Writing Reusable Digital Topology Algorithms in a Generic Image Processing Framework


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Digital Topology software should reflect the generality of the underlying mathematics: mapping the latter to the former requires genericity. By designing generic solutionsone can effectively reuse digital topology data structures and algorithms. We propose an image processing framework focused on the Generic Programming paradigm in which an algorithm on the paper can be turned into a single codewritten once and usable with various input types. This approach enables users to design and implement new methods at a lower cost, try cross-domain experiments and help generalize results.


Bibtex (lrde.bib)

@InProceedings{	  levillain.12.wadgmm-lncs,
  oldkeys	= {levillain.12.lncs},
  author	= {Roland Levillain and Thierry G\'eraud and Laurent Najman},
  title		= {Writing Reusable Digital Topology Algorithms in a Generic
		  Image Processing Framework},
  booktitle	= {WADGMM 2010},
  pages		= {140--153},
  year		= 2012,
  editor	= {Ullrich K\"othe and Annick Montanvert and Pierre Soille},
  publisher	= {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg},
  series	= {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume	= {7346},
  project	= {Olena},
  abstract	= {Digital Topology software should reflect the generality of
		  the underlying mathematics: mapping the latter to the
		  former requires genericity. By designing generic solutions,
		  one can effectively reuse digital topology data structures
		  and algorithms. We propose an image processing framework
		  focused on the Generic Programming paradigm in which an
		  algorithm on the paper can be turned into a single code,
		  written once and usable with various input types. This
		  approach enables users to design and implement new methods
		  at a lower cost, try cross-domain experiments and help
		  generalize results.},
  keywords	= {Generic Programming, Interface, Skeleton, Complex},
  annote	= {This paper is an extended version of levillain.10.wadgmm