Vcsn  2.0
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vcsn::dyn Namespace Reference

FIXME: duplicate code with determinize. More...




struct  jit_error
 An exception suited for our compilation errors. More...


using automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::automaton_base >
using context = std::shared_ptr< const detail::context_base >
using expansion = std::shared_ptr< const detail::expansion_base >
using label = std::shared_ptr< const detail::label_base >
using polynomial = std::shared_ptr< const detail::polynomial_base >
using ratexp = std::shared_ptr< detail::ratexp_base >
using ratexpset = std::shared_ptr< const detail::ratexpset_base >
using weight = std::shared_ptr< const detail::weight_base >


automaton accessible (const automaton &aut)
 The accessible subautomaton of aut. More...
label ambiguous_word (const automaton &aut)
 An ambiguous word, or raise if there is none. More...
bool are_equivalent (const automaton &lhs, const automaton &rhs)
 Whether define the same language. More...
bool are_equivalent (const ratexp &lhs, const ratexp &rhs)
 Whether define the same language. More...
bool are_isomorphic (const automaton &lhs, const automaton &rhs)
 Whether there exists an isomorphism between the states of lhs and those of rhs. More...
automaton blind (automaton &aut, unsigned tape)
 Focus on a specific tape of a tupleset automaton. More...
automaton cerny (const context &ctx, unsigned num_states)
 Produce a Černý automaton of num_states states. More...
automaton chain (const automaton &aut, int min, int max)
 Repeated concatenation of aut with itself. More...
ratexp chain (const ratexp &e, int min, int max)
 Repeated concatenation of e with itself. More...
automaton coaccessible (const automaton &aut)
 The coaccessible subautomaton of aut. More...
automaton complement (const automaton &aut)
 The complement of aut. More...
ratexp complement (const ratexp &r)
 Add the complement operator to r. More...
automaton complete (const automaton &aut)
 A completed copy of aut. More...
automaton compose (automaton &lhs, automaton &rhs)
 The composition of transducers lhs and rhs. More...
automaton concatenate (const automaton &lhs, const automaton &rhs)
 Concatenate two standard automata. More...
polynomial concatenate (const polynomial &lhs, const polynomial &rhs)
 Concatenate two polynomials. More...
ratexp concatenate (const ratexp &lhs, const ratexp &rhs)
 Concatenate two ratexps. More...
ratexp conjunction (const ratexp &lhs, const ratexp &rhs)
 The Hadamard product of ratexps lhs and rhs. More...
weight constant_term (const ratexp &e)
 The weight associated to the empty word in e. More...
context context_of (const automaton &a)
 The context of this automaton. More...
context context_of (const ratexp &r)
 The context of this ratexp. More...
automaton copy (const automaton &aut)
 A copy of aut. More...
automaton copy (const automaton &aut, const context &ctx)
 A copy of aut converted to context ctx. More...
ratexp copy (const ratexp &exp, const ratexpset &rs)
 Copy of exp, but built with rs. More...
automaton costandard (const automaton &a)
 A standardized transpositive a. More...
automaton de_bruijn (const context &ctx, unsigned n)
 A simple NFA for (a+b)*a(a+b)^n. More...
polynomial derivation (const ratexp &exp, const label &l, bool breaking=false)
 Derive exp with respect to s. More...
automaton derived_term (const ratexp &e, const std::string &algo="auto")
 The derived-term automaton of e. More...
automaton determinize (const automaton &aut, const std::string &algo="weighted")
 The determinized automaton. More...
automaton codeterminize (const automaton &aut, const std::string &algo="weighted")
 The codeterminized automaton. More...
automaton cominimize (const automaton &aut, const std::string &algo="auto")
 The cominimized automaton. More...
automaton difference (const automaton &lhs, const automaton &rhs)
 An automaton whose behavior is that of lhs on words not accepted by rhs. More...
ratexp difference (const ratexp &lhs, const ratexp &rhs)
 Words accepted by lhs, but not by rhs. More...
automaton divkbaseb (const context &ctx, unsigned divisor, unsigned base)
 An automaton which accepts a word n representing a number in base b iff k|n. More...
std::ostream & dot (const automaton &aut, std::ostream &out, bool dot2tex=false)
 Output aut in GraphViz' Dot format. More...
std::string dot (const automaton &aut)
 A string representing aut in GraphViz' Dot format. More...
automaton double_ring (const context &ctx, unsigned n, const std::vector< unsigned > &f)
 The double_ring automaton with n states and f the list of finals. More...
automaton eliminate_state (const automaton &aut, int s)
 The LAO automaton aut with state s removed. More...
std::ostream & efsm (const automaton &aut, std::ostream &out)
 Output in Extended FSM format. More...
polynomial enumerate (const automaton &aut, unsigned max)
 All the accepted words of at most max letters. More...
weight eval (const automaton &aut, const label &l)
 Evaluate s on aut. More...
ratexp expand (const ratexp &e)
 Distribute product over addition recursively under the starred subexpressions and group the equal monomials. More...
automaton factor (const automaton &aut)
 Create a factor automaton from aut. More...
std::ostream & fado (const automaton &aut, std::ostream &out)
 Output in FAdo format. More...
automaton filter (const automaton &aut, const std::vector< unsigned > &ss)
 The subautomaton based on aut, with only states in ss visible. More...
std::ostream & grail (const automaton &aut, std::ostream &out)
 Output in Grail format. More...
bool has_twins_property (const automaton &aut)
 Whether the automaton has the twins property. More...
rat::identities identities (const ratexp &exp)
 The identities of ratexp exp. More...
automaton infiltration (const automaton &lhs, const automaton &rhs)
 The infiltration of automata lhs and rhs. More...
automaton infiltration (const std::vector< automaton > &as)
 The infiltration product of automata. More...
std::ostream & info (const automaton &aut, std::ostream &out, bool detailed=false)
 Output various facts about an automaton. More...
std::ostream & info (const ratexp &exp, std::ostream &out)
 Output various facts about exp. More...
automaton insplit (const automaton &aut)
 Split automaton on the incoming transition. More...
bool is_accessible (const automaton &aut)
 Whether aut is accessible. More...
bool is_ambiguous (const automaton &aut)
 Whether aut is ambiguous. More...
bool is_coaccessible (const automaton &aut)
 Whether aut is coaccessible. More...
bool is_codeterministic (const automaton &aut)
 Whether aut is codeterministic. More...
bool is_complete (const automaton &aut)
 Whether aut is complete. More...
bool is_costandard (const automaton &aut)
 Whether is costandard (unique final state, with weight one, no outcoming transition). More...
bool is_cycle_ambiguous (const automaton &aut)
 Whether the automaton is cycle-ambiguous. More...
bool is_deterministic (const automaton &aut)
 Whether aut is deterministic. More...
bool is_empty (const automaton &aut)
 Whether has no state. More...
bool is_eps_acyclic (const automaton &aut)
 Whether has no cycle of spontaneous transitions. More...
bool is_functional (const automaton &aut)
 Whether aut is functional. More...
bool is_normalized (const automaton &aut)
 Whether is normalized (in the Thompson sense), i.e., standard and co-standard. More...
bool is_out_sorted (const automaton &aut)
 Whether the outgoing transitions of each state have increasing labels. More...
bool is_proper (const automaton &aut)
 Whether has no spontaneous transition. More...
bool is_standard (const automaton &aut)
 Whether is standard (unique initial state, with weight one, no incoming transition). More...
bool is_synchronized_by (const automaton &aut, const label &word)
 Whether the word synchronizes aut. More...
bool is_synchronizing (const automaton &aut)
 Whether is synchronizing. More...
bool is_trim (const automaton &aut)
 Whether has no useless state. More...
bool is_useless (const automaton &aut)
 Whether has no useful state. More...
bool is_valid (const automaton &e)
 Whether automaton is valid (epsilon-cycles converge). More...
bool is_valid (const ratexp &e)
 Whether rational expression is valid (all the starred sub-expressions are starrable). More...
automaton minimize (const automaton &aut, const std::string &algo="auto")
 The minimized automaton. More...
automaton ladybird (const context &ctx, unsigned n)
 The ladybird automaton with n states. More...
automaton left_mult (const weight &w, const automaton &aut)
 The left-multiplication of an automaton with w as weight. More...
ratexp left_mult (const weight &w, const ratexp &aut)
 The left-multiplication of a ratexp with w as weight. More...
automaton lift (const automaton &aut)
 The lifted LAO automaton from aut. More...
ratexp lift (const ratexp &e)
 The lifted LAO rational expression from e. More...
context make_context (const std::string &name)
 Build a context from its name. More...
automaton_editormake_automaton_editor (const context &ctx)
 Build an automatonset from its context. More...
ratexpset make_ratexpset (const context &ctx,::vcsn::rat::identities is)
 Build an ratexpset from its context. More...
context make_word_context (const context &ctx)
 The context for words. More...
weight multiply (const weight &lhs, const weight &rhs)
 Multiply two weights. More...
automaton normalize (const automaton &aut)
 Normalize automaton aut. More...
automaton pair (const automaton &aut, bool keep_initials=false)
 Build the pair automaton of the given automaton. More...
automaton prefix (const automaton &aut)
 Create a prefix automaton from aut. More...
automaton power (const automaton &aut, unsigned n)
 Repeated product of aut with itself. More...
std::ostream & print (const automaton &a, std::ostream &o, const std::string &format="default")
 Print automaton a on o using format format. More...
std::ostream & print (const context &c, std::ostream &o, const std::string &format="default")
 Print context c on o using format format. More...
std::ostream & print (const expansion &e, std::ostream &o, const std::string &format="default")
 Print expansion e on o using format format. More...
std::ostream & print (const label &l, std::ostream &o, const std::string &format="default")
 Print label l on o using format format. More...
std::ostream & print (const polynomial &p, std::ostream &o, const std::string &format="default")
 Print polynomial p on o using format format. More...
std::ostream & print (const ratexp &e, std::ostream &o, const std::string &format="default")
 Print ratexp e on o using format format. More...
std::ostream & print (const weight &w, std::ostream &o, const std::string &format="default")
 Print weight w on o using format format. More...
void set_format (std::ostream &o, const std::string &format)
 Specify the output format for o. More...
std::string get_format (std::ostream &o)
 Get the output format for o. More...
automaton product (const automaton &lhs, const automaton &rhs)
 The product of automata lhs and rhs. More...
automaton product (const std::vector< automaton > &as)
 The product of automata. More...
automaton proper (const automaton &aut, direction dir=direction::backward, bool prune=true)
 An equivalent automaton without spontaneous transitions. More...
automaton push_weights (const automaton &aut)
 The weight pushing automaton of aut. More...
automaton random_automaton (const context &ctx, unsigned num_states, float density=0.1, unsigned num_initial=1, unsigned num_final=1)
 Produce a random automaton. More...
automaton random_automaton_deterministic (const context &ctx, unsigned num_states)
 Produce a random deterministic automaton. More...
automaton read_automaton (std::istream &is, const std::string &format="default")
 Read an automaton from a stream. More...
label read_label (std::istream &is, const context &ctx)
 Read a label from a stream. More...
ratexp read_ratexp (std::istream &is, const ratexpset &rs, const std::string &format="default")
 Read a ratexp from a stream. More...
polynomial read_polynomial (std::istream &is, const context &ctx)
 Read a polynomial from a stream. More...
weight read_weight (std::istream &is, const context &ctx)
 Read a weight from a stream. More...
automaton reduce (const automaton &aut)
 Reduce aut. More...
automaton right_mult (const automaton &aut, const weight &w)
 The right-mult automaton with w as weight. More...
ratexp right_mult (const ratexp &aut, const weight &w)
 The right-multiplication of a ratexp with w as weight. More...
std::size_t num_sccs (const automaton &aut)
 The number of strongly connected components. More...
polynomial shortest (const automaton &aut, unsigned max=1)
 The at-most max first accepted words. More...
automaton shuffle (const automaton &lhs, const automaton &rhs)
 The shuffle product of automata lhs and rhs. More...
automaton shuffle (const std::vector< automaton > &as)
 The shuffle product of automata. More...
ratexp shuffle (const ratexp &lhs, const ratexp &rhs)
 The shuffle product of ratexps lhs and rhs. More...
automaton sort (const automaton &a)
 A copy of a with normalized state numbers. More...
polynomial split (const polynomial &p)
 Break all the expressions in p. More...
polynomial split (const ratexp &exp)
 Break exp. More...
automaton standard (const automaton &a)
 A standardized a. More...
automaton standard (const ratexp &e)
 The standard automaton of e. More...
automaton star (const automaton &aut)
 Star of a standard automaton. More...
unsigned star_height (const ratexp &rs)
 Star height of a ratexp. More...
ratexp star_normal_form (const ratexp &e)
 A normalized form where star is applied only to expression without null constant-term. More...
automaton strip (const automaton &a)
 The automaton in a with its metadata layers removed. More...
automaton suffix (const automaton &aut)
 Create a suffix automaton from aut. More...
automaton subword (const automaton &aut)
 Create a subword automaton from aut. More...
automaton sum (const automaton &lhs, const automaton &rhs)
 Sum of two standard automata. More...
polynomial sum (const polynomial &lhs, const polynomial &rhs)
 Sum of two polynomials. More...
ratexp sum (const ratexp &lhs, const ratexp &rhs)
 Sum of two ratexps. More...
weight sum (const weight &lhs, const weight &rhs)
 Sum of two weights. More...
label synchronizing_word (const automaton &aut, const std::string &algo="greedy")
 A synchronizing word, or raise if there is none. More...
automaton thompson (const ratexp &e)
 The Thompson automaton of e. More...
std::ostream & tikz (const automaton &aut, std::ostream &out)
 Output aut in LaTeX's TikZ format. More...
expansion to_expansion (const ratexp &exp)
 First order development of a exp. More...
ratexp to_expression (const automaton &aut, const std::string &algo="auto")
 A ratexp denoting the language of aut. More...
automaton transpose (automaton &aut)
 Transpose aut. More...
ratexp transpose (const ratexp &e)
 Transpose e. More...
ratexp transposition (const ratexp &r)
 Add the transposition operator to r. More...
automaton trim (const automaton &aut)
 The useful subautomaton of aut. More...
automaton u (const context &ctx, unsigned n)
 The Brzozowski universal witness. More...
automaton union_a (const automaton &lhs, const automaton &rhs)
 Union of two automata (plain graph union). More...
automaton universal (const automaton &aut)
 The universal automaton of aut. More...
template<typename Aut >
automaton make_automaton (const Aut &aut)
 Build a dyn::automaton. More...
template<typename Context >
context make_context (const Context &ctx)
template<typename ExpansionSet >
expansion make_expansion (const ExpansionSet &ps, const typename ExpansionSet::value_t &expansion)
template<typename LabelSet >
label make_label (const LabelSet &ls, const typename LabelSet::value_t &l)
template<typename LabelSet >
label make_word (const LabelSet &ls, const typename LabelSet::value_t &l)
template<typename PolynomialSet >
polynomial make_polynomial (const PolynomialSet &ps, const typename PolynomialSet::value_t &polynomial)
template<typename RatExpSet >
ratexp make_ratexp (const RatExpSet &rs, const typename RatExpSet::value_t &ratexp)
template<typename RatExpSet >
ratexpset make_ratexpset (const RatExpSet &rs)
 Build a dyn::ratexpset from its static ratexpset. More...
void compile (const std::string &ctx)
 Compile, and load, a DSO with instantiations for ctx. More...
void compile (const std::string &algo, const signature &sig)
 Compile, and load, a DSO which instantiates algo for sig. More...
template<typename WeightSet >
weight make_weight (const WeightSet &ws, const typename WeightSet::value_t &w)
automaton read_efsm (std::istream &is)
automaton read_fado (std::istream &is)


xalloc< std::string * > format_flag

Detailed Description

FIXME: duplicate code with determinize.

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::shared_ptr< detail::automaton_base > vcsn::dyn::automaton

Definition at line 71 of file automaton.hh.

typedef std::shared_ptr< const detail::context_base > vcsn::dyn::context

Definition at line 71 of file context.hh.

typedef std::shared_ptr< const detail::expansion_base > vcsn::dyn::expansion

Definition at line 74 of file expansion.hh.

typedef std::shared_ptr< const detail::label_base > vcsn::dyn::label

Definition at line 46 of file fwd.hh.

typedef std::shared_ptr< const detail::polynomial_base > vcsn::dyn::polynomial

Definition at line 55 of file fwd.hh.

typedef std::shared_ptr< detail::ratexp_base > vcsn::dyn::ratexp

Definition at line 64 of file fwd.hh.

using vcsn::dyn::ratexpset = typedef std::shared_ptr<const detail::ratexpset_base>

Definition at line 73 of file fwd.hh.

typedef std::shared_ptr< const detail::weight_base > vcsn::dyn::weight

Definition at line 82 of file fwd.hh.

Function Documentation

automaton vcsn::dyn::accessible ( const automaton &  aut)

The accessible subautomaton of aut.

Definition at line 12 of file

label vcsn::dyn::ambiguous_word ( const automaton &  aut)

An ambiguous word, or raise if there is none.

Definition at line 11 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::are_equivalent ( const automaton &  lhs,
const automaton &  rhs 

Whether define the same language.

The labelsets of lhs and rhs are free.
lhs and rhs are Boolean, or on Z, or on a field.

Definition at line 11 of file

Referenced by are_equivalent().

bool vcsn::dyn::are_equivalent ( const ratexp &  lhs,
const ratexp &  rhs 

Whether define the same language.

The labelsets of lhs and rhs are free.
lhs and rhs are Boolean, or on Z, or on a field.

Definition at line 17 of file

References are_equivalent(), and standard().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool vcsn::dyn::are_isomorphic ( const automaton &  lhs,
const automaton &  rhs 

Whether there exists an isomorphism between the states of lhs and those of rhs.

Definition at line 12 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::blind ( automaton &  aut,
unsigned  tape 

Focus on a specific tape of a tupleset automaton.

Definition at line 14 of file

References vcsn::rat::to_string().

Here is the call graph for this function:

automaton vcsn::dyn::cerny ( const context &  ctx,
unsigned  num_states 

Produce a Černý automaton of num_states states.

Definition at line 41 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::chain ( const automaton &  aut,
int  min,
int  max 

Repeated concatenation of aut with itself.

Definition at line 18 of file

ratexp vcsn::dyn::chain ( const ratexp &  e,
int  min,
int  max 

Repeated concatenation of e with itself.

Definition at line 32 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::coaccessible ( const automaton &  aut)

The coaccessible subautomaton of aut.

Definition at line 20 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::codeterminize ( const automaton &  aut,
const std::string &  algo = "weighted" 

The codeterminized automaton.

autthe automaton to codeterminize
algo"boolean" use efficient bitsets "weighted" accept non Boolean automata (might not terminate) "auto" "boolean" if the automaton is Boolean, "weighted" otherwise.
the labelset of aut must be free.

Definition at line 21 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::cominimize ( const automaton &  aut,
const std::string &  algo = "auto" 

The cominimized automaton.

autthe automaton to cominimize
algothe specific algorithm to use
aut must be LAL.
aut must be deterministic.

Definition at line 27 of file

void vcsn::dyn::compile ( const std::string &  ctx)

Compile, and load, a DSO with instantiations for ctx.

Definition at line 337 of file

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::Registry< Fun >::get(), and make_context().

void vcsn::dyn::compile ( const std::string &  algo,
const signature &  sig 

Compile, and load, a DSO which instantiates algo for sig.

Definition at line 343 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::complement ( const automaton &  aut)

The complement of aut.

aut is lal
aut is Boolean
aut is deterministic
aut is complete

Definition at line 12 of file

ratexp vcsn::dyn::complement ( const ratexp &  r)

Add the complement operator to r.

Definition at line 19 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::complete ( const automaton &  aut)

A completed copy of aut.

aut is lal

Definition at line 17 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::compose ( automaton &  lhs,
automaton &  rhs 

The composition of transducers lhs and rhs.

Definition at line 13 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::concatenate ( const automaton &  lhs,
const automaton &  rhs 

Concatenate two standard automata.

Definition at line 11 of file

polynomial vcsn::dyn::concatenate ( const polynomial &  lhs,
const polynomial &  rhs 

Concatenate two polynomials.

Definition at line 39 of file

ratexp vcsn::dyn::concatenate ( const ratexp &  lhs,
const ratexp &  rhs 

Concatenate two ratexps.

Definition at line 25 of file

ratexp vcsn::dyn::conjunction ( const ratexp &  lhs,
const ratexp &  rhs 

The Hadamard product of ratexps lhs and rhs.

Definition at line 84 of file

weight vcsn::dyn::constant_term ( const ratexp &  e)

The weight associated to the empty word in e.

Definition at line 16 of file

context vcsn::dyn::context_of ( const automaton &  a)

The context of this automaton.

Definition at line 20 of file

context vcsn::dyn::context_of ( const ratexp &  r)

The context of this ratexp.

Definition at line 27 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::copy ( const automaton &  aut)

A copy of aut.

Definition at line 16 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::copy ( const automaton &  aut,
const context &  ctx 

A copy of aut converted to context ctx.

Definition at line 23 of file

ratexp vcsn::dyn::copy ( const ratexp &  exp,
const ratexpset &  rs 

Copy of exp, but built with rs.

Definition at line 34 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::costandard ( const automaton &  a)

A standardized transpositive a.

Definition at line 49 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::de_bruijn ( const context &  ctx,
unsigned  n 

A simple NFA for (a+b)*a(a+b)^n.

Definition at line 13 of file

polynomial vcsn::dyn::derivation ( const ratexp &  exp,
const label &  l,
bool  breaking = false 

Derive exp with respect to s.

expthe input ratexp
lthe label used for derivation
breakingwhether to split the result
exp must be LAL.

Definition at line 18 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::derived_term ( const ratexp &  e,
const std::string &  algo = "auto" 

The derived-term automaton of e.

ethe input ratexp
algohow the derived terms are computed: "auto" alias for "expansion" "derivation" compute by derivation "breaking_derivation" compute by breaking derivation "expansion" compute by expansion "breaking_expansion" compute by breaking expansion

Definition at line 29 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::determinize ( const automaton &  aut,
const std::string &  algo = "weighted" 

The determinized automaton.

autthe automaton to determinize
algo"boolean" use efficient bitsets "weighted" accept non Boolean automata (might not terminate) "auto" "boolean" if the automaton is Boolean, "weighted" otherwise.
the labelset of aut must be free.

Definition at line 13 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::difference ( const automaton &  lhs,
const automaton &  rhs 

An automaton whose behavior is that of lhs on words not accepted by rhs.

lhsa LAL automaton
rhsa LAL Boolean automaton
rhs is Boolean.

Definition at line 24 of file

ratexp vcsn::dyn::difference ( const ratexp &  lhs,
const ratexp &  rhs 

Words accepted by lhs, but not by rhs.

Definition at line 31 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::divkbaseb ( const context &  ctx,
unsigned  divisor,
unsigned  base 

An automaton which accepts a word n representing a number in base b iff k|n.

Definition at line 13 of file

std::ostream & vcsn::dyn::dot ( const automaton &  aut,
std::ostream &  out,
bool  dot2tex = false 

Output aut in GraphViz' Dot format.

autthe automaton to format
outthe output stream where to print the dot file
dot2texwhether to generate LaTeX escapes in the dot file for use with dot2tex.

Definition at line 17 of file

Referenced by print().

std::string vcsn::dyn::dot ( const automaton &  aut)

A string representing aut in GraphViz' Dot format.

automaton vcsn::dyn::double_ring ( const context &  ctx,
unsigned  n,
const std::vector< unsigned > &  f 

The double_ring automaton with n states and f the list of finals.

Definition at line 15 of file

std::ostream & vcsn::dyn::efsm ( const automaton &  aut,
std::ostream &  out 

Output in Extended FSM format.

Definition at line 157 of file

Referenced by print().

automaton vcsn::dyn::eliminate_state ( const automaton &  aut,
int  s 

The LAO automaton aut with state s removed.

Definition at line 19 of file

polynomial vcsn::dyn::enumerate ( const automaton &  aut,
unsigned  max 

All the accepted words of at most max letters.

Definition at line 20 of file

weight vcsn::dyn::eval ( const automaton &  aut,
const label &  l 

Evaluate s on aut.

Definition at line 13 of file

ratexp vcsn::dyn::expand ( const ratexp &  e)

Distribute product over addition recursively under the starred subexpressions and group the equal monomials.

Definition at line 16 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::factor ( const automaton &  aut)

Create a factor automaton from aut.

Definition at line 33 of file

std::ostream & vcsn::dyn::fado ( const automaton &  aut,
std::ostream &  out 

Output in FAdo format.

Definition at line 109 of file

Referenced by print().

automaton vcsn::dyn::filter ( const automaton &  aut,
const std::vector< unsigned > &  ss 

The subautomaton based on aut, with only states in ss visible.

Definition at line 18 of file

std::string vcsn::dyn::get_format ( std::ostream &  o)

Get the output format for o.

Definition at line 211 of file

References format_flag.

std::ostream & vcsn::dyn::grail ( const automaton &  aut,
std::ostream &  out 

Output in Grail format.

Definition at line 17 of file

Referenced by print().

bool vcsn::dyn::has_twins_property ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether the automaton has the twins property.

Definition at line 14 of file

rat::identities vcsn::dyn::identities ( const ratexp &  exp)

The identities of ratexp exp.

Definition at line 13 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::infiltration ( const automaton &  lhs,
const automaton &  rhs 

The infiltration of automata lhs and rhs.

Performs the join of their types.

Definition at line 59 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::infiltration ( const std::vector< automaton > &  as)

The infiltration product of automata.

Performs the join of their types.

Definition at line 66 of file

std::ostream & vcsn::dyn::info ( const automaton &  aut,
std::ostream &  out,
bool  detailed = false 

Output various facts about an automaton.

autthe automaton under study
outthe output stream where to print the info
detailedwhether to print even facts costly to compute.

Definition at line 17 of file

Referenced by print().

std::ostream & vcsn::dyn::info ( const ratexp &  exp,
std::ostream &  out 

Output various facts about exp.

Definition at line 30 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::insplit ( const automaton &  aut)

Split automaton on the incoming transition.

Every state either has only epsilon incoming transitions or non-epsilon ones.

aut is lal or lan

Definition at line 17 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_accessible ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether aut is accessible.

Definition at line 36 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_ambiguous ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether aut is ambiguous.

aut is LAL.

Definition at line 18 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_coaccessible ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether aut is coaccessible.

Definition at line 44 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_codeterministic ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether aut is codeterministic.

aut is LAL.

Definition at line 25 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_complete ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether aut is complete.

aut is LAL.

Definition at line 17 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_costandard ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether is costandard (unique final state, with weight one, no outcoming transition).

Definition at line 27 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_cycle_ambiguous ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether the automaton is cycle-ambiguous.

Definition at line 25 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_deterministic ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether aut is deterministic.

aut is LAL.

Definition at line 16 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_empty ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether has no state.

Definition at line 68 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_eps_acyclic ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether has no cycle of spontaneous transitions.

Definition at line 17 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_functional ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether aut is functional.

aut is a transducer.

Definition at line 17 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_normalized ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether is normalized (in the Thompson sense), i.e., standard and co-standard.

Definition at line 17 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_out_sorted ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether the outgoing transitions of each state have increasing labels.

Definition at line 12 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_proper ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether has no spontaneous transition.

Definition at line 16 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_standard ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether is standard (unique initial state, with weight one, no incoming transition).

Definition at line 16 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_synchronized_by ( const automaton &  aut,
const label &  word 

Whether the word synchronizes aut.

Definition at line 27 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_synchronizing ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether is synchronizing.

Definition at line 34 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_trim ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether has no useless state.

Definition at line 52 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_useless ( const automaton &  aut)

Whether has no useful state.

Definition at line 60 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_valid ( const automaton &  e)

Whether automaton is valid (epsilon-cycles converge).

Definition at line 18 of file

bool vcsn::dyn::is_valid ( const ratexp &  e)

Whether rational expression is valid (all the starred sub-expressions are starrable).

Definition at line 30 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::ladybird ( const context &  ctx,
unsigned  n 

The ladybird automaton with n states.

Definition at line 13 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::left_mult ( const weight &  w,
const automaton &  aut 

The left-multiplication of an automaton with w as weight.

aut is standard.

Definition at line 12 of file

ratexp vcsn::dyn::left_mult ( const weight &  w,
const ratexp &  aut 

The left-multiplication of a ratexp with w as weight.

Definition at line 19 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::lift ( const automaton &  aut)

The lifted LAO automaton from aut.

Definition at line 17 of file

ratexp vcsn::dyn::lift ( const ratexp &  e)

The lifted LAO rational expression from e.

Definition at line 30 of file

template<typename Aut >
automaton vcsn::dyn::make_automaton ( const Aut &  aut)

Build a dyn::automaton.

Definition at line 77 of file automaton.hh.

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::accessible(), vcsn::dyn::detail::blind(), vcsn::dyn::detail::cerny(), vcsn::dyn::detail::chain(), vcsn::dyn::detail::coaccessible(), vcsn::dyn::detail::codeterminize(), vcsn::dyn::detail::cominimize(), vcsn::dyn::detail::complement(), vcsn::dyn::detail::complete(), vcsn::dyn::detail::compose(), vcsn::dyn::detail::concatenate(), vcsn::dyn::detail::copy(), vcsn::dyn::detail::copy_convert(), vcsn::dyn::detail::costandard(), vcsn::dyn::detail::de_bruijn(), vcsn::dyn::detail::derived_term(), vcsn::dyn::detail::determinize(), vcsn::dyn::detail::difference(), vcsn::dyn::detail::divkbaseb(), vcsn::dyn::detail::double_ring(), vcsn::dyn::detail::eliminate_state(), vcsn::dyn::detail::factor(), vcsn::dyn::detail::filter(), vcsn::dyn::detail::infiltration(), vcsn::dyn::detail::infiltration_(), vcsn::dyn::detail::insplit(), vcsn::dyn::detail::ladybird(), vcsn::dyn::detail::left_mult(), vcsn::dyn::detail::lift_automaton(), vcsn::dyn::detail::minimize(), vcsn::dyn::detail::normalize(), vcsn::dyn::detail::pair(), vcsn::dyn::detail::power(), vcsn::dyn::detail::prefix(), vcsn::dyn::detail::product(), vcsn::dyn::detail::product_(), vcsn::dyn::detail::proper(), vcsn::dyn::detail::push_weights(), vcsn::dyn::detail::random(), vcsn::dyn::detail::random_deterministic(), vcsn::dyn::detail::reduce(), vcsn::edit_automaton< Aut >::result(), vcsn::dyn::detail::right_mult(), vcsn::dyn::detail::shuffle(), vcsn::dyn::detail::shuffle_(), vcsn::dyn::detail::sort(), vcsn::dyn::detail::standard(), vcsn::dyn::detail::standard_ratexp(), vcsn::dyn::detail::star(), vcsn::dyn::detail::strip(), vcsn::dyn::detail::subword(), vcsn::dyn::detail::suffix(), vcsn::dyn::detail::sum(), vcsn::dyn::detail::thompson(), vcsn::dyn::detail::transpose(), vcsn::dyn::detail::trim(), vcsn::dyn::detail::u(), vcsn::dyn::detail::union_a(), and vcsn::dyn::detail::universal().

automaton_editor * vcsn::dyn::make_automaton_editor ( const context &  ctx)

Build an automatonset from its context.

Definition at line 141 of file

Referenced by vcsn::lazy_automaton_editor::result(), and vcsn::detail::dot::driver::setup_().

template<typename Context >
context vcsn::dyn::make_context ( const Context &  ctx)

Definition at line 76 of file context.hh.

context vcsn::dyn::make_context ( const std::string &  name)

Build a context from its name.

Definition at line 38 of file

References compile(), vcsn::ast::normalize(), vcsn::dyn::detail::context_base::sname(), and vcsn::sname().

Referenced by vcsn::rat::driver::context(), vcsn::dyn::detail::context_of(), vcsn::dyn::detail::context_of_ratexp(), vcsn::dyn::detail::make_context(), vcsn::lazy_automaton_editor::result(), and vcsn::detail::dot::driver::setup_().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename ExpansionSet >
expansion vcsn::dyn::make_expansion ( const ExpansionSet &  ps,
const typename ExpansionSet::value_t &  expansion 

Definition at line 79 of file expansion.hh.

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::to_expansion().

template<typename LabelSet >
label vcsn::dyn::make_label ( const LabelSet ls,
const typename LabelSet::value_t &  l 
template<typename PolynomialSet >
polynomial vcsn::dyn::make_polynomial ( const PolynomialSet &  ps,
const typename PolynomialSet::value_t &  polynomial 
template<typename RatExpSet >
ratexpset vcsn::dyn::make_ratexpset ( const RatExpSet &  rs)

Build a dyn::ratexpset from its static ratexpset.

Definition at line 216 of file ratexpset.hxx.

ratexpset vcsn::dyn::make_ratexpset ( const context &  ctx,
::vcsn::rat::identities  is 

Build an ratexpset from its context.

Definition at line 57 of file

Referenced by vcsn::rat::driver::context(), and vcsn::rat::ratexpset_impl< Context >::conv().

template<typename WeightSet >
weight vcsn::dyn::make_weight ( const WeightSet ws,
const typename WeightSet::value_t &  w 
template<typename LabelSet >
label vcsn::dyn::make_word ( const LabelSet ls,
const typename LabelSet::value_t &  l 

Definition at line 91 of file label.hh.

References make_label(), and vcsn::detail::make_wordset().

Here is the call graph for this function:

context vcsn::dyn::make_word_context ( const context &  ctx)

The context for words.

Definition at line 68 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::minimize ( const automaton &  aut,
const std::string &  algo = "auto" 

The minimized automaton.

autthe automaton to minimize
algothe specific algorithm to use
aut must be LAL.
aut must be deterministic.

Definition at line 13 of file

weight vcsn::dyn::multiply ( const weight &  lhs,
const weight &  rhs 

Multiply two weights.

Definition at line 46 of file

Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::multiply_weight().

automaton vcsn::dyn::normalize ( const automaton &  aut)

Normalize automaton aut.

Definition at line 32 of file

std::size_t vcsn::dyn::num_sccs ( const automaton &  aut)

The number of strongly connected components.

Definition at line 18 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::pair ( const automaton &  aut,
bool  keep_initials = false 

Build the pair automaton of the given automaton.

Definition at line 13 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::power ( const automaton &  aut,
unsigned  n 

Repeated product of aut with itself.

Definition at line 77 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::prefix ( const automaton &  aut)

Create a prefix automaton from aut.

Definition at line 17 of file

std::ostream & vcsn::dyn::print ( const automaton &  a,
std::ostream &  o,
const std::string &  format = "default" 

Print automaton a on o using format format.

Definition at line 21 of file

References dot(), efsm(), fado(), grail(), info(), vcsn::str_escape(), and tikz().

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::ostream & vcsn::dyn::print ( const context &  c,
std::ostream &  o,
const std::string &  format = "default" 

Print context c on o using format format.

Definition at line 53 of file

std::ostream & vcsn::dyn::print ( const expansion &  e,
std::ostream &  o,
const std::string &  format = "default" 

Print expansion e on o using format format.

Definition at line 65 of file

References vcsn::str_escape().

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::ostream & vcsn::dyn::print ( const label &  l,
std::ostream &  o,
const std::string &  format = "default" 

Print label l on o using format format.

Definition at line 91 of file

References vcsn::str_escape().

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::ostream & vcsn::dyn::print ( const polynomial &  p,
std::ostream &  o,
const std::string &  format = "default" 

Print polynomial p on o using format format.

Definition at line 118 of file

References vcsn::str_escape().

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::ostream & vcsn::dyn::print ( const ratexp &  e,
std::ostream &  o,
const std::string &  format = "default" 

Print ratexp e on o using format format.

Definition at line 147 of file

References info(), and vcsn::str_escape().

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::ostream & vcsn::dyn::print ( const weight &  w,
std::ostream &  o,
const std::string &  format = "default" 

Print weight w on o using format format.

Definition at line 176 of file

References vcsn::str_escape().

Here is the call graph for this function:

automaton vcsn::dyn::product ( const automaton &  lhs,
const automaton &  rhs 

The product of automata lhs and rhs.

Performs the meet of the contexts.

Definition at line 16 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::product ( const std::vector< automaton > &  as)

The product of automata.

Performs the meet of the contexts.

Definition at line 23 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::proper ( const automaton &  aut,
direction  dir = direction::backward,
bool  prune = true 

An equivalent automaton without spontaneous transitions.

autthe automaton in which to remove them
dirthe direction of the closure
prunewhether to delete states that become inaccessible

Definition at line 13 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::push_weights ( const automaton &  aut)

The weight pushing automaton of aut.

Definition at line 17 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::random_automaton ( const context &  ctx,
unsigned  num_states,
float  density = 0.1,
unsigned  num_initial = 1,
unsigned  num_final = 1 

Produce a random automaton.

ctxThe context of the result.
num_statesThe number of states wanted in the automata (>0). All states will be connected, and there will be no dead state.
densityThe density of the automata. This is the probability (between 0.0 and 1.0), to add a transition between two states. All states have at least one outgoing transition, so d is considered only when adding the remaining transition. A density of 1 means all states will be connected to each other.
num_initialThe number of initial states wanted (0 <= num_initial <= num_states)
num_finalThe number of final states wanted (0 <= num_final <= num_states)

Definition at line 13 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::random_automaton_deterministic ( const context &  ctx,
unsigned  num_states 

Produce a random deterministic automaton.

ctxThe context of the result.
num_statesThe number of states wanted in the automata (>0).

Definition at line 25 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::read_automaton ( std::istream &  is,
const std::string &  format = "default" 

Read an automaton from a stream.

isthe input stream.
formatits format.

Definition at line 34 of file

References read_efsm(), and read_fado().

Here is the call graph for this function:

automaton vcsn::dyn::read_efsm ( std::istream &  is)

Definition at line 72 of file

References vcsn::lazy_automaton_editor::add_final(), vcsn::lazy_automaton_editor::add_initial(), vcsn::lazy_automaton_editor::add_transition(), vcsn::lazy_automaton_editor::open(), vcsn::require(), and vcsn::lazy_automaton_editor::result().

Referenced by read_automaton().

Here is the call graph for this function:

automaton vcsn::dyn::read_fado ( std::istream &  is)

Definition at line 24 of file

References vcsn::lazy_automaton_editor::add_final(), vcsn::lazy_automaton_editor::add_initial(), vcsn::lazy_automaton_editor::add_transition(), vcsn::lazy_automaton_editor::open(), and vcsn::lazy_automaton_editor::result().

Referenced by read_automaton().

Here is the call graph for this function:

label vcsn::dyn::read_label ( std::istream &  is,
const context &  ctx 

Read a label from a stream.

isthe input stream.
ctxthe context.

Definition at line 52 of file

polynomial vcsn::dyn::read_polynomial ( std::istream &  is,
const context &  ctx 

Read a polynomial from a stream.

isthe stream to parse.
ctxits context, from which is built its polynomialset.

Definition at line 78 of file

ratexp vcsn::dyn::read_ratexp ( std::istream &  is,
const ratexpset &  rs,
const std::string &  format = "default" 

Read a ratexp from a stream.

isthe input stream.
rsthe ratexp's ratexpset.
formatthe ratexp's format.

Definition at line 62 of file

References vcsn::rat::read().

Referenced by vcsn::rat::ratexpset_impl< Context >::conv().

Here is the call graph for this function:

weight vcsn::dyn::read_weight ( std::istream &  is,
const context &  ctx 

Read a weight from a stream.

isthe input stream.
ctxthe context.

Definition at line 89 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::reduce ( const automaton &  aut)

Reduce aut.

Definition at line 20 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::right_mult ( const automaton &  aut,
const weight &  w 

The right-mult automaton with w as weight.

aut is standard.

Definition at line 26 of file

ratexp vcsn::dyn::right_mult ( const ratexp &  aut,
const weight &  w 

The right-multiplication of a ratexp with w as weight.

Definition at line 33 of file

void vcsn::dyn::set_format ( std::ostream &  o,
const std::string &  format 

Specify the output format for o.

Definition at line 203 of file

References format_flag.

polynomial vcsn::dyn::shortest ( const automaton &  aut,
unsigned  max = 1 

The at-most max first accepted words.

Definition at line 12 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::shuffle ( const automaton &  lhs,
const automaton &  rhs 

The shuffle product of automata lhs and rhs.

Performs the join of their type.

Definition at line 34 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::shuffle ( const std::vector< automaton > &  as)

The shuffle product of automata.

Performs the join of their types.

Definition at line 41 of file

ratexp vcsn::dyn::shuffle ( const ratexp &  lhs,
const ratexp &  rhs 

The shuffle product of ratexps lhs and rhs.

Performs the join of their type.

Definition at line 48 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::sort ( const automaton &  a)

A copy of a with normalized state numbers.

Definition at line 19 of file

polynomial vcsn::dyn::split ( const polynomial &  p)

Break all the expressions in p.

Definition at line 62 of file

polynomial vcsn::dyn::split ( const ratexp &  exp)

Break exp.

Definition at line 51 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::standard ( const automaton &  a)

A standardized a.

Definition at line 38 of file

Referenced by are_equivalent().

automaton vcsn::dyn::standard ( const ratexp &  e)

The standard automaton of e.

Definition at line 60 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::star ( const automaton &  aut)

Star of a standard automaton.

Definition at line 13 of file

unsigned vcsn::dyn::star_height ( const ratexp &  rs)

Star height of a ratexp.

Definition at line 17 of file

ratexp vcsn::dyn::star_normal_form ( const ratexp &  e)

A normalized form where star is applied only to expression without null constant-term.

Definition at line 16 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::strip ( const automaton &  a)

The automaton in a with its metadata layers removed.

Definition at line 11 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::subword ( const automaton &  aut)

Create a subword automaton from aut.

For each non-spontaneous transition, add a spontaneous transition with same source, destination, and weight.

Definition at line 41 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::suffix ( const automaton &  aut)

Create a suffix automaton from aut.

Definition at line 25 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::sum ( const automaton &  lhs,
const automaton &  rhs 

Sum of two standard automata.

Definition at line 13 of file

polynomial vcsn::dyn::sum ( const polynomial &  lhs,
const polynomial &  rhs 

Sum of two polynomials.

Definition at line 20 of file

ratexp vcsn::dyn::sum ( const ratexp &  lhs,
const ratexp &  rhs 

Sum of two ratexps.

Definition at line 27 of file

weight vcsn::dyn::sum ( const weight &  lhs,
const weight &  rhs 

Sum of two weights.

Definition at line 34 of file

label vcsn::dyn::synchronizing_word ( const automaton &  aut,
const std::string &  algo = "greedy" 

A synchronizing word, or raise if there is none.

Definition at line 20 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::thompson ( const ratexp &  e)

The Thompson automaton of e.

Definition at line 13 of file

std::ostream & vcsn::dyn::tikz ( const automaton &  aut,
std::ostream &  out 

Output aut in LaTeX's TikZ format.

Definition at line 17 of file

Referenced by print().

expansion vcsn::dyn::to_expansion ( const ratexp &  exp)

First order development of a exp.

expthe input ratexp

Definition at line 40 of file

ratexp vcsn::dyn::to_expression ( const automaton &  aut,
const std::string &  algo = "auto" 

A ratexp denoting the language of aut.

Definition at line 31 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::transpose ( automaton &  aut)

Transpose aut.

Definition at line 16 of file

ratexp vcsn::dyn::transpose ( const ratexp &  e)

Transpose e.

Definition at line 29 of file

ratexp vcsn::dyn::transposition ( const ratexp &  r)

Add the transposition operator to r.

Definition at line 36 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::trim ( const automaton &  aut)

The useful subautomaton of aut.

Definition at line 28 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::u ( const context &  ctx,
unsigned  n 

The Brzozowski universal witness.

Definition at line 13 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::union_a ( const automaton &  lhs,
const automaton &  rhs 

Union of two automata (plain graph union).

Performs the join of the contexts.

Definition at line 12 of file

automaton vcsn::dyn::universal ( const automaton &  aut)

The universal automaton of aut.

Definition at line 13 of file

Variable Documentation

xalloc<std::string*> vcsn::dyn::format_flag

Definition at line 200 of file

Referenced by get_format(), and set_format().