

file  accessible.hh
 Algorithms for accessible/coaccessible states computation.
file  aci_canonical.hh
 Declaration for the canonical() algorithm.
file  aut_to_exp.hh
 This file provides converter from automaton to expression.
file  backward_realtime.hh
 Algorithms to make an automaton realtime.
file  complement.hh
 Complementation algorithm for Boolean automata.
file  complete.hh
 Completion algorithm for deterministic and Boolean automaton.
file  composition_cover.hh
 Composition for normalized and sub-normalized transducers seen as automata over a free monoid product.
file  concatenate.hh
 This file provides the general concatenation algorithm.
file  derived_term_automaton.hh
 Provides a converter from expression to automaton based on derivatives.
file  determinize.hh
 Boolean automata determinization.
file  eps_removal.hh
 This files declares the backward and forward eps_removal algorithm.
file  eval.hh
 This file provides the evaluation of a word w.r.t an automaton.
file  evaluation.hh
 Undocumented stuff.
file  evaluation_fmp.hh
 Evaluation over normalized and sub-normalized transducers seen as automata over a free monoid product.
file  extension.hh
 Declarations for extension().
file  finite_support_conversion.hh
 Conversion between finite support application types.
file  fmp_to_realtime.hh
 This file provides a transformation function that computes the equivalent transducer of a FMP automaton.
file  forward_realtime.hh
 Algorithms to make an automaton realtime.
file  initial_derivation.hh
 Declaration of the initial derivation visitor, used for smart_derivative_automaton.
file  outsplitting.hh
 Outsplitting and insplitting algorithms for normalized and sub-normalized fmp_transducers.
file  is_ambiguous.hh
 Test for ambiguity.
file  is_letterized.hh
 Letter-to-letter feature testing.
file  is_normalized.hh
 Test for transducer normalization.
file  is_realtime.hh
 Test for realtime transducers.
file  isomorph.hh
file  krat_exp_cderivation.hh
 Declaration for the cderivate() algorithms.
file  krat_exp_constant_term.hh
 Declaration for the constant_term() algorithm.
file  krat_exp_derivation.hh
 Declaration for the derivate() algorithms.
file  krat_exp_flatten.hh
 This file holds the declaration of the flatten() algorithm.
file  krat_exp_linearize.hh
 Declarations for the linearize() algorithm.
file  krat_exp_partial_derivation.hh
 Declarations for the partial_derivate() algorithm.
file  krat_exp_realtime.hh
 Declarations of the realtime() algorithm for rational expressions.
file  letter_to_letter_composition.hh
 Undocumented stuff.
file  minimization_hopcroft.hh
 This file provides minimization and quotient algorithms.
file  minimization_moore.hh
 This file containes the declaration of minimization_moore().
file  normalized.hh
 Thompson normalization operations.
file  normalized_composition.hh
 Composition for normalized and sub-normalized transducers seen as automata over a free monoid product.
file  product.hh
 Declarations of product().
file  projection.hh
 Undocumented stuff.
file  projections_fmp.hh
 Domain and Image projection for transducers seen as automata over a free monoid product.
file  realtime.hh
 General algorithms concerning realtime aspect of automata.
file  realtime_composition.hh
 Undocumented stuff.
file  realtime_decl.hh
 Declaration of the realtime() function.
file  realtime_to_fmp.hh
 This file provides a transformation function that computes the equivalent FMP automaton of a tranducer.
file  search.hh
 Rational expression search in text.
file  standard.hh
 Several algorithms concerning standard automata.
file  standard_of.hh
 This file provides a converter from expression to standard automaton.
file  sub_automaton.hh
 This file provides the extraction of sub automaton.
file  sub_normalize.hh
 Sub-normalization algorithm for FMP transducers.
file  sum.hh
 Summing of automata.
file  thompson.hh
 The thompson automaton.
file  algorithms/transpose.hh
 This file contain the function which transpose an automaton.
file  trim.hh
 Declaration of useful_states() and trim().


struct  KRatExpFlatten
struct  linearize_element
 The types of a linearized expression. More...
struct  FindBestSearch
 Specific implementation for search(). More...
struct  WindowedBackSearch
 Specific implementation for search(). More...

Determinization algorithms

template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::determinize (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Returns the determinized of a Boolean automaton.
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::determinize (const Element< A, T > &a, std::map< hstate_t, std::set< hstate_t > > &)
 Returns the determinized of a Boolean automaton.

FMP automaton to realtime transducer algorithm.

template<typename S, typename T, typename SS, typename TT>
Element< SS, TT > & vcsn::fmp_to_realtime (const Element< S, T > &fmp, Element< SS, TT > &res)
 Compute the equivalent transducer of a FMP automaton.

Product algorithm

template<typename A, typename T, typename U>
Element< A, T > vcsn::product (const Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs, const bool use_geometry=false)
 Returns a fresh automaton that is the product of the two input ones.
template<typename A, typename T, typename U>
Element< A, T > vcsn::product (const Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs, std::map< hstate_t, std::pair< hstate_t, hstate_t > > &, const bool use_geometry=false)
 Returns a fresh automaton that is the product of the two input ones.

Realtime transducer to FMP automaton algorithm

template<typename S, typename T, typename SS, typename TT>
Element< SS, TT > & vcsn::realtime_to_fmp (const Element< S, T > &trans, Element< SS, TT > &res)
 Compute the equivalent FMP automaton of a transducer.


enum  vcsn::realtime_type
 Enum to indicate which kind of realtime algorithms must be used.


template<typename A, typename T>
std::set< hstate_t > vcsn::accessible_states (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return accessible states.
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::accessible (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Extract the sub-automaton composed of accessible states.
template<typename A, typename T>
void vcsn::accessible_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 In-place extract the sub-automaton of accessible states.
template<typename A, typename T>
std::set< hstate_t > vcsn::coaccessible_states (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return co-accessible states.
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::coaccessible (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Extract the sub-automaton composed of co-accessible states.
template<typename A, typename T>
void vcsn::coaccessible_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 In-place extract the sub-automaton of co-accessible states.
template<class Series, class T>
Element< Series, T > vcsn::canonical (const Element< Series, T > &exp)
 Transform a krat expression into its canonical form, following aci-rules.
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T >::series_set_elt_t vcsn::aut_to_exp (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Returns a series which describes the language of the automaton.
template<typename A, typename T, typename Chooser_>
Element< A, T >::series_set_elt_t vcsn::aut_to_exp (const Element< A, T > &a, const Chooser_ &c)
 Returns a series which describes the language of the automaton.
template<typename A, typename T>
void vcsn::backward_realtime_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 In place modification of the automaton to make it realtime.
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::backward_realtime (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Returns a fresh realtime automaton.
template<typename A, typename T, typename Exp>
void vcsn::berry_sethi (Element< A, T > &, const Exp &)
 Build an automaton from an expression using the Berry-Sethi construction.
template<typename A, typename T, typename Exp>
void vcsn::brzozowski (Element< A, T > &, const Exp &)
 Build an automaton from an expression using the Brzozowski construction.
template<typename A, typename T>
void vcsn::complement_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 Complement in place the set of final states.
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::complement (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Complement the set of final states.
template<typename A, typename T>
void vcsn::complete_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 Make the transition function of an automaton total w.r.t alphabet.
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::complete (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Make the transition function of an automaton total w.r.t alphabet.
template<class A, class T>
bool vcsn::is_complete (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Test if the transition function is complete for each state.
template<typename S, typename T>
Element< S, T > vcsn::composition_cover (const Element< S, T > &fmp)
 Facade for composition cover.
template<typename S, typename T>
void vcsn::composition_cover (const Element< S, T > &fmp, Element< S, T > &ret)
template<typename S, typename T>
Element< S, T > vcsn::composition_co_cover (const Element< S, T > &fmp)
 Facade for composition co-cover.
template<typename S, typename T>
void vcsn::composition_co_cover (const Element< S, T > &fmp, Element< S, T > &ret)
template<class A, class T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::concatenate (const Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, T > &rhs)
 Return the concatenation of two automata.
template<class A, class T>
void vcsn::concatenate_here (Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, T > &rhs)
 In place concatenation of two automata.
template<typename A, typename T, typename Exp>
void vcsn::derived_term_automaton (Element< A, T > &a, const Exp &e)
 Convert a krat expression into an automaton using derivatives.
template<typename A, typename T, typename Exp>
void vcsn::broken_derived_term_automaton (Element< A, T > &a, const Exp &e)
template<typename A, typename T, typename Exp>
Element< A, T > vcsn::derived_term_automaton (const Exp &e)
 Convert a krat expression into an automaton using derivatives.
template<typename A, typename T, typename Exp>
Element< A, T > vcsn::broken_derived_term_automaton (const Exp &e)
 Convert a krat expression into an automaton using derivatives.
template<typename A, typename T>
bool vcsn::is_deterministic (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Test if an automaton is deterministic.
template<typename A, typename T>
void vcsn::eps_removal_here (Element< A, T > &a, bool bck=true)
 In place eps_removal of an automaton (default is backward eps_removal).
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::eps_removal (const Element< A, T > &a, bool bck=true)
 Eps_Removal of an automaton (default is backward eps_removal).
template<typename A, typename T>
void vcsn::backward_eps_removal_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 In place backward eps_removal of an automaton.
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::backward_eps_removal (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Backward eps_removal of an automaton.
template<typename A, typename T>
void vcsn::forward_eps_removal_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 In place forward eps_removal of an automaton.
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::forward_eps_removal (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Forward eps_removal of an automaton.
template<typename A, typename T, typename W>
Element< A, T >::semiring_elt_t vcsn::eval (const Element< A, T > &a, const W &word)
 Return the image of a word by an automaton.
template<typename SA, typename TA, typename ST, typename TT, typename SARET, typename TARET>
void vcsn::evaluation (const Element< SA, TA > &, const Element< ST, TT > &, Element< SARET, TARET > &)
 Evaluate for a "letterized" automaton and a realtime transducer.
template<typename SA, typename TA, typename ST, typename TT, typename M>
void vcsn::partial_1 (const Element< SA, TA > &, const Element< ST, TT > &, M &)
template<typename SA, typename TA, typename ST, typename TT, typename Exp>
void vcsn::partial_2 (const Element< SA, TA > &, const Element< ST, TT > &, const hstate_t, Exp &)
template<typename SA, typename TA, typename ST, typename TT, typename M>
void vcsn::partial_3 (const Element< SA, TA > &, const Element< ST, TT > &, const hstate_t, M &)
template<typename SA, typename TA, typename ST, typename TT, typename SARET, typename TARET>
void vcsn::evaluation_fmp (const Element< ST, TT > &, const Element< SA, TA > &, Element< SARET, TARET > &)
 Evaluation over normalized and sub-normalized transducers, seen as automata over a free monoid product.
template<typename S, typename T>
S, T >::ret 
vcsn::extension (const Element< S, T > &)
 Extend an automaton to a transducer.
template<typename SA, typename TA, typename ST, typename TT>
Element< ST, TT > vcsn::extension (const Element< SA, TA > &, const Element< ST, TT > &)
 Extend an automaton to a transducer.
template<typename S, typename T, typename Ss, typename Ts>
void vcsn::finite_support_convert (Element< S, T > &dst, const Element< Ss, Ts > &org)
 Finite support conversion.
template<typename A, typename T>
void vcsn::forward_realtime_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 In place modification of the automaton to make it realtime.
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::forward_realtime (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Returns a fresh realtime automaton.
template<typename S, typename A>
bool vcsn::is_ambiguous (const Element< S, A > &aut)
 Test the ambiguity of automaton.
template<typename S, typename A>
bool vcsn::is_letterized_transducer (const Element< S, A > &t)
 Test the letter to letter features.
template<typename S, typename A>
bool vcsn::is_normalized_transducer (const Element< S, A > &t)
 Test the normalization of transducer.
template<typename A, typename T>
bool vcsn::are_isomorphic (const Element< A, T > &a, const Element< A, T > &b)
 Returns true if the two automata are isomorphic.
template<class Series, class T, class Letter>
Element< Series, T > vcsn::cderivate (const Element< Series, T > &exp, Letter a)
 The c-derivative of the krat expression w.r.t to a letter.
template<class Series, class T, class Word>
Element< Series, T > vcsn::word_cderivate (const Element< Series, T > &exp, Word a)
 The c-derivative of the krat expression w.r.t to a word.
template<class Series, class T>
std::pair< typename Element<
Series, T >::semiring_elt_t,
bool > 
vcsn::constant_term (const Element< Series, T > &exp)
 Return the constant term of the krat expression.
template<class Series, class T, class Letter>
std::pair< Element< Series,
T >, bool > 
vcsn::derivate (const Element< Series, T > &exp, Letter a)
 The antimirov derivative of the krat expression w.r.t to a letter.
template<class Series, class T, class Word>
std::pair< Element< Series,
T >, bool > 
vcsn::word_derivate (const Element< Series, T > &exp, Word a)
 The antimirov derivative of the krat expression w.r.t to a word.
template<class Series, class T>
std::list< typename Series::monoid_t::alphabet_t::letter_t > vcsn::flatten (const Element< Series, T > &exp)
 This algorithm extracts the letters from a rational expression.
template<class Series, class T>
linearize_element< Series,
T >::element_t 
vcsn::linearize (const Element< Series, T > &exp)
 The linearization of the krat expression.
template<class Series, class T, class Letter>
std::pair< std::set< Element<
Series, T > >, bool > 
vcsn::partial_derivate (const Element< Series, T > &exp, Letter a)
 The partial derivative of the krat expression w.r.t to a letter.
template<class S, class T>
Element< S, T > vcsn::letter_to_letter_composition (const Element< S, T > &lhs, const Element< S, T > &rhs)
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::minimization_hopcroft (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return the minimal automaton using the hopcroft algorithm.
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::quotient (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return the quotient of a non-deterministic acceptor.
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::minimization_moore (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Returns the minimal deterministic automaton associated to the input one.
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::co_minimization_moore (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Returns the co-minimal co-deterministic automaton associated to the input one.
template<typename A, typename T>
void vcsn::minimization_moore_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 Minimalize the deterministic input automaton.
template<typename A, typename T>
void vcsn::co_minimization_moore_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 Co-minimalize the co-deterministic input automaton.
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::normalize (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return the fresh thompson-normalized automaton.
template<typename A, typename T>
void vcsn::normalize_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 In-place normalize to the thompson form.
template<typename A, typename T>
bool vcsn::is_normalized (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return true if the input automaton is thompson-normalized.
template<typename A, typename T, typename U>
void vcsn::union_of_normalized_here (Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 Do the in-place union of two thompson-normalized automata.
template<typename A, typename T, typename U>
Element< A, T > vcsn::union_of_normalized (const Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 Return the fresh union of two thompson-normalized automata.
template<typename A, typename T, typename U>
void vcsn::concatenate_of_normalized_here (Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 Do the in-place concatenation of two thompson-normalized automata.
template<typename A, typename T, typename U>
Element< A, T > vcsn::concatenate_of_normalized (const Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 Return the fresh concatenation of two thompson-normalized automata.
template<typename A, typename T>
void vcsn::star_of_normalized_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 Do in-place star transformation on the thompson-normalized input.
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::star_of_normalized (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return the fresh star transformation of its normalized input.
template<typename S, typename T>
void vcsn::compose (const Element< S, T > &lhs, const Element< S, T > &rhs, Element< S, T > &ret)
 Facade for compose.
template<typename S, typename T>
Element< S, T > vcsn::compose (const Element< S, T > &lhs, const Element< S, T > &rhs)
 Composition for unweighted normalized and sub-normalized transducers, seen as automata over a free monoid product.
template<typename S, typename T>
void vcsn::u_compose (const Element< S, T > &lhs, const Element< S, T > &rhs, Element< S, T > &ret)
 Facade for unambiguous composition.
template<typename S, typename T>
Element< S, T > vcsn::u_compose (const Element< S, T > &lhs, const Element< S, T > &rhs)
 Unambiguous composition for unweighted normalized and sub-normalized transducers, seen as automata over a free monoid product.
template<class ST, class TT, class SA, class TA>
void vcsn::output_projection (const Element< ST, TT > &, Element< SA, TA > &)
template<class S, class T>
S, T >::ret 
vcsn::output_projection (const Element< S, T > &, std::map< hstate_t, hstate_t > &m)
template<class S, class T>
S, T >::ret 
vcsn::output_projection (const Element< S, T > &)
template<class S, class T>
input_projection_helper< S,
T >::ret 
vcsn::input_projection (const Element< S, T > &)
template<typename A, typename T>
void vcsn::realtime_here (Element< A, T > &a, realtime_type type)
 In place modification of the automaton to make it realtime.
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::realtime (const Element< A, T > &a, realtime_type type)
 Returns a fresh realtime automaton.
template<typename S, typename T>
void vcsn::realtime_composition (const Element< S, T > &, const Element< S, T > &, Element< S, T > &)
 Composition for realtime transducers.
template<typename S, typename T>
Element< S, T > vcsn::realtime_composition (const Element< S, T > &, const Element< S, T > &)
 Composition for realtime transducers.
template<typename S, typename T>
Element< S, T > vcsn::realtime (const Element< S, T > &e)
 Calls the do_realtime function for rational expression or automata.
template<typename S, typename T>
void vcsn::realtime_here (Element< S, T > &e)
 Calls the do_realtime_here function for rational expression or automata.
template<typename S, typename T>
bool vcsn::is_realtime (const Element< S, T > &e)
 Test whether an automaton or a regular expression is realtime.
template<class InputIterator, class FoundFunctor, class Series, class T>
void vcsn::search (const Element< Automata< Series >, T > &a, const InputIterator &begin, const InputIterator &end, typename Element< Automata< Series >, T >::letter_t eol, FoundFunctor &f)
 Search for a rational expression into a text.
template<class Series, class T, class StatesSet>
static unsigned int vcsn::compute_distances (const Element< Automata< Series >, T > &a, std::vector< StatesSet > &distances)
 Compute distances from initial states to final states.
template<class InputIterator, class Series, class T, class StatesSet>
static std::pair< bool, unsigned
int > 
vcsn::window_backsearch (const misc::Window< InputIterator, typename Element< Automata< Series >, T >::letter_t > &w, const Element< Automata< Series >, T > &a, const std::vector< StatesSet > &distances)
 Back search inside a window.
template<class InputIterator, class FoundFunctor, class Series, class T>
static InputIterator vcsn::confirm_and_report_match (const misc::Window< InputIterator, typename Element< Automata< Series >, T >::letter_t > &w, const Element< Automata< Series >, T > &a, FoundFunctor &f)
 Finds the longest match of a starting from w, and report it to the functor.
template<typename A, typename T>
void vcsn::standardize (Element< A, T > &a)
 Returns a standard automaton associated to the input.
template<typename A, typename T>
bool vcsn::is_standard (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Returns true if the input automaton is standard.
template<typename A, typename T, typename U>
void vcsn::union_of_standard_here (Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 In-place union of two standard automata.
template<typename A, typename T, typename U>
Element< A, T > vcsn::union_of_standard (const Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 Return a fresh union of two standard automata.
template<typename A, typename T, typename U>
void vcsn::concat_of_standard_here (Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 In-place concatenation of two standard automata.
template<typename A, typename T, typename U>
Element< A, T > vcsn::concat_of_standard (const Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 Return a fresh concatenation of two standard automata.
template<typename A, typename T>
void vcsn::star_of_standard_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 In-place star transformation of a standard automata.
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::star_of_standard (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return the fresh star transformation of a standard automata.
template<typename A, typename T, typename Exp>
void vcsn::standard_of (Element< A, T > &a, const Exp &e)
 Convert a rational expression into a standard automaton.
template<typename A, typename T, typename Exp>
Element< A, T > vcsn::standard_of (const Exp &e)
 Convert a rational expression into a standard automaton.
template<typename A, typename T, typename StatesSet>
Element< A, T > vcsn::sub_automaton (const Element< A, T > &a, const StatesSet &s, bool check_states=true)
 Returns a fresh automaton that is the sub-automaton defined by a set.
template<typename A, typename T, typename StatesSet>
void vcsn::sub_automaton_here (Element< A, T > &a, const StatesSet &s, bool check_states=true)
 Select a sub-automaton into a given automaton.
template<class S, class T>
Element< S, T > vcsn::sub_normalize (const Element< S, T > &a)
 Sub-normalize a FMP transducer.
template<class S, class T1, class T2>
void vcsn::sub_normalize (const Element< S, T1 > &a, Element< S, T2 > &res)
 Sub-normalize a FMP transducer.
template<class S, class T>
void vcsn::sub_normalize_here (Element< S, T > &a)
 Sub-normalize a FMP transducer, in place version.
template<class S, class T>
bool vcsn::is_sub_normalized (const Element< S, T > &a)
 Check if a FMP transducer is sub-normalized.
template<typename A, typename T, typename U>
void vcsn::sum_here (Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 In place summing of two automata.
template<typename A, typename T, typename U>
Element< A, T > vcsn::sum (const Element< A, T > &lhs, const Element< A, U > &rhs)
 Summing of two automata.
template<typename A, typename T, typename Letter, typename Weight>
void vcsn::thompson_of (Element< A, T > &out, const rat::exp< Letter, Weight > &kexp)
 The Thompson automaton associated to the krat expression.
template<class AutoType, class S, class T>
Element< Automata< S >, AutoType > vcsn::thompson_of (const Element< S, T > &exp)
 The Thompson automaton associated to the krat expression.
template<typename lhs_t, typename rhs_t>
void vcsn::transpose (lhs_t &dst, const rhs_t &from)
 Transposition of an automaton.
template<typename auto_t>
auto_t vcsn::transpose (const auto_t &from)
 Return a fresh transposed automaton.
template<typename A, typename T>
std::set< hstate_t > vcsn::useful_states (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Returns a useful states of the automaton (start reachable and final co-).
template<typename A, typename T>
Element< A, T > vcsn::trim (const Element< A, T > &a)
 Return a fresh automaton in which non useful states are removed.
template<typename A, typename T>
void vcsn::trim_here (Element< A, T > &a)
 Trim a.

Function Documentation

std::set< hstate_t > accessible_states const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Return accessible states.

This functions returns the accessible states set of its input automaton.

a The input automaton.
See also:
accessible(), coaccessible(), coaccessible_states()

Definition at line 87 of file accessible.hxx.

References vcsn::do_accessible_states(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::accessible(), vcsn::accessible_here(), vcsn::do_coaccessible_states(), and vcsn::do_useful_states().

Element< A, T > accessible const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Extract the sub-automaton composed of accessible states.

This function returns a fresh sub-automaton of its input containing only accessible states.

a The input automaton.
See also:
accessible_here(), accessible_states(), coaccessible(), coaccessible_states()

Definition at line 101 of file accessible.hxx.

References vcsn::accessible_states(), and vcsn::sub_automaton().

void accessible_here Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

In-place extract the sub-automaton of accessible states.

This function computes the sub-autmaton of accessible states from its input automaton. The operation is performed in-place.

a An in/out parameter which contains the automaton to work on as input and the result as output.
See also:
accessible(), accessible_states(), coaccessible(), coaccessible_states()

Definition at line 94 of file accessible.hxx.

References vcsn::accessible_states(), and vcsn::sub_automaton_here().

Referenced by vcsn::do_in_standardize().

std::set< hstate_t > coaccessible_states const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Return co-accessible states.

This functions returns the co-accessible states set of its input automaton, i.e. states which are accessible from final states.

a The input automaton.
See also:
coaccessible(), accessible(), accessible_states()

Definition at line 122 of file accessible.hxx.

References vcsn::do_coaccessible_states(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::coaccessible(), vcsn::coaccessible_here(), and vcsn::do_useful_states().

Element< A, T > coaccessible const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Extract the sub-automaton composed of co-accessible states.

This function returns a fresh sub-automaton of its input containing only co-accessible states, i.e. states which are accessible from final states.

a The input automaton.
See also:
coaccessible_here(), coaccessible_states(), accessible(), accessible_states()

Definition at line 129 of file accessible.hxx.

References vcsn::coaccessible_states(), and vcsn::sub_automaton().

void coaccessible_here Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

In-place extract the sub-automaton of co-accessible states.

This function computes the sub-autmaton of co-accessible states from its input automaton. The operation is performed in-place.

a An in/out parameter which contains the automaton to work on as input and the result as output.
See also:
coaccessible(), coaccessible_states(), accessible(), accessible_states()

Definition at line 136 of file accessible.hxx.

References vcsn::coaccessible_states(), and vcsn::sub_automaton_here().

Element< A, T >::series_set_elt_t aut_to_exp const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Returns a series which describes the language of the automaton.

This algorithm works on every kind of series. However, if, during the computation, it must take the star of it, it can fail. By passing a "generalized" automaton, that is an automaton with rational expression as label, you will be sure to have the algorithm succeed since we can always take the star of a rational expression.

a The automaton to convert.
A rational series that describes the language of the automaton.
See also:

Definition at line 398 of file aut_to_exp.hxx.

Referenced by vcsn::do_partial_2().

Element< A, T >::series_set_elt_t aut_to_exp const Element< A, T > &  a,
const Chooser_ &  c

Returns a series which describes the language of the automaton.

This algorithm works on every kind of series. However, if, during the computation, it must take the star of it, it can fail. By passing a "generalized" automaton, that is an automaton with rational expression as label, you will be sure to have the algorithm succeed since we can always take the star of a rational expression.

a The automaton to work on.
c An object-function that returns the next state to remove from the current state and the automaton.
A rational series that describes the language of the automaton.
See also:

Definition at line 390 of file aut_to_exp.hxx.

References vcsn::do_in_aut_to_exp(), and Element::structure().

void backward_realtime_here Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

In place modification of the automaton to make it realtime.

This function make an automaton realtime, using backward version of eps_removal for building.

a The automaton to make realtime.
See also:
realtime(), backward_realtime(), forward_realtime_here()

Definition at line 235 of file backward_realtime.hxx.

References vcsn::do_backward_realtime_here(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::do_realtime_here().

Element< A, T > backward_realtime const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Returns a fresh realtime automaton.

This fonction build a fresh realtime automaton from those given, using backward version of eps_removal.

a The automaton to make realtime.
See also:
realtime(), backward_realtime_here(), forward_realtime()

Definition at line 251 of file backward_realtime.hxx.

References vcsn::do_backward_realtime(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::do_realtime().

void complement_here Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Complement in place the set of final states.

a The deterministic Boolean automaton to complement.
The input automaton must be complete and deterministic.
See also:
Yann Régis-Gianas

Definition at line 38 of file complement.hxx.

References vcsn::is_complete(), vcsn::is_deterministic(), and precondition.

Referenced by vcsn::complement().

Element< A, T > complement const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Complement the set of final states.

a the deterministic Boolean automaton to complement.
the input automaton must be complete and deterministic.
See also:
Yann Régis-Gianas

Definition at line 57 of file complement.hxx.

References vcsn::complement_here().

void complete_here Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Make the transition function of an automaton total w.r.t alphabet.

This algorithm works in place.
a the deterministic and Boolean automaton to complete.
See also:
complete(), is_complete()
Yann Régis-Gianas

Definition at line 36 of file complete.hxx.

References Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::complete().

Element< A, T > complete const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Make the transition function of an automaton total w.r.t alphabet.

This algorithm returns a fresh automaton.
a the deterministic and Boolean automaton to complete.
See also:
complete_here(), is_complete()
Yann Régis-Gianas

Definition at line 73 of file complete.hxx.

References vcsn::complete_here().

bool is_complete const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Test if the transition function is complete for each state.

a The Boolean automaton to test.
true if the transition function of e is complete w.r.t alphabet.
See also:
complete(), complete_here()
Yann Régis-Gianas

Definition at line 86 of file complete.hxx.

References Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::complement_here().

Element< A, T > concatenate const Element< A, T > &  lhs,
const Element< A, T > &  rhs

Return the concatenation of two automata.

This function produces a new automata that realizes L(lhs).L(rhs).

lhs The first automaton.
rhs The second automaton.
See also:
A fresh automaton that is the concatenation of lhs and rhs.

Definition at line 59 of file concatenate.hxx.

References vcsn::do_auto_in_concat(), and Element::structure().

void concatenate_here Element< A, T > &  lhs,
const Element< A, T > &  rhs

In place concatenation of two automata.

This function modifies lhs to concatenate the language L(rhs) to its language.

It returns the concatenation of two automata using epsilon transitions.

lhs The first automaton.
rhs The second automaton.
See also:
Yann Regis-Gianas.

Definition at line 68 of file concatenate.hxx.

References vcsn::do_auto_in_concat(), and Element::structure().

void derived_term_automaton Element< A, T > &  a,
const Exp &  e

Convert a krat expression into an automaton using derivatives.

This algorithm produces an automaton from an expression using the Brzozowski construction. This construction involves multiple derivations on the initial expression.

a An automaton to store the results.
e The expression to convert.
'a' is generally an empty automaton. It enables the choice of the series to work with. Thus, the series can be different from the expresion ones.

Definition at line 164 of file derived_term_automaton.hxx.

References vcsn::do_derived_term_automaton().

Element< A, T > derived_term_automaton const Exp &  e  ) 

Convert a krat expression into an automaton using derivatives.

e The expression to convert.
A fresh automaton which recognizes the language denoted by 'e'.
The series of the expression are used to define the automaton.

Definition at line 173 of file derived_term_automaton.hxx.

References vcsn::do_derived_term_automaton().

Element< A, T > broken_derived_term_automaton const Exp &  e  ) 

Convert a krat expression into an automaton using derivatives.

Derivations are first performed on the starting expression with the following formulae: d(0)={0}, d(1)={1}, d(a)={a} for all a in the alphabet, d(E+F)=d(E) union d(F), d(E.F)=[d(E)].F, d(E*)={E*}

e The expression to convert.
A fresh automaton which recognizes the language denoted by 'e'.
The series of the expression are used to define the automaton.

Definition at line 216 of file derived_term_automaton.hxx.

References vcsn::do_broken_derived_term_automaton().

Element< A, T > determinize const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Returns the determinized of a Boolean automaton.

a The Boolean automaton to determinize.
A fresh Boolean automaton that is the determinization of 'a'.

Definition at line 156 of file determinize.hxx.

Element< A, T > determinize const Element< A, T > &  a,
std::map< hstate_t, std::set< hstate_t > > & 

Returns the determinized of a Boolean automaton.

a The Boolean automaton to determinize.
A fresh Boolean automaton that is the determinization of 'a'.

Definition at line 164 of file determinize.hxx.

References vcsn::do_determinize(), and Element::structure().

bool is_deterministic const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Test if an automaton is deterministic.

a A Boolean automaton.
true if 'a' is deterministic.

Definition at line 236 of file determinize.hxx.

References vcsn::do_is_deterministic(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::complement_here().

void eps_removal_here Element< A, T > &  a,
bool  bck = true

In place eps_removal of an automaton (default is backward eps_removal).

This algorithm completes in place the given automaton to make it close over epsilon transition.

It is based on the Floyd/McNaughton/Yamada algorithm.

a The weighted automaton to close.
bck The type of eps_removal to call (true is backward, false is forward).
See also:
eps_removal(), forward_eps_removal(), forward_eps_removal_here(), backward_eps_removal(), backward_eps_removal_here()
Sylvain Lombardy

Definition at line 178 of file eps_removal.hxx.

References vcsn::do_eps_removal_here(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::do_compose(), and vcsn::do_u_compose().

Element< A, T > eps_removal const Element< A, T > &  a,
bool  bck = true

Eps_Removal of an automaton (default is backward eps_removal).

This algorithm completes the given automaton into a copy to make it close over epsilon transition.

It is based on the Floyd/McNaughton/Yamada algorithm.

a The weighted automaton to close.
bck The type of eps_removal to call (true is backward, false is forward).
See also:
eps_removal_here(), forward_eps_removal(), forward_eps_removal_here(), backward_eps_removal(), backward_eps_removal_here()
Sylvain Lombardy

Definition at line 185 of file eps_removal.hxx.

References vcsn::do_eps_removal_here(), and Element::structure().

void backward_eps_removal_here Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

In place backward eps_removal of an automaton.

This algorithm completes in place the given automaton to make it close over epsilon transition.

It is based on the Floyd/McNaughton/Yamada algorithm.

a The weighted automaton to close.
See also:
backward_eps_removal(), eps_removal_here(), eps_removal(), forward_eps_removal_here(), forward_eps_removal()
Sylvain Lombardy

Definition at line 194 of file eps_removal.hxx.

References vcsn::do_eps_removal_here(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::do_backward_realtime_here().

Element< A, T > backward_eps_removal const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Backward eps_removal of an automaton.

This algorithm completes in place the given automaton to make it close over epsilon transition.

It is based on the Floyd/McNaughton/Yamada algorithm.

a The weighted automaton to close.
See also:
backward_eps_removal_here(), eps_removal(), eps_removal_here(), forward_eps_removal(), forward_eps_removal_here()
Sylvain Lombardy

Definition at line 201 of file eps_removal.hxx.

References vcsn::do_eps_removal_here(), and Element::structure().

void forward_eps_removal_here Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

In place forward eps_removal of an automaton.

This algorithm completes in place the given automaton to make it close over epsilon transition.

It is based on the Floyd/McNaughton/Yamada algorithm.

a The weighted automaton to close.
See also:
forward_eps_removal(), eps_removal_here(), eps_removal(), backward_eps_removal_here(), backward_eps_removal()
Sylvain Lombardy

Definition at line 210 of file eps_removal.hxx.

References vcsn::do_eps_removal_here(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::do_forward_realtime_here().

Element< A, T > forward_eps_removal const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Forward eps_removal of an automaton.

This algorithm completes in place the given automaton to make it close over epsilon transition.

It is based on the Floyd/McNaughton/Yamada algorithm.

a The weighted automaton to close.
See also:
forward_eps_removal_here(), eps_removal(), eps_removal_here(), backward_eps_removal(), backward_eps_removal_here()
Sylvain Lombardy

Definition at line 217 of file eps_removal.hxx.

References vcsn::do_eps_removal_here(), and Element::structure().

Element< A, T >::semiring_elt_t eval const Element< A, T > &  a,
const W &  word

Return the image of a word by an automaton.

eval(a, w) returns a series that is the image of the word 'w' in the automaton. This version of computation is the most general one : it works on every types of automaton, deterministic or not. Yet, the automaton must be realtime.

Definition at line 105 of file eval.hxx.

References Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::VCSN_CONTEXT_NAMESPACE::do_evaluation(), and vcsn::op_series_get().

void vcsn::evaluation_fmp const Element< ST, TT > &  ,
const Element< SA, TA > &  ,
Element< SARET, TARET > & 

Evaluation over normalized and sub-normalized transducers, seen as automata over a free monoid product.


Referenced by vcsn::VCSN_CONTEXT_NAMESPACE::do_evaluation().

identity_transducer_helper< S, T >::ret extension const Element< S, T > &   ) 

Extend an automaton to a transducer.

Extend an automaton to a transducer whose multiplicity is the series of the automaton.

Definition at line 96 of file extension.hxx.

References vcsn::do_extension(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::do_evaluation(), vcsn::do_partial_1(), and vcsn::do_partial_2().

Element< ST, TT > extension const Element< SA, TA > &  ,
const Element< ST, TT > & 

Extend an automaton to a transducer.

Extend an automaton to a transducer whose set is the one of another transducer passed in the second argument. This extension is required if we want to make a product of an automaton with a transducer. If this is not the case, we need simply call extension(automaton_t) above.

Definition at line 171 of file extension.hxx.

References vcsn::do_extension(), and Element::structure().

void finite_support_convert Element< S, T > &  dst,
const Element< Ss, Ts > &  org

Finite support conversion.

This algorithm copies the value of a finite support application to another, possibly changing its type.

org The source application to convert.
dst The destination application.

Definition at line 29 of file finite_support_conversion.hxx.

References precondition, and Element::structure().

Referenced by usual_converter_poly::operator()().

vcsn::Element< SS, TT > & fmp_to_realtime const Element< S, T > &  fmp,
Element< SS, TT > &  res

Compute the equivalent transducer of a FMP automaton.

Please note that for the moment this function works only if the support of each transition is finite.

Algorithm : If the FMP contains transitions with "complex" expression (E), i.e. infinite support, then Thompson of E. With the resulting automaton apply a conversion. i.e. (a,x) -> a|x

Definition at line 195 of file fmp_to_realtime.hxx.

References vcsn::do_fmp_to_realtime(), and Element::structure().

void forward_realtime_here Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

In place modification of the automaton to make it realtime.

This function make an automaton realtime, using forward version of eps_removal for building.

a The automaton to make realtime.
See also:
realtime(), forward_realtime(), backward_realtime_here()

Definition at line 120 of file forward_realtime.hxx.

References vcsn::do_forward_realtime_here(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::do_realtime_here().

Element< A, T > forward_realtime const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Returns a fresh realtime automaton.

This fonction build a fresh realtime automaton from those given, using forward version of eps_removal.

a The automaton to make realtime.
See also:
realtime(), forward_realtime_here(), backward_realtime()

Definition at line 137 of file forward_realtime.hxx.

References vcsn::do_forward_realtime(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::do_realtime().

bool vcsn::is_ambiguous const Element< S, A > &  aut  ) 

Test the ambiguity of automaton.

A trim automaton A is ambiguous if there exists a word f which is the label of two distinct accepting paths A.
aut The automaton to test.
true if the automaton is ambiguous.

bool is_letterized_transducer const Element< S, A > &  t  ) 

Test the letter to letter features.

t The transducer to test.
true if the transducer is letter to letter.

Definition at line 50 of file is_letterized.hxx.

References vcsn::do_is_letterized_transducer(), and Element::structure().

bool is_normalized_transducer const Element< S, A > &  t  ) 

Test the normalization of transducer.

t The transducer to test.
true if the transducer is normalized.

Definition at line 50 of file is_normalized.hxx.

References vcsn::do_is_normalized_transducer(), and Element::structure().

std::list< typename Series::monoid_t::alphabet_t::letter_t > flatten const Element< Series, T > &  exp  ) 

This algorithm extracts the letters from a rational expression.

The flatten() function extracts the letters of a rational expression, keeping the order in which they appear in the expression. The result is just a std::list of letters, with letters having the same type as the expression's letter, i.e. Element<S, T>::monoid_elt_t::set_t::alphabet_t::letter_t.

exp The expression to work on.
Thomas Claveirole <>

Definition at line 123 of file krat_exp_flatten.hxx.

References KRatExpFlatten::flatten().

Element< A, T > minimization_hopcroft const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Return the minimal automaton using the hopcroft algorithm.

a The deterministic Boolean automaton to minimize.
A fresh automaton that is the canonical minimal automaton of 'a'.

Definition at line 307 of file minimization_hopcroft.hxx.

References vcsn::do_hopcroft_minimization_det().

Element< A, T > quotient const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Return the quotient of a non-deterministic acceptor.

This algorithms works with both Boolean and weighted automata.

a The automaton to minimize.
A fresh automaton that is the quotient of 'a'.

Definition at line 861 of file minimization_hopcroft.hxx.

References vcsn::do_quotient(), and SELECT.

Referenced by vcsn::VCSN_CONTEXT_NAMESPACE::do_evaluation().

Element< A, T > minimization_moore const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Returns the minimal deterministic automaton associated to the input one.

Use Moore's algorithm to compute the minimal equivalent deterministic automaton. The complexity of this algorithm is O(n2). See minimize_hopcroft for O(nlogn).

See also:
Put the precondition.

Definition at line 250 of file minimization_moore.hxx.

References Element::structure().

Element< A, T > co_minimization_moore const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Returns the co-minimal co-deterministic automaton associated to the input one.

Use Moore's algorithm to compute the minimal equivalent co-deterministic automaton. The complexity of this algorithm is O(n2).

See also:
Put the precondition.

Definition at line 269 of file minimization_moore.hxx.

References Element::structure().

void minimization_moore_here Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Minimalize the deterministic input automaton.

Use Moore's algorithm to minimalize (in place) the input automaton. The complexity of this algorithm is O(n2). See minimize_hopcroft for O(nlogn).

See also:

Definition at line 240 of file minimization_moore.hxx.

References Element::structure().

void co_minimization_moore_here Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Co-minimalize the co-deterministic input automaton.

Use Moore's algorithm to co-minimalize (in place) the input automaton. The complexity of this algorithm is O(n2). See minimize_hopcroft for O(nlogn).

See also:

Definition at line 259 of file minimization_moore.hxx.

References Element::structure().

Element< A, T > normalize const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Return the fresh thompson-normalized automaton.

This function returns the thompson-normalized automaton corresponding to its input.

a The automaton to normalize.
See also:
normalize_here(), is_normalized(), union_of_normalized(), concatenate_of_normalized(), star_of_normalized().

Definition at line 60 of file normalized.hxx.

References vcsn::do_normalize_here(), and Element::structure().

void normalize_here Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

In-place normalize to the thompson form.

This function performs the in-place thompson-normalization of its input.

a An in/out parameter containing the automaton to normalize as input, and the normalized automaton as output.
See also:
normalize, is_normalized(), union_of_normalized(), concatenate_of_normalized(), star_of_normalized().

Definition at line 69 of file normalized.hxx.

References vcsn::do_normalize_here(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::do_in_aut_to_exp(), and vcsn::do_invert_rw().

bool is_normalized const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Return true if the input automaton is thompson-normalized.

This function indicates whether its input automaton is thompson-normalized or not.

a The automaton to test.
See also:
normalize(), union_of_normalized(), concatenate_of_normalized(), star_of_normalized().

Definition at line 160 of file normalized.hxx.

References vcsn::do_is_normalized(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::do_in_aut_to_exp(), and vcsn::do_is_normalized_transducer().

void union_of_normalized_here Element< A, T > &  lhs,
const Element< A, U > &  rhs

Do the in-place union of two thompson-normalized automata.

This function performs the in-place union of two thompson-normalized automata. The result is thompson-normalized.

lhs An in/out parameter which is the left hand side of the union as input, and the operation result as output.
rhs Right hand side of the union.
See also:
union_of_normalized(), concatenate_of_normalized(), star_of_normalized(), normalize(), is_normalized().

Definition at line 116 of file normalized.hxx.

References vcsn::do_union_of_normalized_here(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by ThompsonVisitor::sum().

Element< A, T > union_of_normalized const Element< A, T > &  lhs,
const Element< A, U > &  rhs

Return the fresh union of two thompson-normalized automata.

This function returns a fresh automaton which is the union of input automata. It is thompson-normalized.

lhs Left hand side of the union.
rhs Right hand side of the union.
See also:
union_of_normalized_here(), concatenate_of_normalized(), star_of_normalized(), normalize(), is_normalized().

Definition at line 125 of file normalized.hxx.

References vcsn::do_union_of_normalized_here(), and Element::structure().

void concatenate_of_normalized_here Element< A, T > &  lhs,
const Element< A, U > &  rhs

Do the in-place concatenation of two thompson-normalized automata.

This function performs the in-place concatenation of two thompson-normalized automata. The result is thompson-normalized.

lhs An in/out parameter which is the left hand side of the concatenation as input, and the operation result as output.
rhs Right hand side of the concatenation.
See also:
concatenate_of_normalized(), union_of_normalized(), star_of_normalized(), normalize(), is_normalized().

Definition at line 241 of file normalized.hxx.

References vcsn::do_concatenate_of_normalized_here(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by ThompsonVisitor::product().

Element< A, T > concatenate_of_normalized const Element< A, T > &  lhs,
const Element< A, U > &  rhs

Return the fresh concatenation of two thompson-normalized automata.

This function returns a fresh automaton which is the concatenation of input automata. It is thompson-normalized.

lhs Left hand side of the concatenation.
rhs Right hand side of the concatenation.
See also:
concatenate_of_normalized_here(), union_of_normalized(), star_of_normalized(), normalize, is_normalized().

Definition at line 250 of file normalized.hxx.

References vcsn::do_concatenate_of_normalized_here(), and Element::structure().

void star_of_normalized_here Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Do in-place star transformation on the thompson-normalized input.

This function performs the in-place star transformation of a thompson-normalized automaton. The result is thompson-normalized.

a An in/out parameter which is the automaton to transform as input, and the operation result as output.
See also:
star_of_normalized(), concatenate_of_normalized(), union_of_normalized(), normalize(), is_normalized().

Definition at line 286 of file normalized.hxx.

References vcsn::do_star_of_normalized_here(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by ThompsonVisitor::star().

Element< A, T > star_of_normalized const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Return the fresh star transformation of its normalized input.

This function performs a star transformation on its input, and returns it as a fresh automaton. The input must be thompson-normalized, and the result is thompson-normalized.

a The automaton to run star transformation on.
See also:
star_of_normalized_here(), concatenate_of_normalized(), union_of_normalized(), normalize(), is_normalized().

Definition at line 293 of file normalized.hxx.

References vcsn::do_star_of_normalized_here(), and Element::structure().

void compose const Element< S, T > &  lhs,
const Element< S, T > &  rhs,
Element< S, T > &  ret

Facade for compose.

lhs The left hand side transducer.
rhs The right hand side transducer.
ret The result transducer.

Definition at line 416 of file normalized_composition.hxx.

References vcsn::do_compose(), SELECT, and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::do_evaluation_fmp().

Element< S, T > compose const Element< S, T > &  lhs,
const Element< S, T > &  rhs

Composition for unweighted normalized and sub-normalized transducers, seen as automata over a free monoid product.

lhs The left hand side transducer.
rhs The right hand side transducer.
ret The result transducer.

Definition at line 436 of file normalized_composition.hxx.

References vcsn::do_compose(), SELECT, and Element::structure().

void u_compose const Element< S, T > &  lhs,
const Element< S, T > &  rhs,
Element< S, T > &  ret

Facade for unambiguous composition.

lhs The left hand side transducer.
rhs The right hand side transducer.
ret The result transducer.

Definition at line 471 of file normalized_composition.hxx.

References vcsn::do_u_compose(), SELECT, and Element::structure().

Element< S, T > u_compose const Element< S, T > &  lhs,
const Element< S, T > &  rhs

Unambiguous composition for unweighted normalized and sub-normalized transducers, seen as automata over a free monoid product.

lhs The left hand side transducer.
rhs The right hand side transducer.
ret The result transducer.

Definition at line 489 of file normalized_composition.hxx.

References vcsn::do_u_compose(), SELECT, and Element::structure().

void realtime_here Element< A, T > &  a,
realtime_type  type

In place modification of the automaton to make it realtime.

This algorithm makes an automaton realtime. It calls forward_realtime or backward_realtime according to type given. The type may not be precised, it is the forward_realtime which is used by default.

a The automaton to make realtime.
type The type of algorithm used.
See also:
realtime(), forward_realtime_here(), backward_realtime_here()

Definition at line 65 of file realtime.hxx.

References vcsn::do_realtime_here(), and Element::structure().

Element< A, T > realtime const Element< A, T > &  a,
realtime_type  type

Returns a fresh realtime automaton.

As realtime_here, it build a realtime automaton, but it returns a new one instead of changing the given one.

a The automaton to make realtime.
type The type of algorithm used.
See also:
realtime_here(), forward_realtime(), backward_realtime()

Definition at line 88 of file realtime.hxx.

References vcsn::do_realtime(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::do_broken_derived_term_automaton(), vcsn::do_derived_term_automaton(), and vcsn::VCSN_CONTEXT_NAMESPACE::do_evaluation().

Element< S, T > realtime const Element< S, T > &  e  ) 

Calls the do_realtime function for rational expression or automata.

This function is a wrapper which select a realtime either from realtime.hh or from krat_exp_realtime.hh.

When called upon an automaton, this function uses the functions declared in realtime.hh to make this automaton realtime using the forward_realtime() algorithm.

When called with a rational expression, a function from krat_exp_realtime.hh is selected to expand words in the expression as a product of a letter.

See also:
krat_exp_realtime.hh, realtime.hh

Definition at line 26 of file realtime_decl.hxx.

References vcsn::do_realtime(), and Element::structure().

void realtime_here Element< S, T > &  e  ) 

Calls the do_realtime_here function for rational expression or automata.

This function is a wrapper which select a realtime either from realtime.hh or from krat_exp_realtime.hh.

It behaves exactly as realtime(), but do the operation in place.

See also:

Definition at line 33 of file realtime_decl.hxx.

References vcsn::do_realtime_here(), and Element::structure().

bool is_realtime const Element< S, T > &  e  ) 

Test whether an automaton or a regular expression is realtime.

This function returns true if the input is realtime.

e The automaton or regular expression to test.
See also:

Definition at line 40 of file realtime_decl.hxx.

References vcsn::do_is_realtime(), and Element::structure().

vcsn::Element< SS, TT > & realtime_to_fmp const Element< S, T > &  trans,
Element< SS, TT > &  res

Compute the equivalent FMP automaton of a transducer.

Please note that for the moment this function works only if the support of each transition is finite.

Preconditions : The transducer is realtime. The weight of each transition must have a finite support.

Definition at line 235 of file realtime_to_fmp.hxx.

References vcsn::do_realtime_to_fmp(), and Element::structure().

void search const Element< Automata< Series >, T > &  a,
const InputIterator &  begin,
const InputIterator &  end,
typename Element< Automata< Series >, T >::letter_t  eol,
FoundFunctor &  f

Search for a rational expression into a text.

This function searches a rational expression into a text, given a iterator on the text and an automaton which recognizes the corresponding langage. The result cannot spread over two lines.

a The automaton which recognizes the searched words.
begin An input iterator to the begining of the text.
end An iterator to the end of the text.
eol The character to use for ending a line.
f A functor with an operator () method taking 3 InputIterator as argument which will be called each time a match is found. the first one points to the begining of the stream. The two following ones are respectively the first and the last position of the match in the stream.
Thomas Claveirole <>
Multiple implementations of search() should be implemented. When a call to search is performed an heuristic should decide which implementation to use. For the moment there is no such mechanism since only one implementation of search is provided.

Definition at line 31 of file search.hxx.

Referenced by FindBestSearch::search().

static unsigned int vcsn::compute_distances const Element< Automata< Series >, T > &  a,
std::vector< StatesSet > &  distances

Compute distances from initial states to final states.

For each i, compute the set of states reachable in i steps or less. the result is stored into a vector of set of states distances[i]. This algorithm stops when it first encounter a final state. The last i value is returned.

Definition at line 65 of file search.hxx.

References precondition.

Referenced by WindowedBackSearch::search().

static std::pair<bool, unsigned int> vcsn::window_backsearch const misc::Window< InputIterator, typename Element< Automata< Series >, T >::letter_t > &  w,
const Element< Automata< Series >, T > &  a,
const std::vector< StatesSet > &  distances

Back search inside a window.

Returns whether the window is a potential match for the given automaton or not as the first element of the pair. The second element is the maximal value we can use to shift the window without skipping matches.

w The window.
a The automaton to use.
distances Distances get from compute_distances().
See also:
search(), build_reverse_factor_automaton(), compute_distances()

Definition at line 123 of file search.hxx.

References precondition, and std::swap().

Referenced by WindowedBackSearch::search().

void standardize Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Returns a standard automaton associated to the input.

a The automaton to standardize
See also:
Not implemented yed

Definition at line 62 of file standard.hxx.

References vcsn::do_in_standardize(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::do_partial_elimination().

bool is_standard const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Returns true if the input automaton is standard.

a The automaton to test
See also:

Definition at line 166 of file standard.hxx.

References vcsn::do_is_standard(), and Element::structure().

void union_of_standard_here Element< A, T > &  lhs,
const Element< A, U > &  rhs

In-place union of two standard automata.

This function make the union of two standard automata. The result is a standard automaton.

lhs The first automaton (will contain the result)
rhs The second automaton
See also:
standardize(), is_standard(), union_of_standard()

Definition at line 122 of file standard.hxx.

References vcsn::do_union_of_standard_here(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by Standard_OfVisitor::MATCH__().

Element< A, T > union_of_standard const Element< A, T > &  lhs,
const Element< A, U > &  rhs

Return a fresh union of two standard automata.

As union_of_standard_here, this function build the union of two automatons, but it builds a new one.

lhs The first automaton
rhs The second automaton
See also:
standardize(), is_standard(), union_of_standard_here()

Definition at line 131 of file standard.hxx.

References vcsn::do_union_of_standard_here(), and Element::structure().

void concat_of_standard_here Element< A, T > &  lhs,
const Element< A, U > &  rhs

In-place concatenation of two standard automata.

This function make the concatenation of two standard automata. The result is a standard automaton.

lhs The first automaton (will contain the result)
rhs The second automaton
See also:
standardize(), is_standard(), concat_of_standard()

Definition at line 247 of file standard.hxx.

References vcsn::do_concat_of_standard_here(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by Standard_OfVisitor::MATCH__().

Element< A, T > concat_of_standard const Element< A, T > &  lhs,
const Element< A, U > &  rhs

Return a fresh concatenation of two standard automata.

As concat_of_standard_here, this function build the union of two automatons, but it builds a new one.

lhs The first automaton
rhs The second automaton
See also:
standardize(), is_standard(), concat_of_standard_here()

Definition at line 256 of file standard.hxx.

References vcsn::do_concat_of_standard_here(), and Element::structure().

void star_of_standard_here Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

In-place star transformation of a standard automata.

This function make the star transformation of a standard automaton, and replace those given by the result.

a The automaton to transform
See also:
standardize(), is_standard(), star_of_standard()

Definition at line 311 of file standard.hxx.

References vcsn::do_star_of_standard_here(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by Standard_OfVisitor::MATCH_().

Element< A, T > star_of_standard const Element< A, T > &  a  ) 

Return the fresh star transformation of a standard automata.

As star_of_standard_here, this function applies star on an automaton, but it build a new automaton.

a The automaton on which star must be applied.
See also:
standardize(), is_standard(), star_of_standard_here()

Definition at line 318 of file standard.hxx.

References vcsn::do_star_of_standard_here(), and Element::structure().

void standard_of Element< A, T > &  a,
const Exp &  e

Convert a rational expression into a standard automaton.

e The expression to convert.
a The automaton to store the result.
The automaton is used to enable the use of different series from the expression.

Definition at line 214 of file standard_of.hxx.

References vcsn::do_standard_of(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::do_cut_up(), vcsn::do_invert_rw(), vcsn::do_partial_evaluation(), vcsn::do_realtime_composition(), vcsn::op_series_get(), and vcsn::standard_of().

Element< A, T > standard_of const Exp &  e  ) 

Convert a rational expression into a standard automaton.

e The expression to convert.
A standard automaton.
The automaton is defined using the series of the expression.

Definition at line 222 of file standard_of.hxx.

References vcsn::standard_of().

Element< A, T > sub_automaton const Element< A, T > &  a,
const StatesSet &  s,
bool  check_states = true

Returns a fresh automaton that is the sub-automaton defined by a set.

a The automaton into which we have to extract the sub-automaton.
s The set of states of the sub-automaton included in the state of 'a'.
check_states A flag to enable/disable the inclusion checking.
A fresh sub-automaton.
See also:

Definition at line 58 of file sub_automaton.hxx.

References vcsn::do_sub_automaton_here(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::accessible(), vcsn::coaccessible(), and vcsn::trim().

void sub_automaton_here Element< A, T > &  a,
const StatesSet &  s,
bool  check_states = true

Select a sub-automaton into a given automaton.

a The automaton into which we have to extract the sub-automaton.
s The set of states of the sub-automaton included in the state of 'a'.
check_states A flag to enable/disable the inclusion checking.
See also:

Definition at line 66 of file sub_automaton.hxx.

References vcsn::do_sub_automaton_here(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::accessible_here(), vcsn::coaccessible_here(), vcsn::do_compose(), vcsn::do_u_compose(), and vcsn::trim_here().

Element< S, T > sub_normalize const Element< S, T > &  a  ) 

Sub-normalize a FMP transducer.

  • a Input automaton.
    Sub-normalized automaton.

Definition at line 216 of file sub_normalize.hxx.

References vcsn::do_sub_normalize(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::do_evaluation_fmp().

void vcsn::sub_normalize const Element< S, T1 > &  a,
Element< S, T2 > &  res

Sub-normalize a FMP transducer.

  • a Input automaton.
  • res Output automaton.

void sub_normalize_here Element< S, T > &  a  ) 

Sub-normalize a FMP transducer, in place version.

a Input automaton.

Definition at line 234 of file sub_normalize.hxx.

References vcsn::do_sub_normalize(), and Element::structure().

bool is_sub_normalized const Element< S, T > &  a  ) 

Check if a FMP transducer is sub-normalized.

  • a Input automaton.

Definition at line 240 of file sub_normalize.hxx.

References vcsn::do_is_sub_normalized(), and Element::structure().

void sum_here Element< A, T > &  lhs,
const Element< A, U > &  rhs

In place summing of two automata.

This function adds states and transitions of an automaton to states and transitions of a second automaton.

lhs Destination of the summing
rhs Source of summing
See also:

Definition at line 88 of file sum.hxx.

References vcsn::do_sum(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::do_union_of_normalized_here(), and vcsn::do_union_of_standard_here().

Element< A, T > sum const Element< A, T > &  lhs,
const Element< A, U > &  rhs

Summing of two automata.

This function returns the fresh union of two automata. It put transitions and states of the two automata together, and create a news one with the result.

lhs First automaton to sum
rhs Second automaton to sum
See also:

Definition at line 96 of file sum.hxx.

References vcsn::do_sum(), and Element::structure().

void thompson_of Element< A, T > &  out,
const rat::exp< Letter, Weight > &  kexp

The Thompson automaton associated to the krat expression.

This function build the automaton associated to the rational expression implemented by a krat_exp, using Thompson algorithm.

out The resulting automaton
kexp The rational expression

Definition at line 172 of file thompson.hxx.

References vcsn::do_thompson_of(), and Element::structure().

Referenced by vcsn::thompson_of().

Element< Automata< S >, AutoType > thompson_of const Element< S, T > &  exp  ) 

The Thompson automaton associated to the krat expression.

This function build the automaton associated to the rational expression implemented by a krat_exp, using Thompson algorithm. The kind of returned automaton is a default one.

exp The rational expression

Definition at line 180 of file thompson.hxx.

References AutoType, Element::structure(), vcsn::thompson_of(), and Element::value().

void transpose lhs_t &  dst,
const rhs_t &  from

Transposition of an automaton.

This function copy in dst the transposition of the automaton from.

from Automaton to transpose
dst Destination

Definition at line 27 of file algorithms/transpose.hxx.

References vcsn::auto_copy(), and vcsn::transpose_view().

auto_t transpose const auto_t &  from  ) 

Return a fresh transposed automaton.

This function returns the transposition of an automaton.

from Automaton to transpose.

Definition at line 34 of file algorithms/transpose.hxx.

References vcsn::transpose().

Generated on Sat Jul 29 17:28:30 2006 for Vaucanson by  doxygen 1.4.6