Difference between revisions of "Publications/carlinet.15.itip.inc"


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File:land.jpg|Input RGB Image
File:land.png|Input RGB Image
File:land-simp.png|Output Simplified Image
File:land-simp.png|Output Simplified Image

Revision as of 17:14, 15 April 2015


Multivariate Tree of Shapes Computation Binaries

You can download the x86_64 binaries to compute the Multivariate Tree of Shapes Here. This application outputs 16-bits image where each pixel stores the depth of the node it belongs to. To recover the MToS from this image, one just has to compute its max-tree. Note that the image is twice has big has the original one and has a border for topogical and algorithmic purposes. Thus, any pixel with coordinates (x,y) in the original image is now at coordinates (2*(x+1), 2*(y+1)) in the depth image. The application also outputs a 8bits grayscale version of the depth image that can be used to vizualise the shapes by thresholding this image.

Usage: ./compute_ctos-demo [options] input depth16.tiff depth8.png

Mumford-Shah Simplification with the MToS

You can download the x86_64 binaries to compute the Mumford-Shah simplification running on the MToS (as described in the paper) Here.

Usage: ./mumford_shah_on_tree_full input[rgb] α₀ α₁ λ output α₀ Grain filter size before merging trees (0 to disable) α₁ Grain filter size on the color ToS (0 to disable) λ Mumford-shah regularisation weight (e.g. 5000)