
Has title


Showing 20 pages using this property.
Deciding Persistence or Recurrence Membership in Spot  +
Deep Learning for Detection and Segmentation of Artefact and Disease Instances in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy  +
Deep Neural Networks for Aberrations Compensation in Digital Holographic Imaging of the Retina  +
Dematerialization Tools in SCRIBO  +
Derived-Term Automata of Multitape Expressions with Composition  +
Derived-Term Automata of Multitape Rational Expressions  +
Derived-Term Automata of Weighted Rational Expressions with Quotient Operators  +
Derived-term Automata for Extended Weighted Rational Expressions  +
Designing the user interface for a Common Lisp generic library  +
Detecting Botnets Behaviors over Network Flows using Hidden Markov Models  +
Detecting danger in marine environment: Part 1 - Making the dataset  +
Detecting danger in marine environnement  +
Direct-Simulation Reduction for TGBA  +
Discovering and Visualizing Tactics in Table Tennis Games Based on Subgroup Discovery  +
Discrete Morse Functions and Watersheds  +
Discrete set-valued continuity and interpolation  +
Discrimination supervisé de caractères sur des images  +
Dispatch par propriétés dans les langages fonctionnels  +
Distance Transform  +
Distance Transform  +