

This page lists properties and their usage counts available for this wiki. For up-to-date count statistics it is recommended that the property statistics maintenance script is run on a regular basis. For a differentiated view, see the unused or wanted properties special pages.

List of properties

  1. Abstract of type Text (511 uses)
  2. Additional information of type Text (64 uses)
  3. Advisor of type Text (46 uses)
  4. Allows value<a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_property_Allows_value">"Allows value"</a> is a predefined property that can define a list of permissible values to restrict value assignments for a property and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. (68)
  5. Arrival date of type Date (148 uses)
  6. Attachment link"Attachment link" is a predefined property that collects embedded file and image links found in a page and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. of type Page (0 uses)
  7. Bulletin Number + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/wiki/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  8. Bulletin abstract of type Text (38 uses)
  9. Bulletin number of type Number (38 uses)
  10. Bulletin title of type Text (38 uses)
  11. CSI Seminar date of type Date (12 uses)
  12. CSI Seminar hours of type Text (12 uses)
  13. CSI Seminar location of type Text (12 uses)
  14. CSI paper of type URL (4 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  15. CSI report number of type Text (458 uses)
  16. CSI slides of type URL (4 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  17. Caption of type Text (188 uses)
  18. Change propagation"Change propagation" is a predefined property to hold <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Change_propagation">change propagation</a> information and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. of type Code (0 uses)
  19. Corresponds to"Corresponds to" is a declarative predefined property to define conversion factor for some unit of a physical quantity and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. (1)
  20. Course acronym of type Text (64 uses)
  21. Course audience of type Text (94 uses)
  22. Course content of type Text (51 uses)
  23. Course duration of type Quantity (54 uses)
  24. Course logbook of type Page (60 uses)
  25. Course module of type Text (33 uses)
  26. Course objectives of type Text (51 uses)
  27. Course period of type Text (111 uses)
  28. Course prerequisites of type Text (32 uses)
  29. Course references of type Text (78 uses)
  30. Course slides of type Text (17 uses)
  31. Course title of type Text (64 uses)
  32. Course visible of type Boolean (63 uses)
  33. Creation date"Creation date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the first revision of a subject and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. of type Date (0 uses)
  34. Current position of type Text (117 uses)
  35. Departure date of type Date (119 uses)
  36. Display precision of"Display precision of" is a predefined property that describes a <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Display_precision">display precision</a> (in decimal digits) for numeric datatypes. of type Number (0 uses)
  37. Display title of"Display title of" is a predefined property that can assign a distinct display title to an entity and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. of type Text (1,134 uses)
  38. Display units"Display units" is a declarative predefined property to define units of display for numeric typed properties and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. (1)
  39. EPITA Class of type Date (119 uses)
  40. Equivalent URI"Equivalent URI" is a <a href="/wiki/Special:Types/URL" title="Special:Types/URL">type</a> and predefined property provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a> to represent URI/URL values. (0)
  41. Exam type of type Text (32 uses)
  42. Has Diploma of type Text (206 uses)
  43. Has author of type Text (2,798 uses)
  44. Has bibtex id of type Text (962 uses)
  45. Has default form of type Page (7 uses)
  46. Has email + of type Email (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  47. Has fields"Has fields" is a predefined property to define a list of properties used with a <a href="/wiki/Special:Types/Record" title="Special:Types/Record">record</a> typed property and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. (0)
  48. Has improper value for"Has improper value for" is a predefined property that tracks input errors for irregular value annotations and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. (74)
  49. Has keyword of type Text (1,063 uses)
  50. Has name + of type Text (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  51. Has phone number + of type Telephone number (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  52. Has photo of type Page (107 uses)
  53. Has publisher of type Page (159 uses) <ul><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/wiki/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  54. Has query"Has query" is a predefined property that represents meta information (in form of a <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Subobject">subobject</a>) about individual queries and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. (156)
  55. Has teacher of type Page (73 uses)
  56. Has title of type Text (962 uses)
  57. Has type"Has type" is a predefined property that describes the <a href="/wiki/Special:Types" title="Special:Types">datatype</a> of a property and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. (95)
  58. Has urllrde + of type Text (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  59. Home page of type URL (5 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  60. Imported from"Imported from" is a predefined property that describes a relation to an <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Import_vocabulary">imported vocabulary</a> and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. (4)
  61. Is CSI + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/wiki/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  62. Is a new page"Is a new page" is a predefined property that indicates whether a subject is new or not and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. of type Boolean (0 uses)
  63. Is global news of type Boolean (18 uses)
  64. Job benefit of type Text (16 uses)
  65. Job compensation of type Text (45 uses)
  66. Job contact of type Text (46 uses)
  67. Job context of type Text (6 uses)
  68. Job dates of type Text (46 uses)
  69. Job field of type Text (40 uses)
  70. Job future work opportunities of type Text (33 uses)
  71. Job objectives of type Text (45 uses)
  72. Job prerequisites of type Text (34 uses)
  73. Job published of type Boolean (46 uses)
  74. Job reference id of type Text (46 uses)
  75. Job references of type Text (25 uses)
  76. Job research field of type Text (46 uses)
  77. Job title of type Text (46 uses)
  78. Job type of type Text (46 uses)
  79. Language of type Text (46 uses)
  80. Language code"Language code" is a predefined property that represents a BCP47 formatted language code and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. (4)
  81. Last editor is"Last editor is" is a predefined property that contains the page name of the user who created the last revision and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. of type Page (0 uses)
  82. Modification date"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. of type Date (2,935 uses)
  83. News date of type Date (896 uses)
  84. News subtitle of type Text (290 uses)
  85. News title of type Text (914 uses)
  86. News year of type Text (450 uses)
  87. Optional course of type Text (64 uses)
  88. Past people + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/wiki/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  89. Preferred property label"Preferred property label" is a declarative predefined property to specify a <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Preferred_property_label">preferred property label</a> and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. of type Monolingual text (0 uses)
  90. Processing error"Processing error" is a predefined property provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a> and represents errors that appeared in connection with improper value annotations or input processing. (67)
  91. Processing error message"Processing error message" is a predefined property containing a textual description of an error and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. (80)
  92. Property description"Property description" is a predefined property that allows to describe a property in context of a language and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. of type Monolingual text (4 uses)
  93. Provides service"Provides service" is a declarative predefined property to add service links to a property and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>. (0)
  94. Publication paper of type URL (283 uses)
  95. Publication poster of type URL (19 uses)
  96. Publication report of type URL (2 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  97. Publication slides of type URL (31 uses)
  98. Publication type of type Text (959 uses)
  99. Publication year of type Text (512 uses)
  100. Published has news of type Boolean (450 uses)