How to help digital-native students to successfully take control of their learning : A return of 8 years of experience on a computer science e-learning platform in higher education
- Authors
- Laurent Beaudoin, Loïca Avanthey
- Journal
- [[Published in::Education and Information Technologies (EIT) [Springer Nature]]]
- Type
- article
- Date
- 2022-01-01
Bibtex (lrde.bib)
@Article{ beaudoin.22.eit, author = {Beaudoin, Laurent and Avanthey, Lo\"{i}ca}, year = 2022, title = {{H}ow to help digital-native students to successfully take control of their learning : {A} return of 8 years of experience on a computer science e-learning platform in higher education}, journal = {{E}ducation and {I}nformation {T}echnologies ({EIT}) [{S}pringer Nature]}, url = {}, pages = {1--21}, volume = {-}, number = {-}, doi = {10.1007/s10639-022-11407-8} }