Vaucanson 2b.2 (January 10th, 2014)
Vaucanson 2 is an ongoing full rewrite of Vaucanson. While it mostly
ressembles Vaucanson 1 in many regards, it is also very different in
many others: it is much faster, far easier to use, and provides a
richer feature-set. However, it does not yet provide any form of
useful documentation.
The reader is invited to read the NEWS.txt file in the distribution to know more about what Vaucanson 2 can already do.
It available on the MacPorts as the 'vaucanson' package.
- Tarballs (sources to compile):
- vaucanson-2b.2.tar.bz2 (553K)
- vaucanson-2b.2.tar.xz (464K)
- C++ compiler
- Clang 3.4 or better are known to work properly. GNU g++ 4.7 cannot compiler Vaucanson 2 at all, however 4.8 and 4.9 can compile most of it correctly: they fail to compile properly (incorrect behavior at runtime) some pieces of code in "tupleset", an undocumented feature, so you should not be concerned, yet.
- Graphviz
- The display of automata is made using AT&T Graphviz library. (On Ubuntu/Debian, install the following package: graphviz)
- Boost
- Boost (version 1.49 or later') provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.
- Bison
- Bison (3.0 or later) is a parser generator. This requirement will soon be lifted.