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5.1 Assessment Options

Most of the documented material is extracted automatically by Declt, although sometimes it is difficult to get it right, if at all. From time to time, you may also want to override Declt’s default choices. The following options provide control over the extraction mechanism and result. They are passed along to the assess function (see Assessment), along with the library’s system designator.


How hard Declt introspects the Lisp environment in order to find information. Possible values currently are 1 (the default) or 2. The Declt introspection heuristic establishes different compromises between completeness and performance. A higher introspection level will result in a more complete documentation, at the expense of a (much) greater computation time. See Introspection Levels for more information.


The library name, used in the reference manual title and at some other places. It defaults to the system name, but you are encouraged to provide a more human-readable version (for example Declt rather than just net.didierverna.declt).


A tagline for the library, used in the reference manual subtitle, or nil. It defaults to the system’s long name or description (one-liners only), but see Taglines.


The library version, used in the reference manual subtitle and at some other places, or nil. It defaults to the system version (one-liner only).


The contact(s) for the library, or nil. The default is extracted from the system definition (the maintainer and author slots, possibly also the mailto one; one-liners only). You may provide a contact string, or a list of such. A contact string is of the form "My Name <my@address>", both name and address being optional.

Copyright year(s) used to typeset copyright header lines, or nil to disable those lines. It defaults to the current year. You may use any kind of string here, such as "2013", "2010, 2011", "2010--2013" etc.


The library’s license type (nil by default). This information is used to insert licensing information at several places in the manual. The possible non-nil values are: :mit, :boost, :bsd, :gpl, :lgpl, and :ms-pl. The corresponding license file headers are stored in the *licenses* parameter. Please ask if you need other kinds of licenses added to Declt. Note that this information is not currently extracted from the system’s license slot, as this slot is not well defined.


A potential contents for an introductory chapter (none by default). In the future, this material may be extracted from a README file or such.


A potential contents for a conclusive chapter (none by default).

Note that both the introduction and the conclusion may contain Texinfo directives (no post-processing will occur). All other textual material is considered raw text and will be properly escaped for Texinfo.

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