Difference between revisions of "Publications/clouard.99.tr"


Line 8: Line 8:
| address = Caen, France
| address = Caen, France
| None = http://www.greyc.ismra.fr/~regis/Pandore/
| None = http://www.greyc.ismra.fr/~regis/Pandore/
| project = Olena
| lrdeprojects = Olena
| urllrde = 199911-TR
| type = techreport
| type = techreport
| id = clouard.99.tr
| id = clouard.99.tr
Line 23: Line 22:
address = <nowiki>{</nowiki>Caen, France<nowiki>}</nowiki>,
address = <nowiki>{</nowiki>Caen, France<nowiki>}</nowiki>,
month = nov,
month = nov,
url = <nowiki>{</nowiki>http://www.greyc.ismra.fr/~regis/Pandore/<nowiki>}</nowiki>,
url = <nowiki>{</nowiki>http://www.greyc.ismra.fr/~regis/Pandore/<nowiki>}</nowiki>
project = <nowiki>{</nowiki>Olena<nowiki>}</nowiki>

Revision as of 12:13, 26 April 2016

Bibtex (lrde.bib)

@TechReport{	  clouard.99.tr,
  author	= {R\'egis Clouard and Abderrahim Elmoataz and Fran\c{c}ois
		  Angot and Olivier Lezoray and Alexandre Duret-Lutz},
  title		= {Une biblioth\`eque et un environnement de programmation
		  d'op\'erateurs de traitement d'images},
  institution	= {GREYC-ISMRA},
  year		= 1999,
  number	= 99008,
  address	= {Caen, France},
  month		= nov,
  url		= {http://www.greyc.ismra.fr/~regis/Pandore/}