Front-End Factor Analysis For Speaker Verification
- Authors
- Najim Dehak, P Kenny, Réda Dehak, P Dumouchel, P Ouellet
- Journal
- IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing
- Type
- article
- Date
- 2011-05-01
Bibtex (lrde.bib)
@Article{ dehak.11.taslp, author = {Najim Dehak and P. Kenny and R\'eda Dehak and P. Dumouchel and P. Ouellet}, title = {Front-{E}nd {F}actor {A}nalysis {F}or {S}peaker {V}erification}, year = 2011, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing}, volume = 13, number = 4, pages = {788--798}, month = may }