Finding Maximal Common Joins in a DAG


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Given a directed acyclic graph (DAG) and two arbitrary nodes, find maximal common joins of the two nodes. In this technical report I suggest an algorithm for efficiently calculating the minimal set of nodes which derive from a pair of nodes.


Bibtex (lrde.bib)

  author	= {Jim Newton},
  title		= {Finding Maximal Common Joins in a {DAG}},
  institution	= {LRDE},
  year		= 2016,
  address	= {Paris, France},
  month		= nov,
  abstract	= { Given a directed acyclic graph (DAG) and two arbitrary
		  nodes, find maximal common joins of the two nodes. In this
		  technical report I suggest an algorithm for efficiently
		  calculating the minimal set of nodes which derive from a
		  pair of nodes.}