

The Challenge of Cerebral MRI in Neonates: A New Method using Mathematical Morphology for the Segmentation of Structures Including DEHSI


The related publication is available from this page.

Bibtex entry:

  author        = {Yongchao Xu and Baptiste Morel and Sonia Dahdouh and
                   \'Elodie Puybareau and Alessio Virz\`i and H\'el\`ene
		   Urien and Thierry~G\'eraud and Catherine Adamsbaum and
		   Isabelle Bloch},
  title         = {The Challenge of Cerebral Magnetic Resonance Imaging in
                   Neonates: {A} New Method using Mathematical Morphology
		   for the Segmentation of Structures Including Diffuse
		   Excessive High Signal Intensities},
  journal       = {Medical Image Analysis},
  year          = 2018,
  pages         = {1--23},
  url =	 {},
  note = {To appear}


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You are allowed to use these codes and software for research purpose. If so, please specify the following copyright: "Copyright (c) 2018. EPITA Research and Development Laboratory (LRDE)". You are not allowed to redistribute these codes. You are not allowed to redistribute the dehsi.nii example.