
Welcome to Milena’s tutorial.

How to learn Milena

Milena is only a subpart of Olena but tends to be a large system too. Therefore it is not possible to present all the functionalities in a tutorial.

Milena targets several audiences: assemblers, designers, providers and architects. Assemblers want to apply and assemble algorithms to solve image processing, pattern recognition or computer vision problems, designers build new algorithms, providers are interested in developing their own data structures and extend an existing library and architects are basically developpers extending the core library.

Whatever the kind of user you are, the key to learning how to use Milena is to become familiar with its palette of objects and the way of combining them.

As an assemblers, you may start with this simple tutorial and the Quick tour . They describe and illustrate the key features of the library. Assemblers getting familiar with Milena and designers, should take a look at the Quick Reference Guide . It is a more detailed explanations of the library’s features.

Assemblers and designers may be also interested by all the examples provided with the documentation and the tutorial. The source code is available in milena/doc/examples and is usually pointed out and commented by the documentation.

Taking a look at the test suite is also a good idea. The tests usually focus on a single functionality and handle several use cases which may overlap your needs. The test suite is located in milena/tests .

Still not enough information? More information about all the routines is available in the User HTML documentation . It mainly targets designers and providers. The latter may also be interested by the Developer HTML documentation (not available yet).

Obtaining the library

There are two ways of getting Milena on the web:

Downloading a package or a tarball is the best choice for a new user. Except for nightly builds which are packages generated every night from the SVN repository, packages and tarballs contain only a released version of Milena. It guaranties a certain quality: no building issues, no bugs (ok, maybe some...), …

This tutorial is based on the latest released version of Milena. Therefore, if you decide to use the SVN version, you may notice different behaviors or results compared to what it is described in this document.

Using the SVN version implies some drawbacks: the code might crash, not compile or produce incorrect results. Besides, The SVN version is always up to date and you may find new functionalities, bug fixes and new syntax improvements. This version targets users familiar with build systems and compilation issues. We strongly advise you to not use it for production use.

Downloading the library

Downloading from SVN

First, be sure that SVN is already installed on your system. Open a terminal and type:

$ svn --version --quiet

You should see your version of SVN installed. If you read ’Command not found’ then you need to install SVN.

Usually, systems providing packages reference SVN’s package as ’subversion’.

To install SVN on Debian or Ubuntu, run:

$ sudo apt-get install subversion

For other distributions, please refer to the user documentation of your system.

Once you have SVN installed, go to the directory where you would like to download Olena and create a new directory.

$ cd $HOME
$ mkdir olena
$ cd olena

Then ’checkout’ (download) the repository with the following command.

$ svn co https://svn.lrde.epita.fr/svn/oln/trunk

Enter the ’trunk’ directory.

$ cd trunk

You are now ready to configure the directory and install Milena as described in section Installation . We invite you to take a look at the description of the directory structure (section Directory structure ). If you encounter any issues in the installation process or if you have any question, do not forget to join the mailing lists (section Join the mailing lists ) and/or use the other documentations resources (section reftuto1documentation).

Downloading packaged releases

Milena’s packages can be downloaded from:


On this page you will find the latest and past releases. Currently, we provide only ’.tar.gz’ and ’tar.bz2’ archives.

Once downloaded, you just need to uncompress the archive.

For the ’.tar.gz’ archive:

$ tar zxvf olena.tar.gz

For the ’.tar.bz2’ archive:

$ tar jxvf olena.tar.bz2

Then, enter the new created directory:

$ cd olena

You are now ready to configure the directory and install Milena as described in section Installation . We invite you to take a look at the description of the directory structure (section Directory structure ). If you encounter any issues in the installation process or if you have any question, do not forget to join the mailing lists (section Join the mailing lists ) and/or use the other documentations resources (section Documentation )).

Join the mailing lists

Regardless your use of Olena, we strongly advise you to join our mailing lists. This is the best way to keep up to date about new releases, bug notifications/fixes and future updates. This is also a good opportunity to tell us what you would like to find in Milena and what could be improved.

Currently four mailing-lists are available:

Olena Discussion about the project Olena
Olena-bugs Bugs from Olena projects
Olena-core Internal list for the Olena project
Olena-patches patches for the Olena project

You can subscribe to these mailing lists at the following address:


Just click on the name of the mailing list you want to subscribe to and fill out the form.

Directory structure

Milena’s directory is composed of several subdirectories. In order to help you finding what you need, you will find a description of all these subdirectories.

List of milena’s subdirectories:

List of mln’s subdirectories:

The source code and the material of the documentation is available in milena/doc. List of doc’s subdirectories:


This tutorial is not the only documentation of Milena. Other documents are available:

Community and Support

Even though Milena is currently developed by the LRDE in EPITA, we are open for new contributors.

Project status

If you want to stay tuned to Milena’s development, the best way is probably the mailing-lists (section Join the mailing lists ).

There are other ways to get to know what is the status of the project.

A brief history of Milena

The Olena project aims at building a scientific computation platform oriented towards image processing, image recognition, and artificial vision. This environment is composed of a high performance generic library (Milena), a set of tools for shell scripts, together with, in the more distant future, an interpreter (a la Octave, MatLab etc.) and a visual programming environment.

The Olena project started in 2000 from a small prototype on 2-D images. From November 2001 to April 2004, this prototype evolved from version 0.1 to 0.10. More image types were supported and the level of genericity expected from the library was partially obtained. During these three years, the prototype was used to experiment with genericity and to try to meet our objectives. In February 2007, Olena 0.11 was released to conform modern C++ compilers. At that time, the code was not enough readable though and the compilation time was too long.

Since June 2007 up to now, The library of the Olena platform is called Milena and the library has been rewritten. The programming paradigm has been simplified: the code is more readable and the compilation time is acceptable. The level of genericity still meets our objectives though.

Milena is now getting ready for being considered as stable and distributable. The core of the library is getting frozen and we aim at enriching the library, its documentation and the related tools.


If you want to reach us directly, you can contact one of the following people:

Go to Installation   —→