Jobs/M2 ADL 2015 General Acceptance Condition


Algorithms for automata over infinite words using a general acceptance condition
Reference id

M2 ADL 2015 General Acceptance Condition


5-6 months in 2016

Research field

Automata Theory

Related project



Alexandre Duret-Lutz

General presentation of the field

The formal method community uses several types of automata over infinite words (called "omega-automata"): Büchi automata, Streett automata, Rabin automata... These automata differ by their acceptance condition, i.e., the condition under which an infinite run of the automaton is accepted. For each of these different acceptance conditions there exist specialized algorithms, for instance to decide if an automaton is accepting, or to change an acceptance condition into another, or to determinize an automaton...

We have recently defined file format for exchanging omega-automata between tools. This format can represent all the above types of automata thanks to a very general way to to represent the acceptance condition. In fact the acceptance condition specification is so general that it allows us to represent combination of existing conditions.


Automata Theory


The goal of this internship is to survey, implement, and extend existing algorithms that simplify omega-automata (with different acceptance conditions), and convert between various acceptance conditions.

Benefit for the candidate

This internship targets students who would like to do some theory, and might be interested into continuing on a Ph.D thesis.

Place LRDE: How to get to us

1000 € gross/month

Future work opportunities



<adl at lrde . epita . fr> <adl at lrde . epita . fr>