Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
mln::accu::center< P, V >Mass center accumulator
mln::accu::convolve< T1, T2, R >Generic convolution accumulator class
mln::accu::count_adjacent_vertices< F, S >Accumulator class counting the number of vertices adjacent to a set of mln::p_edges_psite (i.e., a set of edges)
mln::accu::count_labels< L >Count the number of different labels in an image
mln::accu::count_value< V >Define an accumulator that counts the occurrence of a given value
mln::accu::histo< V >Generic histogram class over a value set with type V
mln::accu::label_used< L >References all the labels used
mln::accu::logic::land"Logical-and" accumulator
mln::accu::logic::land_basic"Logical-and" accumulator
mln::accu::logic::lor"Logical-or" accumulator
mln::accu::logic::lor_basic"Logical-or" accumulator class
mln::accu::maj_h< T >Compute the majority value
mln::accu::math::count< T >Generic counter accumulator
mln::accu::math::inf< T >Generic inf accumulator class
mln::accu::math::sum< T, S >Generic sum accumulator class
mln::accu::math::sup< T >Generic sup accumulator class
mln::accu::max_site< I >Define an accumulator that computes the first site with the maximum value in an image
mln::accu::meta::centerMeta accumulator for center
mln::accu::meta::count_adjacent_verticesMeta accumulator for count_adjacent_vertices
mln::accu::meta::count_labelsMeta accumulator for count_labels
mln::accu::meta::count_valueFIXME: How to write a meta accumulator with a constructor taking a generic argument? Meta accumulator for count_value
mln::accu::meta::histoMeta accumulator for histo
mln::accu::meta::label_usedMeta accumulator for label_used
mln::accu::meta::logic::landMeta accumulator for land
mln::accu::meta::logic::lorMeta accumulator for lor
mln::accu::meta::logic::lor_basicMeta accumulator for lor_basic
mln::accu::meta::maj_hMeta accumulator for maj_h
mln::accu::meta::math::countMeta accumulator for count
mln::accu::meta::math::infMeta accumulator for inf
mln::accu::meta::math::sumMeta accumulator for sum
mln::accu::meta::math::supMeta accumulator for sup
mln::accu::meta::max_siteMeta accumulator for max_site
mln::accu::meta::nilMeta accumulator for nil
mln::accu::meta::p< mA >Meta accumulator for p
mln::accu::meta::pair< A1, A2 >Meta accumulator for pair
mln::accu::meta::rmsMeta accumulator for rms
mln::accu::meta::shape::bboxMeta accumulator for bbox
mln::accu::meta::shape::heightMeta accumulator for height
mln::accu::meta::shape::volumeMeta accumulator for volume
mln::accu::meta::stat::maxMeta accumulator for max
mln::accu::meta::stat::max_hMeta accumulator for max
mln::accu::meta::stat::meanMeta accumulator for mean
mln::accu::meta::stat::median_alt< T >Meta accumulator for median_alt
mln::accu::meta::stat::median_hMeta accumulator for median_h
mln::accu::meta::stat::minMeta accumulator for min
mln::accu::meta::stat::min_hMeta accumulator for min
mln::accu::meta::stat::rankMeta accumulator for rank
mln::accu::meta::stat::rank_high_quantMeta accumulator for rank_high_quant
mln::accu::meta::tuple< n, >Meta accumulator for tuple
mln::accu::meta::val< mA >Meta accumulator for val
mln::accu::nil< T >Define an accumulator that does nothing
mln::accu::p< A >Generic p of accumulators
mln::accu::pair< A1, A2, T >Generic pair of accumulators
mln::accu::rms< T, V >Generic root mean square accumulator class
mln::accu::shape::bbox< P >Generic bounding box accumulator class
mln::accu::shape::height< I >Height accumulator
mln::accu::shape::volume< I >Volume accumulator class
mln::accu::site_set::rectangularity< P >Compute the rectangularity of a site set
mln::accu::stat::deviation< T, S, M >Generic standard deviation accumulator class
mln::accu::stat::histo3d_rgb< V >Define a histogram as accumulator which returns an image3d
mln::accu::stat::max< T >Generic max accumulator class
mln::accu::stat::max_h< V >Generic max function based on histogram over a value set with type V
mln::accu::stat::mean< T, S, M >Generic mean accumulator class
mln::accu::stat::median_alt< S >Generic median_alt function based on histogram over a value set with type S
mln::accu::stat::median_h< V >Generic median function based on histogram over a value set with type V
mln::accu::stat::meta::deviationMeta accumulator for deviation
mln::accu::stat::min< T >Generic min accumulator class
mln::accu::stat::min_h< V >Generic min function based on histogram over a value set with type V
mln::accu::stat::min_max< V >Generic min and max accumulator class
mln::accu::stat::rank< T >Generic rank accumulator class
mln::accu::stat::rank< bool >Rank accumulator class for Boolean
mln::accu::stat::rank_high_quant< T >Generic rank accumulator class
mln::accu::stat::var< T >Var accumulator class
mln::accu::stat::variance< T, S, R >Variance accumulator class
mln::accu::tuple< A, n, >Generic tuple of accumulators
mln::accu::val< A >Generic val of accumulators
mln::Accumulator< E >Base class for implementation of accumulators
mln::algebra::h_mat< d, T >N-Dimensional matrix with homogeneous coordinates
mln::algebra::h_vec< d, C >N-Dimensional vector with homogeneous coordinates
mln::bkd_pixter1d< I >Backward pixel iterator on a 1-D image with border
mln::bkd_pixter2d< I >Backward pixel iterator on a 2-D image with border
mln::bkd_pixter3d< I >Backward pixel iterator on a 3-D image with border
mln::box< P >Generic box class: site set containing points of a regular grid
mln::Box< E >Base class for implementation classes of boxes
mln::box_runend_piter< P >A generic backward iterator on points by lines
mln::box_runstart_piter< P >A generic forward iterator on points by lines
mln::Browsing< E >Base class for implementation classes that are browsings
mln::canvas::browsing::backdiagonal2d_tBrowsing in a certain direction
mln::canvas::browsing::breadth_first_search_tBreadth-first search algorithm for graph, on vertices
mln::canvas::browsing::depth_first_search_tBreadth-first search algorithm for graph, on vertices
mln::canvas::browsing::diagonal2d_tBrowsing in a certain direction
mln::canvas::browsing::dir_struct_elt_incr_update_tBrowsing in a certain direction with a segment
mln::canvas::browsing::directional_tBrowsing in a certain direction
mln::canvas::browsing::fwd_tCanvas for forward browsing
mln::canvas::browsing::hyper_directional_tBrowsing in a certain direction
mln::canvas::browsing::snake_fwd_tBrowsing in a snake-way, forward
mln::canvas::browsing::snake_generic_tMultidimentional Browsing in a given-way
mln::canvas::browsing::snake_vert_tBrowsing in a snake-way, forward
mln::canvas::chamfer< F >Compute chamfer distance
mln::category< R(*)(A) >Category declaration for a unary C function
mln::complex_image< D, G, V >Image based on a complex
mln::complex_neighborhood_bkd_piter< I, G, N >Backward iterator on complex neighborhood
mln::complex_neighborhood_fwd_piter< I, G, N >Forward iterator on complex neighborhood
mln::complex_psite< D, G >Point site associated to a mln::p_complex
mln::complex_window_bkd_piter< I, G, W >Backward iterator on complex window
mln::complex_window_fwd_piter< I, G, W >Forward iterator on complex window
mln::decorated_image< I, D >Image that can have additional features
mln::Delta_Point_Site< E >FIXME: Doc!
mln::Delta_Point_Site< void >Delta point site category flag type
mln::doc::Accumulator< E >Documentation class for mln::Accumulator
mln::doc::Box< E >Documentation class for mln::Box
mln::doc::Dpoint< E >Documentation class for mln::Dpoint
mln::doc::Fastest_Image< E >Documentation class for the concept of images that have the speed property set to "fastest"
mln::doc::Generalized_Pixel< E >Documentation class for mln::Generalized_Pixel
mln::doc::Image< E >Documentation class for mln::Image
mln::doc::Iterator< E >Documentation class for mln::Iterator
mln::doc::Neighborhood< E >Documentation class for mln::Neighborhood
mln::doc::Object< E >Documentation class for mln::Object
mln::doc::Pixel_Iterator< E >Documentation class for mln::Iterator
mln::doc::Point_Site< E >Documentation class for mln::Point_Site
mln::doc::Site_Iterator< E >Documentation class for mln::Site_Iterator
mln::doc::Site_Set< E >Documentation class for mln::Site_Set
mln::doc::Value_Iterator< E >Documentation class for mln::Value_Iterator
mln::doc::Value_Set< E >Documentation class for mln::Value_Set
mln::doc::Weighted_Window< E >Documentation class for mln::Weighted_Window
mln::doc::Window< E >Documentation class for mln::Window
mln::Dpoint< E >Base class for implementation of delta-point classes
mln::dpoint< G, C >Generic delta-point class
mln::dpoints_bkd_pixter< I >A generic backward iterator on the pixels of a dpoint-based window or neighborhood
mln::dpoints_fwd_pixter< I >A generic forward iterator on the pixels of a dpoint-based window or neighborhood
mln::dpsites_bkd_piter< V >A generic backward iterator on points of windows and of neighborhoods
mln::dpsites_fwd_piter< V >A generic forward iterator on points of windows and of neighborhoods
mln::Edge< E >Edge category flag type
mln::edge_image< P, V, G >Image based on graph edges
mln::extended< I >Makes an image become restricted by a point set
mln::extension_fun< I, F >Extends the domain of an image with a function
mln::extension_ima< I, J >Extends the domain of an image with an image
mln::extension_val< I >Extends the domain of an image with a value
mln::faces_psite< N, D, P >Point site associated to a mln::p_faces
mln::flat_image< T, S >Image with a single value
mln::fun::from_accu< A >Wrap an accumulator into a function
mln::fun::n2v::white_gaussian< V >Generate a White Gaussian Noise
mln::fun::p2b::antilogyA p2b function always returning false
mln::fun::p2b::tautologyA p2b function always returning true
mln::fun::v2b::lnot< V >Functor computing logical-not on a value
mln::fun::v2b::threshold< V >Threshold function
mln::fun::v2v::ch_function_value< F, V >Wrap a function v2v and convert its result to another type
mln::fun::v2v::component< T, i >Functor that accesses the i-th component of a value
mln::fun::v2v::l1_norm< V, R >L1-norm
mln::fun::v2v::l2_norm< V, R >L2-norm
mln::fun::v2v::linear< V, T, R >Linear function. f(v) = a * v + b. V is the type of input values; T is the type used to compute the result; R is the result type
mln::fun::v2v::linfty_norm< V, R >L-infty norm
mln::fun::v2v::rgb8_to_rgbn< n >Convert a rgb8 value to a rgn, n < 8
mln::fun::v2w2v::cos< V >Cosinus bijective functor
mln::fun::v2w_w2v::l1_norm< V, R >L1-norm
mln::fun::v2w_w2v::l2_norm< V, R >L2-norm
mln::fun::v2w_w2v::linfty_norm< V, R >L-infty norm
mln::fun::vv2b::eq< L, R >Functor computing equal between two values
mln::fun::vv2b::ge< L, R >Functor computing "greater or equal than" between two values
mln::fun::vv2b::gt< L, R >Functor computing "greater than" between two values
mln::fun::vv2b::implies< L, R >Functor computing logical-implies between two values
mln::fun::vv2b::le< L, R >Functor computing "lower or equal than" between two values
mln::fun::vv2b::lt< L, R >Functor computing "lower than" between two values
mln::fun::vv2v::diff_abs< V >A functor computing the diff_absimum of two values
mln::fun::vv2v::land< L, R >Functor computing logical-and between two values
mln::fun::vv2v::land_not< L, R >Functor computing logical and-not between two values
mln::fun::vv2v::lor< L, R >Functor computing logical-or between two values
mln::fun::vv2v::lxor< L, R >Functor computing logical-xor between two values
mln::fun::vv2v::max< V >A functor computing the maximum of two values
mln::fun::vv2v::min< L, R >A functor computing the minimum of two values
mln::fun::vv2v::vec< V >A functor computing the vecimum of two values
mln::fun::x2p::closest_point< P >FIXME: doxygen + concept checking
mln::fun::x2v::bilinear< I >Represent a bilinear interolation of values from an underlying image
mln::fun::x2v::trilinear< I >Represent a trilinear interolation of values from an underlying image
mln::fun::x2x::composed< T2, T1 >Represent a composition of two transformations
mln::fun::x2x::linear< I >Represent a linear interolation of values from an underlying image
mln::fun::x2x::rotation< n, C >Represent a rotation function
mln::fun::x2x::translation< n, C >Translation function-object
mln::fun_image< F, I >Image read through a function
mln::Function< E >Base class for implementation of function-objects
mln::Function< void >Function category flag type
mln::Function_n2v< E >Base class for implementation of function-objects from Nil to value
mln::Function_v2b< E >Base class for implementation of function-objects from a value to a Boolean
mln::Function_v2v< E >Base class for implementation of function-objects from value to value
mln::Function_vv2b< E >Base class for implementation of function-objects from a couple of values to a Boolean
mln::Function_vv2v< E >Base class for implementation of function-objects from a couple of values to a value
mln::fwd_pixter1d< I >Forward pixel iterator on a 1-D image with border
mln::fwd_pixter2d< I >Forward pixel iterator on a 2-D image with border
mln::fwd_pixter3d< I >Forward pixel iterator on a 3-D image with border
mln::Gdpoint< E >FIXME: Doc!
mln::Gdpoint< void >Delta point site category flag type
mln::Generalized_Pixel< E >Base class for implementation classes that are pixels or that have the behavior of pixels
mln::geom::complex_geometry< D, P >A functor returning the sites of the faces of a complex where the locations of each 0-face is stored
mln::Gpoint< E >Base class for implementation of point classes
mln::Graph< E >Base class for implementation of graph classes
mln::graph::attribute::card_tCompute the cardinality of every component in a graph
mln::graph::attribute::representative_tCompute the representative vertex of every component in a graph
mln::graph_elt_mixed_neighborhood< G, S, S2 >Elementary neighborhood on graph class
mln::graph_elt_mixed_window< G, S, S2 >Elementary window on graph class
mln::graph_elt_neighborhood< G, S >Elementary neighborhood on graph class
mln::graph_elt_neighborhood_if< G, S, I >Elementary neighborhood_if on graph class
mln::graph_elt_window< G, S >Elementary window on graph class
mln::graph_elt_window_if< G, S, I >Custom window on graph class
mln::graph_window_base< P, E >
mln::graph_window_if_piter< S, W, I >Forward iterator on line graph window
mln::graph_window_piter< S, W, I >Forward iterator on line graph window
mln::hexa< I >Hexagonal image class
mln::histo::array< T >Generic histogram class over a value set with type T
mln::Image< E >Base class for implementation of image classes
mln::image1d< T >Basic 1D image class
mln::image2d< T >Basic 2D image class
mln::image2d_h< V >2d image based on an hexagonal mesh
mln::image3d< T >Basic 3D image class
mln::image_if< I, F >Image which domain is restricted by a function 'site -> Boolean'
mln::interpolated< I, F >Makes the underlying image being accessed with floating coordinates
mln::io::dicom::dicom_headerStore dicom file header
mln::io::dump::dump_headerStore dump file header
mln::io::fld::fld_headerDefine the header structure of an AVS field data file
mln::io::raw::raw_headerStore raw file header
mln::Iterator< E >Base class for implementation classes that are iterators
mln::labeled_image< I >Morpher providing an improved interface for labeled image
mln::labeled_image_base< I, E >Base class Morpher providing an improved interface for labeled image
mln::lazy_image< I, F, B >Image values are computed on the fly
mln::Literal< E >Base class for implementation classes of literals
mln::literal::black_tType of literal black
mln::literal::blue_tType of literal blue
mln::literal::brown_tType of literal brown
mln::literal::cyan_tType of literal cyan
mln::literal::green_tType of literal green
mln::literal::identity_tType of literal identity
mln::literal::light_gray_tType of literal grays
mln::literal::lime_tType of literal lime
mln::literal::magenta_tType of literal magenta
mln::literal::max_tType of literal max
mln::literal::min_tType of literal min
mln::literal::olive_tType of literal olive
mln::literal::one_tType of literal one
mln::literal::orange_tType of literal orange
mln::literal::origin_tType of literal origin
mln::literal::pink_tType of literal pink
mln::literal::purple_tType of literal purple
mln::literal::red_tType of literal red
mln::literal::teal_tType of literal teal
mln::literal::violet_tType of literal violet
mln::literal::white_tType of literal white
mln::literal::yellow_tType of literal yellow
mln::literal::zero_tType of literal zero
mln::Mesh< E >Base class for implementation classes of meshes
mln::Meta_Accumulator< E >Base class for implementation of meta accumulators
mln::Meta_Function< E >Base class for implementation of meta functions
mln::Meta_Function_v2v< E >Base class for implementation of function-objects from value to value
mln::Meta_Function_vv2v< E >Base class for implementation of function-objects from value to value
mln::metal::ands< E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8 >Ands type
mln::metal::converts_to< T, U >"converts-to" check
mln::metal::equal< T1, T2 >Definition of a static 'equal' test
mln::metal::goes_to< T, U >"goes-to" check
mln::metal::is< T, U >"is" check
mln::metal::is_a< T, M >"is_a" check
mln::metal::is_not< T, U >"is_not" check
mln::metal::is_not_a< T, M >"is_not_a" static Boolean expression
mln::mixed_neighb< W >Adapter class from window to neighborhood
mln::morpho::attribute::card< I >Cardinality accumulator class
mln::morpho::attribute::count_adjacent_vertices< I >Count_Adjacent_Vertices accumulator class
mln::morpho::attribute::height< I >Height accumulator class
mln::morpho::attribute::sharpness< I >Sharpness accumulator class
mln::morpho::attribute::sum< I, S >Suminality accumulator class
mln::morpho::attribute::volume< I >Volume accumulator class
mln::neighb< W >Adapter class from window to neighborhood
mln::Neighborhood< E >Base class for implementation classes that are neighborhoods
mln::Neighborhood< void >Neighborhood category flag type
mln::Object< E >Base class for almost every class defined in Milena
mln::p2p_image< I, F >FIXME: Doc!
mln::p_array< P >Multi-set of sites
mln::p_centered< W >Site set corresponding to a window centered on a site
mln::p_complex< D, G >A complex psite set based on the N-faces of a complex of dimension D (a D-complex)
mln::p_edges< G, F >Site set mapping graph edges and image sites
mln::p_faces< N, D, P >A complex psite set based on a the N-faces of a complex of dimension D (a D-complex)
mln::p_graph_piter< S, I >Generic iterator on point sites of a mln::S
mln::p_if< S, F >Site set restricted w.r.t
mln::p_image< I >Site set based on an image of Booleans
mln::p_indexed_bkd_piter< S >Backward iterator on sites of an indexed site set
mln::p_indexed_fwd_piter< S >Forward iterator on sites of an indexed site set
mln::p_indexed_psite< S >Psite class for indexed site sets such as p_array
mln::p_key< K, P >Priority queue class
mln::p_line2d2D discrete line of points
mln::p_mutable_array_of< S >P_mutable_array_of is a mutable array of site sets
mln::p_n_faces_bkd_piter< D, G >Backward iterator on the n-faces sites of an mln::p_complex<D, G>
mln::p_n_faces_fwd_piter< D, G >Forward iterator on the n-faces sites of an mln::p_complex<D, G>
mln::p_priority< P, Q >Priority queue
mln::p_queue< P >Queue of sites (based on std::deque)
mln::p_queue_fast< P >Queue of sites class (based on p_array
mln::p_run< P >Point set class in run
mln::p_set< P >Mathematical set of sites (based on util::set)
mln::p_set_of< S >P_set_of is a set of site sets
mln::p_transformed< S, F >Site set transformed through a function
mln::p_transformed_piter< Pi, S, F >Iterator on p_transformed<S,F>
mln::p_vaccess< V, S >Site set in which sites are grouped by their associated value
mln::p_vertices< G, F >Site set based mapping graph vertices to sites
mln::pixel< I >Generic pixel class
mln::Pixel_Iterator< E >Base class for the implementation of pixel iterator classes
mln::plain< I >Prevents an image from sharing its data
mln::Point< P >Base class for implementation of point classes
mln::point< G, C >Generic point class
mln::Point_Site< E >Base class for implementation classes of the notion of "point site"
mln::Point_Site< void >Point site category flag type
mln::Proxy< E >Base class for implementation classes of the notion of "proxy"
mln::Proxy< void >Proxy category flag type
mln::Pseudo_Site< E >Base class for implementation classes of the notion of "pseudo site"
mln::Pseudo_Site< void >Pseudo_Site category flag type
mln::pw::image< F, S >A generic point-wise image implementation
mln::registration::closest_point_basic< P >Closest point functor based on map distance
mln::registration::closest_point_with_map< P >Closest point functor based on map distance
mln::Regular_Grid< E >Base class for implementation classes of regular grids
mln::safe_image< I >Makes an image accessible at undefined location
mln::select::p_of< P >Structure p_of
mln::Site< E >Base class for classes that are explicitly sites
mln::Site< void >Site category flag type
mln::Site_Iterator< E >Base class for implementation of classes of iterator on points
mln::Site_Proxy< E >Base class for implementation classes of the notion of "site proxy"
mln::Site_Proxy< void >Site_Proxy category flag type
mln::Site_Set< E >Base class for implementation classes of site sets
mln::Site_Set< void >Site_Set category flag type
mln::slice_image< I >2D image extracted from a slice of a 3D image
mln::sub_image< I, S >Image having its domain restricted by a site set
mln::sub_image_if< I, S >Image having its domain restricted by a site set and a function
mln::thru_image< I, F >Morph image values through a function
mln::thrubin_image< I1, I2, F >Morphes values from two images through a binary function
mln::topo::adj_higher_dim_connected_n_face_bkd_iter< D >Backward iterator on all the n-faces sharing an adjacent (n+1)-face with a (reference) n-face of an mln::complex<D>
mln::topo::adj_higher_dim_connected_n_face_fwd_iter< D >Forward iterator on all the n-faces sharing an adjacent (n+1)-face with a (reference) n-face of an mln::complex<D>
mln::topo::adj_higher_face_bkd_iter< D >Backward iterator on all the adjacent (n+1)-faces of the n-face of an mln::complex<D>
mln::topo::adj_higher_face_fwd_iter< D >Forward iterator on all the adjacent (n+1)-faces of the n-face of an mln::complex<D>
mln::topo::adj_lower_dim_connected_n_face_bkd_iter< D >Backward iterator on all the n-faces sharing an adjacent (n-1)-face with a (reference) n-face of an mln::complex<D>
mln::topo::adj_lower_dim_connected_n_face_fwd_iter< D >Forward iterator on all the n-faces sharing an adjacent (n-1)-face with a (reference) n-face of an mln::complex<D>
mln::topo::adj_lower_face_bkd_iter< D >Backward iterator on all the adjacent (n-1)-faces of the n-face of an mln::complex<D>
mln::topo::adj_lower_face_fwd_iter< D >Forward iterator on all the adjacent (n-1)-faces of the n-face of an mln::complex<D>
mln::topo::adj_lower_higher_face_bkd_iter< D >Forward iterator on all the adjacent (n-1)-faces and (n+1)-faces of the n-face of an mln::complex<D>
mln::topo::adj_lower_higher_face_fwd_iter< D >Forward iterator on all the adjacent (n-1)-faces and (n+1)-faces of the n-face of an mln::complex<D>
mln::topo::adj_m_face_bkd_iter< D >Backward iterator on all the m-faces transitively adjacent to a (reference) n-face in a complex
mln::topo::adj_m_face_fwd_iter< D >Forward iterator on all the m-faces transitively adjacent to a (reference) n-face in a complex
mln::topo::algebraic_face< D >Algebraic face handle in a complex; the face dimension is dynamic
mln::topo::algebraic_n_face< N, D >Algebraic N-face handle in a complex
mln::topo::center_only_iter< D >Iterator on all the adjacent (n-1)-faces of the n-face of an mln::complex<D>
mln::topo::centered_bkd_iter_adapter< D, I >Forward complex relative iterator adapters adding the central (reference) point to the set of iterated faces
mln::topo::centered_fwd_iter_adapter< D, I >Backward complex relative iterator adapters adding the central (reference) point to the set of iterated faces
mln::topo::complex< D >General complex of dimension D
mln::topo::face< D >Face handle in a complex; the face dimension is dynamic
mln::topo::face_bkd_iter< D >Backward iterator on all the faces of an mln::complex<D>
mln::topo::face_fwd_iter< D >Forward iterator on all the faces of an mln::complex<D>
mln::topo::is_n_face< N >A functor testing wheter a mln::complex_psite is an N -face
mln::topo::is_simple_2d_t< N >Test if a point is simple or not
mln::topo::is_simple_cell< I >A predicate for the simplicity of a point based on the collapse property of the attachment
mln::topo::n_face< N, D >N-face handle in a complex
mln::topo::n_face_bkd_iter< D >Backward iterator on all the faces of an mln::complex<D>
mln::topo::n_face_fwd_iter< D >Forward iterator on all the faces of an mln::complex<D>
mln::topo::n_faces_set< N, D >Set of face handles of dimension N
mln::topo::skeleton::is_simple_point< N >
mln::topo::static_n_face_bkd_iter< N, D >Backward iterator on all the N-faces of a mln::complex<D>
mln::topo::static_n_face_fwd_iter< N, D >Forward iterator on all the N-faces of a mln::complex<D>
mln::tr_image< S, I, T >Transform an image by a given transformation
mln::unproject_image< I, D, F >Un-projects an image
mln::util::adjacency_matrix< V >A class of adjacency matrix
mln::util::array< T >A dynamic array class
mln::util::branch< T >Class of generic branch
mln::util::branch_iter< T >Basic 2D image class
mln::util::branch_iter_ind< T >Basic 2D image class
mln::util::couple< T, U >Definition of a couple
mln::util::eatEat structure
mln::util::edge< G >Edge of a graph G
mln::util::fibonacci_heap< P, T >Fibonacci heap
mln::util::graphUndirected graph
mln::util::greater_point< I >A ``greater than'' functor comparing points w.r.t
mln::util::greater_psite< I >A ``greater than'' functor comparing psites w.r.t
mln::util::head< T, R >Top structure of the soft heap
mln::util::ignoreIgnore structure
mln::util::ilcell< T >Element of an item list. Store the data (key) used in soft_heap
mln::util::line_graph< G >Undirected line graph of a graph of type G
mln::util::nilNil structure
mln::util::node< T, R >Meta-data of an element in the heap
mln::util::object_id< Tag, V >Base class of an object id
mln::util::ord< T >Function-object that defines an ordering between objects with type T: lhs R rhs
mln::util::ord_pair< T >Ordered pair structure s.a
mln::util::pix< I >Structure pix
mln::util::set< T >An "efficient" mathematical set class
mln::util::site_pair< P >A pair of sites
mln::util::soft_heap< T, R >Soft heap
mln::util::timerTimer structure
mln::util::tracked_ptr< T >Smart pointer for shared data with tracking
mln::util::tree< T >Class of generic tree
mln::util::tree_node< T >Class of generic tree_node for tree
mln::util::vertex< G >Vertex of a graph G
mln::util::yesObject that always says "yes"
mln::Value< E >Base class for implementation classes of values
mln::value::float01Class for floating values restricted to the interval [0..1] and discretized with n bits
mln::value::float01_fClass for floating values restricted to the interval [0..1]
mln::value::graylevel< n >General gray-level class on n bits
mln::value::graylevel_fGeneral gray-level class on n bits
mln::value::int_s< n >Signed integer value class
mln::value::int_u< n >Unsigned integer value class
mln::value::int_u_sat< n >Unsigned integer value class with saturation behavior
mln::value::Integer< E >Concept of integer
mln::value::Integer< void >Category flag type
mln::value::label< n >Label value class
mln::value::lut_vec< S, T >Class that defines FIXME
mln::value::proxy< I >Generic proxy class for an image pixel value
mln::value::qt::rgb32Color class for red-green-blue where every component is n-bit encoded
mln::value::rgb< n >Color class for red-green-blue where every component is n-bit encoded
mln::value::set< T >Class that defines the set of values of type T
mln::value::signValue type composed by the set (-1, 0, 1) sign value type is a subset of the int value type
mln::value::stack_image< n, I >Stack image class
mln::value::super_value< sign >Specializations:
mln::value::value_array< T, V >Generic array class over indexed by a value set with type T
mln::Value_Iterator< E >Base class for implementation of classes of iterator on values
mln::Value_Set< E >Base class for implementation classes of sets of values
mln::Vertex< E >Vertex category flag type
mln::vertex_image< P, V, G >Image based on graph vertices
mln::violent_cast_image< T, I >Violently cast image values to a given type
mln::w_window< D, W >Generic w_window class
mln::Weighted_Window< E >Base class for implementation classes that are weighted_windows
mln::win::backdiag2dDiagonal line window defined on the 2D square grid
mln::win::ball< G, C >Generic ball window defined on a given grid
mln::win::cube3dCube window defined on the 3D grid
mln::win::cuboid3dCuboid defined on the 3-D square grid
mln::win::diag2dDiagonal line window defined on the 2D square grid
mln::win::line< M, i, C >Generic line window defined on a given grid in the given dimension
mln::win::multiple< W, F >Multiple window
mln::win::multiple_size< n, W, F >Definition of a multiple-size window
mln::win::octagon2dOctagon window defined on the 2D square grid
mln::win::rectangle2dRectangular window defined on the 2D square grid
mln::Window< E >Base class for implementation classes that are windows
mln::window< D >Generic window class
mln::world::inter_pixel::is_separatorFunctor returning whether a site is a separator in an inter-pixel image
trait::graph< I >Graph traits
trait::graph< mln::complex_image< 1, G, V > >Graph traits for 1-complexes images
trait::graph< mln::image2d< T > >Graph traits for mln::image2d