Compiler Construction as an Effective Application to Teach Object-Oriented Programming


(Redirected from Publications/200810-KEX)


Compiler construction, a course feared by most studentsand a competence seldom needed in the industry. Yet we claim that compiler construction is wonderful topic that benefits from virtually all the computer-science topics. In this paper we show in particular why compiler construction is a killer example for Object-Oriented Programmingproviding a unique opportunity for students to understand what it is, what it can be used for, and how it works.


Bibtex (lrde.bib)

@Misc{		  demaille.08.kex,
  author	= {Akim Demaille and Roland Levillain},
  title		= {Compiler Construction as an Effective Application to Teach
		  Object-Oriented Programming},
  howpublished	= {The seventh ``Killer Examples'' workshop, Worked Examples
		  for Sound OO Pedagogy, at OOPSLA'08},
  address	= {Nashville, USA},
  month		= oct,
  year		= 2008,
  note		= {Oral presentation},
  abstract	= {Compiler construction, a course feared by most students,
		  and a competence seldom needed in the industry. Yet we
		  claim that compiler construction is wonderful topic that
		  benefits from virtually all the computer-science topics. In
		  this paper we show in particular why compiler construction
		  is a killer example for Object-Oriented Programming,
		  providing a unique opportunity for students to understand
		  what it is, what it can be used for, and how it works.}