Book chapters


Title Authors Published in Date
barnat.18.hpcr Parallel Model Checking Algorithms for Linear-Time Temporal Logic Jiri Barnat, Vincent Bloemen, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Alfons Laarman, Laure Petrucci, Jaco van de Pol, Etienne Renault Handbook of Parallel Constraint Reasoning 10 April 2018
tochon.17.chapter Advances in Utilization of Hierarchical Representations in Remote Sensing Data Analysis Guillaume Tochon, Mauro Dalla Mura, Philippe Salembier, Jocelyn Chanussot, Miguel-Angel Veganzones, Silvia Valero Comprehensive Remote Sensing, 1st Edition 8 November 2017
verna.12.dsl Extensible languages: blurring the distinction between DSLs and GPLs Didier Verna Formal and Practical Aspects of Domain-Specific Languages: Recent Developments 1 September 2012
geraud.10.livre Morphologie et algorithmes Thierry Géraud, Hugues Talbot, Marc Van Droogenbroeck Morphologie mathématique 2 : estimation, choix et mise en œuvre 1 September 2010 Algorithms for Mathematical Morphology Thierry Géraud, Hugues Talbot, Marc Van Droogenbroeck Mathematical Morphology—From Theory to Applications 1 July 2010 Practical Application of Probabilistic Model Checking to Communication Protocols Marie Duflot, Marta Kwiatkowska, Gethin Norman, Dave Parker, Sylvain Peyronnet, Claudine Picaronny, Jeremy Sproston FMICS Handbook on Industrial Critical Systems 1 January 2006