Attribute Grammars for Modular Disambiguation
- Authors
- Valentin David, Akim Demaille, Olivier Gournet
- Where
- Proceedings of the IEEE 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP'06)
- Place
- Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Type
- inproceedings
- Projects
- Transformers
- Date
- 2006-07-12
To face the challenges to tomorrow's software engineering tools, powerful language-generic program-transformation components are needed. We propose the use of attribute grammars (AGs) to generate language specific disambiguation filters. In this paper, a complete implementation of a language-independent AGs system is presented. As a full scale experiment, we present an implementation of a flexible C front-end. Its specifications are concisemodular, and the result is efficient. On top of ittransformations such as software renovation, code metricsdomain specific language embedding can be implemented.
Bibtex (lrde.bib)
@InProceedings{ david.06.iccp, author = {Valentin David and Akim Demaille and Olivier Gournet}, title = {Attribute Grammars for Modular Disambiguation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing ({ICCP'06)}}, year = 2006, address = {Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania}, month = sep, abstract = {To face the challenges to tomorrow's software engineering tools, powerful language-generic program-transformation components are needed. We propose the use of attribute grammars (AGs) to generate language specific disambiguation filters. In this paper, a complete implementation of a language-independent AGs system is presented. As a full scale experiment, we present an implementation of a flexible C front-end. Its specifications are concise, modular, and the result is efficient. On top of it, transformations such as software renovation, code metrics, domain specific language embedding can be implemented.} }