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Internal Projects

You will find a more thorough presentation of the different projects by clicking each project name.

Olena: a generic image processing library


Olena is a platform dedicated to image processing and pattern recognition. Its core component is a generic and efficient C++ library called Milena. Milena provides a framework to implement simple, fast, safe, reusable and extensible image processing tool chains. The library provides many ready-to-use image data structures (regular 1D, 2D, 3D images, graph-based images, etc.) and algorithms. Milena's algorithms are built upon classical entities from the image processing field (images, points/sites, domains, neighborhoods, etc.). This design allows image processing developers and practitioners to easily understand, modify, develop and extend new algorithms while retaining the core traits of Milena: genericity and efficiency.

  • Software design
    • Generic programming
    • Design patterns
  • Image processing

Spot: a temporal logic and automaton manipulation library


Spot is a C++ library for the manipulation of temporal logical formulas and ω-automata with arbitrary acceptance conditions. It offers a set of bricks to experiment with and develop your own model checker, automata transformations, LTL synthesis, and more. The library is also distributed with a set of command-line utilities, as well as Python bindings, making it very easy to build upon.

  • Automata theory
  • Model Checking
  • Controller Synthesis

Climb: a generic image processing library written in Lisp

The Climb team of the laboratory has chosen to focus on the persistent question of performance and genericity, only from a different point of view. The purpose of this research is to examine the solutions offered by languages other than C++, dynamic languages notably, and Lisp in particular. The Climb project aims at investigating the same domain as Olena, but starting from an opposite view.

Vcsn: a finite state machine manipulation platform


Vcsn is a finite state machine manipulation platform, consisting of a library and tools implemented on top of it. It benefits from the expertise we gained from our intensive work on high performance generic programming for Olena. On the other hand, its theoretical well-foundedness in the area of automata is ensured thanks to a collaboration with Jacques Sakarovitch, at Télécom ParisTech, and with Sylvain Lombardy at the Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique. About ten years after its first inception, the project is taking a new start with the Vaucanson 2 effort. This complete redesign aims at keeping the successful parts of its predecessor (especially genericity and large feature set) while addressing its shortcomings (compile-time and runtime efficiency, the flexibility).

  • Software design
    • Generic programming
    • Design patterns
  • Automata theory

Publicly Funded Projects

Aware of its youth and its small size, the laboratory has grown slowly among different calls for proposals and participates today in projects of all types: French Interministerial Fund FUI with the help of the Competitiveness Clusters Systematic and cap-digital, ANR, projects funded by bpifrance, by the national Cancer Institute, and European projects. ( More...)


MOBile IDEntity for the Masses - a platform for mobile signatures (FUI 21 project - 2016-2019 - labeled by the Competitiveness Cluster Systematic).


SOcial Dynamics in Urban COntext - a platform for historical cartography of the city of Paris (ANR 2018 project - 2018 - 2022 - labeled by the Competitiveness Cluster Cap Digital).


Efficient Techniques and Tools for the Verification and Synthesis of Real-Time Systems (ANR project - 2019 to 2022). Web site


Archive of past internal and publicly financed projects.

Conference committees