polyDD: Towards a Framework Generalizing Decision Diagrams


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Decision Diagrams are now widely used in model checking as extremely compact representations of state spaces. Many Decision Diagram categories have been developed over the past twenty years based on the same principles. Each one targets a specific domain with its own characteristics. Moreover, each one provides its own definition. It prevents sharing concepts and techniques between these structures. This paper aims to propose a basis for a common Framework for Decision Diagrams. It should help users of this technology to define new Decision Diagram categories thanks to a simple specification mechanism called Controller. This enables the building of efficient Decision Diagrams dedicated to a given problem.

Bibtex (lrde.bib)

@InProceedings{	  linard.10.acsd,
  author	= {Alban Linard and Emmanuel Paviot-Adet and Fabrice Kordon
		  and Didier Buchs and Samuel Charron},
  title		= {{polyDD}: Towards a Framework Generalizing Decision
  booktitle	= {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on
		  Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD)},
  pages		= {124--133},
  year		= 2010,
  address	= {Braga, Portugal},
  month		= jun,
  project	= {Verification},
  publisher	= {IEEE Computer Society},
  abstract	= {Decision Diagrams are now widely used in model checking as
		  extremely compact representations of state spaces. Many
		  Decision Diagram categories have been developed over the
		  past twenty years based on the same principles. Each one
		  targets a specific domain with its own characteristics.
		  Moreover, each one provides its own definition. It prevents
		  sharing concepts and techniques between these structures.
		  This paper aims to propose a basis for a common Framework
		  for Decision Diagrams. It should help users of this
		  technology to define new Decision Diagram categories thanks
		  to a simple specification mechanism called Controller. This
		  enables the building of efficient Decision Diagrams
		  dedicated to a given problem.}