
Has title


Showing 20 pages using this property.
Booster les itérateurs de Vaucanson  +
Boosting Vaucanson  +
Boosting Vaucanson  +
Boosting Vaucanson's Iterator  +
Boosting Vaucanson's genericity  +
Bottleneck neural networks for Speaker Recognition  +
Braids of Partitions for the Hierarchical Representation and Segmentation of Multimodal Images  +
Brain MRI Segmentation using fully convolutional network  +
Brain MRI segmentation using mathematical morphology  +
Brain Tumor Segmentation with deep convolutional network approach  +
Building Efficient Model checkers using Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams and automatic Saturation  +
Building LTL Model Checkers using Transition-based Generalized Büchi Automata  +
Building a quantum perceptron  +
Building an interface for and with Climb  +
C++ Program Slicing with Transformers  +
C++ Transformations panorama  +
C++ Transformations panorama  +
C++ container library with the SCOOP paradigm  +
C++ container library with the SCOOP paradigm  +
C++ template disambiguation with Transformers Attribute Grammars  +