Inside Vaucanson



This paper presents some features of the Vaucanson platform. We describe some original algorithms on weighted automata and transducers (computation of the quotientconversion of a regular expression into a weighted automaton, and composition). We explain how complex declarations due to the generic programming are masked from the user and finally we present a proposal for an XML format that allows implicit descriptions for simple types of automata.


Bibtex (lrde.bib)

@InProceedings{	  claveirole.05.ciaa,
  author	= {Thomas Claveirole and Sylvain Lombardy and Sarah O'Connor
		  and Louis-No\"el Pouchet and Jacques Sakarovitch},
  title		= {Inside {V}aucanson},
  booktitle	= {Proceedings of Implementation and Application of Automata,
		  10th International Conference (CIAA)},
  year		= 2005,
  pages		= {117--128},
  editor	= {Springer-Verlag},
  volume	= 3845,
  series	= {Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series},
  address	= {Sophia Antipolis, France},
  month		= jun,
  abstract	= {This paper presents some features of the Vaucanson
		  platform. We describe some original algorithms on weighted
		  automata and transducers (computation of the quotient,
		  conversion of a regular expression into a weighted
		  automaton, and composition). We explain how complex
		  declarations due to the generic programming are masked from
		  the user and finally we present a proposal for an XML
		  format that allows implicit descriptions for simple types
		  of automata.}