Vcsn  2.1
Be Rational
lift.hh File Reference
#include <map>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <vcsn/core/mutable-automaton.hh>
#include <vcsn/core/rat/expression.hh>
#include <vcsn/core/rat/expressionset.hh>
#include <vcsn/ctx/context.hh>
#include <vcsn/dyn/automaton.hh>
#include <vcsn/labelset/oneset.hh>
#include <vcsn/misc/name.hh>
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struct  vcsn::detail::lifter_impl< Context, Tapes, Enable >
 Helper structure for a lift of several tapes. More...
struct  vcsn::detail::lifter_impl< Context, vcsn::detail::index_sequence<> >
 Lift all the label tapes to the weights. More...




template<typename Ctx , size_t... Tapes>
using vcsn::detail::lifter_t = lifter_impl< Ctx, detail::index_sequence< Tapes...>>
 A traits to lift the Tapes of the labels to the weights. More...
template<typename Aut , size_t... Tapes>
using vcsn::detail::lifted_automaton_t = mutable_automaton< typename lifter_t< context_t_of< Aut >, Tapes...>::context_t >
template<typename ExpSet >
using vcsn::detail::lifted_expressionset_t = expressionset< typename lifter_t< context_t_of< ExpSet >>::context_t >


static labelset_t::value_t vcsn::detail::kept_label (const in_label_t &l)
 Label in the output. More...
template<size_t... I>
static labelset_t::value_t vcsn::detail::kept_label_ (const in_label_t &l, seq< I...>)
static weight_tapes_t::value_t vcsn::detail::weight_label (const in_label_t &l)
 Weight in the output. More...
template<size_t... I>
static weight_tapes_t::value_t vcsn::detail::weight_label_ (const in_label_t &l, seq< I...>)
template<typename LabelSet , typename WeightSet , size_t... Tapes>
lifter_t< context< LabelSet, WeightSet >, Tapes...>::context_t vcsn::detail::lift_context (const context< LabelSet, WeightSet > &ctx)
 lift(ctx) -> ctx More...
template<typename Aut , size_t... Tapes>
detail::lifted_automaton_t< Aut, Tapes...> vcsn::lift (const Aut &a, vcsn::rat::identities ids={})
 Lift some tapes of the transducer. More...
template<typename Aut , typename Ids , typename... Tapes>
automaton vcsn::dyn::detail::lift_automaton (const automaton &aut, vcsn::rat::identities ids, integral_constant)
 Bridge. More...
template<typename Context >
lifted_expressionset_t< expressionset< Context > > vcsn::detail::lift_expressionset (const expressionset< Context > &rs, boost::optional< vcsn::rat::identities > ids={})
 lift(expressionset) -> expressionset More...
template<typename ExpSet >
detail::lifted_expressionset_t< ExpSet >::value_t vcsn::lift (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &e)
 Move all the labels to the weights. More...
template<typename ExpSet >
expression vcsn::dyn::detail::lift_expression (const expression &exp)
 Bridge (lift). More...


template<typename... LabelSets, typename WeightSet , size_t... Tapes>
struct lifter_impl< context< tupleset< LabelSets...>, WeightSet >, vcsn::detail::index_sequence< Tapes...>, vcsn::enable_if_t<(0< sizeof...(Tapes))> >{using in_labelset_t=tupleset< LabelSets...>;using in_context_t=context< in_labelset_t, WeightSet >;using in_label_t=typename in_labelset_t::value_t;template< std::size_t...I >using seq=detail::index_sequence< I...>;template< typename S, typename L >struct tape_set;template< typename LabelSet >struct tape_set< seq<>, LabelSet >{using type=oneset;};template< size_t...I, typename LabelSet >struct tape_set< seq< I...>, LabelSet >{using type=tupleset< typename LabelSet::template valueset_t< I >...>;};using index_t=typename detail::make_index_sequence< in_labelset_t::size()>::type;static constexpr size_t number_of_tapes=in_labelset_t::size();template< size_t I >using tape_labelset_t=typename in_labelset_t::template valueset_t< I >;using kept_index_t=sequence_difference< index_t, seq< Tapes...> >;using labelset_t=typename tape_set< kept_index_t, in_labelset_t >::type;using weight_index_t=seq< Tapes...>;using weight_tapes_t=typename tape_set< weight_index_t, in_labelset_t >::type;using inner_context_t=context< weight_tapes_t, WeightSet >;using weightset_t=expressionset< inner_context_t >;using context_t=context< labelset_t, weightset_t >;static context_t value(const in_context_t &ctx, vcsn::rat::identities ids){return value_(ctx, ids, weight_index_t{}, kept_index_t{});}template< size_t...WeightTapes, size_t...KeptTapes >static context_t value_(const in_context_t &ctx, vcsn::rat::identities ids, seq< WeightTapes...>, seq< KeptTapes...>){auto ls=labelset_t{ctx.labelset() -> template vcsn::detail::set< KeptTapes > ()...}
 Specialization: lift only some tapes. More...
auto vcsn::detail::weight_tapes = weight_tapes_t{ctx.labelset()->template set<WeightTapes>()...}
auto vcsn::detail::ictx = inner_context_t{weight_tapes, *ctx.weightset()}
auto vcsn::detail::rs = weightset_t{ictx, ids}
 vcsn::detail::return {ls, rs}