Here is the list of persons who contribute to Vcsn, and what they have done for Vcsn.
- Algorithms writing and implementation:
- Jacques Sakarovitch
- Sylvain Lombardy
- Thanh Hoc Nguyen (Internship)
- Loic Fosse
- Thomas Claveirole
- Yann Regis-Gianas
- Maxime Rey
- Sarah O'Connor
- Louis-Noel Pouchet
- Robert Bigaignon
- Michaël Cadilhac
- Florent Terrones
- Guillaume Lazzara
- Guillaume Leroi
- Vivien Delmon
- Florian Lesaint
- Jimmy Ma
- Jérôme Galtier
- Florent D'Halluin
- Alex Hamelin
- Framework implementation and maintenance:
- Yann Regis-Gianas
- Raphael Poss
- Thomas Claveirole
For a more detailed view on each one's work, see Assignments.