Implementing attributes in SDF


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Attribute Grammars (AGs) provide a very convenient means to bind semantics to syntax. They enjoy an extensive bibliography and are used in several types of applications. Yet, to our knowledge, their use to disambiguate is novel. We present our implementation of an evaluator of attributes for ambiguous AGs, tailored to ambiguous parse trees disambiguation. This paper focuses on its implementation that heavily relies on Stratego/XT, which is also used as language to express the attribute rules. A companion paper presents the disambiguation process in details 200505-SUD-disamb.

Bibtex (lrde.bib)

@Misc{		  gournet.05.sud,
  author	= {Alexandre Borghi and Valentin David and Akim Demaille and
		  Olivier Gournet},
  title		= {Implementing attributes in {SDF}},
  year		= 2005,
  address	= {Utrecht {U}niversity, {N}etherland},
  note		= {Communication to Stratego Users Day 2005},
  month		= may,
  project	= {Transformers},
  abstract	= {Attribute Grammars (AGs) provide a very convenient means
		  to bind semantics to syntax. They enjoy an extensive
		  bibliography and are used in several types of applications.
		  Yet, to our knowledge, their use to disambiguate is novel.
		  We present our implementation of an evaluator of attributes
		  for ambiguous AGs, tailored to ambiguous parse trees
		  disambiguation. This paper focuses on its implementation
		  that heavily relies on Stratego/XT, which is also used as
		  language to express the attribute rules. A companion paper
		  presents the disambiguation process in details