File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
1d.hh [code] [code] [code] [code] [code] [code]
2d.hh [code]
3d.hh [code]
a_point_of.hh [code]Give a point of an image
io/abort.hh [code]
metal/abort.hh [code]FIXME: Document [code]
data/abs.hh [code]Apply the absolute value (abs) function to image pixel values
fun/math/abs.hh [code]
fun/v2v/abs.hh [code]FIXME
math/abs.hh [code]Define the absolute value (abs) routine [code] [code]
accu.hh [code]
accu_result.hh [code]
accumulator.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Accumulator
doc/accumulator.hh [code]
accumulators.hh [code]Some base trait types for accumulators
acos.hh [code]Define the arc cosinus (acos) routine
adj_higher_dim_connected_n_face_iter.hh [code]Definition of forward and backward iterators on all the n-faces sharing an adjacent (n+1)-face with a (reference) n-face in a complex
adj_higher_face_iter.hh [code]Definition of forward and backward iterators on the adjacent (n+1)-faces of a (reference) n-face in a complex
adj_lower_dim_connected_n_face_iter.hh [code]Definition of forward and backward iterators on all the n-faces sharing an adjacent (n-1)-face with a (reference) n-face in a complex
adj_lower_face_iter.hh [code]Definition of forward and backward iterators on the adjacent (n-1)-faces of a (reference) n-face in a complex
adj_lower_higher_face_iter.hh [code]Definition of forward and backward iterators on all the adjacent (n-1)-faces and (n+1)-faces of a (reference) n-face in a complex
adj_m_face_iter.hh [code]Definition of forward and backward iterators on all the m-faces transitively adjacent to a (reference) n-face in a complex [code]
adjacency_matrix.hh [code]A class of adjacency matrix [code]
border/adjust.hh [code]Define a function that adjusts the thickness of an image virtual border
extension/adjust.hh [code]Adjust the domain extension to a minimum thickness border
adjust_duplicate.hh [code]Adjust the size of the domain extension then duplicate the image inner boundary
adjust_fill.hh [code]Adjust then fill the domain extension [code]
closing/ [code]
opening/ [code]
closing/algebraic.hh [code]Morphological algebraic closing
opening/algebraic.hh [code]Morphological algebraic opening
algebraic_face.hh [code]Algebraic face of a complex
algebraic_filter.hh [code]Alegebraic filter calls attribute canvas
algebraic_n_face.hh [code]Algebraic n-face of a complex
aliases.hh [code]File that includes all aliases of value types
accu/all.hh [code]File that includes all accumulator types
accu/image/all.hh [code]File that includes all accumulator image routines
accu/logic/all.hh [code]File that includes all logical accumulator types
accu/math/all.hh [code]File that includes all mathematic accumulator types
accu/shape/all.hh [code]File that includes all shape accumulator types
accu/site_set/all.hh [code]File that includes all accumulator types working on site sets
accu/stat/all.hh [code]File that includes all statistical accumulator types
algebra/all.hh [code]File that includes all algebraic structures
all.hh [code]File that includes all the headers
arith/all.hh [code]File that includes all arithmetic materials
binarization/all.hh [code]File that includes all "point-wise" expression tools
border/all.hh [code]File that includes all border-related routines
canvas/all.hh [code]File that includes all canvas-related routines
canvas/browsing/all.hh [code]File that includes all browsing canvas-related routines
canvas/labeling/all.hh [code]File that includes all labeling canvas-related routines
canvas/morpho/all.hh [code]File that includes morphological canvas-related routines
convert/all.hh [code]File that includes all conversion-related routines
convert/impl/all.hh [code]File that includes all from-to conversion routines
core/alias/all.hh [code]File that includes all the aliases
core/all.hh [code]File that includes all the core routines
core/concept/all.hh [code]File that includes all the core concepts
core/def/all.hh [code]
core/image/all.hh [code]File that includes all image types
core/image/dmorph/all.hh [code]File that includes all domain morpher image types
core/image/imorph/all.hh [code]File that includes all identity morpher image types
core/image/vmorph/all.hh [code]File that includes all value morpher image types
core/routine/all.hh [code]File that includes all core routines
core/site_set/all.hh [code]File that includes all site_set types
core/trait/all.hh [code]File that includes all traits
data/all.hh [code]File that includes all data-related routines
data/approx/all.hh [code]File that includes all level-related routines with approximation
data/naive/all.hh [code]File that includes all level-related routines with naive approach
debug/all.hh [code]File that includes all debug-related routines
display/all.hh [code]File that includes all display routines
draw/all.hh [code]File that includes all draw-related routines
estim/all.hh [code]File that includes all estimation materials
extension/all.hh [code]File that includes all extension materials
extract/all.hh [code]File that includes all sub-data extraction related routines
fun/access/all.hh [code]File that includes all access functions
fun/all.hh [code]File that includes all functions
fun/i2v/all.hh [code]File that includes all integer-to-value functions
fun/meta/all.hh [code]
fun/n2v/all.hh [code]File that includes all functions from nil to value
fun/p2b/all.hh [code]File that includes all functions from point to boolean
fun/p2p/all.hh [code]File that includes all functions from grid point to grid point
fun/p2v/all.hh [code]File that includes all functions from point to value
fun/stat/all.hh [code]File that includes all statistical functions
fun/v2b/all.hh [code]File that includes all functions from value to logic value
fun/v2i/all.hh [code]File that includes all value-to-integer functions
fun/v2v/all.hh [code]File that includes all functions from value to value
fun/v2w2v/all.hh [code]
fun/v2w_w2v/all.hh [code]File that includes all bijective functions
fun/vv2b/all.hh [code]File that includes all functions mapping two values to a logical value
fun/vv2v/all.hh [code]File that includes all functions from point to value
fun/x2p/all.hh [code]File that includes all functions from point to value
fun/x2v/all.hh [code]File that includes all functions from vector to value
fun/x2x/all.hh [code]File that includes all functions from vector to vector
geom/all.hh [code]File that includes all geometry related things
graph/all.hh [code]File that include all graph related routines
histo/all.hh [code]File that includes histogram files
io/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all I/O routines
io/cloud/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all cloud I/O routines
io/dicom/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all DICOM I/O routines
io/dump/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all dump I/O routines
io/fits/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all FITS I/O routines
io/fld/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all AVS field file I/O routines
io/magick/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all Magick++ I/O routines
io/off/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all OFF I/O routines
io/pbm/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all PBM I/O routines
io/pbms/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all PBMS I/O routines
io/pfm/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all PFM I/O routines
io/pgm/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all PGM I/O routines
io/pgms/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all PGMS I/O routines
io/plot/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all plot I/O routines
io/pnm/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all PNM I/O routines
io/pnms/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all PNMS I/O routines
io/ppm/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all PPM I/O routines
io/ppms/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all PPMS I/O routines
io/raw/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all raw I/O routines
io/tiff/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all TIFF I/O routines
io/txt/all.hh [code]Inclusion of all TXT I/O routines
labeling/all.hh [code]File that includes all labeling routines
linear/all.hh [code]File that includes all linear image processing routines
literal/all.hh [code]File that includes all literals
logical/all.hh [code]File that includes all logical operators
make/all.hh [code]File that includes all make routines
math/all.hh [code]File that includes all mathematical routines
metal/all.hh [code]File that includes all meta-programming tools
metal/math/all.hh [code]Include all static mathematical functions
morpho/all.hh [code]File that includes all mathematical morphology routines
morpho/approx/all.hh [code]File that includes all approximate mathematical morphology routines
morpho/attribute/all.hh [code]File that includes all attributes used in mathematical morphology
morpho/closing/all.hh [code]File that includes all closing operators
morpho/closing/approx/all.hh [code]File that includes all approximate mathematical morphology closing routines
morpho/elementary/all.hh [code]File that includes all elementary mathematical morphology routines
morpho/opening/all.hh [code]File that includes all opening operators
morpho/opening/approx/all.hh [code]File that includes all approximate mathematical morphology opening routines
morpho/reconstruction/all.hh [code]File that includes all morphological reconstruction routines
morpho/reconstruction/by_dilation/all.hh [code]File that includes all morphological reconstruction by dilation routines
morpho/reconstruction/by_erosion/all.hh [code]File that includes all morphological reconstruction by erosion routines
morpho/tree/all.hh [code]File that includes all morphological tree-related routines
morpho/tree/filter/all.hh [code]
morpho/watershed/all.hh [code]File that includes all morphological watershed routines
norm/all.hh [code]File that includes all norm routines
opt/all.hh [code]File that includes the most useful optional routines
pw/all.hh [code]File that includes all "point-wise" expression tools
registration/all.hh [code]File that includes all "point-wise" expression tools
set/all.hh [code]File that includes all set-related routines
subsampling/all.hh [code]File that includes all "point-wise" expression tools
tag/all.hh [code]File that includes all tag-related routines
test/all.hh [code]File that includes all test-related routines
topo/all.hh [code]File that includes all topology related algorithms
trace/all.hh [code]File that includes all trace-related routines
trait/all.hh [code]Definition of all traits
trait/op/all.hh [code]
trait/value/all.hh [code]Include all value traits
trait/value/internal/all.hh [code]Include all internals for value traits
transform/all.hh [code]File that includes all transforms
transform/internal/all.hh [code]File that includes all internals of mln/transform
util/all.hh [code]File that includes all util-related routines
value/all.hh [code]File that includes all "value types"-related materials
value/builtin/all.hh [code]File that includes all materials related to built-in types
value/concept/all.hh [code]File that includes every sub-concept of the Value concept
value/internal/all.hh [code]FIXME
win/all.hh [code]File that includes all win-related routines
world/all.hh [code]File that includes all the world routines
world/binary_2d/all.hh [code]File that includes all the world routines
world/inter_pixel/all.hh [code]File that includes all the inter-pixel routines
world/inter_pixel/dim2/all.hh [code]File that includes all the inter-pixel 2D routines [code] [code]Check all Milena's headers
data/ [code] [code]
all_to.hh [code]FIXME [code]
logical/and.hh [code]Point-wise "logical and" between binary images
trait/op/and.hh [code]Declaration of the "binary and" operator trait [code]
and_not.hh [code]Point-wise "logical and-not" between binary images
ands.hh [code]Definition of a multiple-"and"s Boolean expression [code]
antialiased.hh [code]Antialiased subsampling
antilogy.hh [code]Definition of a p2b function always returning false [code]
apply.hh [code]Apply a function-object onto image pixel values [code]
closing/ [code]
opening/ [code]
closing/area.hh [code]Morphological area closing
opening/area.hh [code]Morphological area opening [code]More tests on the Watershed Transform (WST) on a an image base on a p_edges (line_graph_image)
closing/ [code]
opening/ [code]
closing/area_on_vertices.hh [code]Morphological area closing on a line graph image computing the area in terms of adjacent vertices
opening/area_on_vertices.hh [code]Morphological area opening on a line graph image computing the area in terms of adjacent vertices [code]
fun/i2v/array.hh [code]Function mapping an Id i to a value v
histo/array.hh [code]Define a generic histogram class
metal/array.hh [code]
util/array.hh [code]Definition of mln::util::array
array1d.hh [code]
array2d.hh [code]
array3d.hh [code] [code]Tests on the Watershed Transform (WST) on an artificial mln::line_graph_image [code]Alternate Sequential Filters in graph space implemented on 1-complex images [code]Alternate Sequential Filters in graph space implemented on mln::image2d-based cubical complexes [code]
at.hh [code]Define the optional routine at
attachment.hh [code]Compute the attachment of a cell to a binary complex-based image [code]
attribute_filter.hh [code]Connected filters dispatch (algebraic & leveling filters) [code]
backdiag2d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::win::backdiag2d window [code]
backdiagonal2d.hh [code]Backdiagonal2d browsing of an image [code]
background.hh [code]Connected component labeling of the background in a binary image [code]
ball.hh [code]Definition of the mln::win::ball window
base.hh [code]Define a base class for implementation of accumulator classes
accu/shape/ [code]
geom/ [code]
accu/shape/bbox.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes a bbox
geom/bbox.hh [code]Several routines to compute the precise bounding box of some objects [code]
bexpr.hh [code]Definition of types for static Boolean expressions
big_chess.hh [code]FIXME
bilinear.hh [code]Define a bilinear interpolation of values from an underlying image
binarization.hh [code]Threshold an image
binary.hh [code]
spe/binary.hh [code]
binary_param.hh [code] [code]
black.hh [code]Definition of the 'black' literal [code]
canvas/labeling/blobs.hh [code]Canvas for connected component labeling of the binary objects of a binary image using a queue-based algorithm
labeling/blobs.hh [code]Connected component labeling of the binary objects of a binary image using a queue-based algorithm [code]
blobs_and_compute.hh [code]Label an image and compute given accumulators [code]
extract/blue.hh [code]Extract the blue component of an image
fun/component/blue.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify the blue component
fun/meta/blue.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify the blue component [code]
bool.hh [code]Definition of a Boolean value type [code] [code]
core/concept/box.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Box
core/concept/doc/box.hh [code]
core/site_set/box.hh [code]This file defines a generic box class
draw/box.hh [code]Draw a box in an image [code]
core/alias/box1d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::box1d alias and of construction routines
make/box1d.hh [code]Routines to construct an mln::box1d [code] [code]
core/alias/box2d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::box2d alias and of construction routines
make/box2d.hh [code]Routines to construct an mln::box2d
core/alias/box2d_h.hh [code]Definition of the mln::box2d alias and of construction routines
make/box2d_h.hh [code]Routines to construct an mln::box2d_h [code]
core/alias/box3d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::box3d alias and of construction routines
make/box3d.hh [code]Routines to construct an mln::box3d
box_impl.hh [code]Define some implementation classes to provide methods related to classes having a bounding box
box_piter.hh [code]Definition of iterators on points of boxes
box_plain.hh [code]Draw a plain box in an image [code]
box_runend_piter.hh [code]Definition of iterators on points by lines [code]
box_runstart_piter.hh [code]Definition of iterators on points by lines [code]
branch_iter.hh [code]Definition of a iterator on branch [code]
branch_iter_ind.hh [code]Definition of a iterator on branch [code]
breadth_first_search.hh [code]Breadth first search algorithm for graph
breadth_first_thinning.hh [code]Computing a skeleton by using breadth-first thinning on a binary image
browsing.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Browsing
built_in.hh [code]Define a generic class for built-in values [code]
c.hh [code]Encapsulate a plain (C language-like) pointer to function into a functor [code]Test on mln::labeling::value
graph/attribute/ [code]
morpho/attribute/ [code]
set/ [code]
graph/attribute/card.hh [code]Functor that computes the cardinality of every component in a graph
morpho/attribute/card.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes the cardinality of a component
set/card.hh [code]Compute the cardinality of a site set
carrays.hh [code]Traits definition for C arrays
fun/cast.hh [code]FIXME
fun/v2v/cast.hh [code]FIXME
value/cast.hh [code]Definition of the mln::value::cast routine [code]
cast_image.hh [code]Definition of an image morpher that make the user see the same image but with another data type [code]
category.hh [code]Definition of the category holder type
cell.hh [code]Computing the set of faces of the cell
center.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes the mass center of a site set
center_only_iter.hh [code]Definition of a complex relative iterator iterating on its center (reference face) only
centered_iter_adapter.hh [code]Complex relative iterator adapters adding the central (reference) point to the set of iterated faces
ch_convolve.hh [code]Define convolution return type
fun/v2v/ch_function_value.hh [code]Wrap a function v2v and convert its result to another type
trait/ch_function_value.hh [code]Definition of the "change value" function trait
ch_function_value_impl.hh [code]Enable the possibility of adding methods to fun::v2v::ch_function_value
ch_piter.hh [code]Definition of a morpher that changes the iterators [code]
ch_value.hh [code]Definition of the "change value" image trait
chain.hh [code] [code]
canvas/chamfer.hh [code]Apply chamfer algorithm to a binary image
geom/chamfer.hh [code]Connected component chamfer of the image objects
chess.hh [code]FIXME
classical_window_base.hh [code]Definition of a base class for classes based on a set of dpoints
closest_point.hh [code]
closest_point_functor.hh [code]Closest point functor [code]
closing.hh [code]Morphological elementary closing
coefficients.hh [code]Compute coefficients for recursive Gaussian filtering
col.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify the col coord of a point
doc/examples/tuto3/ [code]
tests/labeling/ [code]Test of labeling::colorize
colorize.hh [code]Fill an image with successive values
colors.hh [code]Definition of the colors literal
common.hh [code] [code]
fun/component/comp.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify a component
trait/value/comp.hh [code]Access to the i-th component type of a given type
trait/value/internal/comp.hh [code]Include all internals for comp value trait
comp_count.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve the number of components a vector has [code]
compare.hh [code]Comparison operators between the pixel values of images [code]
complementation.hh [code]Definition of a function that make a complementation (logical or arithmetical) of an image
apps/papers/levillain.09.ismm/ [code]
tests/topo/ [code]
complex.hh [code]Structures for general complexes
core/alias/complex_geometry.hh [code]Definition of mln::geom::complex_geometry aliases
geom/complex_geometry.hh [code]A functor associating geometry (location) data to the faces of a complex [code]
mln/core/alias/complex_image.hh [code]Definition of mln::complex_image aliases
mln/core/image/complex_image.hh [code]Definition of a line complex-based image
tests/core/image/complex_image.hh [code]Shared code for tests on complex-based images [code]Test of mln::complex_image with morphological filters [code]Testing the Watershed Transform by flooding an mln::complex_image
complex_iterator_base.hh [code]Definition of an implementation (factoring) class for iterators on complexes
complex_iterators.hh [code]Iterators on complexes
complex_neighborhood_base.hh [code]Definition of a generic neighborhood of the face of a complex, based on a pair of (forward and backward) complex iterators
complex_neighborhood_piter.hh [code]Definition of a site iterator on a complex neighborhood
complex_neighborhoods.hh [code]Definitions of some neighborhoods of complex images
complex_psite.hh [code]Definition of a complex-based point site
complex_relative_iterator_base.hh [code]Definition of an implementation (factoring) class for iterators on mln::complex
complex_relative_iterator_sequence.hh [code]Definition of a meta complex relative iterator using two complex relative iterators sequentially
complex_set_iterator_base.hh [code]Definition of an implementation (factoring) class for (set) iterators on faces of a complex
complex_window_base.hh [code]Definition of a generic window of the face of a complex, based on a pair of (forward and backward) complex iterators
complex_window_p_base.hh [code]Definition of a generic window centered on the face of a complex, based on a pair of (forward and backward) complex iterators
complex_window_piter.hh [code]Definition of a site iterator on a complex window
complex_windows.hh [code]Definitions of some windows of complex images [code]
component.hh [code]Functor that accesses the i-th component of a value
component_tree.hh [code]Compute a canonized (parenthood) component tree from an image
compose.hh [code] [code]
composed.hh [code]Definition of a composed transformation
composition.hh [code]
accu/ [code]
data/ [code]
histo/ [code]
labeling/ [code]
set/ [code]
world/inter_pixel/ [code]
accu/compute.hh [code]Compute an accumulator on image pixels, i.e., couples (site, value)
data/compute.hh [code]Compute an accumulator onto image pixel values
graph/compute.hh [code]Base routine to compute attributes on a graph
histo/compute.hh [code]Routine to compute an histogram
labeling/compute.hh [code]Compute accumulators onto sites/values of each labeled component of an image
set/compute.hh [code]Compute an accumulator on a site set
world/inter_pixel/compute.hh [code]FIXME: insert comment [code]
compute_attribute_image.hh [code]Compute a canonized tree from an image [code]
compute_image.hh [code]Compute accumulators onto sites/values of each labeled component of an image and return a new image where labels are replaced by the result of the accumulator [code]
compute_parent.hh [code]Compute a canonized tree from an image [code]
compute_with_weights.hh [code]Compute an accumulator on a site set described by an image
concrete.hh [code]Definition of the concrete image trait
const.hh [code]FIXME [code]A topological watershed-based implementation of Pierre Soille's constrained connectivity segmentation
contract.hh [code]Definition of the set of contracts [code]
contrast.hh [code]Morphological contrast operator (based on top-hats) [code]
apps/graph-morpho/convert.hh [code]Conversion between various graph/complex image types
mln/data/convert.hh [code]Convert the contents of an image into another one
mln/fun/v2v/convert.hh [code]FIXME
mln/value/internal/convert.hh [code]Define a conversion between an index and an iterable value [code]
converts_to.hh [code]Definition of a type that checks if a type "converts to" another one [code]
local/ [code]
accu/convolve.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes a convolution
linear/convolve.hh [code]Convolution
linear/local/convolve.hh [code]Local convolution at a point [code]
convolve_2x1d.hh [code]2D convolution by a couple of line kernels [code]
convolve_directional.hh [code]
coord.hh [code]Definition of the default coordinate type
coord_impl.hh [code]Define some implementation classes for generalized points
coordf.hh [code]Definition of the floating coordinate type
fun/math/cos.hh [code]
fun/v2w2v/cos.hh [code]Cos functor
math/cos.hh [code]Define the cosinus (cos) routine [code]
count.hh [code]Define an accumulator that counts
accu/count_adjacent_vertices.hh [code]Define an accumulator that counts the vertices adjacent to a set of p_edges psites
morpho/attribute/count_adjacent_vertices.hh [code]Define an accumulator that counts the vertices adjacent to a set of p_edges psites
count_labels.hh [code]Define an accumulator that counts the number of different labels
count_value.hh [code]Define an accumulator that counts the occurrence of a given value
accu/internal/couple.hh [code]Base implementation of a couple of accumulators
util/couple.hh [code]Definition of a couple [code]
crest.hh [code]Compute skeletization constraints
cst.hh [code]Definition of a constant function [code]
cube3d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::win::cube3d window [code]
cuboid3d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::win::cuboid3d window
dashed_line.hh [code]Draw a dashed_line in an image [code]
apps/data.hh [code]
doc/tools/data.hh [code]
mln/core/internal/data.hh [code]Declaration of the type of image data
mln/morpho/tree/data.hh [code]
mln/value/concept/data.hh [code]Define a generic class for data values
tests/data.hh [code]
debug.hh [code]Pretty-printing between graph/complex image types
dec.hh [code]Decrementation function
decl.hh [code]Forward declaration of the couple of trait solving structures: mln::trait::solve_unary and mln::trait::solve_binary [code]
decorated_image.hh [code]Definition of an image that can have additional features
delta.hh [code]
delta_point_site.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Delta_Point_Site [code]
depth_first_search.hh [code]Depth-limited search algorithm for graph
detach.hh [code]Detachin a cell from a binary complex-based image
detachment.hh [code]Compute the detachment of a cell w.r.t [code]Tests on mln::accu::deviation
deviation.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes a standard deviation [code]
diag2d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::win::diag2d window [code]
diagonal2d.hh [code]Diagonal2d browsing of an image [code]
set/ [code]
win/ [code]
set/diff.hh [code]Set theoretic difference (non-symmetrical) of a couple of sets
win/diff.hh [code]Set difference between a couple of windows or neighborhoods [code]
arith/diff_abs.hh [code]Point-wise addition between images
fun/vv2v/diff_abs.hh [code]Computing the absolute difference between two values using a functor
math/diff_abs.hh [code]Define diff_abs routine
approx/ [code] [code]
elementary/ [code]
approx/dilation.hh [code]Approximate mathematical morphology dilation
dilation.hh [code]Morphological dilation
elementary/dilation.hh [code]
dindex.hh [code]Definition of a "delta-index" type [code]
dir_struct_elt_incr_update.hh [code]Directional browsing of an image with structuring element
direct.hh [code]Filtering with direct strategy
directional.hh [code]Directional browsing of an image [code]
disk2d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::win::disk2d window [code]
display_edge.hh [code]Create an image for visualizing the values on edges of an inter_pixel image [code]
distance_and_closest_point_geodesic.hh [code]Distance and geodesic closest point transform
distance_and_influence_zone_geodesic.hh [code]Distance and geodesic closest point transform [code]
canvas/distance_front.hh [code]Canvas of discrete distance computation by thick front propagation
transform/distance_front.hh [code]Discrete front distance transform
distance_functor.hh [code]Distance functor [code]
canvas/distance_geodesic.hh [code]Discrete geodesic distance canvas
transform/distance_geodesic.hh [code]Discrete geodesic distance transform
arith/div.hh [code]Point-wise division between images
trait/op/div.hh [code]Declaration of the "binary division" operator trait [code]
double_neighb2d.hh [code]Routine to create a double neighborhood [code]
concept/doc/dpoint.hh [code]
concept/dpoint.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Dpoint
dpoint.hh [code]Definition of the generic delta-point class mln::dpoint [code]
dpoint1d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::dpoint1d alias and of its construction routine [code]
dpoint2d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::dpoint2d alias and of its construction routine
core/alias/dpoint2d_h.hh [code]Definition of the mln::dpoint2d_h alias and of its construction routine
make/dpoint2d_h.hh [code]Routine to construct an mln::dpoint2d_h [code]
dpoint3d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::dpoint3d alias and of its construction routine [code]
dpoints_pixter.hh [code]Definition of forward and backward mln::dpoint-based iterators for pixels iterations
dpsites_piter.hh [code]Definition of forward and backward mln::dpoint_ based iterators
draw_graph.hh [code]Draw an (classical) image from a mln::graph_image
dual_hqueue.hh [code] [code]
dual_input_tree.hh [code]Compute a canonized component tree from a dual input [code]
dual_neighb.hh [code]Routine to create a dual neighborhood
dual_union_find.hh [code] [code]Demo on dual neighborhoods [code]
dummy_p_edges.hh [code]Create a p_edges which associate a graph element to a constant site [code]
dummy_p_vertices.hh [code]Create a p_vertices which associate a graph element to a constant site [code]
border/ [code]
core/routine/ [code]
border/duplicate.hh [code]Define function that fills border using nearest pixels
core/routine/duplicate.hh [code]Clone an image, that is, get an effective copy
extension/duplicate.hh [code]Duplicate the values of the image inner boundary in the domain extension [code] [code]
eat.hh [code]Definition of an "eater" object
edge.hh [code]Definition of a graph edge [code]
core/image/edge_image.hh [code]Image based on graph edges
make/edge_image.hh [code]Routine to create a edge image
edge_impl.hh [code]Define a couple of implementation classes to provide methods to classes of generalized edges [code]
element.hh [code]Define the opt::element and opt::nelements routines
elementary.hh [code]Morphological elementary operator
elifs.hh [code]FIXME
enc.hh [code]FIXME
encoding.hh [code]Define some information about how to encode some value types [code]
enlarge.hh [code]Enlarge 2^n times a binary image
entering.hh [code]Definition of the trace entering procedure
fun/vv2b/eq.hh [code]Functor that computes equal between two values
trait/op/eq.hh [code]Declaration of the "binary equality" operator trait
equal.hh [code]Definition of a static 'equal' test [code]
border/equalize.hh [code]Define a function that equalizes the thickness of an image virtual border
histo/equalize.hh [code]Function histogram equalization [code] [code]
equiv.hh [code]The mln::equiv routine
doc/benchmark/morpho/ [code]
tests/morpho/approx/ [code]
tests/morpho/elementary/ [code]
tests/morpho/ [code]Test on mln::morpho::erosion
approx/erosion.hh [code]Approximate mathematical morphology erosion
elementary/erosion.hh [code]
erosion.hh [code]Morphological erosion
accu/essential.hh [code]File that includes the most useful accumulator types
accu/image/essential.hh [code]File that includes the most useful accumulator types working on images
accu/math/essential.hh [code]File that includes the most useful mathematic accumulator types
accu/shape/essential.hh [code]File that includes the most useful shape accumulator types
accu/site_set/essential.hh [code]File that includes the most useful accumulator types working on site sets
accu/stat/essential.hh [code]File that includes the most useful statistical accumulator types
algebra/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential "point-wise" expression tools
arith/essential.hh [code]File that includes the most useful arithmetic materials
binarization/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential "point-wise" expression tools
border/essential.hh [code]File that includes the most useful border-related routines
canvas/browsing/essential.hh [code]
canvas/essential.hh [code]File that includes the most useful canvas-related routines
canvas/labeling/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential labeling canvas-related routines
canvas/morpho/essential.hh [code]File that includes morphological canvas-related routines
convert/essential.hh [code]File that includes the most useful conversion-related routines
core/def/essential.hh [code]
core/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential the core routines
core/image/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential image types
core/routine/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential core routines
core/site_set/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential site_set types
core/trait/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential traits
data/approx/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential level-related routines with approximation
data/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential data-related routines
data/naive/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential level-related routines with naive approach
debug/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential debug-related routines
display/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential display routines
draw/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential draw-related routines
estim/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential estimation materials
extension/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential extension materials
extract/essential.hh [code]File that includes all sub-data extraction related routines
fun/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential fun-related routines
fun/i2v/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential functions from index to value
fun/meta/essential.hh [code]
fun/p2b/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential functions from point to boolean
fun/p2v/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential functions from point to value
fun/v2b/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential functions from point to value
fun/v2v/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential functions from value to value
fun/vv2v/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential functions from point to value
fun/x2p/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential functions from point to value
fun/x2v/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential functions from vector to value
fun/x2x/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential functions from vector to vector
geom/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential geometry related things
graph/essential.hh [code]File that include essential graph related routines
histo/essential.hh [code]File that includes histogram files
io/essential.hh [code]Inclusion of the most useful I/O routines
labeling/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential labeling routines
linear/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential linear image processing routines
literal/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential literals
logical/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential logical operators
make/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential make routines
math/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential mathematical routines
metal/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential meta-programming tools
morpho/closing/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential closing attributes
morpho/elementary/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential elementary mathematical morphology routines
morpho/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential morpho-related routines
morpho/opening/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential opening attributes
norm/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential norm routines
opt/essential.hh [code]File that includes the most useful optional routines
pw/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential "point-wise" expression tools
registration/essential.hh [code]File that includes all "point-wise" expression tools
set/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential set-related routines
subsampling/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential "point-wise" expression tools
tag/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential tag-related routines
test/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential test-related routines
topo/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential "point-wise" expression tools
trace/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential trace-related routines
trait/essential.hh [code]Definition of essential traits
trait/op/essential.hh [code]
trait/value/essential.hh [code]FIXME
transform/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential "point-wise" expression tools
util/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential util-related routines
value/builtin/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential materials related to built-in types
value/concept/essential.hh [code]File that includes every sub-concept of the Value concept
value/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential "value types"-related materials
value/internal/essential.hh [code]FIXME
win/essential.hh [code]File that includes essential win-related routines [code] [code] [code]
internal/exact.hh [code]Meta-code for the mln::exact downcast routines
routine/exact.hh [code]Definition of the mln::exact downcast routines
exact_gcc_2_95.hh [code]Definition of the mln::exact downcast routines for g++-2.95
exiting.hh [code]Definition of the trace exiting procedure
doc/examples/ [code]
tests/core/routine/ [code]
extend.hh [code]Definition of a morpher that extends the extended domain of an image
extended.hh [code]Definition of morpher that makes an image become restricted given by a point set [code]
extension_fun.hh [code]Definition of a morpher that extends the domain of an image with a function
extension_ima.hh [code]Definition of a morpher that extends the domain of an image with an image
extension_val.hh [code]Definition of a morpher that extends the domain of an image
face.hh [code]Face of a complex
face_data.hh [code]Data associated to the faces of a complex
face_iter.hh [code]Definition of forward and backward iterators on all the faces of a complex
faces_iter.hh [code]Definition of forward and backward iterators on the n-faces of a complex
faces_psite.hh [code]Definition of a point site based on the n-faces of a complex
fast_median.hh [code]Fast Median filtering of an image [code]Definition of a generic vector class
fibonacci_heap.hh [code]
filename.hh [code]Constructs and returns a formatted output file name [code] [code] [code] [code] [code]
doc/examples/ [code]
tests/border/ [code]
tests/data/ [code]
tests/extension/ [code]
border/fill.hh [code]Define function that fills border using a given value
data/fill.hh [code]Fill an image, that is, set pixel values
extension/fill.hh [code]Define function that fills domain extension
border/ [code]
data/ [code] [code]Test of labeling::fill_holes
fill_holes.hh [code]Filling holes of a single object in a binary image [code]
fill_with_image.hh [code]Fill an image with the values from another image [code]
fill_with_value.hh [code]Fill an image with a value, that is, set all pixel values to the given value
linear/gaussian/ [code]
morpho/tree/filter/ [code]
linear/gaussian/filter.hh [code]Gaussian filter
morpho/tree/filter/filter.hh [code] [code]
find.hh [code]Define function that searches the border thickness of image [code]
find_root.hh [code]Routines to handle parent image
find_root_fastest.hh [code]Shared 'find root' function for labeling canvas
first.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify the first component [code]First generic routine [code]
fix_return.hh [code]FIXME
fixme.hh [code]Definition of mln::fixme for internal use only [code]
flat_image.hh [code]Definition of a image with a signle value [code]
flat_zones.hh [code]Connected component labeling of the flat zones of an image [code] [code] [code] [code]
float01.hh [code]Define a generic class for float
float01_.hh [code]FIXME
float01_16.hh [code]Define the alias value::float01_16
float01_8.hh [code]Define the alias value::float01_8 [code] [code]
float01_f.hh [code]FIXME
floating.hh [code]Define a generic class for floating values [code]
floatings.hh [code]Some definitions about built-in floating types [code]
flooding.hh [code]Meyer's Watershed Transform (WST) algorithm [code]
fold.hh [code]FIXME: Doc! [code]
force_exact.hh [code]Definition of a violent cast for internal use only [code]
foreground.hh [code]Connected component labeling of the object part in a binary image
format.hh [code]Routines that format a value to print it properly
from_accu.hh [code]Wrap an accumulator into a function
from_double_to_value.hh [code]General conversion procedure from a double to a value
from_float_to_value.hh [code]General conversion procedure from a float to a value
from_image_to_site_set.hh [code]General conversion procedure from an image to a site_set
from_int_to_value.hh [code]General conversion procedure from a int to a value [code]
from_site_set_to_image.hh [code]General conversion procedure from a site_set to an image
from_to.hh [code]General conversion procedure between two objects
from_to.hxx [code]
from_unsigned_to_value.hh [code]General conversion procedure from an unsigned to a value
from_value_to_value.hh [code]General conversion procedure from a value to a value
full2image.hh [code]Convert an inter-pixel image to a classical image [code] [code]
fun_image.hh [code]Definition of an image morpher that returns image data through a function
function.hh [code]Definition of several concepts of functions
functions.hh [code] [code]
fwd.hh [code]Canvas for forward browsing [code]
gaussian.hh [code]Gaussian filter
gaussian_1d.hh [code]Gaussian filter for fastest 1D images
gaussian_directional_2d.hh [code]Directional Gaussian filter for 2D images
gaussian_subsampling.hh [code]Produce a subsampled image
gdpoint.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Gdpoint
ge.hh [code]Functor that computes "greater or equal than" between two values [code]
general.hh [code]Morphological general routine with dispatch
doc/generalized_pixel.hh [code]This file documents the concept of mln::Generalized_Pixel
generalized_pixel.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Generalized_Pixel
generic.hh [code]Generic Connected component labeling of the object part in a binary image
geom_bbox.hh [code]
geq.hh [code]Declaration of the "binary greater-or-equal" operator trait [code]
border/get.hh [code]Define function that returns the real border thickness of image
set/get.hh [code]Algorithm that returns the i th element in a site set [code]
dicom/get_header.hh [code]Load a DICOM file header
dump/get_header.hh [code]Load a Milena image dumped into a file
raw/get_header.hh [code]Load a raw image header
get_rot.hh [code]
get_rtransf.hh [code]
gl16.hh [code]Define the alias value::gl16
gl8.hh [code]Define the alias value::gl8
glf.hh [code]Define the alias value::glf [code] [code]
goes_to.hh [code]Definition of a type that means "goes to"
gpoint.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Gpoint
elementary/ [code] [code]
elementary/gradient.hh [code]
gradient.hh [code]Morphological gradient [code]
gradient_external.hh [code] [code]
gradient_internal.hh [code] [code] [code]
apps/papers/levillain.09.ismm/ [code]
tests/draw/ [code]
tests/util/ [code]
doc/groups/graph.hh [code]
mln/core/concept/graph.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Graph
mln/util/graph.hh [code]Definition of a basic undirected graph
graph_base.hh [code]Factored implementation of undirected graphs
graph_elt_mixed_neighborhood.hh [code]Definition of the elementary ``neighborhood'' on a graph
graph_elt_mixed_window.hh [code]Definition of the elementary ``window'' on a graph where elements are in a different site set from the center's [code]
graph_elt_neighborhood.hh [code]Definition of the elementary ``neighborhood'' on a graph [code]
graph_elt_neighborhood_if.hh [code]Definition of the elementary ``neighborhood_if'' on a graph [code]
graph_elt_window.hh [code]Definition of the elementary ``window'' on a graph [code]
graph_elt_window_if.hh [code]Definition of a custom ``window'' on a graph
graph_first_search.hh [code]Depth-limited search algorithm for graph
graph_ids.hh [code]Definition of graph element ids [code] [code]Tests on a graph-based image with morphological filters [code]Tests on the Watershed Transform on a graph-based image
graph_iter.hh [code]Implementation for graph iterators
graph_iter_base.hh [code]Base implementation for graph iterators
graph_nbh_iter.hh [code]Implementation for graph vertex iterators centered to a vertex
graph_nbh_iter_base.hh [code]Base implementation for graph edge and vertex neighborhood iterator
graph_psite_base.hh [code]Base implementation for graph based psites
graph_window_base.hh [code]FIXME: doc
graph_window_if_piter.hh [code]Definition of a site iterator on a custom graph window
graph_window_piter.hh [code]Definition of a graph element iterator on a graph window
gray_.hh [code]FIXME
gray_f.hh [code]Definition of the mln::value::gray_f class [code]
graylevel.hh [code]Definition of the mln::value::graylevel class [code]
graylevel_f.hh [code]Definition of the mln::value::graylevel_f class [code] [code]
grays.hh [code]Definition of the colors literal
greater.hh [code]Declaration of the "binary greater" operator trait
greater_point.hh [code]
greater_psite.hh [code] [code]
extract/green.hh [code]Extract the green component of an image
fun/component/green.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify the green component
fun/meta/green.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify the green component
grids.hh [code]Definition of some grid classes
gt.hh [code]Functor that computes "greater than" between two values
algebra/ [code]
make/ [code]
algebra/h_mat.hh [code]Definition of a matrix with homogeneous coordinates
make/h_mat.hh [code]Routine to construct an mln::algebra::h_mat [code]
h_vec.hh [code]Definition of a vector with homogeneous coordinates
fun/p2b/has.hh [code]Function "psite-> bool" that maps the call "ima.has(p)"
set/has.hh [code]Algorithm that tests if a site set has a given site
header.hh [code]
attribute/ [code]
closing/ [code]
opening/ [code]
accu/shape/height.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes the height of a component through one of its pixels
morpho/attribute/height.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes the height of a component through one of its pixels
morpho/closing/height.hh [code]Morphological height closing
morpho/opening/height.hh [code]Morphological height opening [code]
hexa.hh [code]Definition of a morpher that makes hexagonal the mesh of an image
hexa_piter.hh [code]Definition of iterators on hexagonal points [code]
accu/histo.hh [code]Define a generic histogram accumulator class
debug/histo.hh [code]Save a histogram to a plot data file
histo3d_rgb.hh [code]Define a histogram as accumulator which returns an image3d [code]
hit_or_miss.hh [code]Morphological hit-or-miss [code]
hline2d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::win::hline2d window [code]
horizontal_symmetry.hh [code]Performs a horizontal symmetry [code]
hough.hh [code]Compute the hough transform
hqueues.hh [code]
hsi.hh [code]
hsi_to_rgb.hh [code]Convert a rgb value to hsi
hsl.hh [code] [code]
hsl_to_rgb.hh [code]Convert HSL values to RGB [code]
extract/hue.hh [code]Extract the hue component of an image
fun/meta/hue.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify the color hue [code]
hyper_directional.hh [code]Hyper_Directional browsing of an image
icp.hh [code]Register an image over an another using the ICP algorithm
id.hh [code]Identity function
id2element.hh [code]Function constructing a element from an id
identity.hh [code]Definition of the literal of mln::identity
if.hh [code]Definition of an "if-then-else" expression type
ignore.hh [code]Definition of an "ignorer" object [code] [code] [code] [code] [code] [code] [code] [code] [code] [code] [code] [code]
doc/examples/tuto4/ [code]
tests/pw/ [code]
core/concept/doc/image.hh [code]
core/concept/image.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Image
make/image.hh [code]Routine to create an image from values given as a C-array
pw/image.hh [code]Point-wised restricted image [code]
image1d.hh [code]Definition of the basic mln::image1d class
apps/papers/levillain.09.ismm/ [code]
doc/benchmark/ [code]
tests/core/image/ [code]
tests/make/ [code]
core/image/image2d.hh [code]Definition of the basic mln::image2d class
make/image2d.hh [code]Routine to create a 2D image from a 1D array [code]
image2d_h.hh [code]Definition of an alias for a 2d image based on an hexagonal mesh
core/image/ [code]
make/ [code]
core/image/image3d.hh [code]Definition of the basic mln::image3d class
make/image3d.hh [code]Routine to create a 3D image from an array of 2D images or from one 2D image
image_all.hh [code]File that includes all image-related internal checks
core/internal/image_base.hh [code]Definition of the common base class for all images
pw/internal/image_base.hh [code]Definition of the common base class for all point-wise images
image_domain_morpher.hh [code]Definition of a base class for image morphers w.r.t
concept/doc/image_fastest.hh [code]
internal/check/image_fastest.hh [code]Class that statically checks the interface of fastest images
image_from_grid.hh [code]Definition of the "image from mesh" trait
image_identity.hh [code]Definition of a base class for image morphers w.r.t [code]
image_if.hh [code]Definition of a image which domain is restricted by a function 'site -> Boolean'
image_morpher.hh [code]Definition of a base class for image morphers
image_primary.hh [code]Definition of a base class for primary images
image_value_morpher.hh [code]Definition of a base class for image morphers w.r.t. value [code]
doc/groups/images.hh [code]
mln/trait/images.hh [code]Some base trait types for images [code]
immerse.hh [code]Convert a classical image to an inter-pixel image
fun/meta/impl.hh [code]Definition of concept of meta function
linear/gaussian/impl.hh [code]Gaussian filter implementation
implies.hh [code]Functor that computes "logical implies" between two values
inc.hh [code]Incrementation function
arith/includes.hh [code]File that includes what is required by arith files
binarization/includes.hh [code]Basic list of includes for all files in mln/binarization/
logical/includes.hh [code]
morpho/includes.hh [code]Basic list of includes for all files in mln/morpho/
index.hh [code]Definition of an "index" type [code]
index_of_value.hh [code]File that define a function that gives an index per value
accu/math/inf.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes a inf
fun/math/inf.hh [code] [code]
influence_zone_adjacency_graph.hh [code]Create a graph from an influence zone image [code]
influence_zone_front.hh [code]Influence zone transform
influence_zone_functor.hh [code]Influence zone functor [code]
influence_zone_geodesic.hh [code]Geodesic influence zone transform [code]
influence_zone_geodesic_saturated.hh [code]Geodesic influence zone transform [code]
accu/image/init.hh [code]Initialize an image of accumulators
core/routine/init.hh [code]Definition of function that initialize an image from another one
tag/init.hh [code]Definition of tags used in the mln::init mechanism
init.hxx [code] [code]
initialize.hh [code]Definition of function that initialize an image from another one
int.hh [code]Definition of an integer value type [code]
int_s.hh [code]Define a generic class for signed integers [code]
int_s16.hh [code]Define the alias value::int_s16
int_s32.hh [code]Define the alias value::int_s32
int_s8.hh [code]Define the alias value::int_s8
int_u.hh [code]Define a generic class for unsigned integers
int_u12.hh [code]Define the alias value::int_u12
int_u16.hh [code]Define the alias value::int_u16
int_u32.hh [code]Define the alias value::int_u32 [code]
int_u8.hh [code]Define the alias value::int_u8
int_u_sat.hh [code]Define a generic class for unsigned integers with saturation behavior
concept/integer.hh [code]Define a generic class for integer values
internal/integer.hh [code]Define a generic class for integer values
integers.hh [code]Some definitions about built-in integer types
set/ [code]
win/ [code]
set/inter.hh [code]Compute the intersection between a couple of site sets
win/inter.hh [code]Define a function which inters a window with a delta-point [code] [code] [code]
interpolated.hh [code]Definition of a morpher that makes an image become readable with floating coordinates
interval.hh [code]Define an interval between two values
inty.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify the color intensity
invert.hh [code]Point-wise invert (min -> max and max -> min) of RGB images
io.hh [code]I/O routines adapted from TriMesh's ones [code]
debug/iota.hh [code]Fill an image with successive values
fun/p2v/iota.hh [code]Iota function [code]
is.hh [code]Definition of a type that means "is"
is_a.hh [code]Definition of a type that means "is_a"
is_const.hh [code]FIXME
is_dot.hh [code]FIXME: insert comment
is_edge.hh [code]FIXME: insert comment
is_facet.hh [code]Testing whether an mln::complex_psite is a facet
is_masked_impl_selector.hh [code]Add a specific member to graph windows/neighborhoods
is_n_face.hh [code]Testing whether an mln::complex_psite is an n-face
is_not.hh [code]Definition of a type that means "is not"
is_not_a.hh [code]Definition of a type that means "is not a"
is_not_const.hh [code]FIXME
is_not_ref.hh [code]FIXME [code]
dim2/is_pixel.hh [code]FIXME: insert comment
is_pixel.hh [code]FIXME: doc
is_ref.hh [code]FIXME
is_row_odd.hh [code]FIXME: insert comment [code]
is_separator.hh [code]FIXME: doc
is_simple_2d.hh [code]Define the function is_simple_2d which tests if a point is simple or not (Cf bertrand.07.chap)
is_simple_cell.hh [code]Testing whether a facet is a simple cell [code]
is_simple_point.hh [code]Is_simple_point tells if a point is simple or not
is_unqualif.hh [code]FIXME
iterable_set.hh [code]Define the iterable value set derived from a type
doc/iterator.hh [code]
iterator.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Iterator
ithcomp.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify the i'th component with a binary function f(i, vec)
jacobi.hh [code]
kind.hh [code]Kind of values (for use in images)
kmean_rgb.hh [code]Implements the optimized kmean algorithm in the 3d-RGB space [code]
l1.hh [code]Define some L1-norm related routines
l1_norm.hh [code]Define the L1-norm of an algebraic vector [code]
l2.hh [code]Define some L2-norm related routines [code]
label.hh [code]Define a generic class for labels
label_16.hh [code]Define the alias value::label_16
label_32.hh [code]Define the alias value::label_32
label_8.hh [code]Define the alias value::label_8
label_used.hh [code]Define an accumulator that references all the labels used [code]
labeled_image.hh [code]Definition of a morpher on a labeled image
labeled_image_base.hh [code]Definition of a base class for labeled image morphers [code] [code]
labeling.hh [code]Label a graph image
accu/logic/land.hh [code]Define a 'logical-and' accumulator
fun/vv2v/land.hh [code]Functor that computes "logical and" between two values
land_basic.hh [code]Define a basic 'logical-and' accumulator
land_not.hh [code]Functor that computes "logical and-not" between two values [code]
lap.hh [code]Laplacian
elementary/ [code] [code]
elementary/laplacian.hh [code]Morphological elementary laplacian
laplacian.hh [code]Morphological laplacian
lazy_image.hh [code]Definition of a lazy image [code]
lazy_set.hh [code]Definition of mln::lazy_set_ for internal use only
le.hh [code]Functor that computes "lower or equal than" between two values [code]
lemmings.hh [code]Definition of an "lemmings" object [code]Tests on the Watershed Transform (WST) on a mln::line_graph_image [code]More tests on the Watershed Transform (WST) on a mln::line_graph_image
leq.hh [code]Declaration of the "binary less-or-equal" operator trait
less.hh [code]Declaration of the "binary less" operator trait
closing/ [code]
opening/ [code]
closing/leveling.hh [code]Morphological leveling closing
opening/leveling.hh [code]Morphological leveling opening
leveling_filter.hh [code]Leveling filter calls attribute canvas
like_ero_fun.hh [code]
like_ero_set.hh [code]
limits.hh [code]Define built-in type limits
accu/ [code]
draw/ [code]
accu/line.hh [code]Run an accumulator on a line of images
draw/line.hh [code]Draw a line in an image
win/line.hh [code]Definition of the mln::win::line window
line_gradient.hh [code]Conversions to mln::line_graph_image [code]
line_graph.hh [code]Definition of an (undirected) line graph (adaptor) [code] [code]Tests on line a graph-based image with morphological filters [code]Tests on the Watershed Transform on a line graph-based image
v2v/linear.hh [code]FIXME
x2v/linear.hh [code]Define a linear interpolation of values from an underlying image [code]
linfty.hh [code]Define some L-infinity-norm related routines
literal.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::literal
lnot.hh [code]Functor that computes "logical not" on a value
magick/ [code]
pbms/ [code]
pgms/ [code]
plot/ [code]
ppms/ [code]
tiff/ [code]
cloud/load.hh [code]Load a cloud of points
dicom/load.hh [code]Define a function which loads a GDCM image
dump/load.hh [code]Load a Milena image dumped into a file
fits/load.hh [code]Define a function which loads an image of kind fits with given path
fld/load.hh [code]Load an image from an AVS field file
magick/load.hh [code]Image intput routines based on Magick++
off/load.hh [code]Input loading function for OFF files
pbm/load.hh [code]Define a function which loads an image of kind pbm with given path
pbms/load.hh [code]Define a function which loads multiple pbm images into a 3D image
pfm/load.hh [code]Define a function which loads an image of kind pfm with given path
pgm/load.hh [code]Define a function which loads an image of kind pgm with
pgms/load.hh [code]Define a function which loads multiple pgm images into a 3D image
plot/load.hh [code]Define a routine which loads in a plot format
pnm/load.hh [code]Define a function which loads an image of kind PNM 8/16bits with given path
pnms/load.hh [code]Define a function which loads multiple pnm images into a 3D image
ppm/load.hh [code]Define a function which loads an image of kind ppm with given path
ppms/load.hh [code]Define a function which loads multiple ppm images into a 3D image
raw/load.hh [code]Load an image saved as a raw data file
tiff/load.hh [code]Load TIFF images to Milena images [code] [code]
fld/load_header.hh [code]
pnm/load_header.hh [code]Define a function which loads header for PNM image [code] [code]
log.hh [code]Laplacian of Gaussian [code]
accu/logic/lor.hh [code]Define a 'logical-or' accumulator
fun/vv2v/lor.hh [code]Functor that computes "logical or" between two values
trait/op/lor.hh [code]Declaration of the "binary logical or" operator trait
lor_basic.hh [code]Define a basic 'logical-or' accumulator
low_quant_nbits.hh [code]Definition of the low v
lt.hh [code]Functor that computes "lower than" between two values [code]
extract/lum.hh [code]Extract the lum component of an image
fun/meta/lum.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify the color luminosity
lut_vec.hh [code]Define some basic lut_vecs of values from value types
lxor.hh [code]Functor that computes "logical xor" between two values
mln/core/macros.hh [code]Definition of the set of Milena macros
mln/fun/vv2v/macros.hh [code]Define a bunch of macros related to a binary function and a couple of images
mln/io/pnm/macros.hh [code]Definition of pnm formats macros
tests/value/macros.hh [code]Utilities to tests value types [code]
mahalanobis.hh [code]Define the FIXME
main.hh [code]
maj_h.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes a maj_h
make.hh [code]Creation routines for complex-based images
make_complex2d.hh [code]Cubical 2-complex creation from a 2D image of pixels [code]
make_edge_image.hh [code]Construct a valued image of edges
make_generic_name.hh [code]Construct a type name as string
algebra/ [code]
make/ [code]Test of make::mat
algebra/mat.hh [code]Definition of a generic matrix class
make/mat.hh [code]Routine to construct an mln::algebra::mat
metal/mat.hh [code]Definition of a generic matrix class [code]
accu/stat/ [code]Tests on mln::accu::max
fun/vv2v/ [code]
morpho/tree/ [code]
accu/stat/max.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes a max
fun/vv2v/max.hh [code]Computing the maximum of two values using a functor
literal/max.hh [code]Definition of the literal of mln::max
math/max.hh [code]Define max routine
metal/math/max.hh [code]Definition of the 'max' static function
morpho/tree/filter/max.hh [code]Filtering with max strategy
morpho/tree/max.hh [code]Compute a canonized (parenthood) max-tree from an image
util/max.hh [code]Definition of a binary max based on the ordering relationship [code]
max_col.hh [code]Give the maximum column of an image
max_component.hh [code]Define a function which give the max of the component of a value type
max_components.hh [code]Don't we want to change the return type 'unsigned' to a larger type or make it templated? [code]Tests on mln::accu::max_h
max_h.hh [code]Define a generic max accumulator class based on histogram [code]
max_ind.hh [code]Give the maximum ind of an image [code]
max_row.hh [code]Give the maximum row of an image [code]
max_site.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes the first site with the maximum value in an image [code]
max_sli.hh [code]Give the maximum sli of an image
accu/stat/ [code]
estim/ [code]
accu/stat/mean.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes a mean
estim/mean.hh [code]Compute the mean pixel value
fun/access/mean.hh [code] [code]
mean_values.hh [code]Construct from a labeled image a new image, the labels values are replaced by the components mean values
approx/ [code] [code]
naive/ [code]
approx/median.hh [code]Approximates of some median filters of an image
median.hh [code]Median filtering of an image
naive/median.hh [code]Naive version of median filtering
median_alt.hh [code]Define alternative generic median accumulator class [code] [code] [code]
median_h.hh [code]Define a generic median accumulator class [code] [code]
memcpy_.hh [code]Same as std::memcpy but for fastest images [code]
memset_.hh [code]Same as std::memset but for fastest images [code]A program computing the maximal curvature values from the surface of the (triangle) mesh of a statue, then performing a WST-based segmentation, using a complex-based image [code]A program computing the max curvature at each (2-)face of the surface of the (triangle) mesh of a statue, using a complex-based image [code]A program performing a WST-based segmentation of the surface of the (triangle) mesh of a statue, using a complex-based image [code]A program computing a skeleton of the surface of the (triangle) mesh of a statue (by thinning), using a complex-based image [code]A program computing the max curvature at each (2-)face of a mesh [code]A program computing the pseudo-inverse curvature at each (2-)face of a mesh [code]A program performing a WST-based segmentation of the surface of the (triangle) mesh of a statue [code]A program computing a skeleton of the surface of the (triangle) mesh of a statue
mesh.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Mesh
meta_accumulator.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Meta_Accumulator
meta_function.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Meta_Function [code]
meyer_wst.hh [code]Meyer's Watershed Transform (WST) algorithm [code]
accu/stat/ [code]Tests on mln::accu::min
fun/vv2v/ [code]
accu/stat/min.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes a min
arith/min.hh [code]Point-wise min between images
fun/vv2v/min.hh [code]Functor that computes the minimum of two values
literal/min.hh [code]Definition of the literal of mln::min
math/min.hh [code]Define min routine
morpho/min.hh [code]Definition of a function that make a min (logical and or arithmetical min) of an image
morpho/tree/filter/min.hh [code]Filtering with min strategy [code]
min_col.hh [code]Give the minimum column of an image [code]Tests on mln::accu::min_h
min_h.hh [code]Define a generic min accumulator class based on histogram [code]
min_ind.hh [code]Give the minimum ind of an image
accu/stat/ [code]Tests on mln::accu::stat::min_max
estim/ [code]
accu/stat/min_max.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes a min and a max
estim/min_max.hh [code]Compute the min and max pixel values of an image [code]
min_row.hh [code]Give the minimum row of an image [code]
min_sli.hh [code]Give the minimum sli of an image [code]
arith/minus.hh [code]Point-wise substraction between images
morpho/minus.hh [code]Definition of a function that make a minus (logical "and not" or arithmetical min) of an image
trait/op/minus.hh [code]Declaration of the "binary minus" operator trait [code] [code]
border/mirror.hh [code]Define function that fills border using nearer pixels with a mirroring effect
fun/p2p/mirror.hh [code]FIXME: doc [code]
misc.hh [code]
mixed_neighb.hh [code]Definition of a window-to-neighborhood adapter
mixin.hh [code] [code]
mod.hh [code]Declaration of the "binary modulus" operator trait
morpher_lvalue.hh [code]Definition of a base class for some images
morpho.hh [code]Morphological operators on graphs
mosaic.hh [code]Create a single image from an array of image
multi_site.hh [code]Definition of a multiple-site type
multiple.hh [code]Definition of a multiple window
multiple_size.hh [code]Definition of a multiple-size window
n_face.hh [code]N-face of a complex
n_face_iter.hh [code]Definition of forward and backward iterators on all the n-faces of a complex, n being a dynamic value
n_faces_set.hh [code]Set of n-face of a complex [code]
n_max.hh [code]Construct from a count accumulator of a labeled image an array with the ordered n biggest labels
nature.hh [code]Nature of values (for use in images) [code]
ncols.hh [code]Give the number of columns of an image [code]
doc/groups/neighb.hh [code]
mln/core/neighb.hh [code]Definition of a window-to-neighborhood adapter
neighb1d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::neighb1d alias and of some classical 1D neighborhoods
core/alias/neighb2d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::neighb2d alias and of some classical 2D neighborhoods
make/neighb2d.hh [code]Routine to create a double neighborhood
world/inter_pixel/neighb2d.hh [code]Common neighborhoods on inter-pixel images
neighb3d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::neighb3d alias and of some classical 3D neighborhoods
neighb_base.hh [code]Base implementation for neighborhood classes
neighb_niter_base.hh [code]Base implementation for neighborhood iterators
neighb_niter_impl.hh [code]Optional implementation for neigbh_niter [code]Demo on using or defining neighborhoods
core/concept/doc/neighborhood.hh [code]
core/concept/neighborhood.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Neighborhood
trait/neighborhood.hh [code]Some base trait types for neighborhood types
neighborhood_base.hh [code]Definition of a base class for neighborhood classes
neq.hh [code]Declaration of the "binary un-equality" operator trait
next.hh [code]Return a given value incremented by 1 [code]
accu/nil.hh [code]Define an accumulator that does nothing
util/nil.hh [code]Definition of an "niler" object [code]
ninds.hh [code]Give the number of inds of an image
nneighbor.hh [code]Define a nneighbor interpolation of values from an underlying image
none.hh [code]Definition of a type that means "none" [code]
math/norm.hh [code]
v2v/norm.hh [code]Norm functors
v2w_w2v/norm.hh [code]Norm functors [code]
logical/not.hh [code]Point-wise "logical not" of a binary image
trait/op/not.hh [code]Declaration of the "unary negation" operator trait
not_equal.hh [code]FIXME [code]
nrows.hh [code]Give the number of rows of an image [code]
nsites.hh [code]Compute the number of sites of an image or a site set [code]
nslis.hh [code]Give the number of slices of an image
doc/object.hh [code]
object.hh [code]Definition of the top Milena class mln::Object
object_id.hh [code]Base class of an object id [code]
octagon2d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::win::octagon2d window [code]
one.hh [code]Definition of the literal of mln::one
op_mult.hh [code]FIXME [code] [code]
opening.hh [code]Morphological elementary opening [code]
operators.hh [code]Definition of operators on mln::Site_Set [code]
core/routine/ops.hh [code]Definitions of some default implementations for operators
fun/ops.hh [code]FIXME
literal/ops.hh [code]Definitions of some operators where at least one literal is involved
value/builtin/ops.hh [code]Definitions of binary operators when lhs is a built-in and rhs is an mln object
value/ops.hh [code]Definitions of operators for value types [code]
logical/or.hh [code]Point-wise "logical or" between binary images
trait/op/or.hh [code]Declaration of the "binary or" operator trait [code]
trait/op/ord.hh [code]Declaration of an ordering operator trait
util/ord.hh [code]Definition of an ordering type and routine [code]
ord_pair.hh [code]Definition of an ordered pair
origin.hh [code]Definition of the literal of mln::origin
other.hh [code]Definition of the mln::value::other routine
p.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes a min and a max [code]
p2p_image.hh [code]Definition of a image FIXME: Doc! [code]
p_array.hh [code]Definition of a point set class based on std::vector
p_centered.hh [code]This file defines the site set corresponding to a window centered on a site [code]
p_complex.hh [code]Definition of a point set based on a complex
p_complex_faces_piter.hh [code]Definition of point iterator on the n-faces of a complex-based pset
p_complex_piter.hh [code]Definition of point iterator on complex-based pset
p_complex_piter_base.hh [code]Definition of an implementation (factoring) class for iterators on mln::p_complex
p_double.hh [code] [code]
p_edges.hh [code]Definition of a site set based on graph edges
p_edges_psite.hh [code]Implementation of p_edges psite [code]
p_edges_with_mass_centers.hh [code]Construct a p_edges from a watershed image and a region adjacency graph (RAG)
p_faces.hh [code]Definition of a point set based on the set of n-faces of a complex
p_faces_piter.hh [code]Definition of point iterator on complex-based pset
p_graph_piter.hh [code]Definition of point iterator on graph-based point set [code]
p_if.hh [code]Definition of the restriction of a site set w.r.t
p_if_piter.hh [code]Definition of iterators on p_if<S,F> [code]
p_image.hh [code]Definition of a site set class based on an image of Booleans
p_key.hh [code]Definition of a priority queue class
p_line2d.hh [code]Definition of a 2D discrete line of points (based on p_array)
p_mutable_array_of.hh [code]Definition of a mutable array of site sets
p_n_faces_piter.hh [code]Definition of point iterator on the n-faces of a complex-based pset
p_priority.hh [code]Definition of a priority queue of sites [code] [code]
p_queue.hh [code]Definition of a site set based on std::deque [code]
p_queue_fast.hh [code]Definition of a queue of sites that is fast but uses extra memory w.r.t
p_run.hh [code]Definition of a run of points
p_run2d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::p_run2d alias
p_run_piter.hh [code]Definition of point iterators on mln::p_run [code]
p_runs2d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::p_runs2d alias [code]
p_set.hh [code]Definition of a mathematical set of sites (based on util::set)
p_set_of.hh [code]Definition of a set of site sets [code]
p_transformed.hh [code]Definition of a site set defined by the transformation of another site set
p_transformed_piter.hh [code]Definition of iterators on p_transformed<S,F> [code]
p_vaccess.hh [code] [code]
p_vertices.hh [code]Definition of a point set based on graph vertices
p_vertices_psite.hh [code]Implementation of p_vertices psite [code]
p_vertices_with_mass_centers.hh [code]Create a p_vertices using region mass centers as vertex site [code]
pack.hh [code]Remove components and relabel a labeled image in order to have a contiguous labeling [code]
pair.hh [code]Define a pair of accumulators
param.hh [code] [code] [code] [code]
doc/examples/ [code]
tests/data/ [code]
paste.hh [code]Paste the contents of an image into another one [code] [code]
paste_without_localization.hh [code]Paste the contents of an image into another one without taking into account the localization of sites [code] [code] [code]Demo on user-defined simple neighborhood [code] [code] [code] [code] [code]
pi.hh [code]
piter_adaptor.hh [code]Definition of iterators on points of boxes
piter_identity.hh [code]Definition of site iterator identity adaptors
make/pix.hh [code]Routine to construct an mln::util::pix
util/pix.hh [code]Definition of an instant pix [code]
core/pixel.hh [code]Definition of the generic pixel class mln::pixel
make/pixel.hh [code]Routine to construct an mln::pixel
pixel_impl.hh [code]Define a couple of implementation classes to provide methods to classes of generalized pixels
doc/pixel_iterator.hh [code]
pixel_iterator.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Pixel_Iterator
pixel_iterator_base.hh [code]Base classes factoring code for pixel iterator classes
pixter.hh [code]Definition of some traits over image types [code]
pixter1d.hh [code]Pixel iterators on a 1-D image with border [code] [code]
pixter2d.hh [code]Pixel iterators on a 2D image with border [code] [code]
pixter3d.hh [code]Pixel iterators on a 3D image with border [code] [code]
plain.hh [code]Definition of a morpher that prevents an image from sharing his data
plot.hh [code]Plot a point (small cross) in an image
arith/ [code]
trait/op/ [code]
arith/plus.hh [code]Point-wise addition between images
morpho/plus.hh [code]Definition of a function that make a plus (logical or or arithmetical plus) of an image
trait/op/plus.hh [code]Declaration of the "binary plus" operator trait [code] [code]
pmin_pmax.hh [code]Several routines to compute the minimum point and/or maximum point [code]
concept/point.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Point
point.hh [code]Definition of the generic point class mln::point [code]
point1d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::point1d and mln::point1df aliases and of their construction routines
doc/examples/tuto4/ [code]
tests/core/alias/ [code]
point2d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::point2d and mln::point2df aliases and of their construction routines
core/alias/point2d_h.hh [code]Definition of the mln::point2d_h alias and of its construction routine
make/point2d_h.hh [code]Routine to construct an mln::point2d_h [code]
point3d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::point3d and mln::point3df aliases and of their construction routines [code]
point_from_value.hh [code]Function 'point from value'
point_iterator.hh [code] [code]
doc/point_site.hh [code]
point_site.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Point_Site
polygon.hh [code]Draw a polygon in an image [code]
positive.hh [code]Test if an image only contains positive values
postdec.hh [code]Declaration of the "unary post-decrementation" operator trait
postinc.hh [code]Declaration of the "unary post-incrementation" operator trait [code]
pow.hh [code]Definition of the 'power' static function [code] [code] [code]
predec.hh [code]Declaration of the "unary pre-decrementation" operator trait [code]
predicate.hh [code]Test a predicate on the pixel values of an image
preinc.hh [code]Declaration of the "unary pre-decrementation" operator trait [code]
primary.hh [code]Get the primary image behind any image
accumulator/print.hh [code]Print the collection of traits for an accumulator type
image/print.hh [code]Print the collection of traits for an image type
site_set/print.hh [code]Print the collection of traits for a site set type
value/print.hh [code]Print the collection of traits for an value type
window/print.hh [code]Print the collection of traits for a window type
doc/examples/tuto3/ [code]
tests/debug/ [code]
println.hh [code]Print an image on the standard output [code]
println_with_border.hh [code]Print an image on the standard output with its border
projected_histo.hh [code]FIXME: insert comment [code]
projection.hh [code]FIXME
promote.hh [code]FIXME
promotions.hh [code]Definitions of promotions between built-in types
propagate_if.hh [code]Routines to handle propagation with predicate
propagate_node.hh [code]Functions to propagate node in the tree
propagate_representative.hh [code]Component tree routines
accumulator/props.hh [code]Properties of accumulator classes
image/props.hh [code]Properties of image classes
site_set/props.hh [code]Properties of site set classes
window/props.hh [code]Properties of window classes [code]
core/concept/proxy.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Proxy
value/proxy.hh [code]Define a generic proxy class for an image pixel value
pseudo_site.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Pseudo_Site
pseudo_site_base.hh [code]Base class to factor code for pseudo site classes
put_word.hh [code]Write a word in a 2D image of characters
qlf_value.hh [code]Definition of the qlf_value image trait [code]
qt_rgb_to_int_u.hh [code]Convert a qt::rgb32 value to an int_u8
quant.hh [code]Quantification of values (for use in images) [code]
quat.hh [code]Define a class for quaternion algebra values
debug/quiet.hh [code]Global variable telling whether the debug should be printed or not
trace/quiet.hh [code]Definition of the trace quiet Boolean value [code]
rag_and_labeled_wsl.hh [code]Create a region adjacency graph and a label image of the watershed line from a watershed image [code]
rank.hh [code]Define an rank accumulator
rank_bool.hh [code]Define an rank accumulator [code]
rank_filter.hh [code]Morphological rank filter
rank_high_quant.hh [code]Define an rank accumulator [code]
Rd.hh [code] [code]
rectangle2d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::win::rectangle2d window [code]
rectangularity.hh [code]Compute the rectangularity of a site set [code]
extract/red.hh [code]Extract the red component of an image
fun/component/red.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify the red component
fun/meta/red.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify the red component
ref-guide.hh [code]
ref.hh [code]FIXME
demos/graph/ [code]Demo on using region adjacency graph
tests/make/ [code]
region_adjacency_graph.hh [code]Create a region_adjacency_graph from a watershed image [code]
regional_maxima.hh [code]Connected component labeling of the regional maxima of an image [code]
regional_minima.hh [code]Connected component labeling of the regional minima of an image [code]
registration.hh [code]Image registration
regular_grid.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Regular_Grid [code]
relabel.hh [code]Remove components and relabel a labeled image
relabelfun.hh [code]Routines to construct a function in order to relabel a labeled image [code]
replace.hh [code]Replace the contents of an image into another one [code]
representative.hh [code]Functor that computes the representative vertex of every component in a graph [code]
resize.hh [code]Define a function that resizes the virtual border of an image [code]
resize_equal.hh [code]Define a function that resizes the virtual border of a couple of images so that they eventually have the same border thickness [code] [code] [code] [code] [code] [code] [code] [code] [code] [code] [code] [code]
resolve.hh [code]FIXME
resume.hh [code]Resume traces
ret.hh [code]Definition of a macro to access 'ret' [code]
revert.hh [code]Point-wise revert (min -> max and max -> min) of images [code]
fun/component/rgb.hh [code]Meta functions to retrieve/modify rgb components
value/rgb.hh [code]
rgb16.hh [code]Color class for red-green-blue where every component is 16-bit encoded
rgb32.hh [code] [code]
rgb8.hh [code]Color class for red-green-blue where every component is 8-bit encoded
rgb8_to_rgbn.hh [code]Convert rgb8 value to rgbn, n < 8 [code]
rgb_to_hsi.hh [code] [code]
rgb_to_hsl.hh [code]
rgb_to_int_u.hh [code]
rgb_to_luma.hh [code]
accu/rms.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes the Root Mean Square
registration/internal/rms.hh [code] [code]
root.hh [code]Definition of the 'nth-root' static function [code]
rotate.hh [code]Rotate an image [code]
rotation.hh [code]Define a rotation function
round.hh [code]Define round routine
round_sat.hh [code]Define round_sat routine
routine.hh [code]
row.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify the row coord of a point
run_image.hh [code]Definition of mln::internal::run_image_ class for internal use only
safe.hh [code]Definition of a morpher that makes image become accessible at undefined location [code]
same_coord.hh [code]FIXME
same_point.hh [code]FIXME
sample_utils.hh [code] [code]Morphological operators in graph space implemented on 1-complex images [code]Morphological operators in graph space implemented on mln::image2d-based cubical complexes [code]
extract/sat.hh [code]Extract the sat component of an image
fun/meta/sat.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify the color saturation [code]
data/saturate.hh [code]Apply a saturation function to image pixel values
fun/v2v/saturate.hh [code]FIXME [code] [code]
cloud/save.hh [code]Save an image as a cloud of points
dump/save.hh [code]Save a Milena image by dumping its data to a file
fld/save.hh [code]Save an image to AVS field file format
magick/save.hh [code]Image output routines based on Magick++
off/save.hh [code]Input saving function for OFF files
pbm/save.hh [code]Define a function which saves an image of kind pbm into given path
pfm/save.hh [code]Define a function which saves an image of kind pfm into given path
pgm/save.hh [code]Define a function which saves an image of kind pgm into given path
plot/save.hh [code]Define a routine which saves in a plot format
pnm/save.hh [code]Define a function which saves an image of kind PNM into given path
ppm/save.hh [code]Define a function which saves an image of kind ppm into given path
raw/save.hh [code]Save a Milena image as a raw data file
txt/save.hh [code]Save an image as txt file
save_bin_alt.hh [code]
save_header.hh [code]Define a function which saves header for PNM image [code]
concept/scalar.hh [code]Define a generic class for scalar values
scalar.hh [code]Definition of the basic mln::value::scalar_ class [code]Test of the upscaling::art::scale2x routine
scale2x.hh [code]2X upscaling algorithm for pixel art images [code]Test of the upscaling::art::scale3x routine
scale3x.hh [code]3X upscaling algorithm for pixel art images
scomp.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify the i'th component, where i is statically defined
second.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify the second component
tests/geom/ [code]
tools/ [code]Tool using mln::geom::seed2tiling [code]
seeds2tiling.hh [code]Convert a binary image with seeds into a labeled image
seeds2tiling_roundness.hh [code]Seeds2tiling with a method which makes tiles more roundness [code]
segment1d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::win::segment1d window
selector.hh [code]Select a concept (either Function_v2v or Function_v2b) depending on the result type [code]
separator_to_pixels.hh [code]FIXME: doc
util/ [code]
value/ [code]
util/set.hh [code]Definition of mln::util::set
value/set.hh [code]Define some basic sets of values from value types
set_of.hh [code]Definition of mln::set_of_ for internal use only [code]
set_value.hh [code]Set the values of an image of accumulators
sharpness.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes the sharpness of a component
shell.hh [code]Define a shell type that encloses a value [code]
shift.hh [code]Define a function which shifts a window with a delta-point [code]
math/sign.hh [code]Define sign routine
value/sign.hh [code]Definition of the mln::value::sign class
sin.hh [code]Define the sininus (sin) routine
site.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Site
site_iterator.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Site_Iterator
site_iterator_base.hh [code]Base class to factor code for site iterator classes
site_pair.hh [code]Definition of a site pair type
site_proxy.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Site_Proxy
site_relative_iterator_base.hh [code]Definition of forward and backward mln::dpoint_ based iterators
doc/groups/site_set.hh [code]
mln/core/concept/doc/site_set.hh [code]
mln/core/concept/site_set.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Site_Set
mln/draw/site_set.hh [code]Draw a site set in an image
site_set_base.hh [code]Definition of the common base class for all site set classes [code]
site_set_impl.hh [code]Provide implementation for optional site set methods
site_set_iterator_base.hh [code]Base class to factor code for iterator classes directly working on site sets
site_sets.hh [code]Some base trait types for site sets
size1d.hh [code]Facade to include 1D size access routines
size2d.hh [code]Facade to include 2D size access routines
size3d.hh [code]Facade to include 3D size access routines
skeleton.hh [code]Definition of tags used in the skeleton types associated to image types [code]
skeleton_constrained.hh [code]Compute a skeleton under constraints
sli.hh [code]Meta function to retrieve/modify the sli coord of a point [code]
slice_image.hh [code]Definition of a 2D image extracted from a slice of a 3D image [code]
slices_2d.hh [code]Create a 2D image of the slices of the 3D image input
sline3d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::win::sline3d window [code]
snake_fwd.hh [code]Browsing in a snake-way, forward
snake_generic.hh [code]Browsing in a snake-way, forward [code] [code] [code] [code] [code]
snake_vert.hh [code]Browsing in a snake-way, forward [code]
sobel_2d.hh [code]Sobel_2d filter [code]
soft_heap.hh [code]Define a generic soft heap
next/solve.hh [code]FIXME
solve.hh [code]FIXME
next/solve_binary.hh [code]FIXME
solve_binary.hh [code]FIXME
solve_proxy.hh [code]Proxy support for "next" trait solver
next/solve_unary.hh [code]FIXME
solve_unary.hh [code]FIXME
sort_offsets.hh [code]Sort_Offsets the contents of an image into another one [code]
sort_psites.hh [code]Sort_Psites the contents of an image into another one
sorted.hh [code]Fast connected component labeling of the object part in a binary image [code]
sphere3d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::win::sphere3d window [code]
split.hh [code]Split a color image into 3 images
sqr.hh [code]Define the square (sqr) routine
math/sqrt.hh [code]Define the (non-negative) square root (sqrt) routine
metal/math/sqrt.hh [code]Definition of the 'sqrt' static function [code]
stack.hh [code]Definition of the stack image type
static_n_face_iter.hh [code]Definition of forward and backward iterators on all the N-faces of a complex, N being a static value
stop.hh [code]Stop printing traces except if trace::full_trace is enabled [code]
stretch.hh [code]Transform linearly the contents of an image into another one in a stretching way [code]
closing/approx/ [code]
closing/ [code]
opening/approx/ [code]
opening/ [code]
closing/approx/structural.hh [code]Approximate of morphological structural closing
closing/structural.hh [code]Morphological structural closing
opening/approx/structural.hh [code]Approximate of morphological structural opening
opening/structural.hh [code]Morphological structural opening
structured.hh [code]Define a generic class for structured values [code]
sub_image.hh [code]Definition of morpher that makes an image become restricted given by a point set
sub_image_if.hh [code]Image having its domain restricted by a site set and a function
subsample.hh [code]Subsample a Boolean image
subsampling.hh [code]Produce a subsampled image
subtractive.hh [code]Filtering with subtractive strategy
attribute/ [code]
closing/ [code]
opening/ [code]
accu/math/sum.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes a sum
estim/sum.hh [code]Compute the sum pixel value
morpho/attribute/sum.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes the sum of component values
morpho/closing/sum.hh [code]Morphological sum closing
accu/math/sup.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes a sup
fun/math/sup.hh [code] [code]
super_value.hh [code]Definition of the mln::super_value trait [code]
debug/superpose.hh [code]Superpose two images
labeling/superpose.hh [code]Superpose two labeled images
morpho/watershed/superpose.hh [code]Convert an image to a rgb8 image and draw the watershed lines [code]
sym.hh [code]Give the symmetrical object [code]
sym_diff.hh [code]Set theoretic symmetrical difference of a couple of sets
symbolic.hh [code]Define a generic class for symbolic values
symbolics.hh [code]Some definitions about built-in symbolic types
tags.hh [code]Define a set of tags for images types [code]
image/take.hh [code]Update an image of accumulators by taking a value or the contents of another image
take.hh [code]Define an accumulator that takes image pixels [code]
take_as_init.hh [code]Initialize an image of accumulators by taking a first value [code]
take_n_times.hh [code]Update an image of accumulators by taking the contents of another image with a multiplicity
tautology.hh [code]Definition of a p2b function always returning true
templated_by.hh [code]Check if a type is templated by a given template
ternary.hh [code]FIXME
tests.hh [code]Shared tests for labeling canvas arguments
thick_miss.hh [code]Morphological thick-miss
thickening.hh [code]Morphological thickening
thickness.hh [code]Define the variable which specifies border thickness for image creation
thin_fit.hh [code]Morphological thin-fit [code]
thinning.hh [code]Morphological thinning [code]
binarization/threshold.hh [code]Threshold an image
fun/v2b/threshold.hh [code]FIXME
thru_image.hh [code]Definition of a morpher that morph image values through a function
thrubin_image.hh [code]Definition of a morpher that morph values from two images through a binary function [code]
mln/util/timer.hh [code]Definition of a timer
tests/timer.hh [code]Timer to bench tests [code]
arith/times.hh [code]Point-wise multiplication between images
trait/op/times.hh [code]Declaration of the "binary multiplication" operator trait [code]
to.hh [code]General conversion procedure given the destination type
to_dpoint.hh [code]Conversions to mln::Dpoint
data/to_enc.hh [code]Transform with fun::v2v::enc the contents of an image into another one
fun/meta/to_enc.hh [code]FIXME: doc
to_fun.hh [code]Conversions towards some mln::Function [code] [code]
to_image.hh [code] [code]
to_neighb.hh [code]Make a custom graph neighborhood from a mask image [code]
to_p_array.hh [code]Conversions to mln::p_array [code]
to_p_set.hh [code]Conversions to mln::p_set [code]Test of mln::convert::to_qimage
to_qimage.hh [code]Convert a Milena image to a Qimage [code]Test of mln::convert::to_qimage
to_qimage_nocopy.hh [code]Convert a Milena image to a Qimage [code]
to_result.hh [code]Convert an image of accumulators into a result image [code]
to_upper_window.hh [code]Conversions to upper mln::window
to_win.hh [code]Make a custom graph window from a mask image [code]
to_window.hh [code]Conversions to mln::window
elementary/ [code] [code]
elementary/top_hat.hh [code]Morphological elementary top-hats
top_hat.hh [code]Morphological top-hats [code]Exercise the Topological Watershed Transform (WST)
topological.hh [code]Topological Watershed Transform (WST) algorithm [code]
tr_image.hh [code]Definition of the morpher mln::tr_image presenting an image through a (bijective) transformation [code]
tracked_ptr.hh [code]Definition of a smart pointer for shared data with tracking
accu/ [code]
data/ [code]
accu/transform.hh [code]Transform an image by applying locally an accumulator on its values
data/transform.hh [code]Transform the contents of an image into another one [code]
transform_diagonal.hh [code]Run an accumulator over a diagonal [code]
transform_directional.hh [code]Run an accumulator over a particular direction [code] [code]
transform_inplace.hh [code]Transform inplace the contents of an image through a function [code]
transform_line.hh [code]Run an accumulator over a line (in a particular direction) [code]
transform_snake.hh [code]Run an accumulator in a snake-like browsing
transform_stop.hh [code]Transform_Stop an image by applying locally an accumulator on its values [code]
transformed_image.hh [code]Definition of an image morpher that has a site set transformed through a function [code]
translate.hh [code]Translate an image
p2p/ [code]
x2x/ [code]
p2p/translation.hh [code]FIXME: doc
x2x/translation.hh [code]Define a translation function [code]
tree.hh [code]Definition of a generic general tree [code]
tree_fast.hh [code]Definition of a fast generic general fast tree [code]
tree_fast_to_image.hh [code]Definition of function which transform a tree_fast into an image [code]
tree_to_fast.hh [code]Definition of function which converts a tree into tree_fast [code]
tree_to_image.hh [code]Definition of function which transform a tree into an image
trilinear.hh [code]Define a trilinear interpolation of values from an underlying image [code]
tuple.hh [code]Define a tuple of accumulators [code] [code] [code]
tutorial.hh [code] [code]
uminus.hh [code]Declaration of the "unary minus" operator trait
spe/unary.hh [code]
unary.hh [code]
unary_param.hh [code] [code]
unconst.hh [code]FIXME
undef.hh [code]Undefined flag type for a trait [code]
uni.hh [code]Compute the union of a couple of sets
by_dilation/union_find.hh [code]
by_erosion/union_find.hh [code]
by_dilation/ [code]
by_erosion/ [code]
by_dilation/ [code]
by_erosion/ [code] [code]
unique.hh [code]Give the unique set [code]
unproject_image.hh [code]Definition of a morpher that un-projects an image
unptr.hh [code]FIXME
unqualif.hh [code]Suppress possible 'const' and/or '&' (reference) from a qualified type
unref.hh [code]FIXME [code]
untake.hh [code]Update an image of accumulators by untaking a value or the contents of another image [code]
update.hh [code]Update an accumulator with image pixel values
uplus.hh [code]Declaration of the "unary plus" operator trait
util.hh [code]
utils.hh [code]Utilities
v.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes a min and a max
labeling/ [code]
opt/ [code]
pw/ [code]
core/concept/value.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Value
labeling/value.hh [code]Connected component labeling of image sites at a given value
opt/value.hh [code]Define the opt::value routine
pw/value.hh [code]FIXME
value_.hh [code]Some base trait types for value types
value_and_compute.hh [code]Connected component labeling of image sites at a given value
value_array.hh [code]Define a generic array indexed by an iterable type [code]
value_at_index.hh [code]File that define a function that gives an index per value
doc/value_iterator.hh [code]
value_iterator.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Value_Iterator
value_like.hh [code]Factor code for value classes defined over another type
doc/value_set.hh [code]
value_set.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Value_Set [code]
accu/stat/ [code]
core/other/ [code]Test of macros based on mln_VAR
accu/stat/var.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes the variance matrix of a set of vectors
core/var.hh [code]Various macros (syntactic sugar) to shorten declarations of variables
pw/var.hh [code]FIXME
variance.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes the variance of a set of values [code]
algebra/vec.hh [code]Definition of a generic vector class
fun/vv2v/vec.hh [code]Computing the vecimum of two values using a functor
make/vec.hh [code]Routine to construct an mln::algebra::vec
metal/vec.hh [code]Definition of a generic vector class [code]
vec2d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::vec2d* alias
vec3d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::vec3d* alias
vectorial.hh [code]Define a generic class for vectorial values
version.hh [code]
vertex.hh [code]Implementation of a graph vertex [code] [code]
core/image/vertex_image.hh [code]Image based on graph vertices
make/vertex_image.hh [code]Routine to create a vertex image
vertex_impl.hh [code]Define a couple of implementation classes to provide methods to classes of generalized vertexs [code]
vertical_symmetry.hh [code]Performs a vertical symmetry
video.hh [code]Fast connected component labeling of the object part in a binary image
violent_cast_image.hh [code]Definition of an image morpher that make the user see the same image but with another data type
viter.hh [code]Definition of iterators on value sets [code]
vline2d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::win::vline2d window
attribute/ [code]
closing/ [code]
opening/ [code]
accu/shape/volume.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes the volume of a component through one of its pixels
morpho/attribute/volume.hh [code]Define an accumulator that computes the volume of a component
morpho/closing/volume.hh [code]Morphological volume closing
morpho/opening/volume.hh [code]Morphological volume opening
voronoi.hh [code]Routine to construct a Voronoi mln::p_graph
core/other/ [code]
make/ [code]
core/w_window.hh [code]Definition of the generic weighted window class mln::w_window
make/w_window.hh [code]Routine to create a mln::w_window
w_window1d.hh [code]Routine to create an mln::w_window in the 1D case
w_window1d_float.hh [code]Definition of the mln::w_window1d_float alias [code]
core/alias/w_window1d_int.hh [code]Definition of the mln::w_window1d_int alias
make/w_window1d_int.hh [code]Routine to create a mln::w_window1d_int
w_window2d.hh [code]Routine to create an mln::w_window in the 2D case
w_window2d_float.hh [code]Definition of the mln::w_window2d_float alias [code]
core/alias/w_window2d_int.hh [code]Definition of the mln::w_window2d_int alias
make/w_window2d_int.hh [code]Routine to create a mln::w_window2d_int
w_window3d.hh [code]Routine to create an mln::w_window in the 3D case
w_window3d_float.hh [code]Definition of the mln::w_window3d_float alias [code]
core/alias/w_window3d_int.hh [code]Definition of the mln::w_window3d_int alias
make/w_window3d_int.hh [code]Routine to create a mln::w_window3d_int [code]
w_window_directional.hh [code]Routine to create a directional mln::w_window
warning.hh [code]Display warning message in trace output
was.median.hh [code]Obsolete routines for median filtering
doc/weighted_window.hh [code]
weighted_window.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Weighted_Window
weighted_window_base.hh [code]Definition of a base class for weighted window classes [code]
white.hh [code]Definition of the 'white' literal
white_gaussian.hh [code]White Gaussian noise [code] [code]
win.hh [code]
win_chamfer.hh [code]Routine to create chamfer mln::w_window2d_int
concept/doc/window.hh [code]
concept/window.hh [code]Definition of the concept of mln::Window
window.hh [code]Definition of the generic window class mln::window [code]
window1d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::window1d alias and of a construction routine [code]
window2d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::window2d alias and of a construction routine [code]
window3d.hh [code]Definition of the mln::window3d alias and of a construction routine
window_base.hh [code]Definition of a base class for window classes
windows.hh [code]Some base trait types for windows
fun/v2v/ [code]
labeling/ [code]
data/wrap.hh [code]Routine to wrap values such as 0 -> 0 and [1, lmax] maps to [1, Lmax] (using modulus)
fun/v2v/wrap.hh [code]Function to wrap labels such as 0 -> 0 and [1, lmax] maps to [1, Lmax] (using modulus)
labeling/wrap.hh [code]Wrap labels such as 0 -> 0 and [1, lmax] maps to [1, Lmax] (using modulus)
write_header.hh [code]Write AVS headers in a file
x2x_linear_impl.hh [code]Implementation class for every linear function from vector to vector in an homogeneous coordinates system [code]
logical/xor.hh [code]Point-wise "logical xor" between binary images
trait/op/xor.hh [code]Declaration of the "binary xor" operator trait [code]
yes.hh [code]Definition of an object that always says "yes"
z_order.hh [code]Fill an image with Z-order (curve) values [code]
zero.hh [code]Definition of the literal of mln::zero