Conference committees
Certain laboratory members are involved in the organization of scientific conferences and journals.
Conference organizing committee
The following LRDE members are or have been involved in the organization of conferences:
- Didier Verna for:
- ELS -- European Lisp Symposium
- ELW (ECOOP) -- European Lisp Workshop
- Akim Demaille for RIVF (2006-2011)
- Roland Levillain for ITiCSE'09
- Olivier Ricou for the first edition of the Open World Forum (2008)
Conference program committee
The following LRDE members are involved in conference program committees:
- Didier Verna for:
- ILC -- International Lisp Conference
- DLS (SPLASH) -- Dynamic Languages Symposium
- SAC -- ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
- ELS -- European Lisp Symposium / Chairman
- ELW (ECOOP) -- European Lisp Workshop / Chairman
- COP (ECOOP) -- Context Oriented Programming Workshop
- Akim Demaille for RIVF
- Thierry Géraud for
- International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM) since 2009
- International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG)
from 2001 to 2006.
Peer review committees in scientific journals
The following LRDE members are reviewers of scientific journal papers:
- Didier Verna for JUCS -- Journal of Universal Computer Science
- Thierry Géraud for:
- IEEE Signal Processing Letters
- IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Sets and System
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- Pattern Recognition Letters
- Software - Practice and Experience
- Reda Dehak, for:
- IEEE Signal Processing Letters
- IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security