OlenaNewsEntry (2014/07/08)


Revision as of 18:26, 8 July 2014 by Roland Levillain (talk | contribs) (Announce the Olena 2.1 release.)
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Title Olena 2.1 released


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The Olena Team is proud to announce the release of Olena 2.1.

Olena is a platform dedicated to image processing and pattern recognition. Its core component is a generic and efficient C++ library called Milena. Milena provides a framework to implement simple, fast, safe, reusable and extensible image processing tool chains. The library provides many ready-to-use image data structures (regular 1D, 2D, 3D images, graph-based images, etc.) and algorithms. Milena's algorithms are built upon classical entities from the image processing field (images, points/sites, domains, neighborhoods, etc.). This design allows image processing developers and practitioners to easily understand, modify, develop and extend new algorithms while retaining the core traits of Milena: genericity and efficiency.

On top of Milena, the Olena platform also features optional modules such as Swilena, a component exposing Milena to other languages thanks to the Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG); and the Scribo module for Document Image Analysis (see below).

The Olena platform is Free Software. It is distributed under the conditions of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2. See the file COPYING shipped with the Olena distribution.

Release notes are available at:

You can download packages of the Olena 2.1 distribution here:

The SHA1 digests of theses packages are:

  bae986faa08c908bd0e167e96c168033a53b5b47  olena-2.1.tar.gz
  54f756b033a45d4c2fe1233c10fc43f99f9f552f  olena-2.1.tar.bz2

This version is mostly a ``fix-up release of Olena 2.0, containing many corrections and improvements since the previous release.

Here is a list of major changes since Olena 2.0:

  • New and improved algorithms (binarization, skeletonization, layout analysis) and I/O routines (PDF, VTK).
  • Minimal support for FFTW 3 (Fast Fourier Transform).
  • The Scribo distribution now contains a Doxygen documentation.
  • Support for modern toolchains and especially recent C++ compilers (GCC 4.8, Clang 3.5).

The file NEWS, milena/NEWS, scribo/NEWS and swilena/NEWS, included in the archive, contain a more complete list of user-visible changes.

Please report any problem by e-mail to <olena-bugs@lrde.epita.fr>.