Contribution aux tests de vacuité pour le model checking explicite
- Authors
- Etienne Renault
- Place
- Paris, France
- Type
- phdthesis
- Projects
- Spot
- Date
- 2014-12-05
The automata-theoretic approach to linear time model-checking is a standard technique for formal verification of concurrent systems. The system and the property to check are modeled with omega-automata that recognizes infinite words. Operations overs these automata (synchronized product and emptiness checks) allows to determine whether the system satisfies the property or not. In this thesis we focus on a particular type of omega-automata that enable a concise representation of weak fairness properties: transitions-based generalized Büchi automata (TGBA). First we outline existing verification algorithms, and we propose new efficient algorithms for strong automata. In a second step, the analysis of the strongly connected components of the property automaton led us to develop a decomposition of this automata. This decomposition focuses on multi-strength property automata and allows a natural parallelization for already existing model-checkers. Finally, we proposed, for the first timenew parallel emptiness checks for generalized Büchi automata. Moreover, all these emptiness checks are lock-free, unlike those of the state-of-the-art. All these techniques have been implemented and then evaluated on a large benchmark.
Bibtex (lrde.bib)
@PhDThesis{, author = {Etienne Renault}, title = {{Contribution aux tests de vacuit\'e pour le model checking explicite}}, school = {{Universit{\'e} Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI}}, year = 2014, address = {Paris, France}, month = dec, abstract = {The automata-theoretic approach to linear time model-checking is a standard technique for formal verification of concurrent systems. The system and the property to check are modeled with omega-automata that recognizes infinite words. Operations overs these automata (synchronized product and emptiness checks) allows to determine whether the system satisfies the property or not. In this thesis we focus on a particular type of omega-automata that enable a concise representation of weak fairness properties: transitions-based generalized B\"uchi automata (TGBA). First we outline existing verification algorithms, and we propose new efficient algorithms for strong automata. In a second step, the analysis of the strongly connected components of the property automaton led us to develop a decomposition of this automata. This decomposition focuses on multi-strength property automata and allows a natural parallelization for already existing model-checkers. Finally, we proposed, for the first time, new parallel emptiness checks for generalized B\"uchi automata. Moreover, all these emptiness checks are lock-free, unlike those of the state-of-the-art. All these techniques have been implemented and then evaluated on a large benchmark.} }