read_weight(), and vcsn::res.

Referenced by vcsn::rat::driver::make_weight(), and vcsn::dyn::read_weight().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::realtime ( const automaton aut)


Create the realtime automaton (letterized and proper).

Definition at line 231 of file letterize.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and realtime().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::realtime().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::reduce ( const automaton aut)


Reduce aut.

Definition at line 621 of file reduce.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and reduce().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::reduce().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename WeightSet , typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::rweight ( const automaton aut,
const weight weight,
const std::string &  algo 


The right-mult automaton with w as weight.

Definition at line 351 of file weight.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), vcsn::copy_into(), vcsn::detail::ctx, join(), make_context(), and vcsn::make_mutable_automaton().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpansionSet , typename WeightSet >
expansion vcsn::dyn::detail::rweight_expansion ( const expansion exp,
const weight weight 

Bridge (rweight).

Definition at line 406 of file weight.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), vcsn::join_weightset_expansionset(), vcsn::detail::rs, and vcsn::rweight().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet , typename WeightSet >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::rweight_expression ( const expression exp,
const weight weight 

Bridge (rweight).

Definition at line 430 of file weight.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), vcsn::join_weightset_expressionset(), vcsn::detail::rs, and vcsn::rweight().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename PolynomialSet , typename WeightSet >
polynomial vcsn::dyn::detail::rweight_polynomial ( const polynomial poly,
const weight weight 

Bridge (rweight).

Definition at line 453 of file weight.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), vcsn::join_weightset_polynomialset(), and vcsn::rweight().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::rweight_tag ( Aut &  aut,
const weight_t_of< Aut > &  w 


Definition at line 343 of file weight.hh.

References vcsn::rweight_here().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::scc ( const automaton aut,
const std::string &  algo 


Build the SCC automaton whose states are labeled with number of the strongly-connected component they belong to.

Definition at line 704 of file scc.hh.

template<Automaton Aut, typename Num , typename Len >
polynomial vcsn::dyn::detail::shortest ( const automaton aut,
boost::optional< unsigned >  num,
boost::optional< unsigned >  len 


The approximated behavior of an automaton.

Definition at line 280 of file shortest.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), vcsn::detail::make_word_polynomialset(), and shortest().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::shortest().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Auts >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::shuffle ( const std::vector< automaton > &  as)

Bridge (shuffle).

The shuffle product of automata.

Definition at line 807 of file conjunction.hh.

template<typename Auts , size_t... I>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::shuffle_ ( const std::vector< automaton > &  as,
vcsn::detail::index_sequence< I... >   

Variadic bridge helper.

Definition at line 798 of file conjunction.hh.

References vcsn::shuffle().

Referenced by vcsn::rat::printer< ExpSet >::format(), vcsn::rat::expansionset< expressionset_t >::infiltrate(), and vcsn::rat::expansionset< expressionset_t >::shuffle().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::shuffle_expression ( const expression lhs,
const expression rhs 

Bridge (shuffle).

Definition at line 838 of file conjunction.hh.

References vcsn::shuffle().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::sort ( const automaton aut)


A copy of a with normalized state numbers.

Definition at line 176 of file sort.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and sort().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::sort(), and vcsn::detail::sorter< Aut >::visit_successors_of_().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet >
polynomial vcsn::dyn::detail::split ( const expression exp)


Break exp.

Definition at line 275 of file split.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), vcsn::rat::make_expression_polynomialset(), and vcsn::detail::rs.

Referenced by vcsn::split_polynomial().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename PolynomialSet >
polynomial vcsn::dyn::detail::split_polynomial ( const polynomial poly)

Bridge (split).

Definition at line 315 of file split.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::standard ( const automaton aut)


A standardized a.

Definition at line 139 of file standard.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and vcsn::standard().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::to_automaton().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::standard_expression ( const expression exp)

Bridge (standard).

Definition at line 400 of file standard.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::star ( const automaton a,
const std::string &  algo 


Star of an automaton.

Definition at line 124 of file star.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), vcsn::detail::dispatch_tags(), and vcsn::star().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet >
unsigned vcsn::dyn::detail::star_height ( const expression exp)


Star height of an expression.

Definition at line 158 of file star-height.hh.

References star_height().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::star_height().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::star_normal_form ( const expression exp)


A normalized form where star is applied only to proper expressions.

Definition at line 198 of file star-normal-form.hh.

References star_normal_form().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::star_normal_form().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::strip ( const automaton aut)


The automaton in a with its metadata layers removed.

Definition at line 46 of file strip.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and strip().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_valid(), vcsn::dyn::read_automaton(), vcsn::dyn::strip(), and vcsn::dyn::to_automaton().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::subword ( const automaton aut)


Create a subword automaton from aut.

Definition at line 174 of file prefix.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and subword().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::subword().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::suffix ( const automaton aut)


Create a suffix automaton from aut.

Definition at line 44 of file prefix.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and suffix().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::suffix().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::synchronize ( const automaton aut)


Create a synchronized transducer from aut.

Definition at line 362 of file synchronize.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and synchronize().

Referenced by vcsn::synchronize(), and vcsn::dyn::synchronize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename String >
label vcsn::dyn::detail::synchronizing_word ( const automaton aut,
const std::string &  algo 


A synchronizing word, or raise if there is none.

Definition at line 442 of file synchronizing-word.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), vcsn::detail::make_wordset(), and vcsn::synchronizing_word().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::thompson ( const expression exp)


The Thompson automaton of e.

Definition at line 215 of file thompson.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), vcsn::detail::ctx, and vcsn::detail::make_nullableset_context().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::to_automaton().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet >
expansion vcsn::dyn::detail::to_expansion ( const expression exp)


First order development of a exp.

Definition at line 490 of file to-expansion.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), and vcsn::detail::rs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut, typename Identities , typename String >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::to_expression ( const automaton aut,
identities  ids,
const std::string &  algo 


An expression denoting the language of aut.

Definition at line 616 of file to-expression.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), vcsn::detail::rs, and vcsn::to_expression().

Referenced by vcsn::rat::driver::make_atom(), vcsn::rat::driver::make_expression(), and to_expression_class().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Context , typename Identities , typename Letters , typename Bool >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::to_expression_class ( const context ctx,
identities  ids,
const letter_class_t letters,
bool  accept 

Bridge (to_expression).

Definition at line 729 of file to-expression.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), vcsn::make_expressionset(), vcsn::detail::rs, and vcsn::dyn::to_expression().

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Context , typename Identities , typename Label >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::to_expression_label ( const context ctx,
identities  ids,
const label lbl 

Bridge (to_expression).

Definition at line 640 of file to-expression.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), vcsn::make_expressionset(), and vcsn::detail::rs.

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::transpose ( automaton aut)


Transpose aut.

Definition at line 257 of file transpose.hh.

Referenced by cominimize_tag_(), and vcsn::rat::parser::parse().

template<typename ExpSet >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::transpose_expression ( const expression exp)

Bridge (transpose).

Definition at line 276 of file transpose.hh.

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

template<typename ExpSet >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::transposition_expression ( const expression exp)

Bridge (transposition).

Definition at line 294 of file transpose.hh.

Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_expression_functions().

template<typename PolynomialSet >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::trie ( const polynomial poly)


A trie-like automaton (single initial state, multiple final states) to accept p.

Definition at line 242 of file trie.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::value_impl< Tag >::as(), and vcsn::trie().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Context , typename Istream , typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::trie_stream ( const context ctx,
std::istream &  is,
const std::string &  format 

Bridge (trie).

Definition at line 302 of file trie.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), vcsn::detail::make_word_polynomialset(), and vcsn::trie().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::trim ( const automaton aut)


The trim subautomaton of aut.

Definition at line 224 of file accessible.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and trim().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::to_automaton(), and vcsn::dyn::trim().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Auts >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::tuple ( const std::vector< automaton > &  as)


Build a k-tape automaton from k automata.

Definition at line 210 of file tuple-automaton.hh.

Referenced by tuple_().

template<typename ExpansionSets , size_t... I>
expansion vcsn::dyn::detail::tuple_ ( const std::vector< expansion > &  es,
vcsn::detail::index_sequence< I... >   

Bridge helper.

Definition at line 74 of file tuple.hh.

References vcsn::tuple_expansionset().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSets , size_t... I>
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::tuple_ ( const std::vector< expression > &  es,
vcsn::detail::index_sequence< I... >   

Bridge helper.

Definition at line 113 of file tuple.hh.

References vcsn::detail::rs, and vcsn::tuple_expressionset().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename PolynomialSet , size_t... I>
polynomial vcsn::dyn::detail::tuple_ ( const std::vector< polynomial > &  polys,
vcsn::detail::index_sequence< I... >   

Bridge helper.

Definition at line 165 of file tuple.hh.

References vcsn::tuple_polynomialset().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Auts , size_t... I>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::tuple_ ( const std::vector< automaton > &  as,
vcsn::detail::index_sequence< I... >   

Bridge helper.

Definition at line 201 of file tuple-automaton.hh.

References tuple().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpansionSets >
expansion vcsn::dyn::detail::tuple_expansion ( const std::vector< expansion > &  es)

Bridge (tuple).

Definition at line 93 of file tuple.hh.

template<typename ExpSets >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::tuple_expression ( const std::vector< expression > &  es)

Bridge (tuple).

Definition at line 130 of file tuple.hh.

template<typename PolynomialSets >
polynomial vcsn::dyn::detail::tuple_polynomial ( const std::vector< polynomial > &  ps)

Bridge (tuple).

Definition at line 182 of file tuple.hh.

template<typename Ctx , typename Unsigned >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::u ( const context ctx,
unsigned  n 


The Brzozowski universal witness.

Definition at line 68 of file u.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::context::as(), and u().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::u().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::universal ( const automaton aut)


The universal automaton of aut.

Definition at line 148 of file universal.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), and universal().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::universal().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<Automaton Aut>
weight vcsn::dyn::detail::weight_series ( const automaton aut)


Compute weight of the series.

Definition at line 55 of file weight-series.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), vcsn::detail::ctx, vcsn::res, and weight_series().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::weight_series().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpSet , typename String >
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::zpc ( const expression exp,
const std::string &  algo 


The ZPC automaton of exp.

Definition at line 376 of file zpc.hh.

References vcsn::dyn::automaton::as(), vcsn::detail::ctx, and vcsn::detail::make_nullableset_context().

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::to_automaton().

Here is the call graph for this function: